Chapter 68 Greed
"Zhengdao Kunlun is so majestic!" Yaoyao spoke, her voice was not as sweet and crisp as an ordinary woman, her voice was a little hoarse, with a hint of magnetism.

"Shut up!" Jiang Weiyu felt extremely complicated when she saw the person coming, and when she heard Yaoyao speak up, she yelled sharply: "It's not our Kunlun's turn to make irresponsible remarks from people in your magic way!"

"Huh! It really is the righteous Kunlun, taking advantage of the fire to rob is better than what we do." The man sneered, "Needless to say, kill as you want, and want peach hairpins, that is delusional!" His strength was disordered, he had lost too much blood, his injuries were serious, and he couldn't move even a little bit of strength. Even these two sentences were done with all his strength.

Jiang Weiyu stretched out his flying sword, "Then I'll make it happen for you. As for the peach hairpin, with Ah Qi here, we will take it ourselves!" As he said, the long sword flew out, directly hitting the hearts of the two of them.

Seeing that the two were about to die under the sword, the bright red sword light flashed, and the sword was knocked away.The two people who were brought to wait to die with their eyes closed opened their eyes in surprise, and looked at the two people behind them coldly.If they hadn't interrupted the spells of the two of them, they would have died together with the three of them.

Jiang Weiyu's flying sword was blown away, she turned to the girl who shot it, and said sharply: "Su Ruo, what do you mean, do you want to help the demons oppress the same sect?"

Su Ruo looked at her like an idiot, and didn't bother to pay attention to her at all.

Then Bai Qi asked Shen Peilan: "Junior Sister Shen, what's going on?" He didn't have any impression of a man and a woman in front of him, but judging from their age, cultivation level, and robes, they must be from the Heavenly Demon Sect important figures in.People in the devil way are extremely defensive, if these two people die today, their master will definitely find out the cause of their death.I heard that there is a secret method in Tianmozong, which can see the last image of the disciple before death, especially the person who has dealt a fatal blow to him.

As the grandson of the former head of Kunlun, Jiang Weiyu can be regarded as a leader among the younger generation of Kunlun, and is well-known in the East Pole cultivation world.In addition, this idiot used the Yinhong sword that Fei Luo Yuanjun used when he was young, for fear that others would not know that it was the Kunlun disciple who killed someone.

Especially from what those two people said, it was my own family who took the opportunity to kill people and seize treasures, which didn't make sense at all!Damn, she is as gentle as Bai Qi, and she can't help but swear!What audacity!

Shen Peilan pursed her lips, she didn't know what to say for a while, especially Bai Qi's tone was gentle, but there was a chill in it, which made her feel uneasy.

Seeing that Shen Peilan was in a dilemma, Zhang Qi took a step forward, "Brother Bai..."

Bai Qi glanced at Zhang Qi, hesitating slightly: "Uh, you call me Senior Brother, and you are also a Kunlun disciple?" Well, he forgot Zhang Qi's face again.

Zhang Qi didn't come up in one breath, almost suffocating to death!It’s so fucking arrogant, even if you are the first direct disciple of Bei Kunlun, I am no longer the ordinary disciple before. My master is also Yuanying Daojun, the beloved disciple of the former head of Kunlun. You look down!In Zhang Qi's lowered eyes, hostility flashed across, Bai Qi, I remember you!
Seeing Zhang Qi standing there expressionless, Bai Qi was very unhappy. He twirled his fingers helplessly, and explained a little shyly: "Young brother, you are not wearing the cassock of a Kunlun disciple, and I... …" He clenched his fist to his lips, coughed lightly, and then said a little embarrassedly, "I don't know people very well, especially those I don't get in touch with very often."

Zhang Qi laughed, "It's okay if you don't remember." At that time, he was thinking in his heart, who would believe your sophistry.How did you know Shen Peilan?Could it be that you often see her?Hmph, just say it when you look down on people, it's useless to talk about it.

At that time, Zhang Qi really guessed right, Shen Peilan worshiped Zhenjun Shouyang, and Zhenjun Shouyang is now the eldest disciple of Zhenjun Danhua, and has a very good relationship with Ji Xiao and Yan Zishen. There are only two female disciples under the school, and one of them is Su Ruo's cousin.They had many opportunities to meet Bai Qi, especially when Su Ruo was studying alchemy in Zhongyin Peak, Bai Qi was a frequent visitor.Once you come and go, you will naturally remember it.Otherwise, Bai Qi would not have asked Shen Peilan directly.Who made the remaining two, one didn't know each other, and the other he and Su Ruo both hated, no one wanted to talk to her.

"Junior Brother Zhang, can you tell me what's going on?" Bai Qi felt a little headache. Looking at the scene of the fight, he basically knew what was going on in the whole process.Although he hated Zhang Qi's behavior of taking the opportunity to kill people and seize treasures, but in front of the people of Tianmozong, he couldn't say that he was from the same sect, and he had to properly solve the current problem.Otherwise, the remaining Kunlun disciples would be easily retaliated by the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Su Ruo has already wandered back and forth for a while, and has seen the corpse of the giant ape over there, walked back along the traces of the fighting skills, and said before Zhang Qi, "Brother, don't ask, they are wrong after all." Pointing at the three of Zhang Qi with a slender hand, he turned his slender hand and pointed at the two of the Heavenly Demon Sect again, "Give them healing medicine, let them swear by their demons, let's stop today's matter, and don't let yourself or encourage others to take the initiative to hurt the Kunlun disciples. Then you can go." The little girl said simply and neatly.

Bai Qi asked: "Do you understand everything?"

"Well, that giant ape died not long ago. Judging from the wounds on his body, there is no trace of the magic weapon of Junior Brother Zhang and the others. Moreover, it is a sixth-order monster, which is far from something that Junior Brother Zhang and the others can mess with right now. Therefore, There is no problem of being robbed by monsters. They..." Su Ruo pointed to the two people embracing under the peach tree, "Both are Golden Core cultivators, and both come from the Demon Sect. It is not impossible to kill a sixth-level monster. They have to pay the price themselves. And the one that can make them fight to the death must be Chongbao. Junior Brother Zhang and the others, their eyes are hot, it's as simple as that."

Bai Qi stroked his forehead with his hands, and sighed weakly. He also knew what was going on, but Ah Ruo, we can't explain it clearly!At this point, he took out the best healing elixir and gathering spirit elixir from the storage ring, and threw them at the two of them casually. He looked gentle and calm: "Today's matter is my Kunlun disciple's fault. .For the safety of the disciples under the sect, I would like to invite the two of you to swear by your demons that you will not take the initiative to harm Kunlun disciples. Then you can leave after using the elixir."

Neither Xiao Yi nor Taoyao thought that things would end like this, as long as they could live, as for today's revenge, Xiao Yi took a look at Zhang Qi, and sooner or later he would report back.The two made an oath with their inner demons, and took the pill again. After the injury had eased for a while, they took a deep look at Bai Qi and Su Ruo, and said in unison: "Xiao Yi and Taoyao of the Heavenly Demon Sect have learned the lesson. We will meet later." After finishing, he left without even taking the peach hairpin.

After the two walked away, Su Ruo released the restraint on Jiang Weiyu's body.Bai Qijiu, she doesn't know when she did it, no wonder Jiang Weiyu is so honest. "Bai Qi, Su Ruo, what do you mean!" Jiang Weiyu screamed as soon as she was freed.

Zhang Qi's expression was also very bad, "Dare to ask Senior Brother Bai, why did you let the two of them leave, and what if they want to take revenge on us?"

Afraid of reprisals, why didn't you think about it when you robbed others, now you think about it.

Shen Peilan also frowned and looked at Bai Qi. She already knew that Bai Qi was a bit unreasonable, but she didn't expect the same with people in the devil way!And Su Ruo, she said in front of the devil, is it too much to say that her fellow disciples made mistakes.Let the people from other sects in the East Pole know that they confessed their mistakes because they were afraid of revenge from the Demon Sect. Isn't this smearing Kunlun's face?When did Kunlun Sword Cultivator become so cowardly that he bowed his head to the Demon Dao.

"You Bai Qi and Su Ruo are afraid of the people of the Heavenly Demon Sect, but I, Jiang Weiyu, are not! You cowards, bowing your head to the Demonic Dao and begging for peace, really embarrass my majestic Kunlun!" Jiang Weiyu and Shen Peilan's brain waves at this moment It was the same, but Shen Peilan questioned it in her heart, but she called out.

With a dark face, Bai Qi said forcefully, "Are you finished? You know exactly who is embarrassing Kunlun! A dignified Kunlun monk, if you have the ability, go kill monsters and seize treasures by yourself, and snatch a seriously injured person. Shameless!" Bai Qi, who has always been elegant and elegant, speaks very harshly at this moment.

Zhang Qi: "Senior Brother Bai and Senior Sister Su, they are demon cultivators. If we steal their magic weapon, we will weaken a part of the power of the demon way, and if we get the magic weapon, it will be equivalent to strengthening the power of the righteous way. Okay?"

"It sounds good, you have obtained the magic weapon, but you have thousands of Kunlun disciples' lives to accompany you, it is really good!" Bai Qi sneered, and for the first time spoke harshly: "Do you know who those two people were just now? A direct disciple, Taoyao is one of the three saintesses of this generation of Tianmo sect. You kill them, how can the suzerain of the Tianmo sect let it go. The demon sect has its own secret technique, which can track down the person who killed its disciple. Once you know it is What the Kunlun disciples have done will inevitably retaliate, and countless Kunlun disciples may die because of it. Because of your greed, you ruined the lives of countless Kunlun disciples, how can you bear it?"

Zhang Qi and the others were silent, Zhang Qi and Shen Peilan really didn't know the secret technique of the Demon Sect, Jiang Weiyu had heard of it, but she didn't take it to heart at all, she didn't think about it at all.Or, in her heart, the ordinary disciples of Kunlun will die as soon as they die, so it has nothing to do with her.

Su Ruo glanced at Shen Peilan: "I will tell Brother Shouyang what happened today, you can do it yourself!" It happened to be locked up in Kunlun for a period of time, to cultivate a lot, and then hide from the limelight.

Shen Peilan lowered her head and said in a low voice: "I will take the initiative to ask the master for punishment. But..."

"But what?"

"Right now, there are many people from the Heavenly Demon Sect in Wuji Ridge, will they spread the news?" Shen Peilan was a little scared, and finally had to do it all over again, she didn't want to die.Thinking of the scene that Su Ruo woke up from the daze just now, if I read it correctly, those two people planned to commit suicide and die together with them.Fortunately, Bai Qi and Su Ruo came in time, otherwise she would have died without knowing how.After all, it's all about greed.

Alas, it was a heavy lesson. In the future, she should often examine herself three times. If she is not strong in the way, she is easy to be confused by foreign objects, so how can she aspire to the great way!This time back to Kunlun, we must retreat well!

(End of this chapter)

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