Chapter 59
"If you want to go back to Chixia Peak, what will you look like when you run to Jianjian Peak!" Ji Xiao looked down on Jiang Weiyu very much. Chun Shui put on a coquettish and weak look, and asked the male disciples to surround her to show courtesy.Ji Xiao has a straightforward personality. He formed a team with Jiang Weiyu twice, and when he met someone he didn't like, he just said it outright, which made Jiang Weiyu very uncomfortable.

Jiang Weiyu is quite jealous of Ji Xiao's beauty and talent, and she is deeply loved by Yan Zishen, making Ji Xiao the number one thorn in Jiang Weiyu's eyes before Su Ruo didn't worship Kunlun.Later, Su Ruo worshiped Kunlun, and together with Bai Qi entered the sect of Master Yunxiao, coupled with her status as Bai Qi's fiancée, even if Jiang Weiyu hadn't met her a few times, she managed to squeeze her into Ji Xiaoyu's door. , became Jiang Weiyu's number one thorn in the side.

Jiang Weiyu hated Ji Xiao for seeing her in such a mess, and felt a little guilty about her intimacy with Zhang Qi, she wiped the tears from her face vigorously, and said with a sob: "Zhang... Junior brother Zhang is trying to comfort you." Me, do you think that everyone is as shameless as you!" Hmph, I don't know who the person who hooked up with Senior Brother early on is!

Ji Xiao let out a "chi" laugh, and cast a contemptuous glance at Jiang Weiyu, a branch of pear blossom with rain in spring, with arms crossed, and said disdainfully: "When it comes to shame, you are the least qualified person in Kunlun. .”

Zhang Qi supported Jiang Weiyu, who was trembling slightly, and defended him: "Ji Shixiao, I, I, Jiang Shijie and I are just innocent siblings..." He said these words extremely, a flash of pain flashed in his eyes Touched, his expression changed extremely quickly, but in the blink of an eye he had already changed into an angry expression: "Senior Brother Bai is too much, and Senior Sister Jiang has always been concerned about his injury. When she heard that he was returning to the mountain, she hurried over. He not only It’s not easy to say comfort, but also to be cold in every possible way, but what a gentleman does!”

Ji Xiao blinked, then blinked again, thinking: This Junior Brother Zhang is blind, he is also blind. "Bai Laoer treated her well like that. If it were me, I would have stabbed her to death with a sword."

Zhang Qidao: "Brother Bai is just because Senior Sister Jiang was injured a little bit, why is a man so fussy with a weak woman! It's out of style!"

Damn... Ji Xiao really wants to curse!What does it mean to be slightly injured? Bai Qi almost lost his life.If it weren't for his and A Ruo's special aptitudes and unique skills, even if they saved their lives, their spiritual roots would be completely destroyed, and they would be useless by then.He said it lightly, because of Senior Sister Jiang, he was injured a little bit... In other words, if Bai Qi was willing to suffer this injury, it would be fine, but it was clearly Jiang Weiyu who did it himself, and even used Bai Qi as a shield, Bai Qi If he gave her a good face, he would be disabled!
Sang Qiao felt a little hot around her body, knowing that Ji Xiao was really angry, she quickly stretched out her hand to pull her, and winked: If you want a shady person, you have to come in secretly, don't leave any excuses.Ji Xiao barely suppressed the anger in his heart, already thinking about how to teach Zhang Qi and Jiang Weiyu a lesson.Sang Qiao smiled gently, "If Junior Brother Zhang is all right, then take Senior Sister Jiang back to Chixia Peak. Uncle Yunxiao has a bad temper, if he is asked to chase people away...hehe..." I left half of the words, just laughed He let out a cry, but it made Zhang Qi's heart tremble.

Sang Qiao opened her mouth to drive people away, Zhang Qi and Jiang Weiyu had to listen to her, who made her father the head of Kunlun and mother the head of West Kunlun, the backing was too strong, they were all people Zhang Qi didn't want to offend now. "Senior sister, since Senior Brother Bai is ruthless, you don't have to feel sad for him." Zhang Qi bowed his head and comforted Jiang Weiyu softly.

Jiang Weiyu nodded with tears in her eyes, and said in a trembling voice: "It's all the senior sister's fault, let the younger brother be blamed by the senior sister." She closed her eyes slightly, and a string of crystal tears fell, looking at Bai Qi's face with infinite nostalgia. Xiaoyuan suddenly turned his head, "Let's go back."

Sang Qiao raised her voice slightly: "Senior Sister Jiang, don't come to North Kunlun again in the future!"

Jiang Weiyu shuddered, straightened her spine, and made a solemn promise: "I will never come again."

Looking at the backs of the two going away, Ji Xiao touched his arm, and concluded: "Both of them have brain problems!"

Sang Qiao's beautiful eyes turned lightly, and she answered, "Why don't you become a brother and sister of the same school!"

"That's right, haha..." Ji Xiao laughed wantonly.

"Master, what are you laughing at?" Bai Qi, who sensed the arrival of Ji Xiao and Sang Qiao, closed the protective formation, and Su Ruo jumped out of the yard to pick them up in a few steps.

"Huh, there's no one there?" Su Ruo glanced left and right, but couldn't find Jiang Weiyu who was supposed to be crying at the door.

Ji Xiao chuckled, "Go back to Chixia Peak with her junior brother to talk about love?"

Su Ruo was discouraged: "What are you doing so fast!"

"Don't go, are you waiting to be beaten?" Ji Xiao joked.She has every reason to believe that with Su Ruo's ability, she will definitely be able to beat Jiang Weiyu to the ground.However, Master Yunxiao's lineage has been inconsistent with the lineage of his predecessor, Chong Xuzi, for a long time, so he can't cause more trouble.

Standing at the gate of the courtyard, Bai Qi smiled when he heard Su Ruo's delicate voice, "Ah Ruo, please come in, Senior Sister and Third Junior Sister."

"Oh, Senior Sister, Third Senior Sister, come in quickly." Su Ruo jumped over and took Sang Qiao's arm, and then took Ji Xiao's hand, talking and laughing as she walked into the yard.

Seeing the three of them enter the house, Bai Qi consciously made room for them to have a heart-to-heart talk after serving fragrant tea, and avoided going out by himself.

The days back to Kunlun passed quickly, and more than two months passed in a blink of an eye. A group of Kunlun disciples boarded the flying boat and flew to Wuji Ridge, led by Lord Miao Yiyuan of West Kunlun and Zhenjun Daoyan of North Kunlun.

Wuji Ridge is one of the three mysterious places in the East Pole. No one knows its origin. It seems that it has existed here since ancient times. After the great changes in the world, it has not changed at all.There are three wonders in Wuji Ridge. The first wonder is that its outer restrictions and inner formations are all formed naturally, without the slightest artificial trace; The monks can't step into it; the third thing is that this mountain is alive, no matter how many maps you write down, it is useless, every time you enter, it seems to be refreshed, and there is no trace.

Ninghe Zhenjun of Wenjian Peak in North Kunlun is Shan Jinlingen. He didn't believe in evil back then and insisted on breaking through. As a result, after three months of tossing and tossing, he also set foot on half an inch of land in Wulevel Ridge, only to return in vain.Since then, Wuji Ridge has been banned by Ning and Zhenjun, and no one is allowed to mention it.

"Is it really alive? Can it pant? Can it move?" A girl from Mingxin Pavilion asked curiously, blinking her big eyes.

Bai Qi, who originally told a random legend to amuse his junior sister, is embarrassed. This girl looks quite young, why does she feel that she is more innocent than his junior sister!

"Who are you?" Su Ruo instinctively didn't like the girl in front of her very much, she leaned against Bai Qi, and tilted her head to look at her.

This girl who didn't know when came over, was in her twenties, pretty and sweet, especially when she smiled, two deep dimples appeared on her cheeks, making her even more charming. "My name is Fangfang, and I am the disciple of Liu Yuanjun in Mingxin Pavilion." She looks sweet, and her voice is also sweet, with a sweet voice.

Su Ruo asked strangely: "What are you doing here in Kunlun instead of staying in Mingxin Pavilion?"

"Ah, I heard from Senior Brother Rui that Yan Zishen of your Kunlun is very powerful, can you let me know?" The girl's eyes were full of admiration, and she put her hands together on her chest: "Please, please, I came here secretly , just let me take a look!"

Ji Xiao quietly stretched out his hand, twisted Yan Zishen's waist hard, his beautiful eyes narrowed, "Okay, you, Yan Zishen, it's not counting attracting the wind and attracting butterflies in Kunlun, you're all recruiting outside the door!"

Yan Zishen couldn't tell because he was suffering, so he could only hold Ji Xiao's hand tightly and continue to sit expressionlessly.

Huh, admirer of the big brother?Su Ruo pursed her lips, and pointed with a slender hand: "This is our elder brother, but it's agreed, you can only look at it, and you are not allowed to touch it."

Yan Zishen tried his best to release his air-conditioning, hoping to freeze the girl immediately.

Fangfang probably really didn't appreciate Yan Zishen's iceberg, after only a few glances, a look of disappointment appeared on his face, "It's not as good as my Senior Brother Rui." Her wonderful eyes turned lightly, and fell directly on Wen Yan's face, Wen Yan showed an evil smile reflexively, and Fang Fang's face slowly turned red.She stared at Wen Yan for a few times, then got up suddenly, and said: "I should go back." Then she covered her face and ran away.

Su Ruo was stunned for a while, she raised her head and asked Bai Qi: "Didn't she come to see Senior Brother, why is she crazy about Third Senior Brother instead?"

Bai Qi quickly covered her little mouth, "Don't talk nonsense." Little girl, didn't you see that your third senior sister is about to become a tsunami!
Wen Yan stammered anxiously to explain: "Qiao... Qiao... Qiao..."

"Qiaoqiao!" Su Ruo looked anxious and answered for him.

"Ah yes, Qiao...Qiaoqiao...I...I really don't know her." As soon as Wen Yan was in a hurry, she couldn't maintain her wild and charming expression. She blushed unreasonably, and even her ears turned red. .

Sang Qiao patted Wen Yan's face, "Calm down, I know you don't know her. But don't smile at her, you know!"

"Yeah, I won't laugh anymore." Wen Yan almost raised her hand to swear.

Su Ruo suddenly felt that the three of their seniors and sisters were so sad. The senior brother was a chatterbox and an old hen, the second senior brother was prosopagnosia and Lu Chi, the third senior sister was the most unlucky, and the third senior brother was a naturally shy, good-natured person who never Reject people!Outsiders think that Kunlun Sanxiu will obey their sisters' words, but they don't know how much care they have to spend in private.

Mentioning her senior brother, Su Ruo quickly told her: "Senior brother, you must not separate from me when you enter Wuji Ridge."

"Yes." Bai Qi was as gentle as ever.

"How is little junior sister's ability to recognize the way?" Yan Zishen was very worried. They knew exactly how crazy Bai Qi was, so don't drag junior junior sister down. "Why don't I team up with Junior Sister and let Ji Xiao follow Second Junior Brother."

Ji Xiao was also worried, and nodded upon hearing the words: "Yes."

Bai Qi shook his head: "It's okay to get lost in Wuji Ridge. Anyway, when the time is up, I will come out naturally."

Ji Xiao glanced at him sideways: "We are afraid that you will still wander around the outer circle of Wuji Ridge after half a year."

Bai Qi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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