The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 54 Seeking Vengeance

Chapter 54 Seeking Vengeance
Green mountains and forests, gurgling streams, flying and singing birds, docile and lovely animals, not aggressive at all, even the spirit grass that occasionally appears in the forest is the most common kind.

What about monsters?What about maze?What about natural hazards?What's the matter with such a peaceful scene?Su Ruo became more and more confused as she walked, "Eighth Sister, can there be a fairy artifact here?"

Su Xin paused for a while, then shrugged, "I'm also surprised that I found nothing when I entered the mountain a few days ago. This is a very peaceful mountain forest. There is a quieter mountain village and simple villagers in front of it. Not even a large beast is common."

Su Ruo lowered her face and said listlessly, "Eighth Sister, why didn't you say it earlier."

"Didn't you come to find the fairy artifact? I said there is no one here, can you believe it?" Su Xin looked back at her funny.

Su Ruo asked strangely: "Why don't you believe it? If you say that there doesn't seem to be a fairy artifact born here, we don't have to waste time looking for it. I can go directly to Jiuwan Mountain with my brother to see the Eye of Heaven."

Su Ruo's words are just listening to Su Xin, if she is, of course she would say the same.It's just that the fairy artifact was born, if she didn't let her see the truth, she would definitely blame herself for lying to her.

Su Xin didn't speak, Su Ruo pouted, she knew that Eighth Sister definitely didn't believe her.Bai Qi took Rasuruo's hand and comforted her silently.She sighed in her heart: Junior Sister is too straightforward, she always believes what others say, but Su Xin doubts it more often, it would be great if the two of them could reconcile.

"The villain who hides his head and shows his tail, come out!" On the mountainside, Su Ruo suddenly stopped and looked at the pile of rocks on one side.

"Hehehe, my little sister is really sharp." A familiar smile sounded, Yanhong's figure appeared out of thin air, and the golden bell struck Su Ruo with a piercing sound.

With the divine sword in hand, Su Ruo swiped it casually, and at the same time stopped Jin Ling, chopped off five poisonous needles as thin as cow hair.She raised her eyebrows at Fengluo and said softly: "Hmph, you don't need charm anymore?"

Feng Luomei laughed, her eyes flicked with hatred, "Little sister knows a lot, right? But..." She winked at Bai Qi, a seductive smile appeared on her face again, her slender waist lightened Twisting slightly, the golden bell jingled, several clones of the pineapple suddenly appeared in front of her, twisting their beautiful bodies, dancing lightly, and the melodious sound came from her ears.

Not just in front of them, there are dancing girls all around them, with their hair lightly fluttering, their winking eyes like silk, and their gestures and gestures are bewitching.

Su Ruo, Bai Qi, and Su Xin stood in a triangular shape, with solemn expressions, and the spiritual power in their bodies had reached its limit.

The person in front of her danced more and more anxiously, the tulle on her body seemed to be falling apart, and the whispering sound from her mouth was more and more similar to the coquettish moan of a girl when she was in a good mood.

Su Xin began to feel fever on her face and body, and her mind became a little chaotic. She bit her lower lip hard: "Senior Brother Bai, Ah Jiu, there is no way for us to spend so much time, we have to break out."

Bai Qi's steady voice sounded, "Junior Sister Su, hold on a little longer." The Heavenly Demon Sect's fascination formation must be broken in one blow, and there is still a master who has built a great foundation in the fascination formation in front of him, he is the most dangerous of.

Bai Qi had been targeting the disciple of the Heavenly Demon Sect who had completed the Foundation Establishment. Only Su Ruo could find the right opportunity to injure the Phoenix Eye with a sword, and they would be able to get out of trouble.

Su Ruo kept her eyes closed with a calm expression.She smiled suddenly, and struck out with the divine sword. This sword was ordinary, and even the sword energy was not aroused, but Fengluo's face showed a look of fright, and her enchanting body retreated sharply.

Her movements were fast, but not as fast as Su Ruo's sword. In the blink of an eye, the divine sword came to her body, and suddenly burst out several points of sword light, flashing past.

Fengluo screamed, this time not only her face, but also her arms, legs, and even her chest and abdomen were cut with several deep sword marks, making her instantly a bloody person.

Su Ruo was able to go away with one blow, and Bai Qi also slashed with a sword. Unlike Su Ruo's, his sword was upright and awe-inspiring, without any fancy movements. With a straight sword, a man in purple was completely enveloped in the sword's intent middle.

The person in purple was concerned about Fengluo, and was disturbed by her screams.He sacrificed a black jade ruler to meet Bai Qi's flying sword.The sound of gold and jade intersecting sounded, and the two took a step back. The man in purple swayed slightly, and went straight to Su Ruo.

Bai Qi frowned, changed his sword style, repelled the surrounding people, and chased after them.

Su Ruo hurt Fengluo for the second time, especially her face, which made her look crazy, and used her magic skills to attack Su Ruo desperately. In addition, two women and two men fought with Su Ruo for a while. Drum quite.

The man in purple hated Su Ruo for hurting his sweetheart, and his attack was the ultimate move. A small black flag appeared out of nowhere, and with the completion of spells and handprints, it suddenly grew to a size of several feet. Black smoke billowed, hiding ghosts and monsters Appear.

Su Ruo let out a soft whistle, channeled all her spiritual power, and the red light on the sword grew violently. Fengluo and her besiegers couldn't dodge, and fell to the ground with serious injuries. The soul is gone, and the two men don't know anything about it.

Seeing this scene, the man in purple felt resentful, his eyes were red, he pointed his hand, and the soul-locking flag was pressed down on his head, and countless ghosts rushed towards Su Ruo accompanied by the dark wind and black smoke.

Su Ruo's expression remained unchanged, and he stood side by side with Bai Qi who arrived later, and the Qiankun Excalibur flew up at the same time, turning into a pair of phoenixes, screaming up to the sky, and heading straight for the soul-locking sail.

With a loud sound of "coax...", the soul-locking flag was pierced by the double swords, and after a few shakes, it returned to its original size and floated straight to the ground, while the man in purple spat out a big mouthful of blood with his hands on his chest with a "wow" Come on, it's obviously badly hurt.Using his spiritual power, he flashed to Fengluo's side, hugged her into his arms, and at the same time, he did not forget to pick up her broken leg and crush the teleportation talisman. I didn't even have time to collect the soul-locking banner.

Su Ruo curled her lips, "You run really fast."

The two most powerful people ran away, and the rest of the Tianmo sect disciples also quickly retreated.Before Su Xin confronted five people alone, he was also slightly injured, but it was not serious. He meditated at will, and he was fine after a few weeks of spiritual power.

"Ah Jiu, did you and Senior Brother Bai join forces just now?" Su Xin didn't know how to describe the sword that Su Ruo and Bai Qi made, but felt that it was brilliant and powerful.

Su Ruo nodded, "Well, it's the first time I've combined two swords with senior brother, I feel..." She tilted her head and thought for a while, then turned her face to look at Bai Qi, with a little more confusion in her eyes: "What's missing? ..."

Bai Qi was also thinking, "Yes, what's missing?" Although the sword was powerful, it always seemed that something was missing, which was a bit awkward!But if he really wanted to say what was missing, he couldn't tell.

"Forget it, you'll know if you use it more in the future." Su Ruo thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out, so she simply shook her head and threw it aside, no longer attached.

Bai Qi smiled, "That's right, I will always figure it out." At that time, he vaguely understood that he and Su Ruo hadn't reached the point of mutual understanding after all, and there was no real dual cultivation. It is normal for the two swords to have flaws.

Su Xin looked around, after the fight just now, the pile of rocks was no longer visible, the ground was covered with blood, and a small black flag fell on the ground, dim and dull, but it made people feel very evil.She slowly approached the Suohun Banner, carefully sized it up: "What is this, it's very evil."

Bai Qi was well-informed, he recognized the man in purple when he sacrificed the Suohun Banner just now, and walked over immediately, and even performed a few complicated formulas to seal the Suohun Banner, and pasted a few spells on it , then carefully put it into a separate storage bag and put it away.

After doing all this, he was able to explain: "This is the Suohun Banner. It is mainly made of the soul of the living beings, supplemented by the blood sacrifices of the living beings. It is an extremely evil magic weapon. Thousands of years ago, the magic weapon One of the cultivators killed more than ten thousand righteous and demon monks for the sake of the soul banner, but when the magic weapon was born, he was devoured by the demon banner, and even his body, soul, and blood were swallowed up by the demon banner. The demon banners were destroyed with the joint efforts of the great powers of the Tao, demons, and ghosts. Since then, the Suohun Banners have been forbidden in the East, and no monks are allowed to refine them. If they are found, they will be destroyed immediately."

"It's just that the Suohun Banner used by this person doesn't look like he made it himself. It should have been obtained from the cave of the demon cultivator. He hasn't completed the sacrifice yet, otherwise Ah Ruo and I wouldn't have hurt him so easily today. "

After listening to his explanation, Su Xin suddenly remembered that Zhang Qi, the male protagonist in the book, seemed to have such a magic weapon. It seemed that he got it by beheading a golden core monk from the Heavenly Demon Sect.Right now...hehe... Su Xin feels extremely happy when he thinks that one of the hero's future killers will be obtained by Bai Qi.

Su Ruo was concerned about something else: "Senior brother, I remember that it is quite troublesome to deal with this trivial soul banner? Shall we go back to the mountain immediately?"

It's not troublesome, you have to use real fire to remove the magic weapon of the magic banner, you have to set up a reincarnation formation, and you have to chant the reincarnation curse to release the trapped ghosts and reincarnate.

Bai Qi pondered for a moment, feeling that it was not safe to put this thing on his body, and the disciple of the Tianmo Sect who lost this thing, there is no guarantee that he would not bite back, so he should go back to the mountain to deal with this hot potato first.After thinking about it, he nodded, "Ah Ruo, let's go back to Kunlun first." After speaking, he looked at Su Xin and asked, "Does Junior Sister Su want to return to Kunlun with us, or continue to practice?"

Su Xin thought for a while, she had been down the mountain for almost two years, it was time to go back to the sect for retreat, and immediately replied: "Brother Bai, I will go back to Kunlun with you."

"Alright, I just hurt a disciple of the Demonic Sect, and you are alone, so it's hard to be in danger. Go back to Kunlun and hide for a while before we talk about it."

The three of them discussed it, and at the same time they released the flying swords into the sky, intending to go back to the mountain directly.

When crossing Funiu Mountain and flying over a waterfall, Su Ruo stopped suddenly, pointed to the deep pool below the waterfall and said, "Senior brother, there are strange things there!"

 Hey, what, I want pink tickets, girls who have tickets, please vote for me!
(End of this chapter)

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