Chapter 57
"Hmm..." After the third world passed away, Su Xin finally opened her eyes.When the figures of Su Ruo and Bai Qi came into view, there was a moment of turmoil in her heart, and then the waves stopped.The reincarnation of Sansei III, all the pain, happiness, love, and injury flashed through her mind one by one. Su Xin suddenly felt that she should let go. What kind of heroine and supporting role is just an excuse for herself. Zhang Jiajia in her previous life, or Su Xin in this life, are just herself.

"Hey, eighth sister has an epiphany!" Watching the aura of heaven and earth rushing in, it condensed into a white mist around Su Xin.Su Xin sat with her eyes closed, her expression changed from pain to peace, and her cultivation base also increased.

Jing Ling said arrogantly: "How about it, regret it! You are so wary that you are not willing to enter the world and practice hard."

Su Ruo didn't say a word, stepped forward a few steps, reached out and grabbed the Third World Realm in her hand, she made a face at Jing Ling, "Besides being able to lead people into the illusion, you don't have any attack methods anymore!"

Jing Ling was a little panicked, he stammered and said: "Why, how is it possible, I am a fairy weapon."

Su Ruo snapped her fingers, and the little bright red sword jumped out, and circled around the mirror of the third generation with interest, she kindly asked: "Would you like to go back to the mirror honestly and let me take you away; Why not let me use Xiaohong to modify your shape. Which one do you choose?"

When an immortal weapon encounters a divine weapon, it lacks confidence. Even if it knows that the divine weapon is sealed because of its owner, it still has scruples.Jing Ling twisted her small face, and it took a long time before she snorted and returned to the mirror of the third generation.Su Ruo put it into the storage ring with a smile, and jumped back to Bai Qi's side, "I've been studying it for a long time since it came out, and it's not what I expected."

With a slight movement of his fingers, Bai Qi retracted the dry sword to his body, and his guard was gone.He took out the futon and pulled Su Ruo to sit beside him, "While cultivating, I will protect Junior Sister Su at the same time."

Su Xin's epiphany was fast or slow, and after about three hours, he opened his eyes, with a look of satisfaction flashing in his eyes, many cultivation bases that had not moved, this time entered the middle stage of foundation establishment in one fell swoop.

Seeing Su Xin wake up, Su Ruo pulled Bai Qi out, "Eighth sister, I'm going out with senior brother, you change your clothes first." After being promoted, the body's impurities are discharged, does it smell...hehe...

Su Xin blushed, watched the two go out, even used several cleansing formulas on her body, and changed her clothes, but still felt uncomfortable.

"Brother, why didn't I act like Senior Sister when I entered the advanced stage?"

Bai Qi patted her on the head, and said amusedly, "Do you think that cold spring water and lotus seeds are free?"

"..." There is still this effect!

"Ah Jiu, Senior Brother Bai, let's go." Su Xin tidied herself up and said to the two with a smile.

Su Ruo pointed to the wall on the left hand side of the stone room and said, "There is a secret door, where do you go, there are people coming from outside."

The disciples of those sects outside finally reached an agreement, and they came to the pool in groups of several people.

After seven turns and eight turns, when the secret door was opened again, it was at the foot of Funiu Mountain.Bai Qi was thoughtful, "Ah Ruo, I'm afraid we may have revealed something. This stone chamber and secret passage are obviously built by people."

"It's not very long, is it?"

"Yeah." Bai Qi looked back at Funiu Mountain, feeling a little more uneasy.

"Brother, let's go first. Anyway, if we go on so much, we will find that stone room sooner or later. There are so many of them, and any secrets will be discovered." Anyway, they have already obtained a fairy weapon, taking advantage of it.If there is anything that endangers the cultivation world of the East Pole, Kunlun will be notified sooner or later.

That's right, making a fortune in a muffled voice can't be discovered by others. Bai Qi and the three released their flying swords, readjusted their direction, and flew towards Kunlun.

Bai Qi's premonition was right. The monks who came down later, in addition to discovering the stone room with the third world realm at the bottom of the pool, unexpectedly found a hidden spirit stone mine, but this spirit stone mine was hidden by someone. It has been mined for many years, and most of the miners used are captured loose cultivators and monks of some small sects. Among the people who disappeared in Dongji in recent decades, some of them have been found here.They were sealed in cultivation, and they dug mines in the dark mines every day. After they died, their bodies would be taken away and refined into corpses.

In fact, the monks who came down later had a fight with the guards of the spirit stone mine, and also saw the corpses refined by them. Those evil cultivators escaped.

Although this incident caused some turmoil in the East Pole cultivation world, the evil cultivators did not realize it, and the various schools and sects did not arouse more vigilance except for issuing warnings to the disciples who were traveling abroad.

It was the Three Worlds brought back to Kunlun by Su Ruo and others, which made the elders and powerful people hidden in the East Kunlun a little curious.

"Ah Ruo, although the Mirror of Three Worlds is a fairy weapon, it was lost by evil spirits, and it was only close to becoming a magic weapon. Fortunately, the nature of the mirror spirit has not been destroyed. The two of you have the sword of heaven and earth, and the sword spirit is also a phoenix beast. Xiu has the effect of restraining evil spirits, so he can return safely and bring back the mirror of the third generation." Master Yunxiao is well-informed, and once he saw the mirror of the third generation brought back by Su Ruo, he knew the problem.

Zhenjun Xuanyi frowned, "Before you returned to the mountain, the heads of the Wuji Sect and the Mingxin Pavilion successively sent letters that an evil cultivator was discovered in Funiu Mountain, and he was refining corpses in private, but was discovered by his disciples and destroyed. "

Bai Qi and Su Ruo looked at each other, and Bai Qi was the first to speak: "The secret path opened at the foot of Funiu Mountain that day, and the disciple felt that something was wrong. Unexpectedly, it was a hiding place for evil cultivators?"

Su Ruo was very puzzled: "Senior Uncle Xuanyi, why didn't my senior brother and eighth sister meet evil cultivators?"

Master Yunxiao made a complicated handprint on the mirror of the third generation, and said lazily: "Little thing, tell me!"

The black and red light on the mirror surface of Sanshijing flashed, and Jingling reappeared. His face was no longer the pink and tender that Su Ruo and the others had seen before, but turned into a blue-black color, with a pair of big black eyes, which also changed from time to time. Make bloody.

Danhua Zhenjun waved his hand, and there was a real fire. Jingling's face was ferocious, but he honestly didn't struggle. Wisps of black smoke melted from his body and the third world realm, and lingered for a long time.

"Zi Shen!" Zhenjun Danhua shouted, Yan Zishen raised his hand and a thunder net covered the mirror and black smoke.There was a burst of crackling thunder, Jing Ling's face regained some vitality, it weakly opened its eyes, slowly spit out a black bead, and then sighed long.

"Okay." Zhenjun Danhua and Yan Zishen withdrew their hands at the same time, Yan Zishen immediately sat aside and put it down, his face was pale, it was obvious that his strength and primordial spirit had been exhausted.

Bai Qi's eyes flashed brilliantly, and he looked at Yan Zishen with passion and longing.

Su Ruo, however, was very curious about the black beads spit out by Jing Ling, her figure flashed lightly, and she was about to lean up to take a closer look, but Master Yun Xiao waved her hand and grabbed her side, and he slapped her on the head bitterly: "Makes you curious about everything!"

Su Ruo was very wronged, and said flatly: "I just look at it, I won't touch it." It's not a good thing at first sight, so she can take it wherever she looks.

"You can't even look at it!" Master Yunxiao scolded her with a stern face, "Ah Qi, keep an eye on this girl."

"Oh." Bai Qi took the little junior sister who was thrown by the master, and lovingly touched her little face, "Ah Ruo, let's listen to the master's story."

Master Yunxiao rolled his eyes in a very unmannered manner. Ever since he accepted these two apprentices, his life has been full of gloom.

"Ah Ruo, this black bead is formed by the condensation of resentment and death. If you accidentally let it penetrate into your body, you will be in trouble." Zhenjun Danhua explained and slapped several times at the same time. Fa Jue put some bright red coats on the black beads, and then carefully received them in a mahogany box and put them in a separate storage bag. "Exactly, let's deal with it together with the Suohun Banner you brought back."

"Hey, master, uncle, you haven't told me why my senior brother and I didn't meet evil cultivators?" Su Ruo's tone was full of regret, such a good opportunity to fight, it was so frustrating that I didn't come across it. People are depressed.

Zhenjun Danhua thought for a while before he opened his mouth: "The mirror spirit's nature is still alive, so he must want to attract spiritual power to get rid of evil spirits. The day you entered the stone room was the time when the spirituality of the fairy artifacts was at its peak, and the corpses would definitely be affected. Those evil cultivators It's hiding."

"That's right..." Jing Ling said, "If it wasn't for me fighting against the evil spirit, you wouldn't be able to escape so easily."

"Did you lure us here on purpose?" Su Ruo remembered that there was no abnormality in Funiu Mountain before, but halfway through the flight, she suddenly found spiritual fluctuations.She admitted very unwillingly that she was tricked by a mirror.

"This...hehe, I also want to save myself." As a fairy weapon spirit, he is absolutely unwilling to fall from a fairy to a demon, or even become an evil weapon that is not as good as a magic weapon.

Su Ruo stared at Jingling thoughtfully, then she suddenly asked, "Tell me, do those monks who were arrested have any credit for you?"

Jing Ling blinked her big eyes twice, suddenly her small face wrinkled together, and said extremely weakly: "I have to rest first." After finishing speaking, she ran back into the mirror in a hurry, and refused to come out again.

"You are an accomplice!" Su Ruo accused every word, San Shijing trembled slightly, and resolutely pretended to be dead.

Hmph, Su Ruo just wanted to poke Xiaohong at it, but was caught by Yun Xiao, "Be honest, the evil spirit has not been eliminated, let him rest well, so that the next time the evil spirit is eliminated, the mirror spirit will not dissipate."

"Oh." Su Ruo nodded reluctantly. She was very dissatisfied with the reincarnation journey that Jingling arranged for her before, and wanted to poke it twice to relieve her anger when she got the chance.She murmured softly: "I know if you don't tell me, take away the primordial spirit first, seal the cultivation base, and then put the primordial spirit back, you will be caught!"

Bai Qi rubbed her hair, "Speaking of which, we are lucky, otherwise we might be arrested too." The moment they entered the stone room, they had no resistance at all when they were swept away by the mirror of the third generation.

"Yeah, then I forgive Little Mirror for some of his excessive behavior." Su Ruo also reacted, with fear in her eyes.

Master Yunxiao was secretly happy at the side: This is the first time I see Su Ruo reacting like this, so I have to keep it up.Hehe, stupid girls, if they weren't at the peak of the fairy artifact's spirituality, with their keenness, they would have discovered the evil aura long ago, and they could still rush in foolishly!

(End of this chapter)

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