Chapter 84 Restart
In Su Ruo's sweet dream, three years passed by lightly.In the dream, she seemed to be transformed into a grass, a tree, a stone and a water in the green mountain.Plants take root, germinate, bloom, and bear fruit, and the cycle repeats itself.When the wind and rain pass, flowers are flying all over the sky and falling, and the people are like rain falling red, miserable and miserable.But for plants, flowers fall and bear fruit, and the gestation of another life is as sacred and sweet as human pregnancy and childbirth.

The clouds in the world turn into rain and fall, some are absorbed by plants, some flow into creeks, and some seep into the soil and flow into underground rivers.Then, when the sun was shining brightly and the water steamed and turned into clouds again, she heard the water droplets cheering and jumping for joy.

This is the most ordinary life in nature, they are always vigorous and vigorous.The corners of Su Ruo's lips curled up, revealing a beautiful smile.Following them, it seems that life couldn't be simpler and happier. In their eyes, there will never be difficulties and sorrows.

In the ear, Jiuquan briskly found the sound of tick-tock, and Su Ruo could even feel its sudden joy. The child it took care of was about to grow up, and it warmly invited to sing along.

The little vines were twisting and dancing with joy, the wine spring spewed out suddenly, but it split into three in the air and entered into three little gourds.Although the small gourd is small, it has a large capacity. The Jiuquan spewed non-stop for three days and three nights, and then slowly slowed down and finally stopped.

The small green gourd began to change color slowly. From the very bottom, it turned into a crystal clear white, as flawless as beautiful jade, and as clear as glass. When the entire gourd completely changed color, it fell from the vine, and it happened to fall on the sky. raised jade hands.

The long and slender hands glowed in the dark, not inferior to the shiny little gourds, even faintly superior.The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the phoenix eyes, which had been closed for three years, slowly opened, and the stars in the midnight-like eyes were shining brightly.

The petite woman stretched her body lazily, and a sweet and soft voice sounded in the silent cave: "I slept so comfortably." It was indeed comfortable, reborn in this world, except for the first few years, normal work and rest After entering the Tao, they all use meditation instead of sleeping.At the beginning, I was very uncomfortable and often felt sleepy, but after a long time, it will naturally get better.

It is said that Su Ruo, Bai Qi and others are geniuses, but geniuses also need to work hard, even harder than ordinary people.Because of their natural aptitude, the families and sects all set their eyes on them with anticipation. Countless resources such as spiritual stones, pills, talismans, magic weapons, etc., were all used first.This preferential treatment and attention is both pressure and responsibility, spurring them to move forward at all times and never dare to stop.

An accident within an accident, Su Ruo was drunk for three years and slept soundly, as if she wanted to make up for what was lacking in the previous ten years.Waking up again, she only felt extremely comfortable, as if she had thrown away a heavy burden, making her want to sing loudly and dance to her heart's content.

And she did the same, put away the defensive formation, passed through the monkeys, rushed out of the cave, and went straight to the top of the mountain with the sword, screaming loudly, with the long sword in hand, moving her body freely and dancing freely.The breeze, the bright moon, the night stars, and the sleeping green onion mountains are all in the eyes and reflected in the heart.

Under the moonlight, on the top of the mountain, Su Ruo didn't think about anything, she just used all the sword skills she knew, and at the end of the dance, she even picked up the sword moves at will.The bright moon is setting in the west, the sun is rising in the east, Green Onion Mountain is slowly waking up, and Su Ruo is also moving and stilling, staring at the moon and stars for a long time, and the sun rising.Day and night alternate, the sun rises and the moon sets, the most common law is just like the life of the creatures in this world.Facing the rising sun, Su Ruo smiled slightly. At that time, things in the world couldn't be simpler, but people made it complicated by themselves.

She stretched greatly, and walked slowly down the mountain, thanks to the group of cute little monkeys.As soon as he woke up, he was already in the late stage of foundation establishment, it should be the effect of those three bowls of wine.She still remembered everything in the dream, seeing the plants and trees of the Green Onion Mountain again felt very kind, the wind blew through the trees, and the woods rustled, as if greeting her.

The group of monkeys in front of the cave had finished their breakfast and were playing with each other. Seeing Su Ruo coming, a golden female monkey ran over quickly, her eyes full of surprise and attachment.

Su Ruo bent slightly, and met the fiery red eyes of the mother monkey, "You are that little monkey back then."

The female monkey nodded again and again, and called "Zhi Zhi" to Su Ruo.

Su Ruo reached out and touched its head, took out the Beast Yuan Pill from the storage ring, and handed it to it, "I should go, you have eaten this, here it is, but you should use it sparingly every time."

The female monkey bowed again and again, Su Ruo waved goodbye to them, Yu Jian circled around in the mountain, and then flew out of the mountain.

Although I don't know how long it has passed, Su Ruo also knows that she has been delayed in the Green Onion Mountain for a long time.

In Longshan City, the Kunlun Gate has its own residence, Su Ruo widened her eyes and said in surprise, "I haven't heard from you for more than three years?" Well, after sleeping for three years, she is considered a sleepy god.

The resident manager Jin happened to be a disciple of Bei Kunlun, he said with a smile: "The chief has already passed down the message, asking us to pay attention to the whereabouts of the little junior sister, but I didn't think about it, but I was sitting at home, and the lucky stars descended from the sky."

Su Ruojiong has a spirit, why is she being laughed at by her master when she goes back now. "Has my senior brother left the customs?"

Guanshi Jin shook his head, "No, but the last time I went back to the mountain, seeing the happy face on the head seat, I think Junior Brother Bai went well."

Su Ruo nodded, she also knew that alchemy was no better than foundation building, it was normal for three to five years, even ten years, as long as the senior brother was fine.

She honestly sent letters to Master Yunxiao and his family, explaining why she hadn't seen him for three years.At that time, she had advanced and could go back to the mountain.But when she thought that she had been drunk for three years, and now she would not be scolded to death by her master when she went back, she decided to take a stroll outside, and she would go back to the mountain after her senior brother successfully formed a pill and left the pass.At that time, the master only cared about being happy and didn't have much thought to scold her.

After making up her mind, Su Ruo was in the mood to take out the small gourd from the Green Onion Mountain to study.Three small gourds were lined up on the table, each of them was only the size of a palm, and they were as crystal clear as if they were finely carved from the top-grade white jadeite glass.Su Ruo couldn't put it down to play with it, and opened a small gourd casually, and the room was filled with the aroma of wine, which was exactly the same as the wine spring she drank that day.

Su Ruo didn't dare to drink too much this time, she just took out a small jade cup, poured a shallow layer, and sipped it slowly.Refreshing, sweet and slightly spicy spreads in the mouth, and a touch of red cloud stains the jade cheeks.She shook her head, smiled silly twice, and fell asleep on the bed.

Perhaps after being drunk for three years, she became resistant to alcohol, and the next morning, she jumped up energetically.After saying goodbye to Guanshi Jin, Su Ruo's next stop was to go to Jiuwan Dashan to look for the Eye of Heaven.

According to legend, there are immortal magic artifacts, natural materials and earth treasures in the eye of the sky, but no one knows what is inside the eye of the sky.For tens of thousands of years, very few people have actually seen the Sky Eye. Without exception, they have all become the top figures in the cultivation world, which makes the Sky Eye even more mysterious.

Well, in order to prevent herself from going the wrong way, Su Ruo jumped on the flying boat after hearing Guanshi Jin's words.Dressed in the uniform of a Beikunlun disciple, she attracted the attention of several waves as soon as she got on the flying boat.

The destination of this flying boat is Jiuwan Dashan. It can be said that everyone in the boat is going to Jiuwan Dashan.The interior of the small flying boat is not too big, so Su Ruo chose a place at random, sat down, closed her eyes and settled down.

One day, two days, ten days in a row, and finally someone couldn't help but come over to talk. "This Kunlun fellow Taoist invites you." A young man came over, dressed in ordinary green cloth, with long eyebrows, handsome eyes, and a gentle demeanor, somewhat similar to Bai Qi.

Su Ruo opened her eyes and nodded slightly, "Dao is friendly."

"My surname is Wen, Wen Huaxuan." The man was very polite, and pointed to a few men and women who were with him, and introduced: "Sister-in-law Wen Huayan, cousin Huayan, and brothers Li Feizhuo and Li Feiyue, this one It’s Cui Haoyuan, fellow Taoist Cui from the Promise Sect.”

Su Ruo nodded lightly as a signal, and simply spit out four words: "Kunlun, Su Ruo." After speaking, her eyes fell on Wen Huaxuan, and she quietly waited for him to explain his intention.

Wen Huaxuan cupped his hands: "Fellow Daoist Su, it's like this. We are all going to the Ninety Thousand Mountains. The mountains are dangerous and unpredictable, so we will go together temporarily, but Fellow Daoist Su is willing to join us."

Su Ruo tilted her head and thought for a while, then nodded and agreed without any other choice.She can go in by herself, or form a team, anyway, it's all right.

But Wen Huaxuan didn't expect this seemingly cold and arrogant Kunlun nun to agree as soon as he said it. He was overjoyed and hurriedly invited, "Fellow Daoist Su, sit here. If you want to go to the mountain together, it's better to get acquainted in advance."

Since she agreed to join the team, Su Ruo simply moved and sat down among the group of people.Cui Haoyuan, who had been meditating, opened his eyes and looked at Su Ruo when she came over, then closed his eyes and went to practice.

When it came to Su Ruo, I found that Cui Haoyuan's cultivation was also in the late stage of foundation establishment, and he carried a long sword on his back, which seemed to be his main focus on swordsmanship. He couldn't help but feel itchy. He hadn't fought anyone for a long time. Her arms and legs were already rusted. .Coming out of the [-] mountains this time, she will definitely not be able to go into the deep mountains and old forests again. She wants to find someone to fight with, and find many people to fight with!
Taking another look at Cui Haoyuan, Su Ruo thinks he is a good candidate?However, what method should be used to make an appointment?

Su Ruo's attention was on Cui Haoyuan, and all the people sitting there could see it.Wen Huaxuan's younger sister, Wen Huayan, felt a little frustrated.They and Cui Wenhao were the first team formed, and they are relatively familiar with each other, and Wen Huayan has a good impression of Cui Haoyuan.Now there is a beautiful girl in the team, with high cultivation and good background, she seems to take Cui Haoyuan seriously, so she can't help but feel a sense of crisis.

"Su Daoyou, why did you go down the mountain to practice alone?" Hua Yan was the first to speak. Originally, there were only two women in the team, her and her cousin, but this time another one came, feeling a little indescribable in her heart.

Su Ruo said honestly: "My master thought I was annoying, so he drove me down."

... Everyone remained silent, and even Cui Haoyuan twitched his mouth. What the hell did she do to make her master drive her down the mountain?

(End of this chapter)

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