Chapter 60 Family
For tens of thousands of years, Wuji Ridge has been a must-go place for monks in the East Pole. Therefore, a small town has formed outside Wuji Ridge. After tens of thousands of years of development, it has become a bustling city.

Wuji Ridge is next to EZ, and as soon as you leave the south gate of EZ, you can see the thick fog that belongs to Wuji Ridge within ten miles.

At this time, outside the southern city of EZ, countless monks were sitting or standing, each gathering in groups, waiting for the moment when the restriction of Wuji Ridge weakened.

A group of monks came to the Kunlun station. The leader is a Jindan monk, who looks like a hero, with long eyebrows and phoenix eyes. I saluted.

"It's Zimu." Daoyan Zhenjun smiled slightly, looking at the next generation patriarch of the Yannan Su Clan in front of him, with admiration in his eyes.After exchanging greetings, Mr. Sha Yiyuan showed a smile in his eyes: "Come and see Ah Ruo." Qin Yao was also her good friend back then, and they also walked on the same road and practiced together.It's just that after they got married and had children, they each had their own responsibilities and didn't see each other much.

Su Zimu nodded and smiled, "I received a letter from my mother the day before yesterday, saying that my younger sister came to Wuji Ridge with Zhenjun, and I came here specially to see you." The patriarch of the family taught.Seven years ago, he entered the family's secret place, and when he came out, Su Ruo had already entered Kunlun. Over the years, the family had many affairs, and he had not been able to meet his sister.Just this time I came to Wuji Ridge, and I heard that my sister was coming too. I couldn't bear the feeling of longing, so I went to EZ and looked for it.

Daoyan Zhenjun chuckled, pointed to the left, and six or seven male and female monks sat together, "Where is she, you can go there."

"Thank you, Zhenjun." Su Zimu saluted again, and walked slowly towards the point he was pointing at.

Su Ruo was leaning against Bai Qi, chatting and joking with Ji Xiao, when she suddenly heard someone call her: "Ah Jiu." The excitement and joy were implied, which made her so familiar.

Turning around after hearing the sound, she suddenly widened her eyes, then jumped up, threw herself into Su Zimu's arms, and shouted happily: "Big brother, big brother..."

Su Zimu picked her up high like before, turned her around twice, and then put her down. He raised his hand to smooth Su Ruo's hair, and carefully looked at his younger sister. Looking at herself tenderly, her heart softened, "Our Ah Jiu has grown up."

Su Ruo plunged into his arms, lingering as she did when she was a child, "Brother hasn't changed at all."

Bai Qi looked at the picture of the reunion of brothers and sisters, and suddenly felt awkward in his heart. He took two steps forward and bowed deeply, "Brother."

With scrutiny in his eyes, Su Zimu looked at Bai Qi from head to toe, and then smiled back: "Ah Qi."

"Brother, you have formed an alchemy." Su Ruo was pleasantly surprised. When she left home, Su Zimu was still in the late stage of foundation establishment.

"Yeah." As for himself, Su Zimu didn't intend to say too much, but he cared about Su Ruo very much. He asked every detail, and almost asked her everything about her in Kunlun these years.

When Su Ruo heard that Bai Qi received the prayer, and successfully built the foundation within three months in order to heal his injuries, his expression turned cold, and the eyes that fell on Bai Qi were extremely cold.

Bai Qi felt guilty because of this, but when Su Zimu's gaze pierced him, he suppressed his smile and lowered his head.

Su Ruo shook Su Zimu's hand coquettishly, and deliberately showed him the yin and yang spiritual flames: "Brother, look, this is given to me by senior brother." Small flames danced on the fingertips , and even turned his hands and feet into a dance for Su Zimu. "Brother, what's the matter, Xiao Hei, be good." Su Ruo raised her delicate chin, extremely proud.

Su Zimu rubbed her little head with a smile, and said in agreement, "Very good." After chatting for a while with his arms around his sister, he took out a storage bag and stuffed it into Su Ruo's hand, "In Wuji Ridge The situation is all on a piece of jade slip, remember to read it before entering."

Su Ruo also smiled and took out a small pouch and stuffed it into Su Zimu's hand, "Resource sharing." There are also jade slips in the small pouch, which also record the situation of Fujiling, and there is also a bottle made by Zhenjun Danhua. The nourishing pill.

Su Zimu accepted his younger sister's thoughts, hugged her reluctantly, and said, "Be careful in everything, and remember to send me a message if you need something." His slender fingers pointed to the storage bag, "Put it away."

In the storage bag, there are two sets of top-quality robes from the foundation-building period, countless healing medicines, healing elixirs, talismans, and even poisons and drugs secreted by the Su family. He got two puppets by chance. Su Ruo uses them now Just right.The most important thing is that there are five thunderbolts inside, which are extremely lethal.

Su Xin, who had been standing by the side for a long time, came over to greet the two brothers and sisters when they were talking about the same thing. Su Zimu's attitude was quite gentle, and he still gave Su Xin a storage bag, and the one given to Su Ruo was similar in appearance. See, it's not all that different.Su Xin reached out to take it, and saluted lightly, "Thank you, brother." She didn't pay much attention to what Su Zimu gave her, and she also knew that the same appearance does not mean the same inside, just like Su Ruo's. Than, far worse.

Su Xin has never had a sense of belonging to the Su family, and in her eyes, it is not even as important as the Kunlun School.In that family, the only people she could keep in her heart were her mother, younger brother, and half of her father.Since I was a child, I have seen a lot of Su Ruo's specialness in the Su family. She looks nonchalant, but there is always a kind of unwillingness in her heart. She is usually the daughter of the Su family. Why does Su Ruo get better things than others? Why do everyone spoil her? .Later, after leaving the Su family to worship in Kunlun, this feeling has always existed.Therefore, her relationship with Su Ruo is neither far nor close, and she never took the initiative to find her.As for Su Ruo, probably aware of her rejection, she rarely came to see her.

After the experience of Sanshijing, she has already seen these things, and when she took over what Su Zimu gave her today, she actually felt a feeling of emotion.What the Su family gave her will be rewarded in the future, but that's all. She will never get close to the so-called family and let them control everything about her.

I have to say that this girl Su Xin has a weird idea.No matter how many resources a family has, it is limited. Naturally, the tribute will be given to those with high cultivation, good qualifications, and great contributions to the family, and the rest will belong to others.When this girl followed her mother back to Su's family, she was just an illegitimate daughter in the outer room, her aptitude was only average, so why should she compare with the extremely talented children who were trained in the family!
As for what Su Zimu brought to her and Su Ruo this time, the same part was given by the Su family to every child who entered Wuji Ridge, and the extra part from Su Ruo was personally added by her mother, her father, and her brother. Yes, it's not from Nagongzhong.

As the next patriarch, Su Zimu has a very precise grasp of people's hearts. His eyes fell on the indifferent smile on Su Xin's lips, and he raised his eyebrows slightly, knowing what she was thinking.He curled his lips into a chuckle, and was too lazy to pay any attention to it, so he raised his head and signaled to Bai Qi, "Ah Qi."

Bai Qi followed Su Zimu's footsteps knowingly, and walked aside to have a private conversation.The two talked very quickly, and after a while they came back side by side.Su Ruo noticed that Su Zimu's mood had obviously improved, and rubbed his big hand on the top of his head, "Ah Jiu, there are unpredictable dangers in Wuji Ridge, you must be extremely careful."

"Yeah." Su Ruo nodded obediently, holding Su Zimu's skirt with her little hand, reluctant to let go.

Su Zimu finally hugged her, "I have time to go home and see, father and mother miss you very much." After speaking, he turned around and left, with firm steps and a free and easy attitude, which confused many people.

The female disciple who was on good terms with Su Xin looked at Su Zimu's back with red eyes, and said enviously, "Senior Sister Su, your brother is both high-level and kind, which is really enviable."

Su Xin smiled faintly, lowered her eyes without saying a word, and then replied in her heart: That is Su Ruo's brother, not mine.

With the arrival of teams from all walks of life, the Kunlun resident is also extremely lively, and people come to see them from time to time.The Bai family, the Yan family and other cultivation families also sent their own teams. Like Su Zimu, they also prepared things for Bai Qi, Yan Zishen and others.Let a group of ordinary disciples who can only manage themselves, envy bad.

"It's almost there." Zhenjun Daoyan, who had been meditating all this time, opened his eyes and said in a slightly raised voice: "All Kunlun disciples get ready."

The best way to enter a forbidden place like Wuji Ridge is to learn from each other's strengths and travel together.

This was the case with Yan Zishen and Bai Qi in the past. After countless adjustments, only five people were finally appointed, and now there is one more Su Ruo.Su Ajiu said that as a swordsman, he can attack from a distance or fight in close combat, and can single-handedly fight and attack in groups.

As the thick fog gradually dissipated, Wuji Ridge, which had been hidden behind the fog, slowly revealed its true colors.The mountains are undulating, deep and far away, white clouds are floating in the mountains, and occasionally there are pavilions and strange rocks hidden or visible.Running water, ancient trees, strange pines and curly curls, looking far away, a peach forest is hidden among the mountains, rocks and trees, which is far away.

"It's now, come in!" Miao Yiyuan yelled, waking up the disciple who was infatuated with the beautiful scenery.

Bai Qi, Su Ruo and the others stepped into Wuji Ridge as soon as Mr. Miao Yiyuan spoke.

Passing through the white mist, I felt as if there was water vapor passing by, my eyes were hazy, I couldn't see anything clearly, even my spiritual consciousness was restricted, and I could only see within half a meter around my body.Maybe it's just for a moment, maybe it's been a long time, when Su Ruo's eyes light up, the scenery has completely changed.

The secret forest is deep and deep, with the wind blowing, the forest is rustling.Standing at the edge of the forest, it seems that one can feel the cold air that pierces into the bones emanating from the forest, and even the sun seems to be unable to drive away the cold air.

Fortunately, the few people who had been holding hands were not separated. Not far from them, there were several groups of monks from other sects, and none of them were Kunlun disciples.

"We passed through a teleportation array just now, why didn't we feel it?" Su Ruo looked back, the thick fog had covered the entire road ahead, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"Well, and passed people away unknowingly? Is this really natural?" Wen Yan pondered hard, and even squatted on the ground, writing and drawing.

(End of this chapter)

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