The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 64 Thunder Vein Fruit

Chapter 64 Thunder Vein Fruit

Su Ruo and Bai Qi raised their spiritual power to the limit, flew desperately, drew an S shape from time to time, and occasionally changed their direction, just like this, after a long time, they finally could not feel the terrifying threat behind them pressure.

"Phew... that annoying big bug, I will catch it and stew it when I reach the Nascent Soul stage." Su Ruo took Bai Qi's hand, panting heavily, and suddenly thought of something, a stern look flashed across her eyes: "Hmph, good luck to the girl surnamed Zhao, the silver python came after us, let her escape from death, and we will never let her go when we meet next time!" She didn't care whether Zhao Qian was nervous or on purpose, she chose If you do this, you are the enemy, and you must not be lenient in dealing with the enemy.

Bai Qi patted Su Ruo on the head: "Ah Ruo, clean up the grass below, and let's heal." After blocking the attack of the sixth-order monster, both of them were more or less injured, and then After flying desperately for so long, I have to recuperate.

The two held the sword formula with both hands, and the Qiankun Excalibur flew towards the open grassland below at the same time. Clear aroma.

The two of them released their spiritual senses, checked carefully, they didn't even let go within [-] feet of the ground, and after confirming again and again that there was no danger, they landed cautiously.

Bai Qi set up formations, such as spirit-gathering formations, breath-holding formations, large and small five-element formations, big traps and small circles. After setting up, put away the spirit stones, and activate the formations with magic formulas, and the aura suddenly became stronger.

Su Ruo groaned comfortably, threw out two Ning Xin straw futons, and sat down with Bai Qi.

They clasped their hands together, closed their eyes and adjusted their breathing. Because there was no one protecting the law, they kept a little vigilance and did not enter the ethereal realm.Formation is not so safe.

It took a whole day and night to settle down, before I got up.Looking at Su Ruobai's blushing little face and divine light in her phoenix eyes, she knew that her wounds had healed, and even her spiritual power had been fully charged, and she was in the best condition now.

Bai Qi asked: "Ah Ruo, do you want to go to Senior Brother and the others?" According to the speed of the two of them, they have already left the original area very far, and they kept changing directions along the way. It is not that simple to find them. .

No matter how good Su Ruo's sense of direction is, it's impossible to remember all the ways. She tilted her head and thought for a while, "I don't know where we are, why don't we just choose a direction to walk around, the best you can meet, the best if you don't. Nothing."

"Okay." Bai Qi rubbed her little head.It is safe for several people to walk together, but the training they can get is limited.The two of them are a bit dangerous, but they are good for improving their strength.They are sword cultivators, and they have never been afraid of difficulties and dangers.Well, it was best when there was a fight!

Bai Qi withdrew a few formations and looked around. The empty grassland stretches as far as the eye can see, with no other colors except green.

"It's strange, this meadow only has one kind of grass, and there are no other spiritual plants." Su Ruo let out her consciousness and walked a long way, and she asked suspiciously: "Besides, this kind of grass is not even a first-level spiritual plant." No, I don’t know you, brother?”

"I haven't seen it." Bai Qi shook his head, "Neither the jade slips given by the family nor the materials in the school have appeared."

"It's so lucky that we found a place that no one has ever been to?" Su Ruo was so happy, she chose the true north with great ambition, took a step, waved her little hand, and said with a smile: "Let's go. "

"En." Bai Qi agreed, still following behind Su Ruo, looking at the bouncing figure, smiling more and more gently.

In the endless blue sea, Su Ruo and Bai Qi, who are dressed in white, are particularly conspicuous. The bright red sword is flying around the two of them. Have fun.

I don't know when, the sky became overcast, the sun was blocked by dark clouds, and after a while, light rain began to fall.The ordinary grass on the ground began to grow crazily, and the ones beside Su Ruo and Bai Qi grew faster, and even stretched thin leaves to wrap around them.

"Ah, when did the thorns grow on this leaf?" While dodging, a thin leaf passed over his hand, and soon it became red and swollen.

They smashed one piece after another, but the grass soon grew up and entangled the two of them again.Su Ruo frowned: "This grass is so strange." Even if you turn the roots out, it doesn't work. It seems that as long as it rains, the grass will grow endlessly, and the damage can't keep up with their reproduction.

The two stepped on the flying sword at the same time, and quickly lifted into the air, the grass was also trying to grow upwards!

"Huh, it's okay, it's okay, this grass can only grow as tall as two people!" Su Ruo breathed a sigh of relief as she looked down at the grass with slender blades waving in the rain.

Bai Qi hugged her to his sword, grabbed her small hand, and frowned carefully to look at it. After a while, the hand had grown twice as fat, and a black line protruded from the thin scratch, which was already long. to the wrist.

"Ah Ruo, how do you feel?"

"A little itchy, and a little painful." Su Ruo looked down, the spiritual power oppressed the past, and the itching became more intense. As the spiritual power increased, the itching became deeper, and finally itched to the bone.

"Spiritual power is useful, but the process of forcing out the toxin is not very pleasant." Su Ruo clenched her lower lip, and almost used all her willpower to control herself not to scratch her skin.Pain, these monks have a good tolerance, but itching, but they have no resistance yet.

Startled, Bai Qi stretched out his hand to lift up Su Ruo's small face, and saw her pale cheeks, tears in her eyes, her white teeth biting her red lips tightly, bleeding from her biting, especially without knowing it. "Ah Ruo, why don't you accept the law?"

"Very itchy, very itchy." Su Ruo clenched her teeth, squeezed out these words, and couldn't continue.She got angry, mobilized her whole body's spiritual power, and rushed to the wound together, even if it was itching to death, she had to get these things out.

A drop of black blood overflowed from the wound, Su Ruo trembled slightly, trying to control herself, don't draw the sword twice to herself.When the blood was about to drip, she pulled out a small jade bottle and stuck it underneath. Since she was injured, she had to take it back and let the people in the division study it, what kind of poison it is!
Bai Qi was so distressed that he grabbed Su Ruo's hand and planned to send spiritual power into her body, but Su Ruo stopped him, "No, I will do it myself." I don't know the nature of this grass poison, so it's fine to suffer alone. Come on, don't drag senior brother into the water again.

One drop, two drops, three drops, every time a drop of black blood is forced out, the black line will be reduced by a section, and the swelling will also be reduced by one point. When all the toxins are forced out of the body, the jade hand returns to its original slender whiteness. Su Ruo is already full. Sweating profusely, leaning against Bai Qi's arms weakly, there was not even half of the spiritual power left in his body, and it seemed that it had all been excreted with the poisonous blood.

The rain was still falling, and it was getting heavier and heavier. Bai Qi hugged Su Ruo, propped up the spiritual shield, and protected the two of them.He caressed Su Ruo's pale face, and asked distressedly, "How are you doing now?"

"The poison is gone, but I'm tired, very tired, and have no strength at all. Besides, there's not even a trace of spiritual power left." Su Ruo's voice was as weak as a newborn kitten. "Well, I really want to sleep." She shook her head vigorously, telling herself intuitively that she can't fall asleep, absolutely not.

"Brother, cut me a knife." Now she doesn't even have the strength to give herself a knife, so she can only turn to Bai Qi for help.

Bai Qi's heart was ruthless, her spiritual power was condensed into a needle, and she pricked the most sensitive part of her body.

Su Ruo trembled from the pain, and her drowsiness subsided a lot.

Stopping in mid-air, with an unpredictable future, Bai Qi wanted to protect the two of them, not daring to inject more spiritual power into Su Ruo.He took out two elixirs, stuffed them into Su Ruo's mouth, and used his spiritual power to help her dissolve the medicine.

Su Ruo only felt that the spiritual power flowed away from the wound uncontrollably, not staying in the body at all, and as the spiritual power entered the body, the itching returned.

She shook her head: "Brother, no, I can't keep my spiritual power, and the toxins in my body are still unclear."

"Ah Ruo, those grasses are blooming." When the torrential rain poured down, the grasses below unexpectedly bloomed patches of white flowers like clouds, bursts of fragrance wafted from Su Ruo's mind, and his spiritual power recovered a bit. The itch didn't come.

"Brother, this flower seems to be the antidote." Su Ruo was a little unsure, smelling the fragrance of the flower was indeed much better, but she didn't feel the relief of getting rid of the toxin.

Bai Qi hugged her with one arm, and lowered his sword, "Pick some flowers here, you try." No matter how bad it is, it's a big deal, after leaving this weird grassland, the two of them directly started to practice dual cultivation, the real yin and yang merged, and then Difficult poisons and wounds can be healed.

Bai Qi tentatively approached those strange green grasses slowly, and when he was still thirty feet away from the grass, the sky was filled with lightning and thunder roared.Then, something even more miraculous happened, these flowers seemed to be able to attract thunder from the sky to fall.

Thunder and lightning, Bai Qi can't fight hard, he can only dodge left and right.Pieces of lightning struck the flowers, and the white and delicate petals greeted them joyfully. Each flower was divided into silk thunders, and the lightning that fell instantly wove into a web.The pure white flowers quickly shed and bear fruit when the thunder fell, and the fruit was actually black, with the unique thunder pattern of Guanguan!

After a burst of crackling thunder, the dark clouds began to disperse, and the moment a ray of sunlight appeared from the gap in the dark clouds, the black fruits illuminated by the sunlight began to fall.

"Senior brother, catch it quickly, this is the Thundergrain Fruit!" Not to mention what Su Ruo said, Bai Qi also thought of the legendary strange fruit in ancient times.

He was extremely fast, stepping on the flying sword, his figure flashed repeatedly, and most of the half-lifted hem of his clothes had already been put.

Su Ruo stretched out her hand to twist one and put it in her mouth. She only felt Lei running wildly in her body. After the excruciating pain, her body felt unspeakably comfortable, and more than half of her spiritual power recovered.The wound on her hand is mostly healed.

She was overjoyed, but she didn't dare to eat any more. When she found that the remaining poison was cleared, she stuffed a elixir into her mouth, released the flying sword, and rushed to collect the fruit.

(End of this chapter)

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