The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 70 Sister-in-law

Chapter 70 Sister-in-law
Zhang Qi lost, with a smile on his lips, he walked back to Jiang Weiyu and sat down.

Su Ruo saw that Zhang Qi readily conceded defeat, and her evaluation of him was two points higher. Finally, he is still a man in some places!However, Su Ruo looked at Zhang Qi's gun, the golden light was shining, domineering and awe-inspiring, it looked extraordinary.Taking a closer look, Zhang Qi had already retracted into his body.

Su Ruo widened her eyes, "Hey." With a sound, the magic weapon that can be collected in the dantian during the foundation building period is at least a semi-celestial weapon!Curiosity was nothing but curiosity, she didn't like Zhang Qi, and she didn't bother to ask him, Dudu Xiaozui jumped back to sit beside Bai Qi.

Bai Qi looked at her sideways, and asked with a smile, "Aren't you happy that you won?" Such a curious little face really made people want to pinch her.

Bai Qi was reluctant to pinch her, but Ji Xiao stretched out his hand, "Why does she look listless, shouldn't you be happy if there is a fight?" As a little junior, she will be very happy whenever there is a fight, regardless of the outcome. Whether you win or lose, you don't care.

Su Ruo pursed her lips, but finally couldn't bear the curiosity, she leaned up to Yan Zishen, and asked in a low voice: "Elder brother, have you seen the gun used by Brother Zhang? It looks very powerful. It's a pity, he probably just Not long after I got it, I’m not familiar with it at all, so it’s really boring to fight.” It’s because I haven’t played enough, so I’m not happy.

Yan Zishen worked so hard to control himself to say that she had thoughts for two hours, and glanced at her expressionlessly, "Half fairy weapon, you can upgrade it." Artifact refining is his unique skill, and he has a good teacher, Yan Zishen His eyesight is by no means so good.

"Oh, I thought Junior Brother Zhang could throw out the talisman formation for me to try, but in the end, he changed his marksmanship, which is so sad." Su Ruo rushed out by means of a trick, definitely thinking about the talisman formation that he had seen before. I want to learn it myself.Although the marksmanship is also very good, but after all, he just got it, and Zhang Qi only learned a little bit.On the contrary, it is the talisman array, which he created himself, so it should be more interesting.Unexpectedly, they changed their moves and did not satisfy her wish.Su Ajiu was like a plantain hit by the rain, the leaves were drooping, and her body was surrounded by disappointment.

"Ah Jiu..." When Su Zimu brought the Su family over, he was pleasantly surprised to find that his sister was there, and called her happily.

"Hey, big brother." Seeing Su Zimu, all disappointment and sadness were gone, Su Ruo excitedly jumped to Su Zimu's side, put his arms around his waist and kept dawdling, "Big brother, big brother."

Bai Qi's face darkened, and he moved his fingers, wanting to catch Su Ruo back.She is already a 15-year-old girl, how can she still cling to her brother?
Su Zimu was very happy. In his eyes, Su Ruo would always be that petite baby who wanted to be hugged by him.Holding the little girl in her arms, she went back to the Su family and sat down. Su Ruo obediently called out one by one, "Sang Bo, Seventh Uncle, Sixth Brother..." A group of familiar people called down, their hands stuffed. Many things are obtained from Wuji Ridge.

"Thank you." The big phoenix eyes were bent, Su Ruo was very happy, there was a gift.However, this sister has never seen it?She looked at the woman in front of her curiously. She was also a foundation-builder, with a petite figure, a round baby face, round eyes, a small nose, and a small round mouth. Anyway, this girl gave people the impression of being round, Su Ruo blurted out: "Is my sister's boudoir name Yuanyuan?"

There was an extremely tangled expression on the round doll's face, which made Su Ruo's eyes blush, so cute, like her favorite doll in her previous life.Su Ruo let go of Su Zimu, and rubbed a little closer to the baby face, and then a little bit more, her face was full of salivation, and her little paws were still about to move.

"Pfft..." Su Zimu couldn't help covering his face and laughing, he pulled back his sister, and solemnly introduced: "This is Gu Yuanyuan, the beloved daughter of Zhenjun Qingyan of Mingxin Pavilion."

"Wow, I guessed it right, I guessed it right, your name is Yuanyuan!"

Gu Yuanyuan frowned and nodded, "My name is Gu Yuanyuan, and that old man Qingyan is my father."

Su Ruo blinked, and introduced herself solemnly: "My name is Su Ruo, the old man who is the head of the Su family is my father." Finally, thinking of something, he patted his elder brother's chest again, "This standard young talent is My big brother."

"Hahaha, little Ajiu, you said your father is an old man, be careful he spanks your ass." The white-bearded Sanbo laughed out loud.

Surokaba rolled his eyes twice, "He is hundreds of years old."

"Well, my father is over 1000 years old." Gu Yuanyuan raised a finger in support.

Su Zimu tried his best to hold back a smile, and pinched Su Ruo's small face, "Yuanyuan is older than you, so I want to call you sister."

"Shouldn't you be called sister-in-law?" Su Ruo said in exchange for a red apple face.

Su Zimu was so generous, he propped his chin to think for a while, and then seriously asked for the beauty's opinion: "Look, my Ajiu can see our relationship at a glance, so let her be called sister-in-law. This girl was dumbfounded and called sister." It’s not easy to change your mouth.”

Gu Yuanyuan was too busy to be shy, so she didn't care what Su Zimu said, she buried her head in her chest, and let him say whatever she said.Seeing this, Su Zimu's eyes were full of tenderness, and he scratched Su Ruo's little nose, "Call me sister-in-law."

Su Ruo called out in a crisp voice: "Sister-in-law." The head that Gu Yuanyuan had just raised was instantly buried down again.

"Congratulations, Senior Sister Gu." A familiar sweet female voice sounded, and Su Ruo responded to the reputation, and saw that Fang Fang, who said she worshiped the elder brother, was actually in the Su family. My family is together?"

"My master and Zhenjun Qingyan are brothers and sisters. I grew up with Senior Sister Gu, and we have a good relationship." Fangfang confessed her relationship with Gu Yuanyuan, and then said: "We are in danger in the ridge. Fortunately, I met Brother Ling and saved me and my senior sister." At this point, she smiled at Su Zimu charmingly, her big almond eyes were full of admiration, and her words became softer and softer: "Junior Sister Su, you Big brother is amazing!"

"Of course my brother is great." Su Ruo nodded affirmatively, then she stood in front of Fangfang and said solemnly: "My brother has a sister-in-law, you can't look at him too much."

Fangfang's pretty face turned pale, and then her eyes were clouded with mist, "Junior Sister Su, how can you say that, I have such a good relationship with Senior Sister, how could it be possible to snatch her Taoist companion?"

Gu Yuanyuan pursed her lips, and just as she opened her mouth to speak, she heard Su Ruo say, "I don't want to steal, look at how my brother's eyes look like a dog seeing a bone!" To shoot one to death.

"..." Fangfang couldn't stop crying, what kind of metaphor was she talking about.It happened that Su Zimu spoke just in time, so he hugged Su Ruo back to his side, stroked her hair affectionately, and said to Fangfang lightly: "Ah Jiu is young and straightforward, if there are any inappropriate words, please let me know." Miss Fang, Haihan." He obviously apologized, but his blunt statement showed that his sister was right, and asked some people to respect themselves.

Su Zimu was very annoyed by Fangfang along the way. If he hadn't been jealous of Yuanyuan, and as the next patriarch of the Su family, he was acting on behalf of the Su family, he would have driven them away long ago.Seeing Su Ruo this time, he grabbed her and brought her to his side. One was to introduce Gu Yuanyuan to her, and the other was to use his sister's mouth to warn someone.Sure enough, Su Ajiu's skill has not diminished.

Seeing Fang Fang retreating to sit on the side, Su Ruo turned her head and winked at her brother, wrinkled her nose, and said with a mouthful, "Thank you."

Su Zimu nodded slightly and pinched her little nose.When she turned her head to look at Gu Yuanyuan, she condensed her voice into a thread and sent it into her ears: "Yuanyuan, did you really catch the wolf cub before? You junior sister has an impure mind, so be careful."

"Ah, um." Gu Yuanyuan replied to him.She didn't tell anyone about some things. When they were in Wuji Ridge, they encountered a group of swift wind wolves. Fangfang wanted to capture a cub as a spirit beast, so she and a few senior brothers and sisters did it without telling her.Afterwards, the Gale Wolf found the trace, fought and retreated from the same door, and was scattered by the wolves for a while. Fang Fang, who had been with her all this time, threw an animal skin bag to her and said, "I want to lure her away." After opening the pack of wolves, she hit her randomly a few times and ran in the other direction, but most of the pack of wolves pounced on her.If Su Zimu hadn't happened to arrive, she would have been in a lot of trouble.Later, when she opened the animal skin bag and found a pure white wolf cub, she realized why the wolves attacked them.

When Su Zimu asked her, because she was a disciple of Mingxin Pavilion at the same time, she didn't say much, she just said that she thought the little wolf was cute and wanted to adopt it as a spirit beast, but she didn't expect to catch the wolf king's child.

Su Zimu was so angry that he scolded her at the time, but then he threw her a beast ring and asked her to put the wolf cub into the ring so as not to attract wolves again.With this matter in front of her, how could she continue to be intimate with Fangfang.

Su Ruo's eyes were very sharp. She found that Gu Yuanyuan's mood dropped all of a sudden. She thought that what she said to Fangfang made her uncomfortable, so she slowly moved over, tentatively took her hand, and whispered : "Sister-in-law, don't be angry with me, I'm not targeting you."

"I know." Gu Yuanyuan shook Su Ruo's hand, looked up and smiled at her.

"Brother, I'll go there first, this is for you and sister-in-law." She took out two small jade boxes and stuffed them into Su Zimu's hands, which contained thunderween fruit, and said playfully, "I'll see the gift when I get back. After finishing speaking, he got up and hugged Su Zimu, and went back to Bai Qi.When she turned around, the voice transmission came into secret: "Brother, Fangfang has evil spirits in her body. When sister-in-law returns to Mingxin Pavilion, you have to send her back."

Fangfang was exposed by her just now, and a trace of evil flashed across her eyes very quickly. Although she quickly put it away, Su Ruo still noticed it, and only then did she have the reminder just now.

Su Ruo returned to Bai Qi's side with some serious thoughts, buried her head in his arms, and whispered into her ears quietly: "Senior brother, the Mingxin Pavilion is practicing the authentic Taoism, and there is no evil spirit in the disciples of it. Woolen cloth?"

Bai Qi was taken aback for a moment, his smile remained unchanged, but his eyes became serious, and he also asked, "Ah Ruo, what did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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