The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 34 The Secret Realm 9

Chapter 34

Since her rebirth, Su Xin has never felt so hopeless. Those ants are endless, and they are not afraid of death, stepping on the corpse of their companions and rushing forward.

The spiritual power in Su Xin's body was exhausted, and he could barely hold up the spiritual energy shield just now, but he couldn't cast a single spell, so he could only swing the flying sword in vain, stabbing at the place where the most ants gathered.But those ants can devour spiritual power, and the pills and talismans she had prepared before entering the secret realm had already been exhausted.

Seeing that the aura shield was getting thinner and thinner, it suddenly broke somewhere, and a few ants couldn't wait to climb onto her body. Su Xin bit her lower lip, tried her best to mend the aura shield, and at the same time bounced a few ants to her body. On the ground, looking at the edge of the bamboo forest which was still three steps away, she could no longer take a step, her beautiful eyes were full of despair.Could it be that she was going to perish here?

"Hey, eighth sister!" A delicate, crisp voice sounded, followed by a wall of fire, and a gap appeared in the ant colony surrounding Su Xin in an instant.

someone is coming!Su Xin was filled with sorrow and joy at this moment, endless power emerged from his body, and he jumped out of the encirclement of ants.

Those ants seemed to have some restrictions, they couldn't get out of the bamboo forest, they could only gather at the edge of the bamboo forest, but they couldn't come out.Su Xin was on guard for a long time before she really breathed a sigh of relief and sat down limply.She took a long breath and calmed her mind before she had time to see who saved her.

"Ah Jiu!" The petite girl standing not far behind her, with familiar eyebrows and familiar white clothes and jade belt, was either Su Ruo or that one.Su Xin suddenly had an idea that was almost absurd. Could it be that God punished her because she wanted the opportunity of the original heroine?Although she knows that this idea has no theoretical basis, chance and chance are opportunities and fate, especially the unowned genius treasures and ancient inheritance, whoever should snatch them.She knew in advance from the book the inheritance of the Jade Girl Sword Art in the Golden Crow Secret Realm, isn't it also a kind of chance, why must the original heroine be able to get it?

She thought so rationally, but that absurd thought came to her mind from time to time, especially after being rescued by Su Ruo at this moment, it made her have a thought that could not be changed in the plot in the book.

"Eight sister, how are you? Are you injured?" After all, they are sisters from the same clan, and the two grew up together. Su Ruo still cares about Su Xin very much.Seeing her slumped on the ground with a pale face, he quickly squatted beside her and asked with concern.

Su Xin shook his head vigorously, and said weakly: "I'm not injured, it's just that my spiritual power is consumed too much."

Seeing Su Xin's appearance, Su Ruo also knew that she might have run out of pills, so she casually took out three bottles of Huiling Pill and five bottles of Qi Buling Pill, and pulled out a lot of various talismans, stuffing them all in. In Su Xin's hand, "The eighth sister used these things first."

Su Xin took a deep look at Su Ruo, took a qi invigorating pill, and went to practice with her eyes closed.

Su Ruo leaned on the flame lion and sat on the ground casually to protect Su Xin. At the same time, she also looked at the ant colony that was gradually dispersing curiously, and said to herself: "The body is six inches long, and the whole body is red. I like to live in the bamboo forest." , when encountering humans and beasts, attack them in groups, not afraid of death, only afraid of fire attack... Well, I have never fought head-to-head, so I don't know if it will devour spiritual power. However, looking at it like this, it is likely to be The spirit-eating ants have been extinct for many years."

"Spirit-eating ants...the name is really appropriate. This kind of ants will indeed devour spiritual power, but the speed of devouring it is not very fast." Su Xin recovered her spiritual power, opened her eyes, and just picked up Su Ruo's words. .

Su Ruo turned her head and smiled brightly, "Hello eighth sister."

"Well, Ah Jiu, where have you read the records of this monster?"

"Before entering the secret realm, the master threw me a lot of jade slips, and insisted that I read them all and memorize them in my heart. Most of them talked about monsters, mines, spiritual plants, etc. from ancient times to the present. Some rare treasures, spiritual things of heaven and earth, etc., the spirit-eating ants are one of the special beasts. The most terrifying thing about this kind of ant is that it will upgrade as it devours monsters and monks, and It reproduces very fast. Usually, the queen in a group of spirit-eating ants is the last one, and the other ants in the colony are all one to two levels lower than the queen. If you encounter a group of six-level spirit-eating ants, it is a fusion It will be very troublesome for monks in the early stage to be entangled by them, and they will suffer a bit."

Su Ruo talked eloquently, but Su Xin's face was extremely ugly. When she was reading, she didn't say that Su Ruo encountered spirit-eating ants!How come she just met her!Could it be that this is the difference in treatment between the heroine and the supporting actress?
Seeing Su Xin's livid face, Su Ruo thought she was afraid. She smiled and comforted her softly: "Eighth Sister, don't be afraid. The spirit-eating ants are suppressed by the secret system in the Qi training period. It's nothing to worry about. And even if they multiply No matter how fast it grows, there must be a process. The important point is that spirit-eating ants cannot go out of the bamboo forest where they live. It will take a while, and the queen ant has driven the ant colony to attack you for such a long time, and her vitality will definitely be severely damaged. After a while, we will rush in and shoot them to death."

"By the way, spirit-eating ants are good materials for brewing wine, refining weapons, and alchemy. Let's take more corpses back!"

Su Xin looked at Su Ruo's radiant and pretty face, her expression was a little dull, she said blankly: "We still have to go in!" Generally speaking, spirit-eating ants are so troublesome, shouldn't they be avoided far away? She even rushed forward to die.

Su Ruo looked at Su Xin strangely, "Eighth Sister, doesn't she want to take revenge?"

"I don't think much about it." Su Xin was a little scared by the spirit-eating ants at the time, and she felt that she was about to suffer from intensive phobia.

"But I want to take revenge!" Su Ruo clenched her small fists and said angrily, "Those little ants dare to bully our Su family members. They just want to clean up, and they must find their way back." With a wave of her small hand, He said to Su Xin in a very understanding tone: "If Eighth Sister is afraid, just wait for me outside!"

Su Xin's face was already darkened, she fought desperately to stand in the front, and all the fruits of victory in the back were picked by the original heroine, what is this kind of cheating process! "Ah Jiu, I'm not afraid, let's go together, and we can take care of each other."

"Oh." Su Ruo scratched her head in doubt. Just now, Su Xin's expression was obviously very scared, as if she didn't want to go again?Is it embarrassing for her to avenge her alone?Thinking of this, Su Ruo asked again: "Eight sister, are you really not afraid? It's fine if I go alone. As for the corpses of those little ants, if you like them, I'll bring them back for you. I just don't want them. Anyway, I I don’t know how to make weapons or alchemy, and it’s useless to hold it.”

Su Xin was about to scream, when did she say she was scared, "Ah Jiu, I'm really not afraid." Su Xin gritted her teeth and squeezed out a sentence.

Seeing that Su Xin insisted on going, Su Ruo nodded and said again: "Uh, okay. But, eighth sister, you are about to break through the tenth level of Qi training. When you do it for a while, try to consume as much spiritual power as possible, and then Reply again, it will be faster to advance this way. As for your safety, don't worry, I will protect you."

"En." Su Xin deserved to be reluctant, and she had reservations about Su Ruo's kindness.What's more, she knows very well that at the end of the bamboo forest, there is an inheritance of an ancient female cultivator. If she really wants to exhaust her spiritual power, she will have no hope at all.

(End of this chapter)

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