Chapter 72
The more Bai Qi and Su Ruo insisted, the more angry Fei Luo Yuanjun was, the stronger the power that would be injected into the two of them. Su Ruo's cultivation level was lower than Bai Qi's, and he was the first to breathe out. Bai Qi was startled and accelerated his spiritual power. speed of operation.No matter how talented the two are, they are only in the foundation building period and cannot resist a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Fei Luo Yuanjun himself hated Zhenjun Yunxiao more than he loved him, and his beloved disciple was ruthlessly rejected by Bai Qi. When he saw Bai Qi and Su Ruo standing side by side, he looked at the behavior of his disciple. With only one shadow, the hatred in her heart couldn't help but increase.After so many years, the demons in her heart have become deep, but she didn't feel it, she just stubbornly believed that it was all the fault of Master Yunxiao, and she was the victim.

Today, when she heard Jiang Weiyu came back to complain, she was annoyed at the time, and brought her apprentice to seek an explanation.It just so happened that Master Yunxiao was not around, Su Ruo was rather rebellious, and Bai Qi was protecting her everywhere, Fei Luo seemed to have seen the scene of Yunxiao refusing marriage in public and walking hand in hand with another woman.

The more he thought about it, the more he hated it, and gradually he was controlled by the inner demon, and hit hard on Bai Qi and Su Ruo.

Countless ice needles covered the two of them, with Bai Qigan's sword on top and Su Ruokun's sword on the bottom, drawing a semicircle at the same time, the turbulent sword energy formed a sword net, protecting both of them, and countless crisp knocking sounds sounded, The two vomited another mouthful of blood at the same time.

"Okay, okay, you are indeed the talented disciples of this generation in North Kunlun. I want to see how long you can persevere." The performance of Bai Qi and Su Ruo stimulated Fei Luo Yuanjun even more.

That day, Yun Xiao and Qing Li were both genius disciples of North Kunlun. Although they were not as lucky as Bai Qi and Su Ruo, they obtained the dual swords of heaven and earth, and had matching exercises and sword formulas. However, in the countless times of joint training and confrontation with the enemy, they created a set of fencing techniques that belonged to only two people.At that time, Yun Xiao and Qing Li were the most famous fairy sword couple in Kunlun, with their two swords crisscrossing, they defeated countless outstanding figures of the younger generation of Dongji.

When Yunxiao was closed, he traveled down the mountain with Miaoyi Yuanjun and Qingxia Yuanjun, the second of the three immortals of Kunlun, and met Feiluo by chance at Jiuwanda Mountain.Feiluo Yuanjun is young and energetic, and is extremely hostile to Qingli. He is so obsessed with ghosts that he helps others drug Qingli.

Yunxiao even picked out the thirteen golden elixir masters of the Taisu sect to avenge Qingli.But Fei Luo, one of the accomplices, is both a fellow sect and the head's beloved disciple. He seriously injured Fei Luo, but he couldn't kill her.In order to protect his apprentice, Chong Xuzi took the initiative to give up the headship to Zhenjun Xuanyi, who had just conceived a baby, and hid himself in East Kunlun and never came out of the mountain again.

Fei Luo has been recuperating for 200 years. In the end, most of the brothers and sisters of the same generation have advanced to the out-of-body stage. Occasionally, a few are also post-Yuan monks. Only she barely formed a Yuan Ying, and her cultivation stopped at the early stage. Still can't move forward.She blamed Yun Xiao for the reason why she couldn't advance in her cultivation base, and she has been looking for troubles for Bei Kunlun disciples all these years.Especially after Yun Xiao accepted his disciples, he even targeted Bai Qi and Su Ruo.

Fei Luo made another move, and the sky was full of needle shadows, which made the two of them tired of coping. From time to time, ice needles pierced their bodies, bringing out bloody flowers, which also made their movements more and more stiff and their reactions more and more sluggish.

Bai Qi originally had a body of pure yang, compared to Su Ruo, he was better. Seeing Su Ruo's pale face, red lips with half a trace of blood gone, he felt pity in his heart, and tried his best to inject the most yang spiritual power into her body .

Fei Luo Yuanjun laughed, like crazy, "What kind of genius disciple is nothing more than that!" She had completely regarded Bai Qi and Su Ruo as Yun Xiao and Qing Li back then, and she struck faster and more ruthlessly.

Su Ruo and Bai Qi struggled to hold on, mobilizing every bit of spiritual power and consciousness in their bodies, but the sword came out faster and faster, but more concise and smooth.Each sword will most effectively block most of the ice needles.

Feiluo Yuanjun came to find fault, someone had already rushed to Ninghe Zhenjun.The chief seat and Zhenjun Daoyan are not there, only Zhenjun Ninghe has the ability to stop Feiluo Yuanjun, especially when Feiluo Yuanjun is obviously insane.

Ning and Ben were in seclusion, and after hearing the whole story, they stepped on their swords and said, "Damn, you dare to come to North Kunlun to play wild, you must be fat!"

Ning He came quickly, Yun Xiao was not slow, he was already angry, and when he came back, he happened to see Bai Qi and Su Ruo being knocked into the air by Fei Luo.

Without saying a word, he slashed at Fei Luo with a sword, and the boundless killing intent caged Fei Luo Yuanjun in it.This sword, True Monarch Yunxiao used [-]% of his strength, not only Fei Luo Yuanjun was injured and fell to the ground, but Jiang Weiyu and Zhang Qi were also implicated, the internal injuries would not heal within a year or so.

"Fei Luo, you are so brave, you dare to come to North Kunlun and go crazy! If you want to die, I will help you!" Yun Xiao's words were full of murderous intent, he really wanted to kill Fei Luo Yuanjun.

However, Dao Yan and Ning He are all there, if he wants to make a move, they will stop him.

Looking at the bloody flowers on his lover's white clothes, Yun Xiao was extremely angry, he couldn't kill anyone, but he could take care of her!
Zhenjun Daoyan knew Yun Xiao best. Seeing the evil spirit flashing in his eyes, his secret way was not good, and he wanted to stop him, but he was a step too late. Yun Xiao had already appeared in front of Fei Luo, and grabbed her with one hand, crackling, making a loud noise. Crisp and crisp, Fei Luo Yuanjun slapped more than a dozen mouths in a row.

He shot with a little spiritual power, apart from some redness and swelling on his face, Fei Luo's face and self-esteem should be the most injured.Yun Xiao just humiliated her purely, and he even thought maliciously, it's better if you can't stand it, go crazy, and die directly.As Fei Luo, when did she ever get slapped in the face, she was so easily killed that year, that is to say, she was injured all over her body.

She was really stunned by this series of slaps, and when she came back to her senses, she was thrown by Yun Xiao at the foot of Bei Kunlun. Standing high in the air, the disdainful words came clearly: "I swear by the dignity of the Kunlun swordsman, Fei Luo, if you and your disciples dare to step half a step into the North Kunlun, I will destroy you!"

After finishing speaking, the sleeves of the robe fluttered lightly, and the three masters and apprentices rolled away from the foot of the North Kunlun Mountain like a ball, and did not stop until they crossed the boundary of the North Kunlun!

Along the way, there were countless people watching... Fei Luo Yuanjun felt that his eyes were darkened, he spit out a mouthful of blood from his heart, and passed out.

"Master..." Jiang Weiyu hugged Fei Luo and tears fell like rain, Zhang Qi clenched his fists, wiped the blood from his lips, and said with firm eyes: "Senior Sister, I will carry Master back, let's practice hard, sooner or later A day to avenge this insult for the master and ourselves!"

"Well, I'll listen to Junior Brother!" Jiang Weiyu nodded vigorously with tears in her eyes.

Without mentioning the three masters and apprentices who went back to Chixia Peak, only Bai Qi and Su Ruo were brought back to the back of the palace by Master Yun Xiao, and carefully examined their bodies.

"Fortunately, it's not too serious." Yun Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. For others, the meridian that was frostbitten and broken by the monk Yuanying is not easy to heal, but for his two apprentices, it is only a year and a half. loaded thing.And there will be no sequelae.

Even so, Yun Xiao was still angry!
Seeing Bai Qi first wake up from the coma, Master Yun Xiao went over and knocked him on the head and said, "Your surname is Bai, so you have to be an idiot, don't you! You clearly know that the old woman is a lunatic, and she found it Now, you haven’t opened the protective formation yet, wait until I come back and deal with it, you have to go out to fight to the death by yourself, causing your junior sister to follow you and get hurt, you say you can’t stay here! Can’t stay here..."

Bai Qi hugged his head and begged for mercy: "Master, I was wrong, I was wrong, next time this happens, I will definitely guard my junior sister and not go out! Wait for you to come back and support us."

"Okay, okay." Ninghe Zhenjun went to pull Zhenjun Yunxiao away, "Don't get angry, Ah Qi is a gentleman, and he always respects the elders in the sect. No matter how crazy Feiluo is, he is also his uncle. How can I avoid it? Besides..." He glanced at Su Ruo, who was lying beside Bai Qi, with his eyelids closed but his eyes rolling around, and said with a smile: "The most impulsive thing in your family is this doll, don't you know it! Ah Qi has a calm attitude and is very polite to Fei Luo. This baby of yours is an impulsive child. Can she stay in the house obediently and wait for you to come back to support? You can dream!"

"Hehehe" Su Ruo opened her eyes and smirked at Yun Xiao, "Master, senior brother once said that I was not allowed to go out, I insisted on going out!"

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Yun Xiao nodded Su Ruo's forehead, and cursed five stupid words in one breath, "Look at her coming to find trouble, and making a move again, you won't run away! I don't believe it, but Fei Luo is still there!" I can chase and beat you two idiots to the fullest!"

Uh, I'm used to resisting monsters and resisting monsters, I don't have the habit of running away when I start fighting!Su Ruo bowed her head as if admitting her mistake, and muttered in her heart, this is the tragedy of MT and melee combat!

"Okay, okay, it's good to know that we are wrong. Although we are sword cultivators, we pay attention to going forward bravely and tempering ourselves in dangerous situations, but it doesn't mean that we are fools who know that we can't beat them and rush forward! We must also be proficient in tactics. Do you understand!" Daoyan Zhenjun shook his head with a smile, these two little Jiaqiu are good everywhere, but one is more determined than the other, and they will run to the dark in one way.

"Oh." Bai Qi and Su Ruo nodded obediently.

"Okay, let's heal your wounds. As for the cause of the matter, we will talk about it later."

Su Ruo pouted, "Let me talk about it first, or Jiang Weiyu will go to sue first." She detailed the process of meeting Shen Peilan, Jiang Weiyu and Zhang Qi in Wuji Ridge, Then he tilted his head and thought for a while, then turned his head and asked Bai Qi: "Brother, did I reveal anything?"

"No." Bai Qi shook his head.

"The tone is very neutral, without any personal emotions?"

"No, very neutral!"

"That's good." Su Ruo smiled brightly at Yun Xiao, and made a final conclusion: "That's it."

Master Yunxiao frowned, "This Zhang Qi has a bad temper!"

Daoyan Zhenjun patted him on the shoulder, "Let Junior Sister Miaoyi pay more attention and give some guidance appropriately. The child is still young, so it is normal to be greedy. It is precisely because of this that we need elders to teach us. Don't be afraid of mistakes. , I’m afraid that you know you’re wrong and don’t correct it.” As a master, he not only teaches you the exercises and how to practice, but also teaches you how to survive in this world of self-cultivation, how to cultivate your mind, and how to be a A monk who is truly worthy of his heart.On the growth path of every monk in Kunlun, the masters, brothers, and sisters all play a guiding role.

(End of this chapter)

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