Chapter 65

The dark clouds became thinner and thinner, and finally dispersed. The two of them, who were like hardworking bees, had reached the limit of their speed, but white shadows flashed again and again on the grassland.

"Huhuhu, Ah Ruo, it's almost done." Bai Qi stopped, breathing a little too quickly.

"I don't want to pick it any more." Su Ruo came to Bai Qi's side, flipping through the storage bag, feeling extremely regretful: "Thundergrass fruit blooms when it rains, bears fruit when it encounters thunder, and falls when it sees light, but it just takes root and sprouts. It can't be used anymore. No matter how fast we are, we can only grab one out of ten."

"Getting these is already a great blessing." Bai Qi was in a great mood, smiling very brightly, and under the sun, his whole body seemed to be shining.

Su Ruo was amazed, she stared blankly at Bai Qi, and finally said softly, "Brother, you are so pretty."

Bai Qi was taken aback for a moment, and a faint blush slowly came out from under his skin.The two brothers and sisters stood facing each other, and the scorching sun after the rain fell on them, casting a halo of seven colors on them.The man is elegant and handsome, and the woman is unparalleled in beauty. No matter how you look at it, it is a very beautiful picture.Even Bicao, who was crazy before, seemed to be intimidated by her beauty, and became extremely well-behaved.

It was Bai Qi who was the first to come back to his senses, coughed lightly against his red-clouded face, and his voice became hoarse, "Ah Ruo, let's take some Thunderweed Grass back." Such a large piece of Thunderween Grass doesn't know how to reproduce. After so many years, it was really lucky to be met by them.

"Yeah." Su Ruo also felt a little embarrassed after being amazed, she shook her head, the senior brother is already pretty, it's normal for her to be fascinated, there's nothing to be shy about.

In the end, the little girl who was the first to tease people was also the first to return to normal. She jumped down directly, took out a storage jade basin and a medicine hoe made of iron wood, and happily became a little flower farmer.

Bai Qi's movements were half a beat slow. Seeing the little girl humming a ditty, raising the hoe and dropping the hoe, digging up patches of thundergrass, he suddenly wanted to catch her and beat her up.

"Senior brother, hurry up, we're done digging, so we can move forward. There are a lot of good things in Wuji Ridge, you must take more out!" Su Ruo waved her little paw at Bai Qi, and then buried her head in hard work.

Bai Qi smiled, and took out the jade basin and medicine hoe to join in. Anyway, people are kept in captivity, so there is no need to wait for a while.

Bai Qi's subordinates kept working, and his mouth was not idle: "Speaking of which, this thunder-ween fruit is the most useful to senior brother." Even in ancient times, the thunder-ween fruit was also a legend, and it was said that it should only be found in fairyland The fairy fruit was brought into the lower realm by accident, and then multiplied.The Thunder Vein Fruit, which absorbs the sky thunder and bears fruit, contains the power of the sky thunder in the fruit, and it is definitely a great tonic for the monks of Lei Lingen.For other cultivators, if they can withstand the pain of the thunderbolt body, it is also a treasure to strengthen the body and meridians.It is said that the most precious thunder pattern fruit is the fruit that absorbs the thunder of the calamity and is born with the effect of the thunder of calamity. With its pure body, when the calamity is overcome, the chance of winning will be increased by three points.

Su Ruo blinked her eyes twice, "We can use it too, I just ate one and it took away the poison of the Thundergrass. Compared with the poison of the Thundergrass, the pain of the Thundergrass entering the body is really not good. What is it?" Thinking of the itchy feeling just now, Su Ruo's petite body trembled slightly, and a rare feeling of fear arose in her heart.

"Did you feel very uncomfortable just now?" Bai Qi asked distressedly. It was the first time he had seen Su Ruo feel so uncomfortable in the six years he had been with Su Ruo day and night.Even when he was healing his wounds, he drew spiritual flames into his body, and she didn't hesitate for a moment, but today tears filled her eyes, almost falling down.

Su Ruo pursed her lips and said in a low voice: "It's itchy, very itchy, so itchy that I really want to pick out my own bones with a sword and chop them into pieces." In the end, it was because she didn't practice enough. will be hurt by grass.In the same situation, how could the senior brother not be injured?Since you haven't practiced enough, try your best and practice more until you won't be easily injured again.There has never been a shortcut in the road of cultivation. Pills, artifacts, and aptitude are just aids. The only way to truly lead to the Dao is hard work. Only in this way can it be possible to ascend through the catastrophe and achieve the Golden Core Dao.

"Ah Ruo is suffering." Bai Qi moved over, hugged her, and comforted her softly.

Su Ruo smiled, "It's because I'm not strong enough that I get hurt. I'll work harder in the future."

"Yeah." Bai Qi patted her on the head, looked at her delicate and bright smile, suddenly felt excited, and leaned over.Kiss, lightly landed on the corner of the lips, "My Ah Ruo is the best!"

Suruo Kaba rolled his eyes twice, rushed over, generously kissed Bai Qi's lips hard, and said proudly: "Of course I am the best!"

Bai Qi's face slowly turned red, and he didn't dare to meet Su Ruo's eyes. Under the panic, he suddenly had a premonition that it should be impossible to see the younger sister shy in this life.

"Ah Ruo, we're almost finished, it's time to go." After working hard for a long time, Bai Qi finally calmed down again, and then Su Ruo got up.

Su Ruo tilted her head and looked at Bai Qi carefully, and asked earnestly, "Brother, are you done with being shy?" At that time, the little girl was thinking, isn't it just a kiss, which is the usual behavior of unmarried couples , what's there to be shy about, senior brother's face is so tender!
Bai Qi's face darkened, and he wrapped his arms around the little girl's waist with one hand, released the divine sword, and flew forward with the imperial sword.

Su Ruo moved her body uncomfortably, "Brother, I can control the sword myself."

"Don't move, you're injured, take a rest." Bai Qi's voice was flat, without any fluctuations.

"Brother, are you getting angry?" Su Ruo asked curiously.

"Ah Ruo!!" Bai Qi suddenly raised his voice, and Su Ruo shrank his neck suddenly, and acted softly: "I won't talk anymore."

When her attention was not on Bai Qi, she found that there seemed to be a problem with the direction of the two of them. Why did she feel like they were spinning in circles?She swears that this is the second time she has passed by the land they dug up.It's strange, senior brother is flying in a straight line, how can he turn around?

After observing again, Su Ruo finally found that after flying for a certain distance, Bai Qi would carefully identify the environment and then adjust his direction. It was this adjustment that made the adjustment broken, making his basic travel route a circle. !

Su Ruo said timidly: "Senior brother..."

"Why, didn't you stop talking!" Bai Qi's face was still tense.

Seeing him like this, Su Ruo also tensed up her little face, and said very seriously: "You have drawn three circles, and if I don't make a sound, we don't need to go out of this grassland today!"

"..." Bai Qi's face turned red all of a sudden, and he stuttered a little: "I, I, I have already carefully distinguished the direction."

"Well, you can tell the result is a circle!"

"..." Bai Qi lowered his head and said discouragedly, "Ah Ruo, please show me the way."

"Hey, this way..." The slender fingers pointed in one direction, and Bai Qi moved in response.

"Don't turn, don't turn, turn and circle again, go straight!"


"Brother, you don't have a good sense of direction, so don't bother looking for it anymore, go straight down the road, encounter mountains and waters, step on a road when there is no road, and do whatever you want." Good." The little junior sister whispered softly, kindly pointing to the senior brother, how to get out of the strange circle of drawing circles in place.

The senior brother obviously hesitated: "Is this okay? I will get lost very much, right?"

"You've lost your way already, so don't be afraid to get even worse." The junior sister patted her senior brother on the shoulder and said with emotion, "There will be many places to walk in this way, which is better than drawing a circle in one place."

"Okay." The senior brother strengthened his confidence, and walked straight from now on, never turning a corner.

The Thundergrass seemed huge, and the two of them flew to the border for an hour, "It's even more spectacular than our Sword Mountain!" Su Ruo half-opened her small mouth, shocked by the scene in front of her, "No wonder the Thundergrass There is no land for them to develop without continuing to expand." Where there are thunderweeds, no other spiritual plants will grow, after all, no one is as strong as them, so they directly lure the thunder down, borrow The power of thunder came to fruition.Other spiritual plants were struck by lightning like this, and they died soon.

Bai Qi was equally shocked and was speechless for a while.In front of the two of them was a mountain gleaming with cold light. The entire mountain was made of knives and swords.

The closer he got to the Mountain of Swords, Bai Qi felt that the Excalibur was a little out of control. He wanted to get out of his control and fly up the Mountain of Swords, and he could even feel its urgency.

Bai Qi landed at the foot of the knife mountain and retracted the divine sword into his body, that feeling disappeared immediately.Thinking about the origin of the Excalibur at home, he took a deep breath: "Ah Ruo, we have to climb over this mountain!" Nima, obviously able to fly, but it feels so aggrieved not to let it fly.

"What?" There were question marks in Su Ruo's eyes.

Bai Qi smiled bitterly and said, "Do you remember the origin of the Excalibur?"

"Well, I remember." Su Ruo nodded, "It is said that the essence of the ten thousand-year-old black iron, the sword stone, the marrow of the ten-thousand-year warm jade and cold jade in the strange land of the sword mountain were calcined with the real fire of the nine suns. In 81, the impurities were quenched, roughed into a sword blank, and sealed in the Wanjian Mountain of Shura Dao for a thousand years. It was cultivated with the energy of the Ten Thousand Swords, and then formed with the spiritual flames of heaven and earth, drenched with spring water of Yin, and finally sealed into the body of the divine beast Phoenix. The soul is the sword spirit. The sword comes out of the thunder catastrophe, and after the nine heavenly catastrophes, it will become a divine sword." Regarding the mysterious and mysterious origin of the divine sword, it was none of her favorite bedside stories when she was a child.

"It is said that when the Excalibur was first formed, the three realms and six realms were still interconnected. Later, the heavens and the earth changed dramatically, the heavens rose and the underworld sank, and all the passages of the other six realms were closed. The life span of a person was shortened to a hundred years, so there were people who cultivated the truth. , walk against the sky, and seek the road to eternal life." Bai Qi's tone was a little heavy, and Su Ruo wrinkled her nose, "Brother, I'm not interested in the origins of cultivators, I just want to know why we climbed over this Mountain!"

"Seeing the appearance of this mountain, don't you think it's familiar..." Bai Qi sighed, he didn't want to climb over it either, who knows if the Excalibur would suddenly become homesick and plan to stay here forever... gone.

"" Miss Su Ruo, who has always been eloquent, stuttered once in a while. She swallowed hard, and her fingers trembling when she pointed at Daoshan, "You mean, this is the place where the material of Qiankun Excalibur is produced. !"

Bai Qi smiled bitterly and said, "I also want to say no, but when Yu Jian came over, the closer he was to the sword mountain, the more excited Qian Jian became, and it was a little out of my control."

Well, homesickness is an emotion for everyone, even a sword has the right to be homesick!
(End of this chapter)

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