The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 32 The Secret Realm 7

Chapter 32

The Flaming Lion opened its mouth wide and bit Su Ruo's arm. It used such strength skillfully that its sharp teeth didn't hurt Su Ruo at all. With a slight swing of its head, it directly threw Su Ruo's petite body onto his back , turned around and rushed along the way he came.

Magma gushes out, chasing closely behind a man and a beast. The ground is shaking violently, and the passage may collapse at any time.For the first time since she was reborn, Su Ruo felt nervous and afraid. She bit her red lips tightly, tried to calm herself down, mobilized her spiritual power, protected herself and the flame lion, and emitted sword energy from time to time, rolling the top of her head. The falling boulder shattered.

The Flame Lion instinctively sensed the danger, and accelerated his speed again. The fiery figure flew across like a meteor, always a small step faster than the gushing magma, but he could no longer distance himself. Su Ruo's back was on fire, She could even smell the burning smell of her hair after being roasted by the fire.

The way out is so long, no matter how powerful the Flaming Lion is, it is only equivalent to the completion of Qi training. After running at extreme speed for a long time, its physical strength is declining, and even its breathing has increased a lot. The magma chasing them is approaching again After a few minutes, Sparks jumped wildly and was picked out by Su Ruo.

Just when a man and a beast thought that this passage would never end, they saw a little light in the distance.When one person and one beast are refreshed, that is the exit.The Flame Lion speeded up again, it was getting closer, it was getting closer, the exit was already in sight.At the moment when the Flaming Lion rushed out of the cave, Su Ruo let out a long roar, jumped up into the air, flicked his fingers repeatedly, and sent the Recovering Spirit Pill into the mouth of the Flaming Lion, and softly shouted: "Little Huo, follow me."

She had already been optimistic about the direction, and headed straight to the north, where the spiritual power of the water system was extremely active, and there must be a huge lake there.Water beats fire, I don't know how big the eruption will be this time, with her and Xiaohuo's state, it's better to hide.

The magma spewed out of the cave following Su Ruo and the flame lion, and the flames and hot boulders raged around with the magma rushing around.

One man and one beast tried their best to escape, and each explored their potential to the limit. Except for boulders and flames that could affect their own life or mobility, they would avoid them, and the rest simply ignored them and rushed out.

"Plop" "plop" one person and one lion jumped into the water fiercely, the lake was lightly swaying, mist overflowed, and the surging magma instantly cooled down and turned into black soil.Su Ruo was dumbfounded by the scene in front of her. It really is the world of cultivation, and anything can happen.

Danger!Su Ruo and the Flame Lion rushed out of the lake at the same time, Su Ruo turned around in the air, and made a move with the divine sword. At this moment, he didn't use any sword moves, just made a straight sword strike, and the fiery red sword energy came out with a majestic sword intent.

The giant snake that sneaked up on a man and a beast obviously didn't expect to be discovered, and it was too late to dodge it. Su Ruo slashed at his body with a sword, and was split in two at that time. The huge snake body went deep into the water and died. Can't die anymore.Only the head was still firmly bitten by the flame lion, and it was dragged ashore.

Su Ruo was still soaking in the water, dazed in a daze, the shock she received from the sword just now was too great, when her spiritual power was almost exhausted, she was able to kill the giant snake with one sword, even she dared not Believe.

She kept replaying the sword just now in her mind, her hand unconsciously moved accordingly, the divine sword appeared in her hand, the sword was glowing, red like fire, and a phoenix could be faintly seen swimming around the sword Walking, the spiritual power in the body moves slowly and quickly in the meridians, gradually driving the surrounding spiritual energy to rush into Su Ruo's body, and continuously turns into spiritual power to swim in her body, and finally sinks Enter Dantian.

Before she knew it, the spiritual power she had consumed before had been replenished, but the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was still pouring into her body. The dantian and meridians were gradually filled and squeezed by spiritual power, and there were even small cracks in the meridians, but He was repaired by spiritual power again.

Su Ruo, who sank into the way of the sword, didn't feel the pain in his body at all. He just absorbed the spiritual energy and transformed it into spiritual power by instinct. If the dantian couldn't fill it, he compressed the previous spiritual power.She floated quietly on the water, like duckweed.Her spiritual power was exhausted, but danger was imminent. At that moment, she had nothing in her mind, and she slashed out with a sword instinctively. There was only one belief in her heart, that she would definitely kill the enemy with one blow.

From the avenue to simplicity, sword moves are not important, defeating the enemy is the key.The sword that killed the giant snake was clearly imprinted in her mind. She slowly raised the sword, and the person flew up in the air, and slashed at the lake. The sharp sword energy split the entire lake in half, exposing the silt.

Su Ruo let out a whistle, the sound was like a phoenix cry, and as she slashed out with her sword, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth swarmed in, the barrier of the eleventh level of Qi training was broken, and her cultivation was still growing, ending at the twelfth level of Qi training.

"Xiaohuo, Xiaohuo, my cultivation base has grown, and I have reached the twelfth level of Qi refining." Before consolidating her realm, Su Ruo's petite body threw herself straight at the flame lion lying quietly on the bank, hugging it neck, rolling on its body, venting its joy.

The flame lion's red eyes were gentle, it turned over, put Su Ruo on its soft belly to protect, stretched out its tongue and licked her non-stop.

"Hee hee, Xiaohuo, don't lick me, it's so itchy!" Su Ruo and the flame lion rolled into a ball on the grass by the bank.

It took a long time for one person and one lion to stop playing. Su Ruo stood against the small pear vortex, showing her sharp canine teeth, rubbing the mane on the head of the flame lion, and asked with a smile: "Xiao Huo, let's catch fish and eat them." !"

The Flame Lion looked at her with contempt, got up and walked around, dragged the half of the giant snake's body to her side, and lay down again.

"Could it be possible to roast snake meat?" Su Ruo looked at the fat snake, scratched her hair, and said in distress, "But I can do it."

The flame lion rolled his eyes in a very humane way, and stretched out his sharp claws to stab the snake, leaving no trace on the snake's skin.

"Hey, this snake's skin is so strong!" Su Ruo widened her water eyes, took out a dagger from the storage ring, and slashed at the snake's body without leaving any traces. It didn't work. After five minutes of use, a white mark was left on the snake's skin.

"Hahaha, this elder brother must like it! Xiaohuo, wait for me, I'll go get that half back, we'll roast the snake today." Su Ruo patted the flame lion's head, bouncing towards it Running by the lake, a savage plunged into it. After a cup of tea, the surface of the water rippled. After a while, Su Ruo came out of the water, still holding the tail of the giant snake in his hand, but there was no drop of water on his body.

Since she wanted to roast snake meat, she naturally had to skin it. Su Ruoyin recognized the master of the divine sword, and never brought any other magic weapon, that is, the dagger, which Yan Zishen gave her specially before, just to use it to dispose of the corpses of monsters.He was really afraid that the little girl would use the divine sword to skin monsters because she had no other weapons, that would be a waste of money!
At first, Su Ruo listened to Yan Zishen's words very much. She used the small dagger to mobilize [-]% of her spiritual power and started to dial it. Later, she found that the efficiency was too low, so she casually threw the dagger aside, and with a light movement of her fingers, a small red sword appeared in her hand out of thin air. With one swipe, the giant snake's skin was broken, and she nodded in satisfaction: "My Xiaohong is still better." Yanhong's little sword twisted in her little hand, as if a little shy, and rubbed against hers again. Little hands, acting like a spoiled child.

The flame lion on one side simply covered his eyes with his paws. It was true who really used what kind of sword.

"Uh, it's burnt!" Su Ruo looked at the black charcoal-like snake meat in her hand with a sullen face, frowned, and said to herself: "I obviously reduced the firepower, how could it still be burnt?" What's wrong? What's wrong?"

She turned her head and said solemnly to the flame lion who was completely speechless to her: "Xiaohuo, wait a little longer, I think it's very simple for my brother to roast meat. I'm so smart and I can definitely learn it."

The Flaming Lion let out a weak growl, glanced at the corpse that had lost a third of the snake's flesh, and decided that he should go to sleep first. This girl has good strength and is also an interesting person, but her cooking skills really make the beast Can not bear to look.

(End of this chapter)

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