Chapter 81 Parents
On the flying boat of the Su family, each master has a different mind, and they all hide in their rooms and do not go out.Su Ruo also felt that this trip was a bit boring, but it was her family members who were connected by blood.She is reluctant to part with her parents and her second brother, so she can only be the middleman by herself. It may be thankless and cause both sides to complain, but if she doesn't do it, she will blame herself for the rest of her life.

The flying boat will arrive home in one day, Su Ruo stands at the bow of the boat, looking around, blue sky, white clouds, green trees and green hills, the scenery is picturesque, and the mood suddenly brightened after being dull for many days.

"Ah Jiu." Ji Zhenzhen's voice came from behind.

Su Ruo turned her head and smiled slightly, "Zhenzhen."

"Can we talk?" Ji Zhenzhen looked at Su Ruo, her eyes filled with confusion and pleading.

"Okay." When she was young, because of her second brother, Ji Zhenzhen took care of herself a lot, and Su Ruo wanted to talk to her a long time ago.The outside world is so exciting, why do women have to guard a man who doesn't like themselves, and waste their entire lives?Why!
After setting up the soundproofing array casually, Su Ruo said, "Tell me, I've already set up the soundproofing array, no one will hear it."

Ji Zhenzhen tried her best to suppress her excitement, and it took a long time before she blurted out: "Ah Jiu, Fifth Young Master is your biological elder brother, why don't you just watch him go astray?"

"Misguided? Is it misguided just to fall in love with a flower demon?" Su Ruo thought it was a little funny, and she really laughed, her dimples appeared, and her laughter was crisp and clear, "Those who pursue power, wealth, and even beauty, etc. Waiting for the monks to practice evil methods and let themselves be depraved, is this considered a wrong path?"

"Those who are not of my race must have a different heart, then Yao Huang is a flower demon, how could she be wholeheartedly good to the fifth young master." Ji Zhenzhen looked into Su Ruo's eyes, almost as if she was looking at a life-and-death enemy.

Su Ruo said sternly: "First of all, no matter what Yao Huang has in mind for my brother, it is a matter between the two of them. I have no right to question it, and neither do you. Second, the second brother has already completed the Dzogchen The monks of the Su family are counted as the Su family. After the foundation is established, the elders will no longer care about it and let it develop freely. Therefore, who the second brother likes and who he wants to marry is his freedom, and it is also his private matter. If one day he Therefore, the injury has a cause and an effect. Third, if one day Yao Huang loses the affection of his second brother and does something that hurts him, I will definitely seek revenge from her."

"Could it be that you don't care if you just watch him get hurt? Then there are sisters who do that."

"No one can tell in the future. Why do you think that the second brother and Yao Huang will not be happy? As far as I know, Yaoxiu values ​​kindness more than the sky, let alone life-saving grace. This is enough. Let Yao Huang give up on the second brother. Sometimes, demon cultivators are far more frank than humans, their loves and dislikes are clearer, their actions are more genuine, and they are far less complicated than human hearts." Su Ruo took a deep breath, turned around and looked seriously. Looking at Zhenzhen: "Zhenzhen, before the second brother entered the sea of ​​books outside the world, you were together day and night, why didn't you express your feelings at that time? Today, the second brother has his own heart, but he jumped out again, a picture of affection Look, don’t you think it’s funny? You missed it first, so don’t look at my second brother with the eyes of a heartless man. He has no responsibility or obligation to you. On the contrary, it’s you who enjoyed Ji Yuan’s ten years Don't you feel ashamed of taking care of you every day?"

"On the other hand, people in the world don't know what they are, and those who have spiritual roots are one in a million, and those who can step into the road of cultivation are only three or four out of ten. You must waste this luck on someone who looks at you Is it like nothing on a man? This world is so wonderful, how many times have you seen it, do you have the heart to miss it? Is it really worth it to lose your dignity and gamble your future just for a man?"

After Su Ruo finished speaking, she withdrew the formation, patted Ji Zhenzhen who was standing blankly, and said in a gentle voice: "Zhenzhen, think about it carefully, is it worth it or not!" Having said that, she passed by her lightly and walked to her room go.

Zhenzhen turned around suddenly, with tears in her eyes, and asked, "What about you, do you think it's worth it? If Bai Qi changes his mind, would you be willing?"

Su Ruo stopped and said without turning her head: "If that's the case, I will cut off my love. Maybe I will cry for ten or twenty years, but I won't cry for a lifetime, right? There is no man worthy of me. He cried for the rest of his life. From then on, the sky is high and the sea is wide and the sea is wide, and what awaits me will be another wonderful thing." She turned her head and smiled brightly at Zhenzhen, "Remember, be nice to yourself." After finishing speaking , simply left.

This is Su Ruo's view on love, if you like it, you can tell it directly, if you get along, stay together, if you don't get along, break up.Resentment and sadness are also experiences in life. After the past, the sea will be brighter and the sky will be brighter.

Zhenzhen stood in the place where Su Ruo was just now, looking into the distance like her, and the boundless sky came into her eyes.She took a deep breath. During this period of time, for Su Ziqian, she was worried about gains and losses, and she no longer looked like herself.Now that I calm down and think about it, what exactly does she like about Su Ziqian?Family background, appearance, and cultivation are all wrong. At that time, it was just a matter of asking but not getting it. If you are too persistent, you will become a demon.In recent years, her cultivation has not improved any more, and she has been doing nothing all day long. What did she miss?The Su family also has female hall masters and shop owners. They are brilliant and never inferior to male cultivators. What was the oath I made when I entered Taoism?Must be a father's pride.What about now?She is a drag on her father!
Ji Tong stood not far away, looking at his daughter with worry in his eyes.

Zhenzhen covered her face and wept bitterly, her teary eyes fell to the ground between her fingers, Ji Tong moved and was about to come over, but was pulled by his sleeve.Startled, he instinctively moved a few steps sideways and looked sideways.Su Ruo, who just walked away, raised her index finger in front of her lips, her big phoenix eyes curved into a lovely arc, "Uncle Ji, don't go, Zhenzhen will figure it out, you have to have confidence in your daughter." After she finished speaking, He waved at Ji Tong, "This time I really left."

Zhenzhen cried happily for a while, wiped away the remaining tears on her face vigorously, and then smiled brightly on her face. She wanted to practice hard and go and see the wonderful world Ah Jiu talked about.

The flying boat landed in Su's mansion, and Su Ruo jumped out immediately and threw herself into the arms of a beautiful woman, "Aniang, Aniang, Aniang, I miss you so much, do you miss me?"

Chu Yao hugged her daughter's petite body, and smiled with tears, "I don't want you, a little white-eyed wolf, who has been away for so many years and didn't know to come back to see."

Su Ruo pouted and twisted her body in reluctance, "The master only allowed me to go down the mountain by myself, it's not that I don't want to come back."

"Okay, okay, it's all mother's fault." Facing the little daughter she hadn't seen for several years, Chu Yao's heart was sour and sweet. She slightly pulled her daughter away, stroked her hair, and said to her husband with emotion: "We Ah Jiu has grown up and become a big girl?"

"Well, but Father and Mother are still so young and beautiful." Su Ruo has followed Yun Xiao all these years, and she has not practiced anything else, but she is extremely proficient at making people happy.

Chu Yao hugged her daughter and smiled happily, but Patriarch Su deliberately put on a tiger face and made an angry look: "Who said I am an old man?"

Su Ruo stuck out her tongue: "You are hundreds of years old, you are not an old man."

Su Wenche was angry and laughed, reached out and knocked on the girl, looked at the second son who got off the flying boat and Yao Huang who was following him, abnormally didn't say anything, just said indifferently: "Just come back."

It made Su Ziqian think that his father had been taken away.

Even when Chu Yao saw Yao Huang, she frowned and didn't say much. She was very happy when her daughter came back today, and she didn't want to get angry.

After the family rejoiced, Su Ruo followed Chu Yao back to the house like a little tail.

Chu Yao randomly picked up a chair and sat down, glanced at Su Ruo, and pointed to the chair beside her, "Come and sit, I want to plead with your second brother, how can I stand so far away?"

Su Ruo leaned over in a few steps, snuggled into Chu Yao's arms, and said with a charming smile: "Nothing can be hidden from A Niang's eyes."

Chu Yao pinched her little nose, "Don't give me ecstasy soup, to tell you the truth, I never agree with your second brother marrying a flower demon."

Su Ruo was not in a hurry, she rubbed back and forth in Chu Yao's arms until she softened her heart and smiled, before asking, "Auntie, why don't you agree? Don't tell me that shemale has different ways or something. , I know that there are quite a few demon cultivators in the family books."

"As much as you know."

"When I was a child, I saw my third uncle grow out several tails when he was drunk." Su Ruo blinked her eyes as an example. Later, she found out that her mother's third sister actually married a real vixen, a nine-tailed fox. fox.

"Pfft... I said why you chased after your third uncle's ass every day at that time, which made your father jealous." Only then did Chu Yao know why she fell in love with the third brother-in-law at first sight when she brought her little daughter back to her mother's house, and even her father I don't want my mother anymore.

"Cough, when did I get jealous?" The head of the family came from outside the house, looked at the charming girl in his beloved wife's arms, and smiled, "Little girl, you are the only one with sharp eyes."

"Hmph, of course I have sharp eyes. I also know that you are not going to test Yao Huang this time, are you?" The more Su Ruo thinks about it, the more she gets up and walks around the indifferent father, then tilts her head to look at Mother, "Let me just say, Uncle Ji has always been cold-hearted and warm-hearted. If the second brother really leaves home, he will definitely help in private. How could he hurt someone? It turns out that it was a trick made by you."

Chu Yao and her husband looked at each other, and pulled her daughter to sit down, "Yao Huang is originally a monster, although he is simple, he is not human after all, I am worried that your second brother will be hurt by her in the future, so I have to watch it for a while. Moreover, if there is no experience between the two of you, how would I know if Yao Huang is sincere to your second brother."

Su Wenche went on to say: "Although the position of patriarch is inherited by your elder brother, Ziqian is his brother and sister. In the future, your elder brother will rely on him a lot. I can't let your second brother's backyard catch fire. Besides, the demon cultivator treats human beings very well. Always be wary, what if a demon wants to do something to the Su family through her, what should I do? It is your second brother who will be injured."

"What a fool, let the second sister-in-law swear if you are worried! Swear by the demon pill, it's fine." Su Ruo said nonchalantly, and she pulled her small face, and said very strangely: "I really don't understand, obviously It's such a simple thing, you guys have the ability to make it extremely complicated."

"..." Bear child, who gave birth to her!

(End of this chapter)

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