Chapter 67
The blue is like washing, and on the delicate peach petals, there are water droplets rolling, and the air is filled with the fragrance of peach blossoms, which is refreshing.Looking from a distance, the peach blossoms look like red clouds. Looking up close, they are gorgeous and flamboyant. When the breeze blows, the deep red and light red petals swirl and fall. It is really beautiful to be in it.

Such a beautiful scenery, but some people don't know how to appreciate it at all. In the depths of the peach forest, there is a mess, countless peach trees are lying on the ground, with broken branches and flowers. It can be seen that they have been affected by both sides of the fight.

On both sides of the confrontation, both of them have been severely injured. One of them had his arm broken, and his body was covered with marks of being scorched by flames. Eerie, cold and scary.The one who can still stand is actually a woman in black, tall and slender, with white skin, but her eyebrows are too thick, her eyes are slender, and her lips are too pale. But such ordinary facial features, when grouped together, there is something indescribable. The charming charm, especially the inexplicable amorous feelings at the corners of the eyes and eyebrows, and the slight smile makes people's hearts sway.At this moment, she was also seriously injured, her lips were as white as paper, her slender eyes stared coldly at the three people opposite, and the red whip in her hand was ready to go.

The man who confronted the two was not too tall, but of medium build, and he was not good-looking. He had flat eyebrows, uncharacteristic eyes, a straight nose, and thin lips. At least there was no half-sitting man. He is very handsome.But he always has a sunny smile on his face, straightforward and clear. When seeing him, people always notice his smile at first sight. The more we get along, the more attractive he is. charm.

The man with a sunny smile, the magical weapon in his hand is actually a long spear, with a golden body and a bright tip. The long spear is pointed at the woman in black who is struggling to stand. Rao Er will not die!"

Standing side by side with the man are two women, one is delicate and beautiful, the other is gentle and indifferent, a rare beauty.It's just that although the two women are beautiful, they pale against the backdrop of the woman in black.

The gentle girl in blue frowned, "Zhang Qi, this is not good!"

Before Zhang Qi could speak, the delicate girl in pink raised her eyebrows lightly, and glanced dissatisfiedly at the girl in blue, her cherry lips parted slightly, and her voice was clear and soft: "Junior Sister Shen, this is wrong, they are from the Heavenly Demon Sect, We are mortal enemies with Kunlun, what's wrong! If you want me to say, A Qi is still too kind, such a person should kill them directly, what else is there to say!" The pink-clothed woman glanced affectionately Zhang Qi fell on the woman in black, but he was full of malice!
Shen Peilan felt that she was very unlucky, but she just went to Wuji Ridge to pick up another fairy artifact for use, but happened to meet Zhang Qi and Jiang Weiyu, she was too lazy to go with them, so she found an excuse to leave, but she didn't expect that They met by chance over and over again, and finally, under Zhang Qi's kind invitation, they had no choice but to go with them.

Jiang Weiyu has no affection for Shen Peilan who joined temporarily, every sentence is soft and thorny, Shen Peilan estimated that Jiang Weiyu's master would not dare to offend her too much, so she could only come back with a few words occasionally.It's ridiculous that Zhang Qi still thinks that the two women get along harmoniously, so he intervenes in their conversation from time to time, praising one and the other, so he is impartial.His attitude reminded Shen Peilan of those very unbearable memories of her previous life, and the smile on her face was a bit unbearable, while Jiang Weiyu, since she cut off her love for Bai Qi, put her heart on Zhang Qi, Naturally, Shen Peilan was not pleasing to the eye.

The atmosphere between the three of them was extremely delicate. Shen Peilan wanted to leave for a while, but then remembered that when she walked with Zhang Qi in her previous life, she got a pair of peach blossom hairpins in Wuji Ridge. They were made of thousands of peach trees. It is extremely useful to break the illusion.However, she didn't know where the peach grove was, and she was thinking about the magic weapon in her heart, so she endured Jiang Weiyu's provocations from time to time.

After walking together for a while, at the edge of a peach grove, I found two Golden Core cultivators, one male and one female, from the Heavenly Demon Sect fighting with a three-foot-tall giant ape. The monks struggled very hard.Zhang Qi's eyes lit up, and he laid out a formation to hide the three of them, planning to take advantage of the fire to loot them.

Shen Peilan had this kind of experience in her previous life, and she was reluctant, and two monks at the golden core stage could fight equally with the sixth-order giant ape. A powerful and ruthless enemy.

The sixth-order giant ape is very powerful, but the two disciples of the Demon Sect seem to be even more powerful, especially the man who is holding a strangely shaped scimitar in his hand, with a dim blue light shining on the blade. poisonous.They swam around the great apes without confronting them head-on.The giant ape is tall and strong, but its movements are not very flexible. It is often cut by the scimitar in the hands of local men, and the blood that bleeds from the wound is black.Obviously, the two fought guerrilla warfare, slowly consuming the great ape's physical strength, allowing the poison to penetrate deep into the great ape's body.

The giant ape was not stupid, and naturally knew the motives of the two of them. When the poison was already deep and he was about to die from the opponent, he suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared, terribly and unwillingly. Following the roar, his body grew suddenly.The man saw that the secret path was not good, and shouted loudly: "Yaoyao, go back!"

However, he secretly used the secret method, his cultivation suddenly grew rapidly, and the human and sword merged into one, and he went straight to the heart of the giant ape.

"Ayi!" The woman in black screamed, and with a movement, countless pink peach blossom blades flew towards the giant ape.This woman obviously also used a secret technique, and she snorted, with blood spilling from her lips.

Finally, the two moved quickly, and let the giant ape kill it before it violently committed suicide.But also because each of them used secret techniques automatically, their bodies weakened.

"Brother Yi!" The woman named Yaoyao was slightly injured, and quickly approached the man, her slender eyes couldn't hide her anxiety, "How is it?"

"Nothing, go get the peach hairpin!" The man smiled slightly, looking at the woman with soft eyes like spring water.

"Yeah." Yaoyao took out a crystal peach blossom, walked to the stone wall behind the giant ape, and just wanted to use the formula to release the restriction.

Zhang Qi made an attack at this moment. With both hands in hand, the golden spear appeared and stabbed the man's heart.

Jiang Weiyu has been with him for a long time, and she also released flying swords to fight against the enemy together.

Although Shen Peilan didn't want to, she had no choice but to join.On the surface, Zhang Qi seems to have a big heart and is extremely tolerant. At that time, his mind was smaller than the tip of a needle. Anyone who wanted to apologize to him, offend him, or even a casual joke or a casual look would be caught by him. Keep it in your heart and wait for the opportunity to reply.In his previous life, he did not know how many monks were secretly killed by his hands, and some of them even just said a word of meritorious deeds.It is simply that those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me perish, are even more arrogant and domineering than people in the devil's way.For such a man with a dark heart, Shen Peilan didn't want to offend him for the time being, so she could only stop the woman in black with a pink whip.

Although the two members of the Heavenly Demon Sect were Jindan monks, their cultivation was restricted due to the use of secret techniques, and their spiritual power was exhausted.

Reluctantly, Zhang Qi had just obtained a top-grade fairy weapon and matching supreme skills, and his strength increased greatly in front of the three beauties. After a few rounds, he forced the men of the Demon Sect to a desperate situation.When he dodged Zhang Qi's spear, his arm was cut off by Jiang Weiyu's flying sword.

"Brother Yi!" The black-clothed woman let out a mournful cry, and danced the long whip in her hand even more urgently, her every move could not leave Jiang Weiyu's side.Jiang Weiyu was proud of her success with one move, and before she could show off to Zhang Qixian, she was forced into a mess by the long whip. If Shen Peilan hadn't restrained her from the side, she would have been injured several times.

I don't know if Zhang Qi was moved by the sadness of the woman in black, but he actually stopped, and generously said that as long as the woman in black gave them the crystal peach blossoms and told them how to lift the restriction, he would let them go.

What a joke, offending people to death, and then letting the tiger go back to the mountain, is this the rhythm of courting death?Not to mention that Shen Peilan was extremely angry, even Jiang Weiyu couldn't understand it.

Zhang Qi smiled heartily, "5000 years ago, Taoist cultivators, demon cultivators, and demon cultivators signed a covenant together, and we are not enemies."

Damn, according to your approach, allies will sooner or later become sworn enemies.Shen Peilan and Zhang Qi had no choice but to separate halfway in Wuji Ridge in her previous life, and she never met Yimu.Now she just feels that Zhang Qi was able to live so long in his previous life, and it was so unscientific that he had to be as windy as he was windy and as rainy as rainy.As bad as he is, he should have died long ago with nowhere to hide.

The man leaning half against the peach tree lowered his eyes and remained silent.

The woman in black named Yaoyao suddenly showed a charming smile, like a delicate peach blossom in full bloom in front of her eyes, Zhang Qi's eyes showed an intoxicated look, and Lian Jiang Weiyu and Shen Peilan's eyes were infatuated.That woman put away her long whip a long time ago. Although she had a beautiful smile on her face, her eyes were icy cold with determination. She and the man were doing complicated hand formulas at the same time, her face became paler, and the aura around her was violent.

The formula was about to be completed, Yaoyao turned her head to the man and smiled with tears in her eyes, affectionate and lingering, the man smiled back affectionately, the two eyes intertwined, seeming to impress each other into her heart.The spiritual energy gathered more and more violently, and could move this place to the ground at any time, but Zhang Qi and the others didn't seem to feel anything strange, they still looked at Yaoyao with a smile and were intoxicated.

"What are you going to do!" Two sword lights flew from the sky, "Zhang Qi, Jiang Weiyu, Shen Peilan!" The crisp voice containing spiritual power woke up Zhang Qi and the three of them. With a look of fear on his face, his face turned red.

The person who came, swung two sword qi at the same time and knocked the man and woman down to the ground, the spell was forcibly interrupted, and the two spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

The woman named Yaoyao, with the last of her strength, rushed to the man's side, snuggled into his arms, and stared coldly at the two who came stepping on the sword.

The white robe of the North Kunlun swordsman, the jade belt across the waist, and the long sword on his feet, stand facing the wind!Xiao Yi and Yaoyao felt unspeakable bitterness in their hearts, and they feared that they would die here today.The two of them clasped their fingers together, only one thought,
Even if you die, you must destroy the crystal peach blossoms before you die, and never let hypocrites like Kunlun get the peach blossom hairpin!

 Thank you for your support!This week, the mountains and rivers are double-updated, if you have a vote, please vote for me!
(End of this chapter)

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