Chapter 58
Back to Kunlun this time, Su Ruo and Bai Qi didn't intend to stay for long, but they stayed because of a word from Xuan Yi Zhenjun. "Ah Qi, Ah Ruo, in another three months, the restrictions on Wuji Ridge will be weakened. You and Ah Ruo will go together with Zishen and Ah Xiao."

Promise Ridge?Su Ruo's eyes were full of question marks, "Uncle Xuanyi, isn't the restriction of Wuji Ridge weakened every 20 years? If I remember correctly, it's only 15 years now?" As for Wuji Ridge, she listened to her own words. My father and mother have said countless times that she was conceived there.When she heard about this for the first time back then, a thought filled her mind: Emma, ​​cultivators also play wild | wars.Calculating the time, she is now 14 years old, plus the mother's pregnancy period, at most 15 years.

Master Yunxiao raised one eyebrow, and said with great interest, "Ah Ruo, you know quite a lot."

The privacy of my parents must not be revealed!Su Ruo chose a very honest answer: "Listen to what my mother said."

"Well, I did meet your parents 15 years ago." Master Yunxiao rubbed his chin, feeling very nostalgic.

Su Ruo looked at Yun Xiao vigilantly: "Master, you can't have any wrong thoughts about my mother!"

One sentence made Yun Xiao fly into a rage, "Stinky girl, is I that kind of person!"

"Could it be my father?" Seeing that Yun Xiao's expression didn't seem to be fake, Su Ruo muttered in a low voice.Even in the world of comprehension, there are men and women who love each other.Although her aptitude is good, there are so many geniuses in the world. As one of the three chiefs of Kunlun, Master Yunxiao, who is known as the No. 1 of Kunlun, is not necessarily in his eyes.There must be some reason for being able to come to the family to accept her as a disciple when she was able to enter Taoism at a young age.And long, when she came to Kunlun, Master Yunxiao did his best to her, much more meticulous than Bai Qi, and the occasional nostalgia and sentimentality in his eyes made Su Ruo have to think about it.

Although her voice was small, everyone present here had ears and eyes, and they could all hear her. Zhenjun Xuanyi laughed very dispiritedly, and even laughed exaggeratedly.

"Nonsense!" Master Yunxiao swiftly made a move, knocked her once, and couldn't help laughing.Seeing Su Ruo frowning at him with a small nose, he felt moved: he really looks more and more similar. "Okay, don't be naughty, go down with your senior brother."

Bai Qi and Su Ruo saluted and retreated.

Only then did Zhenjun Xuan Yi show a worried expression: "Yun Xiao, you haven't let go yet?"

Yun Xiao smiled casually, "If I hadn't let go, I wouldn't have become the head of North Kunlun. If I hadn't let go, Fei Luo would still be able to stay in Chixia Peak without incident!" Mentioning this matter obviously made Yun Xiao feel really sad. Jun was not in a good mood, so he said: "I'm not going to Wuji Ridge." He went into the inner room and never came out again.

"Ah..." Zhenjun Xuanyi let out a long sigh, "I'm really afraid that Yun Xiao's thoughts will become a demon..."

Zhenjun Danhua patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, he knows it well."

Having said that, the cuddling figure of the couple of gods and celestial beings is especially in my heart, but there is only Zhenjun Yunxiao left in front of me, so how can it not be regrettable.From the two people back then, thinking of Bai Qi and Su Ruo today, how similar they are to Yun Xiao and Chu Jun from thousands of years ago, maybe it is because of this that they love Su Ruo so much.

"Ah, brother, I haven't asked why the restrictions on Wuji Ridge were weakened in advance." Su Ruo, who was bouncing in front of Bai Qi, suddenly realized that she was tricked out by her master, and the question she wanted to ask hadn't been answered yet.

Bai Qi caressed her forehead and sighed, how did she develop such a temperament of breaking the casserole and asking the end, she was obviously not like this before? "Since it has been weakened in advance, let's go ahead. As for why, we will understand when we reach the out-of-body period."

Su Ruo widened her dark eyes, "Senior brother, why are you talking with the master? This is very bad, very bad..." She shook her head and said, "I will become an old man early!"

Bai Qi couldn't help but pinch her tender little face, "No wonder the master wants to call you a bad girl!"

Su Ruo covered her small face with her hands, her black and clear eyes protruded from between her fingers, and her complaints were written all over: "I'm getting more and more like my master."

Just as Bai Qi was about to grab her and pinched her twice, a surprise call came from behind him: "Senior Brother Bai..." The ending sound turned [-] turns, extremely dispirited.

Bai Qi shuddered, showing obvious disgust for the first time on his always smiling face.He stretched out his hand to hug Su Ruo back into his arms, pretending he didn't hear it, his slender body went up and down a few times, then he went back to his courtyard, opened the protective formation casually, and threw Jiang Weiyu who was chasing outside, letting her do whatever she wanted He didn't even hear the cry.

Su Ruo puffed up her cheeks and said angrily, "Has the year already come?"

"Yeah." Bai Qi couldn't bear the temper for some women who were not aware of revenge.

"I'll beat her up, until she dare not try Jianfeng again!" Su Ruo clenched her fists and ran out angrily.

Bai Qi was amused by her. He stretched out his long arms and hugged her back. Seeing her puffed cheeks like a little squirrel, he stretched out his hand to poke her funny. In exchange for her glaring eyes, he quickly lowered his head and kissed her, " For annoying people, don't bother with them, just pretend they don't exist."

"Is that so?" Su Ruo blinked her eyes twice. She is a pure violent person, and she insists on suppressing ten meetings with one force.But Bai Qi was different. He looked gentle and gentle like jade, with the demeanor of a modest gentleman, but he was alienated and indifferent from the bottom of his heart.Although there is often a smile on his face, he has been using a smile to separate the distance. There are very few people who can really get his approval.

Bai Qi smiled very gently, hugged her on his lap, played with a pair of white jade hands, and said lightly: "Ah Ruo, don't you think it's a waste of time to argue with her?" Practicing swords, or like this, honestly let him hug him for a while.Well, the fiancée is too young, and she is also quite entangled. Is she not enlightened at all!

Su Ruo was uncomfortable at first, since she was ten years old, she has never been hugged by Bai Qi like this again.However, after a while, her attention was attracted by Bai Qi's words, and a pair of small hands wrapped around his neck, giggling happily.

Jiang Weiyu in the courtyard was shut outside the courtyard indifferently by Bai Qi, and fell to the ground involuntarily crying.When she was extremely sad, a pair of powerful arms lifted her up and embraced her burning chest.

"Junior brother." Jiang Weiyu hugged Zhang Qi, weeping like rain, but Zhang Qi wiped away tears for her with pity, and murmured: "I'm here, I'm here."

Ji Xiao and Sang Qiao, who came to look for Su Ruo not far away, stared at this scene dumbfounded, Ji Xiao pulled Sang Qiao, and asked dumbly, "When did the two of them hook up!"

Sang Qiao shook her head, "I don't know."

To say that Jiang Weiyu and Zhang Qide started from the fact that Jiang Weiyu was imprisoned in Jingxin Cliff by Master Chong Xuzi because of Bai Qi's injury.At that time, she was thinking about Bai Qi's injury, and at the same time felt wronged for herself. Occasionally, when she thought of Su Ruo, she even gritted her teeth.

Jingxin Cliff in West Kunlun, Wenxin Cliff in North Kunlun, and Xixin Cliff in South Kunlun are the same places where disciples are punished in the three places, but the disciples in North Kunlun are more sturdy, and they forcibly turned the place of punishment into a training place. Full.

Since it is a place of punishment, the conditions must be harsh, not to mention that Jiang Weiyu has grown up spoiled and pampered. At the beginning of entering Jingxin Cliff, she was not used to it in every way, and she cried all day long.It is also thanks to her being a water spirit root that she is not dehydrated.Later, her junior brother Zhang Qi sneaked into Jingxin Cliff to accompany her, and tried his best to please her, often just because of her smile, he would be ecstatic.

The good times didn't last long, Zhang Qi's behavior was discovered, he was taken back by his master, and she was left alone on Jingxin Cliff.She was terrified, but she thought about Zhang Qi's words, she had to use this time to hone herself and improve her cultivation as soon as possible, so that next time she could protect Senior Brother Bai.

The life of a person in Jingxin Cliff is extremely difficult, and the spiritual energy is very scarce. He often sits in meditation for half a day, and his cultivation base does not increase much.In her loneliest moment, Zhang Qi miraculously appeared in front of her again, seeing his sunny smile, Jiang Weiyu felt that her sky was slowly stained with his colors.Senior Brother Bai's face was slowly blurring in his mind, but Zhang Qi's smile became clearer and clearer.

Jiang Weiyu was very scared, the person she always liked was Senior Brother Bai, right?How can you pay attention to other men so quickly, especially that other man is not a man, but a boy.No matter how tall he is, no matter how mature his behavior is, he can't change his age of only 13 years old this year.At that moment, Jiang Weiyu felt a little inferior, she was ten years older than Zhang Qi.

It was this kind of mentality that made her be far and near to Zhang Qi, hot and cold, but no matter how she treated Zhang Qi, he always smiled so warmly at her.Until the one-year period expired, Jiang Weiyu was full of worries.She couldn't wait to see Bai Qi, telling herself again and again that Bai Qi was her favorite.Leaving in a hurry and returning after a while, Bai Qi has already gone down the mountain.At this time, Zhang Qi confessed to her desperately, saying that he had always liked her, and begged her so sadly to let her take a look at him, nothing else.

Jiang Weiyu's heart is tense, hesitating, and she can't be indifferent to Zhang Qi's unfettered love while hanging on to Bai Qi.She was in a turmoil, and used her practice as an excuse to avoid Zhang Qi every day.After he left helplessly, she secretly watched his back and wept.

After a long time, Zhang Qi seemed to have really given up on her and stopped looking for her, and she couldn't find him either.By chance, I heard from the unnamed disciples under the name of the master that Shen Peilan, the beloved disciple of Zhenjun Shouyang of Nankunlun, and Zhang Qi are very close. The two came from the same place and have always had a good relationship.Jiang Weiyu's heart was sour and astringent, even more sad than when she first heard that Bai Qi had a fiancée.

She couldn't hold back for a while, and rushed to find him, only to find two people sitting opposite each other in the sunset pavilion, smiling very happily.Jiang Weiyu looked critically at Shen Peilan, a very famous girl among the new generation of Kunlun disciples.She is just delicate and pretty, not at all as pretty as herself; she only has wood and fire dual spiritual roots, unlike myself with a single water spiritual root; her cultivation is only at the early stage of foundation establishment, and she is at the middle stage of foundation establishment; Farmer, she is the young lady of the cultivating family. Even if she is not the first daughter, she is still the most talented person in the family, and her mother is her father's favorite.

No matter how you compare, Jiang Weiyu feels that she is much better than Shen Peilan.She who was jealous, suddenly realized that the person she loved was Senior Brother Bai, and it was Su Ruocai who should be jealous, how could she dislike Junior Sister Shen.She, who was in an extremely complicated mood, did not realize that Zhang Qi looked at her with complacency and determination, while Shen Peilan was full of sarcasm and sympathy.

(End of this chapter)

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