Chapter 80
In an inn in Guxiang City, the brother and sister sat facing each other. Yao Huang leaned beside Su Ziqian, with his head down, his expression blank.

"Ah Jiu, she is Yaohuang, her original body is a peony." Su Ziqian said through gritted teeth, lowering his eyes and not daring to look at his sister.

Su Ruoka rolled his eyes twice, and said strangely: "Isn't she a human now?"

"I, I mean she is a flower demon." Did he not explain clearly?
Su Ruo waved her hand, "I know, I knew it when I saw my second sister-in-law for the first time. But, does it have something to do with you not going home?"

This time Su Ziqian was surprised, "How did you see that!"

"That big breath-holding jade belt is on my waist. I'm not blind, so how could I not see it." When Su Ruo saw Yao Huang in the store, Su Ruo saw the breath-holding jade on her waist at a glance.In addition, the breath on her body was a little abnormal, not like a normal human monk, Su Ruo guessed at that time that this beautiful woman might not be human.But what does it matter, there are good people and bad people, and there are also good and bad demons?In Su Ruo's place, there are people who are pleasing to the eye and those who are not pleasing to the eye, and demons are also divided into those who are pleasing to the eye and those who are not pleasing to the eye.It just so happened that Yao Huang was very pleasing to her eyes. "The point is, there is a store in the Su family, why did you let the second sister-in-law sell incense..."

Before Su Ruo could finish speaking, she suddenly raised her head and stared at Su Ziqian's especially painful and guilty eyes, "Is it my mother who disagrees, is it my father, or the elders of the clan?" The requirements for a double monk are probably a bit high.

Originally, according to Su Ruo's idea, with her mother's personality of loving children, it is unlikely that she would disagree.Her father's personality is a bit old-fashioned, and he disagrees with normality. The elders of the clan don't get ahead if they have to do something important. They don't bother to care about the issue of choosing a Taoist partner for their descendants.After much deliberation, the biggest obstacle is their father.

"The clan elders didn't say anything, but the parents didn't agree, especially Auntie." Su Ziqian smiled wryly, and seeing Su Ruo's expression, he knew what his sister was thinking.Originally thought that the biggest resistance in the family would be the father, but unexpectedly it was the mother who reacted the most.

Su Ruo repeated blankly: "Ah Niang?"

"Well, A Niang even selected women widely, and wanted to find me a wife. She said yes, as long as she is human." This sentence hit Yao Huang the hardest, and made him sad for a long time.

Su Ruo opened her small mouth and remained silent for a long time.This is not at all like her gentle and loving mother who pampers and pampers her children!

The room was silent for a moment, Yao Huang raised his head and looked at Su Ziqian, his eyes were full of reluctance, she didn't want to leave him at all, but... Seeing him seriously injured and seeing him in pain, maybe the clansmen were right, monsters have different paths, no Possibly married.

"Second brother, you and elder sister Yao Huang go home with me." Su Ruo said calmly, she shook her hand gently, stopping Su Ziqian's words: "Second brother, listen to me first. Who do you like, who do you want to be with? Whoever stays with you for life is your freedom. But you can't just walk away if your family doesn't accept your partner. This is too irresponsible and selfish. It's not good for the family or the second sister-in-law."

Speaking of this, Su Ruo looked at Yao Huang: "It's extremely difficult for grass and trees to become a monster. It's a great chance. The second sister-in-law can have today, it must be because of her blessings and blessings. Second brother, father and mother No matter how much you object, it is for the love of your son. You have to be considerate. If you leave with your second sister-in-law like this, father and mother will only hate second sister-in-law even more, thinking that she has kidnapped your son. How can you bear this? This crime falls on the second sister-in-law."

"But if I don't leave, do I really want my mother to marry me a random wife?" Su Ziqian didn't want his heart to be approved by his parents, it was just his mother's actions that prevented him from staying.He didn't want to disappoint his lover, let alone ruin an innocent woman's life, so he could only choose to avoid it.

Su Ruo wrinkled her nose, "This is what A Niang did wrong, I'll go back and tell her."

"Second Brother, you are the son of Father and Mother. If they don't agree, we can grind it out. Anyway, our life is still so long. After a long time, there will always be a day when we agree. What's more..." In Su Ruo's eyes Come on, parents always grind their children down.She winked playfully at Su Ziqian, "And I, I will help you persuade Father and Mother."

Su Ziqian raised his hand and rubbed Su Ruo's little head, "Okay, second brother listens to you."

"You can tell me now, where did your injury come from?" The second brother is also a monk of the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen, and he is in the area of ​​Jiangnan, who is so brave to hurt him.No, there is a possibility: "Second brother, you blocked the second sister-in-law's lightning disaster?"

"En." Su Ziqian nodded. With Yao Huang's growth period of less than 200 years and his practice of less than [-] years, it is really strange that he can withstand the thunder disaster.In order to help her survive the thunder disaster, he was not only injured, but also lost a high-grade fairy weapon. Perhaps this was the main reason why A Niang disagreed.

Yao Huang glanced at Su Ziqian, his lips twitched, he still didn't mention the pursuers from the Su family, but also moved his hand at Su Ziqian, causing him more injuries.If not, how could those scoundrels have hurt him and even snatched the little gourd.

After solving the problem of whether the second brother would stay or stay, Su Ruo blinked and moved closer to Yao Huang, reaching out to touch her body here and there, making Yao Huang itchy, and went straight to hide.

"Oh, the second sister-in-law's skin is so tender, it's really like a flower petal." Su Ruo's eyes glowed green, she was very curious about the flower demon a long time ago.Now that there is a living person in front of my eyes, I must have a good time.

Su Ziqian coughed twice, reminding Yao Huang of his ownership, but his younger sister ignored him completely, and leaned on Yao Huang like a puppy, sniffing here and there.It made Yao Huang's face blush, and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet at a loss.

Su Ziqian really couldn't see it anymore, he grabbed his sister off Yao Huang and put him outside the house: "Ah Jiu, go and rest, let's go home tomorrow."

Su Ruo stuck out her tongue at him and made a grimace, "I'm as jealous as big brother." After speaking, she snorted, turned around and left.

When Su Ziqian returned to the house, Yao Huang asked him hopefully but not uneasy, "Can your mother listen to Ah Jiu?"

Su Ziqian took her into his arms, "My parents love Ah Jiu the most, it will be much better if she can intercede." He originally took Yao Huang with him to find Su Ruo and ask her to intercede with his mother.He is a son of the Su family, so it is impossible for him to abandon his family.

There was nothing to say all night, and the three of them met on the second day, and went to the place where the boat stopped together.But he was stopped by seven or eight people in clothes.The leader looked indifferent, and when he saw Su Ziqian, he opened his mouth and shouted: "Su Ziqian is not going back with me!" Among the group, there was a pretty girl who looked at Su Ziqian, her eyes were full of uneasiness and apology, "Brother Ziqian, my father According to the order of the patriarch, I must bring you back, you...don't resist." Then, he stretched out his hand to pull people.

Su Ziqian took half a step back, blocking Yao Huang, and just about to speak, Su Ruo asked crisply: "Second brother is the fifth son of the Su family, do you want someone to take him home?"

Several people blocking the way looked at Su Ruo at the same time, and saw that she was simply dressed in white, her black hair was loosely tied into a bun, and was fixed with two white jade hairpins.With willow brows and phoenix eyes, skin radiant and snowy, she is elegant and elegant, and her appearance is no different from that of Yao Huang who is the incarnation of the peony flower demon. What makes several people pay more attention to is the meaning of her words.Her name is Su Ziqian's second brother, and her appearance is five points similar to that of the owner's wife. Could it be the young lady in the family?

The leading man hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Are you Miss Jiu?"

Su Ruo smiled lightly, and the big Kunlun Fairy was full of fan, "It's me, Su Clan's Ajiu."

The pretty girl clutched her chest and looked at Su Ruo in surprise: "Ah Jiu."

Su Ruo tilted her head slightly, nodded and said: "Zhenzhen." Turning around, she bowed slightly: "Elder Ji."

"Miss Jiu." Several people returned the salute at the same time.

Su Ruo took Su Ziqian's hand and said with a slight smile, "I'm going home with my second brother, can Elder Ji accompany me?"

Ji Tong looked at Su Ziqian, then at the smiling Su Ruo, and nodded simply: "Yes."

"Then, let's go." Su Ruo pulled Su Ziqian, and at the same time took Yao Huang's hand, coquettishly: "Sister Yao Huang, you will be on the cloud boat in a while, you want to sit with me, let's ignore the second brother That stinking man."

Ji Zhenzhen couldn't help saying: "Ah Jiu, this Yao Huang is a monster, you'd better keep a distance from her!"

Su Ruo said nonchalantly, "It's okay."

"Ah Jiu, madam doesn't like Yao Huang..." Ji Zhenzhen has always admired Su Ziqian, the fifth son of Su. Originally, with her qualifications and family background, this admiration can only be suppressed in her heart.If Su Ziqian actually brought a flower demon back home and said he wanted to marry her, his wife would be furious.To marry Su Ziqian, and to be blunt, as long as she is a human being.The extravagant hope in her heart came out all of a sudden, she is a double spiritual root, and now she has refined Qi to the eighth level, and she is considered good among the children of the Su family.Isn't it, this time you can get what you want.Because she was very active in recovering Su Ziqian.

Su Ruo gave her a cold look, and her voice was full of warnings: "Zhenzhen!" The coercion belonging to the foundation-building monks fell on her, making her turn pale and shut up instantly.Fortunately, the coercion was over at the touch of a button, and she didn't even give her father time to protect her.

"I invited Sister Yao Huang to return home with me. She is my friend."

"Yes, this subordinate understands." Ji Zhenzhen took two steps back, her downcast eyes were full of bitterness.

Ji Tong felt sorry for his daughter, and just about to speak, Su Ruo glanced at him: "Elder Ji, my brother's injury looks familiar, don't you think?"

Ji Tong was startled, in order to get Su Ziqian back and fulfill his daughter's infatuation, he unknowingly laid down a ruthless hand.Thinking about it now, Su Ziqian was the patriarch's son after all, he was too reckless at the time.

Su Ruo stepped forward, and when passing by Ji Zhenzhen, she lightly said a word: "When the second brother was at home that day, you failed to seize the opportunity, so don't worry about those extra thoughts now!"

Ji Zhenzhen trembled, and suddenly raised her head to look at Su Ruo's back, her eyes were complicated and hard to distinguish.

(End of this chapter)

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