The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 33 The Secret Realm 8

Chapter 33

"Xiao Huo, let's eat the Bigu Pill." After wasting half of the snake, Su Ruo took out a small jade bottle in dejection, poured out two Bigu Pills resignedly, and stuffed one into her mouth. One was thrown into the mouth of the flame lion. "Wait, Xiaohuo, you are so big, can't you eat one?" She glanced at the huge flame lion, and roughly estimated that it could hold at least six to seven of herself.Tilting his little head and thinking about it, he poured out another five grains and stuffed them into the Flame Lion's mouth in annoyance, while he said to himself: "Should it be all right this time?"

The flame lion had just woken up, his eyes were half-closed, and several small pills were stuffed into his mouth.Well, it still has a sweet taste, which is not bad.

At this moment, Su Ruo remembered that the small sign she got in the ground quickly turned out from the ring, and held it in her hand to look at it over and over again.Based on her knowledge, she can only confirm that the material of this small brand is probably extraordinary, as for what it is made of, she is not quite sure.Carefully condensed a wave of spiritual consciousness, and slowly poured it into the small tag, Su Ruo's face fluctuated from joy to anger, and after a while, she was seen throwing the small tag into the storage ring, and again Rolling onto the Flame Lion, he clenched his fists and protested, "Little Huo, I thought there was something good in it, but it's just a map, it's still incomplete, it's too much."

The flame lion tilted his head and rubbed her small face, and hummed a few times to comfort her.

"Forget it, let's find the other three brands, and then we can go to the Wanfa Pavilion in the central area. There should be some treasures there. Ah, yes..." Su Ruo thought of something, turned over and sat up, Looking at the Flame Lion with a serious face, "Little Huo, let's sign the contract, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to take you out." She reached out and patted the Flame Lion's head, showing a big smile: "Don't worry, let's sign an equal contract. , after you get out, you can go wherever you like, and you can live in Kunlun if you want. Let me tell you, on the Zhongyin Peak in South Kunlun, the earth fire is the most prosperous, you will definitely like it, I will ask the senior brother and The elder sister took good care of you."

The Flaming Lion really couldn't stand her nagging, lowered his head, his sharp teeth slashed across his slender hands, and the blood flowed out, but it didn't drop to the ground. Instead, it was suspended in the air and turned into strange characters. With the roar of the Flaming Lion, the characters One is divided into two, respectively drilled into the forehead of a man and a beast.

Su Ruo blinked, and found that there was a faint connection between herself and the flame lion, and the intimacy between them was stronger. "Xiaohuo, is this done?"

The Flame Lion nodded his head, shook his hair, and growled at Su Ruo.

Su Ruo cheered happily, "Xiaohuo, Xiaohuo, are you going to run behind my back?" She tapped her toes, her petite body landed on the back of the flame lion, and pointed to the north, "According to the existing map, There should be a sign to the north."

The flame lion hunched over Su Ruo, stretched out his figure, and headed due north.

Su Xin was in a hard fight at this time. Since the separation, she began to search aimlessly.Originally, according to the book, everyone separated once they entered the secret realm. Su Ruo, one of the original heroines, walked northwestward. In the depths of a bamboo forest, beside a waterfall, there was a small bamboo building. It was the Jade Girl Sword Jue and Creation Pill obtained there, after taking it, the impurities in the body were cleared out, and the body was reshaped, thereby building the foundation in one fell swoop and laying a solid foundation for her future cultivation.

However, when Su Ruo arrived at the bamboo building with Zhang Qi, Zhang Qi generously gave up the opportunity to Su Ruo, and protected her after she took the Creation Pill.Since then, Su Ruo had a slight liking for Zhang Qi, and in the following years, this shred of liking grew stronger and stronger, and finally pretended to be love.Although married to someone else, she has always guarded her pure and pure body, and has never truly doubled up with Bai Qi.However, although Su Ruo's eyesight is not very good, she is really nice. After she and Bai Qi became a couple of monks, she no longer talked to Zhang Qi, and they met each other like strangers. Later, she wanted to save Bai Qi Bai Qi, died in martyrdom, and after Bai Qi desperately avenged her, he also followed her away.When she was reading the book that day, she felt sorry for this couple made in heaven. If Zhang Qi hadn't been there, they would have been the most suitable pair of Taoists in the cultivation world, with two swords running side by side, coming and going like the wind, so free and easy.It's a pity, a pity, who made them meet Zhang Qi, the first male protagonist in this book, that is the author's own son... No, the biological son is not accurate, it should be the biological grandson, the son can be beaten and scolded, but the grandson The lifeblood can only be coaxed and pampered, and all good things are given to him first, and the treatment is definitely different from that of a son.

Su Xin wandered around while recalling the contents of the book, but unfortunately, during the three days of moving with the large army, the direction had already changed, which made her find it difficult to separate. "The heroine's opportunity is not something you can just grab!" After searching for a month without any results, Su Xin was very frustrated.Simply, along the way, she got a lot of spiritual herbs and medicines, many of which are now extinct in the cultivation world, which somewhat comforted her wounded heart.

Hey, does this bamboo forest look familiar?Just when she gave up looking for the so-called opportunity, a green bamboo forest appeared in front of her.Su Xin rubbed her eyes, took three steps carefully, sat cross-legged on the ground, and opened her eyes after clarifying her thoughts. The gently swaying green bamboo was still in front of her eyes.Well, it's not hallucinatory.Along the way, she has experienced more than a dozen illusions and formations, large and small, and has already figured out the best way to distinguish them.

Thinking back to the plot in the book carefully, and comparing it with the scene in front of her, Su Xin really wanted to sing loudly, and it should be here. There is really nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it.No matter how happy she was, she still raised her vigilance, held the flying sword in her hand, and stepped into the bamboo forest cautiously.

The breeze blew through the bamboo forest, and the leaves rustled. The bamboo forest was silent, and there were no monsters or formations. Su Xin was not surprised. There has never been an absolutely safe place during this journey.Wait, that rustling sound is not quite right.Su Xin propped up the spirit shield, and swept the flying sword around, chopping off dozens of green bamboos, even the grass and flowers on the ground.

What is it!Su Xin only felt that the hand holding the sword trembled a little. At some point, she was surrounded by a group of ants, and the dense ants kept rushing towards her. Seeing that scene, the hairs on her body stiffened. A piece of ice cold.

(End of this chapter)

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