Chapter 56
The spring is bright outside, and needles can be heard indoors. Everyone looked at Su Ruo, who was smiling and sitting upright, in disbelief. There was only one thought in their mind: Madame is mad because of these aunts...

Su Ruo waited for a long time, and found that Aunt Qin's complexion was cloudy and uncertain, and she rested her chin with one hand, and asked very interestedly: "Why don't you do it? Or do you think the scissors are not fast enough? Afraid of death?"

"Ma'am..." Aunt Qin wriggled her lips, not knowing what to say, she could only cover her face, and cried loudly and softly.

She was crying hard, and the slender woman in a light green Confucian skirt finally couldn't squat down and fell down. Her face was covered with beads of sweat, and her lips were white.After falling to the ground, he struggled to get up and knelt down, and confessed with a bit of fear and a bit of weakness: "Ma'am, forgive me!"

Su Ruo narrowed her eyes, and the identity of this woman appeared in her mind - Aunt Liu.She was originally her husband's personal girl, but later took over the house and became an aunt. She is said to be her husband's true love!Damn, true love is still a child, you guys let it go... She suddenly thought of an irrelevant sentence, which made herself laugh.

Her smile made the people in the room tremble involuntarily, madam, don't be crazy!

"What are you doing!" With an old and stern voice, a gray-haired old lady walked in with the girl in her arms.Seeing the situation in the house, boredom and hatred flashed in those cloudy eyes, "Daughter-in-law, you are also a noble daughter educated by a big family, why are you so jealous and unkind..."

Su Ruo glanced at her, but didn't get up, and played with her fingers, unconsciously making a lotus flower print. She stared at her hand in a daze, as if something important was about to break out of the ground.

The old lady saw that Su Ruo not only didn't salute her, but also ignored her, she was furious immediately, "You bitch, don't you even see me, you are so unfilial!" , Mammy ordered: "Go, let her kneel down for me!"

In this family, the old lady is very deterrent, not only her girl, but even the people in Su Ruo's room are going to arrest her.

The woman who had been supporting the old lady before had a vicious look in her eyes. While reaching out to pull Su Ruo, she secretly pinched her with her long nails.

Su Ruo, who was about to think of something, was interrupted by someone and secretly bullied by someone. The anger in her heart no longer suppressed, and she let go of her right hand that had been clenched tightly. There was a flash of red light. The arm of the woman who pinched her was chopped off.Because the speed was too fast, the woman didn't feel the pain until her arm fell to the ground and blood spurted out, and then she let out a miserable scream and passed out.

The people in the room were startled by this scene, and the old lady was so frightened that she sat on the ground, trembling all over.

Going to pull Su Ruo's servants with that girl, they all knelt down, biting their heads like pounding garlic, crying and begging for mercy.

Su Ruo rubbed her forehead, and swallowed slowly: "It's so noisy."

In an instant, there was no sound, and the crying person bit his hand hard, not daring to make a sound, afraid that he would be the next one to be unlucky.

Su Ruo wanted to find Shan Nian just now, but she couldn't find it no matter what.She was upset, and seeing these people in front of her was an eyesore, she got up and walked to the old lady's side, kicked her, "ask the housekeeper to find someone to sell these women." With long and slender fingers, Passed by several aunts one by one, "I think they are an eyesore."

Where does the old lady have the strength to speak, she can't shake yet.

With a flash of red light, the long sword that appeared out of thin air touched the old lady's chest, and a sweet voice sounded: "Didn't you hear what I said!"

"Listen...listen...I heard it."

"Then do it quickly, and don't upset me, otherwise..." Smiling, he pointed to the woman with more breath and less breath, "She is your role model." With a smile on her face, Su Ruo said coldly: "Get out of here go out."

After receiving this sound, like a pardon, the people in the house ran out, "You forgot to take her with you!" The still sweet female voice was heard by everyone like the voice of a devil in the depths of hell .

Su Ruo stared at the sword in her hand in a daze, what on earth did she must be very important, she must remember it.

Those who escaped from Su Ruo's courtyard did not dare to stop until they had run far away.The old lady gasped: "She, did she get bent over by some monster!"

"Old, what the old lady said is... Hurry up and ask your husband to come back..."

"No, no... old lady, I have to ask a celestial master..."

The old lady thought of how harsh she was to her daughter-in-law before, and the aunts thought of how disrespectful they were to their wives before, and their livers were torn apart for a while. When Wang Wenxuan returned to the mansion, he found that there were yellow charms posted everywhere in the mansion. Entering the Taoist priest, he frowned displeasedly and asked, "What's going on?"

The butler had already led the servants in the mansion to fight with his wife. Without exception, all the people who participated in the battle were seriously injured in the mansion except that he hid far away and was not affected.As soon as he told Wang Wenxuan what had happened, he instantly made his complexion as hard as steel, raised his sword angrily, and said, "I'm going to kill this bastard!"

"..." Their family's master is highly skilled in martial arts, and he will definitely be able to get rid of that evildoer.

Su Ruo was already annoyed by this family so much that she wanted to kill, especially those Taoist priests who called her evil one by one, which annoyed her even more.Ah bah... she is not some evildoer, she is... obviously what it is, I can't remember it.

When Wang Wenxuan appeared in front of her with the face deep in his memory, Su Ruo was pleasantly surprised, and then became angry. He was affectionate towards the delicate Aunt Liu, and when her face was full of tenderness, she wanted to befriend him.

If Su thought so, she also did so, she hated that there were other women within three meters of the man with that face!
"Crack! Crack! Crack!" A series of clear and crisp slaps sounded, Wang Wenxuan's elegant and handsome face turned into a pig's head, and Su Ruo let out a sigh of relief, "Looking at you making such a swollen face against your brother, I really want to kill someone!" Wait, brother...

One word affected everything, and she finally remembered it.Emma, ​​didn't she follow senior brother and eighth sister into some kind of secret room, found a mirror, and then the mirror shone, and then she became this lady!

After waking up, look at the people around, Su Ruo is embarrassed!

The face of the old lady is clearly that of Lord Fei Luoyuan, Aunt Liu is Fengluo, Aunt Qin is Jiang Weiyu, and the other two aunts are actually wearing the faces of Wanbi and Zhao Qianru, and some girls, servants, and priests are also It's all familiar!Emma, ​​this feels so subtle.

No, thinking of Wang Wenxuan doing something so disgusting to her in the face of her senior brother before, Su Ruo's face flashed fiercely, and she directly castrated Wang Wenxuan with the sword in her hand, and she was only satisfied when she watched him rolling all over the ground covering his lower body He said threateningly: "Broken mirror, if you don't let me out again, be careful that I'll melt you down!" As she spoke, she opened her slender hand, and black flames danced in her palm. The screams, cries and the blood on the nose are extraordinarily weird.

The little boy in the void snorted coldly, but after all, with a wave of his little hand, Su Ruo returned to reality.

"You stupid fool, no amount of cultivators can ask for the mortal mind training of Sansheng III!" A villain jumped out of the mirror and looked at Su Ruo angrily.

Su Ruo curled her lips, "Let's forget about this kind of mind training, it's such a brain-dead plot, it's hard for you to think of it!"

Sanshijing's Qi Spirit was furious, and just about to open his mouth to speak, his face showed pain, then Bai Qi also opened his eyes, jumped up from the ground, and stood in front of Su Ruo. "Ah Ruo, are you okay!!!"

Su Ruo smiled, "It's okay." She blinked her eyes twice, and suddenly smiled sweetly: "Brother, I castrated that man who looks just like you, but married many concubines, and claimed to be true love with the concubines." .”

When Bai Qi froze, he subconsciously wanted to look down at his lower body, but luckily he recovered in time.Facing Su Ruo's bright phoenix eyes, he smiled like a spring flower: "Good job!"

Su Ruo hugged his arm and dawdled, smiling happily with crooked eyebrows: "I knew it, brother must have the same idea as me."

Bai Qi twitched the corners of his mouth. His handling of this aspect was very different from that of his junior sister at that time.

Jing Ling interjected: "You two, one can only use violence to solve problems, and the other simply becomes a monk!" He glared at Bai Qi, "Your junior sister woke up after only one life, you are welcome, be honest After three lifetimes, but in every lifetime, he became a monk and a monk, what good is it to be a Taoist priest!"

Bai Qi explained gently: "I won't be eunuched!"

"..." Jing Ling was speechless for a moment.He glanced at Bai Qi sympathetically, and suddenly asked: "You don't regret it?" It seems that in the real world, he is unlikely to be in full bloom, and even in the fantasy world, he is as good as a jade, and has never experienced the taste of gentleness, so he has no regrets what?

Bai Qi glanced at it with a smile, but didn't answer.It's not worth losing his little brother for the sake of the gentle hometown in the illusion.

"When will my eighth sister wake up?" Su Ruo pointed to Su Xin who was still in the illusion.

Jing Ling smiled when she came back: "She just passed her first life, it's too early. But..." The little boy carved with pink jade showed a malicious smile on his face: "Do you want to see how she lived? Compared to you two scoundrels, she is much more honest." After speaking, without waiting for Bai Qi and Su Ruo to speak, with a wave of her little hand, the mirror slowly rose up, and the scene flashed lightly, revealing Su Xin's fantasy journey. In front of two people.

Both Su Ruo and Bai Qi's faces were a bit grim. Don't be too familiar with the gentle man who was with Su Xin...and the vicious first wife's beautiful face is so glaring!

"Eldest brother, elder sister..." Su Ruo said softly.

Bai Qi looked at the younger sister who was pretending to be noble, pressed her face against Su Ruo, gently hugged her into his arms, and comforted her softly: "Ah Ruo, these are all illusions!"

Jing Ling smiled maliciously, "Maybe the two of you are illusions, hers...that is the phantom in the deepest part of her heart! If not, why would she not be able to wake up from the repeated experiences of life after life!"

(End of this chapter)

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