The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 71 The first clue

Chapter 71 The first clue

Just as Su Ruo was about to speak, the dense fog on the edge of the Wuji Ridge began to slowly thin again. Just as it turned into wisps of clear smoke, everyone felt that their eyes went dark, and when it lit up again, they were already standing outside the south gate of EZ.

The monks scattered all over the Wuji Ridge were forcibly sent out. Many of them were injured because of the irritability of the spirit energy and the counterattack of the monsters and magic plants when the Wuji Ridge banned cuts.

Su Ruo looked in Su Zimu's direction, the brother and sister exchanged a knowing look, and Su Zimu took the Su family members and Gu Yuanyuan away.Su Ruo noticed with sharp eyes that Fang Fang was following a man in gray and walking inside the EZ city.For some reason, she felt that the man in gray was full of peacekeeping.

"Hmm." A coercion belonging to a high-ranking monk came over, and Su Ruo leaned against Bai Qi with a pale face.She felt right. Although the man in gray was at the Nascent Soul stage, his body was filled with a cold and dead air, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

Bai Qi hugged her and asked eagerly: "Ah Ruo, what's the matter with you?" He, who had the same heart as Su Ruo, naturally sensed the cold coercion.

Daoyan Zhenjun who just came out casually shot out a burst of spiritual power, making Su Ruo recover extremely quickly.He put down a spiritual shield to protect the two of them, and said gently, "Ah Ruo, let's talk now."

"Uncle, there's a gray-body man with a heavy dead air." Su Ruo shivered, and she can still feel that biting cold feeling until now. "Also, Fangfang from Mingxin Pavilion, she's not quite right, she has an evil aura about her body. Although it's subtle, I don't think it's wrong."

Daoyan Zhenjun frowned, "Where did the person go?" The first thing that came to mind was the corpse that was refined in Funiu Mountain.

"Entered EZ City."

"Go!" Daoyan Zhenjun stepped on the flying sword and flew directly to the EZ city.

"Uh, uncle can control the sword, but we can't!" Su Ruo grimaced, and walked in slowly.

Bai Qi scolded her with a stern face, "Don't be so reckless next time, that's a Nascent Soul cultivator, can you just watch and play with your spiritual sense!"

"I didn't check him out, I just looked at Fangfang who was following him with my eyes, who knew..." Su Ruo pouted her mouth, which indirectly proved that Fangfang knew the man in gray and had a relationship not bad.

"Who is Fangfang?" Bai Qi took Su Ruo by the hand, and after thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't remember who this person was, "Why does he seem to be familiar?"

"It's the woman who came to us that day and said that she admired the senior brother, and then fell in love with the third senior brother. But she seems to have taken a fancy to my elder brother again?" Su Ruo moved her fingers and counted, "And what she mentioned What Senior Brother Zhuge, wow, there are already four of them, and there are so many people she likes."

"The Mingxin Pavilion disciple you just said has evil spirits, is she the one?"


The two senior brothers and sisters walked into EZ City, successfully found the position of the master's flying boat, and looked around, but Zhenjun Daoyan was not there.

Ji Xiao and the others who came over first pulled Su Ruo over, "What did you find?"

"Wait until Master Daoyan comes back." Su Ruo replied, looked around, and immediately frowned: "Why are there less than ten people compared to when we came here? North Kunlun has the most, six less."

"Probably not here yet."

Thinking of the heavy death energy on the man in gray, Su Ruo felt a bad feeling in her heart.

Until Zhenjun Daoyan came back, there were no more people in Kunlun, only two more people.

Zhenjun Daoyan's complexion is very bad, the momentum of the battle just now has not dissipated, the whole person is like an epee, thick and strong, making all the Kunlun disciples stay away from him.

"Get on the boat, the people under it will not come back."

Lord Miao Yiyuan looked at Zhenjun Daoyan with an inexplicable expression, and took the lead to board the flying boat.There was no words all the way, the flying boat returned to Kunlun at twice the speed than when it came under the control of Shouyang, Mingyu and other real people.

Zhenjun Daoyan and Lord Miao Yiyuan left in a hurry, their expressions were very dignified, which made the disciples feel a lot more depressed.

Inside the Yaotai Hall, the head of the Kunlun, Xuanyi Zhenjun, the heads of the three Kunluns in the west, south, and north, and the elders of the peaks are all waiting in the hall.As soon as Zhenjun Daoyan entered the hall, Zhenjun Xuanyi shook his sleeves, the door of the hall closed, and the protective array opened.

Zhenjun Xuanyi spoke first: "Brother Daoyan, what's going on?"

Zhenjun Daoyan flicked his robe sleeves lightly, and more than a dozen corpses of monks appeared in the hall immediately.These corpses belonged to various schools and sects. Among them, there were three members of the Kunlun sect, wearing white clothes and purple belts unique to North Kunlun.Looking closely, there is a black line between the eyebrows of each corpse, forcibly sealing their entire souls on the corpse, unable to leave.

A chill flashed in Master Yunxiao's eyes, "Where did you get this, brother?" The killing intent in his heart was even stronger.

"After Wuji Ridge was closed, I happened to run into Ah Qi and Ah Ruo when I came out. Ah Ruo's girl was almost hurt by the consciousness of a Nascent Soul cultivator. I stopped him, and he ran very fast. Ah Ruo said, then There was a lot of death in her body. When she pointed out the direction, I chased after her. There was a little girl from Mingxin Pavilion next to that person, and she seemed to be close. When I chased him, I happened to see that little girl giving him a The bag is very evil. I snatched the bag and hurt the man again. It really is an evil cultivator, and half of the person has become a skeleton. The little girl hid her cultivation, and finally, under the secret method of the evil cultivator, the two They all ran away. I opened the bag and saw these corpses inside! Most of them were Mingxin Pavilion disciples. I checked their wounds, and it was definitely not caused by fighting skills, but by someone secretly." Daoyan Zhenjun extremely After finishing speaking briefly, he lowered his eyes and remained silent.The three Bei Kunlun disciples who died were all from Lunjianfeng, and one of them he taught once, but he didn't want to die at the hands of others.

Master Xuanyi closed his eyes for a while, "Most of the corpses in Funiu Mountain are casual cultivators, and there are a few missing disciples from small sects. Unexpectedly, these people have all reached out to our three gates. "

"Brother Daoyan, have you notified the people in Mingxin Pavilion?"

"Well, the little girl in Mingxin Pavilion is Fangfang. I have already told Zhenjun Yangming who led the team this time, and I will also return the corpses of Mingxin Pavilion disciples to him."

"Let me pass the sword book to the heads of the various sects!" Zhenjun Xuanyi got up and said seriously: "Brothers, secretly and strictly investigate the disciples of each peak. I am afraid that our Kunlun has also sneaked in."

"Sect Leader, give orders!" All the people present stood up and saluted, and then dispersed in various ways.

Master Daoyan silently put away the bodies of the three North Kunlun disciples, and walked away with his sword.

Zhenjun Yunxiao had an extremely gentle smile on his face, walking hand in hand with Zhenjun Ning and Zhenjun.

Mr. Miao Yiyuan sighed, "Yun Xiao is angry." There was a saying in their generation that they are not afraid of Yun Xiao's anger, but they are afraid of Yun Xiao's laughter.The last time he laughed like this, he beheaded thirteen Golden Core cultivators of the Taisu Sect, and he became famous in one battle.

"This person protects his weaknesses to the death. It is strange that he is not angry when he sees the disciples of the North Kunlun being killed." Zhenjun Xuanyi answered, and Lord Miao Yiyuan squinted at him, "You don't protect your weaknesses!" If you don't protect your weaknesses, you will use Kunlun The sword book is given to the heads of each faction.

Zhenjun Xuanyi said coldly: "If you dare to offend Kunlun, you have to pay the price in blood."

At this time, Bai Qi and Su Ruo, who had just returned from the Sword Test Peak in North Kunlun, were sorting out the things they got in Wuji Ridge, when the voice of Fei Luo Yuanjun suddenly sounded in their ears: "Bai Qi, Su Ruo, give me come out!"

Her voice contained the coercion and spiritual power of the Nascent Soul cultivator, Bai Qi and Su Ruo spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time, their expressions changed, Su Ruo wanted to run out, but Bai Qi grabbed him , "Ah Ruo, don't go out!" They all knew that Fei Luo Yuanjun was venting his anger on his apprentice.

Su Ruo shook her head firmly: "Brother, let's go together."

Bai Qi stared at her for a long time, seeing that she was determined and refused to change her mind, so she could only sigh, "I won't let you talk for a while."

"Well, I listen to my brother."

When the two came out of the house, they saw Fei Luo Yuanjun, standing on a cloud handkerchief, looking down at them from a height, Jiang Weiyu and Zhang Qi, respectively left and right.Jiang Weiyu saw the blood on the corners of their lips, and had a gloating smile on her face.

"I've met Uncle Fei Luo." Bai Qi saluted, and Su Ruo pouted her lips and followed suit.From the day she came to Kunlun, she didn't like Yuanjun Feiluo of Chixia Peak at all. She always felt that she was eccentric and full of malice towards herself.

"Bai Qi, let me ask you why you let go of the Heavenly Demon Sect! As Kunlun Sword Cultivators, you are afraid of Demon Cultivators, dare not fight, and soft-spoken for peace, really embarrassing Kunlun!" Fei Luo Yuanjun He didn't distinguish between indiscriminate and indiscriminate, and he scolded the two of them very much when he came up. "Hmph, I don't dare to offend people from the Heavenly Demon Sect, bullying my fellow sects is terrible! What about Yun Xiao, tell him to get out, if he doesn't give me a word about today's matter, let's go to Xixin Pavilion!"

"My teacher is going to Yaotai, not to test the sword peak, but my uncle can enter the hall and wait." Bai Qi said gently and politely.

Fei Luo Yuanjun squinted at Bai Qi, then looked at Su Ruo, who was beside Bai Qi with a low eyebrow and pleasing eyes, and suddenly smiled coldly: "That girl Su Ruo was very arrogant last time, why is she so cute now?"

Jiang Weiyu covered her lips and smiled coquettishly: "Uncle Yunxiao is not here, and no one is supporting her, so naturally she shouldn't be rude to Master."

Su Ruo raised her head and glanced at her, and replied flatly: "Without your master, do you dare to talk to me like that!"

"..." Jiang Weiyu froze, she bit her lip, and stared at Su Ruo bitterly, without Mr. Fei Luo Yuan, she really didn't dare to talk to Su Ruo like that.There's no way, that girl beats up when she doesn't agree with her, and she can't beat her, so she suffers every time.

"Presumptuous!" Fei Luo Yuanjun snarled, "Wei Yu is your senior sister, so disrespectful, I will punish your master slightly!" As he said, he shot a water arrow casually.

"Master, calm down!" Bai Qi yelled, but he and Su Ruo drew their swords at the same time, blocking Fei Luo Yuanjun's water arrow together.

Fei Luo Yuanjun was really angry, and the monks in the Yuanying stage released all their coercion, and rushed directly to the two of them.Bai Qi and Su Ruo clasped each other's hands, their spiritual power circulated extremely quickly, and the Qian Kun Excalibur stood in front of their eyebrows, shining brightly, resisting the pressure from Lord Fei Luo Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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