Chapter 69
If Shen Peilan felt it, she made up her mind to train her mind well.Although Zhang Qi and Jiang Weiyu had nothing to say, they hated Bai Qi more and more in their hearts, especially Zhang Qi almost regarded Bai Qi as his number one enemy.The two of them never thought that if it weren't for Bai Qi and Su Ruo, they, Xiao Yi and Taoyao died together, they would still be alive to hate people.

Bai Qi listened to Shen Peilan's words, pondered for a moment, and then said: "I have passed the letter to Senior Brother Feijian, they are in the south, about five hundred miles away from here, follow me and A Ruo to find Senior Brother Let's meet up. We have been in the mountain for nearly six months, and there is not much time left until the Wuji Ridge is closed. Let's get together and take care of each other."

Zhang Qi and Jiang Weiyu didn't want to leave this place, they also wanted to get the peach hairpin.

Su Ruo raised her eyebrows and sneered: "I really don't give up, you guys go and try."

Jiang Weiyu sneered back at her, "Don't be greedy and steal my chance!"

Su Ruo stabbed her: "You think everyone is as shameless as you!" That day in the Seventh Layer Realm, she was the only one who had greed in her heart, and went to grab something she couldn't control, and ended up hurting Bai Qi.Just now because of greed, he almost died, but he doesn't have a long memory. This person is really hopeless.

Su Ruo took a look at Zhang Qi who was standing beside Jiang Weiyu, and kindly persuaded him: "Junior Brother Zhang, with your aptitude, it is extremely difficult to cultivate until today. Don't be confused by foreign things, mess up your Dao heart, when the time comes you It's too late to regret it." Su Ruo's words, if he had told Zhang Qi three months ago, he would have been moved.Even if it was said three hours ago, it would still make him a confidante.Saying it now only made Zhang Qi feel bored, and replied coldly, "Don't worry about Senior Sister Su, Zhang Qi has his own master to teach."

Jiang Weiyu smiled maliciously at Su Ruo, there are few people here, Bai Qi has already been pulled into the list of enemies by her, the lady doesn't have to pretend anymore, she just mocked: "Why, it's not enough to have Senior Brother Bai, I want everyone Are all the male disciples of Kunlun bowing down to your Fairy Su's skirt! Or my Jiang Weiyu's sweetheart, you have to grab it?"

Su Ruo glanced at her distorted face, and suddenly smiled. That smile was more deceptive than the gorgeous peach blossoms behind her. Even Zhang Qi, who had a bad feeling for her, had to admit in his heart that this girl was indeed more beautiful than Jiang Wei. Rain is much prettier.

Jiang Weiyu noticed that Zhang Qi looked at Su Ruo's smiling face, she was a little absent-minded, and the hatred in her heart was even worse, her eyes almost burst into flames, wishing to kill Su Ruo with a knife.Pian Su Ruo's smile became more eye-catching, her red lips lightened, and she slowly uttered four words: "You are jealous of me!"

"Pfft..." Jiang Weiyu wanted to vomit blood, she screamed wildly, "Who is jealous of you, what do you have to make me jealous!"

"I make you jealous everywhere." Su Ruo smiled very happily, and pointed to herself with her backhand: "I am more beautiful than you, and I am stronger than you." Then pointing to Bai Qi beside him, "My senior brother is prettier than your senior brother, and better than you." Junior brother is amazing. Hmph..." She even purposely wrinkled her little nose at Jiang Weiyu, proudly raised her delicate minibus, and said childishly, "I'm mad at you!"

So childish... Bai Qi covered his face and smiled, but Ah Ruo was so cute that people wanted to pinch her.That's what he thought, and he did the same thing. He stretched out his hand to pinch Su Ruo's small face, and said with a smile, "Ah Ruo, be humble!"

"Well, the master didn't teach!"


Looking at Jiang Weiyu's bloodshot face, Bai Qi held Su Ruo's hand in a good mood, went to pick peach petals, and left a sentence: "After an hour, whether you have got the peach hairpin or not, you have to go "Hehe, the little junior sister is avenging him, you can't hit someone in the face, but you can be angry!
Su Ruo added: "If you don't leave, you will be kidnapped!"

Without the crystal peach blossom, I don't even know where the restriction is, so how can I get the treasure?This time, even Bai Qi's system spirit was gone.An hour later, no matter how reluctant the two were, they could only follow behind Bai Qi and Su Ruo to meet Yan Zishen and the others.

Both Zhang Qi and Jiang Weiyu looked unhappy, they both felt that Bai Qi and Su Ruo had spoiled their good deeds and hindered their treasure hunting journey.But he didn't expect that Bai and Su were not happy to take them with them.If it wasn't for the fear that the two of them would do something that would insult the Kunlun family, such as killing people to seize treasures, bullying the weak, etc., who would like to take them with them!
Five hundred miles away, Yan Zishen and Ji Xiao have already met up with Sang Qiao and Wen Yan. Their luck is very good. They stepped into the cave of a senior monk. After breaking through seven formations within the specified time and losing half of his life, he finally got all the inheritance.

Tianjizi, the most legendary formation mage in the East Pole ten thousand years ago, lost his whereabouts when he was famous, but he did not expect to settle down in Wuji Ridge, studied the countless natural mazes in Wuji Ridge, and finally achieved a great formation , Du Jie flew away.Before ascension, he left what he had learned all his life and waited for the arrival of the destined person.

Wen Yan was overjoyed. When he saw Bai Qi and Su Ruo, his eyes were still crooked and the corners of his mouth were still upturned.

As soon as Su Ruo saw him, she jumped in front of him, looked left and right, and saw Wen Yan's red cloud floating on her face, and then asked, "What good things did Third Senior Brother get?"

Yan Zishen and the others were all happy for him, and they said everything in detail.

Su Ruo was happy at first, then her face turned bitter, she turned and threw herself into Bai Qi's arms, and said in a muffled voice, "I want to see Xianfu..."

Bai Qi patted her, "I told you, it's a chance!" After a pause, he added: "I want to see it too!"

"Senior brother..." Su Ruo suppressed her small face in his arms, and said pitifully, "What should I do, I'm jealous of Third Senior Brother!"

"Uh..." Bai Qi still patted her, and responded honestly: "I'm jealous too!"

"Then let's beat the third senior brother!" Su Ruo's eyes lit up, and she proposed enthusiastically.Awow... The third senior brother has obtained the inheritance, and the formation must be even stronger. It's a good time to challenge!
The heads of Yan Zishen and the others were all black, Ji Xiao casually took out a few spiritual fruits and threw them at them, shouting: "Bai Er, Su Jiu, you two, let me stop!"

"Oh..." The two shrank their necks at the same time, and sat down beside Yan Zishen honestly. Su Ruo still pretended to be cute at Ji Xiao's Kaba eyes, but Ji Xiao pinched her bitterly, and then she was honest. .

After Zhang Qi and Jiang Weiyu arrived, after meeting with Yan Zishen and the others, they felt that they were sitting aside.Hearing Su Ruo bluntly said that she was jealous of Wen Yan, Jiang Weiyu pursed her lips, sneered a few times, and said seriously, "This is not allowed, Junior Sister Su, cultivate the sword and cultivate the heart, Master Yunxiao never taught you What!"

Su Ruo rolled her eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to her.

Ji Xiao saw that something was wrong, so he gave Su Ruo a hand, and whispered into his ears: "Why are you messing with her, you are so weird!"

"Let's go back and talk about it." Su Ruo replied.

Zhang Qi doesn't want to sit here at all, he can't practice when he wants to practice, sitting like this in Wuji Ridge is a waste of time! "Senior brothers and sisters, can we go further?"

Yan Zishen glanced at him expressionlessly, and said lightly: "When the Wuji Ridge is closed, the spiritual energy and space in the Ridge are extremely unstable, and the monsters and Mozhi are mad and prone to danger."

"Cultivation against the sky, if you are not in danger that day, how can you be afraid!" Zhang Qi raised one eyebrow and replied extremely arrogantly.

Jiang Weiyu looked at him with red eyes, at this moment, she only felt that Zhang Qi's image was so tall, surpassing Yan Zishen, Bai Qi and many others.She glanced at Yan Zishen, Bai Qi and the others contemptuously, and said to herself: "Brother Kunlun, a swordsman genius, they are just cowards!"

Su Ruo lowered her face: "Junior Brother Zhang, either you sit down obediently, or you wait to be knocked out by me, you choose one yourself!"

Zhang Qi was never afraid of fighting.He smiled confidently, and said slowly: "Please teach me, senior sister!" He thought to himself, let's see how I deal with you!
Bai Qi pulled Su Ruo, "Ah Ruo..."

"It's okay, senior brother, after I finish beating him, let's listen to senior brother's story quietly!" After speaking, he got up and walked towards Zhang Qi.

The place he chose carefully was on the outskirts of Wuji Ridge, on a grass field with an open view.They were not the only ones waiting here, there were also disciples from Wuji Sect, Mingxin Pavilion and other sects, but they all got together separately and did not interact with each other.

Being quiet was extremely boring, and there were also friends from the same school who were familiar with each other, so the battle between Zhang Qi and Su Ruo did not attract much attention.

After the two saluted each other, Zhang Qi graciously signaled Su Ruo to do it first.Su Ruo didn't show any politeness to him either. With the Excalibur, 81 sword qi intertwined into a net, enveloping Zhang Qi's front, back, left, right, up and down in the sword qi.

The sword intent tempered by countless monsters in Wuji Ridge is awe-inspiring and breathtaking.

Zhang Qi was very surprised, and his reaction was quick. He raised his hand, and the spear appeared, and swept across, blocking most of the sword energy. His figure flashed, and then dodged the rest. Just as he was about to fight back, he found that the sword energy was coming again. The red Kun sword transformed into nine sword shadows, and each sword shadow aroused nine sword qi, weaving a net around his body.Often he blocks part of the gap, and Su Ruo quickly fills in the gap as soon as he reveals a part of it.

Su Ruo's sword is fast, extremely fast, and Zhang Qi's spear is extremely domineering when opening and closing, but it is unavoidably flexible, and its speed is absolutely inferior to Su Ruo.However, he pretended to be graceful and asked Su Ruo to attack first. His cultivation level was still a bit behind Su Ruo's, and he only got the weapon. The skills were not practiced for a long time, and they had not been fully integrated yet. It is normal for Su Ruo to suppress and beat him. of.

Seeing the opportunity, she held the sword close to her, raised the spear, and pointed the sword between her eyebrows. Su Ruo smiled sweetly: "You lost!"

Zhang Qi's face turned blue, and then he smiled slowly, lowered his head, and said softly: "Zhang admits defeat." Holding the hand of the golden spear, he squeezed it hard, and the veins in his hand popped up.If not, if it wasn't for the fact that the Coiling Dragon Spear he got in Wuji Ridge was only a half-immortal grade, and the time he got it was too short, and he didn't fully grasp it, how could he lose it in the hands of a yellow-haired girl!He remembered today's defeat!In the future, it will be returned tenfold!
 Double update, ask for votes!Any ticket is fine!

(End of this chapter)

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