Chapter 55

Bai Qi let go of his spiritual sense and sensed it carefully, then locked his brows and nodded, "It's really weird."

Su Xin scanned for a long time, but finally opened her eyes and said in frustration: "I can't detect it."

"The aura of the entire Funiu Mountain is moving here slowly, and then sank into the deep pool, it should be sucked by something." Su Ruo pointed to the deep pool and explained.

Su Xin still let go of her consciousness to feel the aura around her, but she still found nothing. After a long time, she shook her head, "I can't feel it."

Su Ruo tilted her head and thought for a while, "Maybe Eighth Sister is not sensitive to the movement of spiritual energy."

Su Xin was a little frustrated. Could it be true that the innate conditions and acquired bonuses of the female supporting role cannot be compared with the female lead?Seeing her complexion, Bai Qi comforted her and said, "Junior Sister Su, don't be discouraged, the innate aptitudes are different, and cultivation

The exercises are different, and the teachings of the masters are also different. It is normal for there to be gaps. "

Fall, it's okay if he doesn't speak, but Su Xin is even angrier when he speaks, you are showing off Chi Guoguo, right?Is there someone like you to comfort others? This is obviously a blow, okay?Look at the sincerity on Bai Qi's face again, Su Ruo

But it was a matter of course, Su Xin was suddenly discouraged, forget it!When I was in Kunlun, I had a lot of contact with these two people. It was just a pair of two people. If you were angry with them, they would not know why you were angry.

"Since it's weird, let's go down and take a look." Su Xin simply changed the subject, and then discussed about spiritual energy, aptitude, and exercises, and she couldn't help but beat someone up.

Su Ruo blinked her big Wuliu eyes twice, "Eighth Sister, are you okay?" His face turned green and red.

Su Xin gritted her teeth and forced out two words: "No."

"Oh." Su Ruo nodded, and when she pressed the tip of the sword, she turned her face and added, "If your spiritual power is exhausted, don't hold on, tell me and senior brother, we will wait for you."

With a gloomy face, Su Xin said word by word: "I'm exhausted, I will take the tonic pill. I can make it myself, and the materials are enough, so don't worry about running out of my pill."

Su Ruo happily said: "That's good, let's go, let's go treasure hunting." The petite figure fell into the deep pool like a shooting star.

Is this girl afraid that I will slow her down... Su Xin's face is getting darker and darker, Bai Qi smiled apologetically, and chased after Su Ruo.Su Xin, who was left in the air, didn't want to go, but didn't want to miss any strange things.
Treasure, reluctantly stuck behind, landed on the edge of the deep pool.

Su Ruo, who came down first, was smacking and admiring Bai Qi, "This pool of water has been nourished by spiritual energy for countless years, and it's not even the lowest-level spiritual spring. It's so strange."

Bai Qi raised his eyebrows and smiled, "This shows that the things in the pool are very extraordinary."

"Hmm, maybe the legend of the fairy artifact is true." Su Ruo walked around the deep pool several times, but found nothing beside the pool, "Senior Brother, Eighth Sister, let's go down and have a look."

"Okay, I'll take the lead, A Ruo will be behind, and Junior Sister Su will be in the middle." Among the three, only Su Xin has the lowest level of cultivation, so putting her between them will be safer.

"Okay!" After Su Xin nodded in agreement, Bai Qi went into the water first, followed by Su Xin, and finally Su Ruo.

After entering the water, the three of them put a layer of spiritual power on their bodies at the same time, and dived carefully.The water in the pond is clear, and there are no other dangerous creatures except for the special mermaid swimming around.No
After a while, the three of them fell onto the mud at the bottom of the pool at the same time. Apart from the aquatic plants growing, there was nothing special about them, let alone rare treasures.

Su Ruo felt it carefully, pointed to the north, "There"

Bai Qi swam first, Su Xin was second, and Su Ruo was behind.Not far away, it seems that we have reached the edge of the pool, and the huge rocks on the mountain block the way.

Su Xin: "There is no way?"

Bai Qi looked thoughtfully at the rock wall in front of him, stretched out his hand towards a place where water plants grew, and shot a burst of spiritual power, the rock wall rippled like a stone hitting the water.Bai Qi smiled slightly, and several streaks of spiritual power hit one place at the same time, the ripples became more and more rapid, and after the last violent tremor, the whole body dissipated, and a small passage appeared on the rock wall.

Bai Qi gesticulated and walked in first, followed by Su Xin. When Su Ruo entered last, she suddenly sealed the small passage with a restriction.

Not long after they entered, several waves of people fell one after another by the deep pool, including the Mingxin Pavilion and Wuji Gate, the three major sects of the East Pole cultivation world.In addition, there are such things as Tianyin Valley, Piaohua Palace, Hehuan Gate, even the Xiaoyao Gate in the Yaozu, and the Nether Palace in the Ghost Dao.

It was precisely because of the large number of people and the many sects that they guarded each other, complimented each other, and restrained each other, so that no one could be the first to go down, the scene was temporarily stalemate.

The three of Bai Qi had passed through the narrow passage at this time. Surprisingly, what appeared in front of them was not a magnificent underwater palace, nor a fairy mansion filled with immortal energy, but an ordinary stone room.The stone room was empty, with only a stone lotus flower growing in the middle, and a shining mirror in the stamen, the moment they stepped into the stone room, a thousand rays of brilliance bloomed, and the few people felt that the light in front of them was dazzling, and there was a moment of dizziness in their minds , Blinking his eyes again, it was another world.

Su Ruo woke up from the dizziness, and instinctively felt that something was wrong with her, but what was wrong?She hugged the quilt and sat up, looking at her slender and slender hands, clenched, opened, clenched again, and opened again.Before she could figure it out, the maids and mothers waiting outside the tent heard the movement, and had already prepared clothes and toiletries and opened the door to come in.

"Ma'am." The red curtain embroidered with a hundred sons was lifted, and several women in green clothes and green skirts saluted congratulatoryly.

Su Ruo glanced over them one by one, and the names of several women emerged in her mind, "Chunlan, has your husband left already?"

"Yes, the lord has already gone to court." The girl closest to the bed replied with a smile, and then waited on Su Ruo to wash up, and said: "You know, Aunt Man is the most appropriate, and the lord has used it. The meal is gone."

No, Su Ruo let them serve her, the awkwardness in her heart became heavier.Why does she feel that she has never been married?But who is that handsome man in my mind?

"Ma'am, you got up late today, all the aunts are waiting to greet you?" The nanny in an old green dress murmured softly as she brought the cup of tea.

Su Ruo raised her eyebrows instinctively, and asked in a neutral tone, "Are you being wronged by letting them wait?"

"This..." An anxious look appeared on the mother's face, she looked around at the maids in the room, and lowered her voice eagerly: "My wife, because of Aunt Liu last time, Mr. Wang didn't come to the main room for half a month. Come on, if you continue like this, those aunts will say a few words about you in front of the lord and the old lady, how good it will be."

The first thought in Su Ruo's mind was that it would be better not to come!After that, anyone who dares to bully me will be shot to death.Then a kind of sadness slowly rose up, as if other people's emotions were forcefully poured into her mind.

She couldn't figure out what was going on, but she knew she must be wrong.Although all about her own life is in her mind, it is like reading someone else's story to her, she has anger and hatred for her stupidity, but she does not feel the sadness and sadness that she feels.

After washing and washing, she was helped to sit down, three or four women dressed in red and green came in from the outside and saluted her.Su Ruo didn't cry out either, thinking that she seemed to have been wronged a lot because of these concubines, so how could she allow them to dangle in front of her eyes?It's so unscientific!
"What kind of clothes are you wearing!" Su Ruo frowned as she glanced at Aunt Qin who was wearing a silver-red double-breasted skirt, as if concubines were not allowed to wear such red-like clothes.

Aunt Qin blushed, and then acted in panic, her body trembling slightly because of the long salute: "Ma'am, this piece of material is given to my concubine by the old lady, and I really like it, and the gentleman also said it looks good, so I boldly made it to wear it. up."

Su Ruo didn't even raise her eyes, "Go and take off her clothes, and then let her kneel outside!" It's really depressing, it would be better to just beat her up, kneeling is really boring.

"Ma'am!" Several maids close to her body exclaimed, and Madam Wan hurriedly approached her and whispered: "Ma'am, Aunt Qin is the niece of the old lady's natal family, if the old lady knows..."

"You didn't hear what I said, did you? What's the use of you? Nanny Qi asked the housekeeper to find a tooth and bought them all." She finally got a little angry, and even the people around her didn't respect her Well, this lady is doing really badly at home!Hey, that's strange, why can't she see herself as this woman, could it be that she is really a ghost attached to this lady?The more she thought about it, the more she was right. She looked at the silver-red shirt on Mrs. Qin, and a name popped up in her mind. "Xiaohong" whispered softly, her palms were warm, as if something was forming in her hands. .

Su Ruo immediately grasped it tightly, and said in her heart: It's not enough now, wait until these people are dealt with.

"Madam, please be kind!" Madam, who has always been somewhat cowardly, actually wanted to buy them. Several maids knelt down in fear. Their deeds of sale are all in Madam's hands. Can't decide.

"Go and take off her clothes, and press her outside to kneel down!" Su Ruo kindly gave them another chance.

"This..." The girls and the nanny looked at each other, and seeing Su Ruo's half-smile expression, they trembled in their hearts, and a chill rose from behind, and they quickly kowtowed in response.

When Aunt Qin was stripped of her coat and dragged outside, she only realized that she was punished by her wife.Tears came down at that time, and she cried loudly: "Ma'am, what did I do wrong to ask Madam to humiliate me like this, concubine...concubine...has no face to live..."

This is the most favorite sentence. Su Ruo casually took out the scissors from the sewing basket and threw them on the ground, raised her head and pursed her lips with a smile, and said casually: "Then you die, I will watch."

"..." There was silence in the room, and Aunt Qin's crying stopped immediately.

And in the void, a five or six-year-old boy jumped his feet in anger, "Cheating and cheating, how can you be so violent!"

 Sorry, today's exam, this chapter is updated a bit late!
(End of this chapter)

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