The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 85 Hanyun City

Chapter 85 Hanyun City

There were seven people in the temporary team plus Suruo. As the team leader, Hua Wenxuan felt that there should be no need to add more people. When the flying boat arrived at Hanyun City at the foot of the Jiuwanda Mountain, he said, "Let's go to each other separately. Add some necessary items, and then meet in the Chongyu Building in Beicheng."

"Okay." Everyone nodded at the same time and dispersed on the spot.

Su Ruo flipped through the storage ring, and then looked at the several storage bags on her waist. There was no shortage of pills, formations, and talismans, so there was no need to add anything.It seems that there are a lot less snacks of all kinds, so she should bring more.

Hanyun City is larger than the few towns that Su Ruo has been to before, of course it is not as good as Yanan City where the Su family lived for generations, but it can be regarded as a first-class big city in the East Pole cultivation world.

The Nine Thousand Mountains is not like other spiritual lands and secret realms. The outside world is dominated by ordinary people, and there are even mortal villages dotted in it. Only through the outside, through a natural poisonous mist, can one enter the real Nine Thousand Mountains.

Su Ruo wandered around in Hanyun City, going to various restaurants and teahouses, and took away their special snacks one by one.

After leaving Tianyi Tea House, turn left and you will find a small fruit shop, and you will feel the cool air blowing in your face.The boss is a simple and honest man in his 40s. When he saw Su Ruo, he immediately came forward with a smile and said, "Fairy, do you want to buy some spirit fruits? They are all fresh today."

Su Ruo looked at the fruit shelf, her eyes lit up, and she pointed at the fruit shelf: "Boss, are you engraved with formations on this shelf?" People's living standards, and this array is a superposition of three arrays, dust removal, freezing, and spirit gathering are combined into one, which is quite creative.

The boss scratched his hair, smiled innocently, and couldn't hide the pride in his smile: "My son made this, and he said that in this way, both spiritual fruits and ordinary fruits can be kept longer."

"Your son is very smart." Su Ruo said with a smile, at least he has some talents in formation and refining. "I don't know, does he have a teacher now?"

"No, his aptitude is not very good. The things I know now are all learned by myself from the jade slips I bought for him with the money from opening the shop." Speaking of this, the middle-aged man feels sad. It's okay to have roots, but he has spiritual roots, but his aptitude is really not outstanding, and no school is willing to accept him.Moreover, he doesn't have so many spirit stones for him to cultivate.

Su Ruo's heart moved, and she rummaged through the storage ring. She remembered that she should have a jade slip for getting started with formations. It's rare to meet such a person who is willing to delve into it. Sending it out can be regarded as giving him a step-by-step brick. . "Boss, I think your son is very talented in the art of formation. Give this piece of jade to your son. If he is willing, after three years, the Kunlun Mountain will open again and recruit disciples. Let him Your son will try it."

"This... this... I can't afford it." The middle-aged man held the jade slip in fear and trepidation, wanting to accept it, but he was afraid that the price would make him unable to pay it.

Su Ruo smiled, and casually glanced at the spiritual fruits in the store, most of them were first- and second-grade, and a small amount of third-grade spiritual fruits, but fortunately, most of them were special products of the Ninety Thousand Mountains, and they had never been eaten before. , I feel good looking at it.She pointed to the spiritual fruit in the store and said, "The jade slip is the money for me to buy your spiritual fruit."

"Ah... good... good... thank you fairy." The boss thanked him excitedly, and put the jade slip into his arms carefully.

Su Ruo waved her hand, and she was not polite. She picked up the pleasing ones in the store and swept away a lot. When she left the door, she did not forget to tell the boss: "I remember that after three years, it will be Kunlun who accepts apprentices. At that time, you can let your son try it. Our Kunlun apprentices never look at aptitude, only look at character, if your son's character passes the test, he will naturally be admitted to Kunlun."

Thanks to the boss's thanks, Miss Su walked out of the fruit shop with frowning eyebrows. She was in a good mood. Does this mean that Kunlun has recruited a talent who can form a formation?If he can successfully enter Kunlun, the third senior brother will like it.

With a good mood, Su Ruo scanned from store to store, feeling like shopping in her previous life.Hee hee, it feels good to spend money, especially when you have a lot of money in your bag.

"Ah Jiu?" Su Ruo had just arrived in Beicheng when she heard someone calling her.

She turned her head and looked around, but found no one she knew.Suddenly a group of fluffy things ran by her feet, she looked intently, and it turned out to be a little snow-white fox, with excellent fur, smooth and shiny, and a fat body, very cute like a fur ball .

Two or three young men and women were chasing after the little hairball. The girl ran forward while calling Ah Jiu with an anxious face.When Su Ruo passed by her side, she stepped aside and suddenly realized that the little fox's name was also Ah Jiu!She was suddenly a little embarrassed, it felt weird to have the same name as a pet.

The little fox was very fast and dexterous, but it was no match for the encirclement of several people, and was soon caught by a tall man.

The girl from before ran over quickly, her face flushed, "Cousin, thank you." While saying that, she hugged the little fox.

The little fox seemed extremely unwilling to be embraced by the girl, so he turned around abruptly, and bit the girl's hand bowl with one bite. The girl let out a scream, and threw the little fox on the ground, clutching her wrist, watching the blood dripping from her fingers. Dripping from the cracks, the eye circles suddenly turned red.

"Naughty beast!" The tall man with black body cursed, pinched his fingers lightly, and threw a Ruyi gold ring at the little fox.

The little fox dodged left and right, and was about to be hurt by the golden ring, Su Ruo somehow felt pity for it, and swung his long sword to hold the golden ring.

The man in Xuanyi looked at her with displeasure on his face, and when he saw Su Ruoqing's beautiful and exquisite face, he was stunned for a moment, his eyes flashed with amazement, and even his voice softened a lot: "This fellow Taoist , why stop me?"

Su Ruo smiled slightly, "There is also a fate to raise a pet. Since the white fox doesn't want to follow Lingmei, how about letting it go?"

"Sounds good, why did this fox cost us three hundred spirit stones?" After treating the wound, the girl immediately continued, "Cousin, this little beast hurt me, and I want its life."

"Isn't it just three hundred spirit stones, I'll give you another hundred, how about giving me this white fox?" Su Ruo didn't say much, just took out a small bag, counted out four hundred low-grade spirit stones, and threw them to the man .

"I won't let it go, I have to kill it today."

"You can try." The little fox seemed to know that Su Ruo could save its life, and ran to her feet with a few steps, hooked her clothes with its little paws, crawled to her shoulders, and lay down on its stomach.Su Ruo rubbed its fur sideways, moved by the soft touch, and decided that she was right in this business.

"You..." Anger flashed in the girl's eyes, she pulled out her long sword casually, and said coquettishly, "Try it."

Su Ruogang wanted to explain that if the girl lost the fight, he would accept the Lingshi and give her the white fox.The man in black had already stopped the girl. He glanced at Su Ruo's cassock, pondered for a moment, then reached out to take the spirit stone, "Okay, the white fox will be handed over to Fellow Daoist."

"Thank you." Su Ruo bowed her hands and saluted, then turned and left.Well, since she communicated with all things in nature in Lush Mountain Drunk, she seems to have become more and more soft-hearted towards spiritual things.

"Cousin, why did you give her the white fox!" came the girl's pampered voice.

The man in black said in a low voice: "That woman is the direct disciple of the True Monarch of Beikunlun." In one sentence, he explained why he gave up the white fox.

The corners of Su Ruo's lips curled up, and she thought to herself: It seems that the identity of Kunlun's direct disciple is very useful.

"Hey, little fox, let's have a meal later, let's break up." Su Ruo raised her hand and stroked the smooth fur of the white fox, "I will send you back to the Ninety Thousand Mountains, and then, you can go home quickly Come on, don't make your family wait in a hurry." She said meaningfully.

Surprise flashed in the little white fox's eyes, and he stood up on her shoulders, his small body tensed.

Su Ruo didn't look back, and her steps were still unhurried, "Don't be afraid, my third uncle is a nine-tailed fox, so I'm more sensitive to the breath of your family." Yes, as early as the first time the little fox hid When opening the golden ring, Su Ruo sensed the aura on it that was very similar to her third uncle.Just now, she tried to talk to each other, but it didn't work out as she expected.

Third Uncle... The little white fox buried her head in Su Ruo's neck, sniffed and sniffed hard, but she didn't smell the monster clan at all. This is clearly a person!Wait, it seems that a senior in the family has married, and the wife seems to be human. Could it be that this girl has something to do with his wife?The little white fox lay on Su Ruo's shoulder, lost in thought, with its long, fluffy tail hanging down, Su Ruo grabbed it in his hand, kneading it and playing with it.

"Squeak...don't play with other people's tails!" Su Ruo rubbed the little white fox until its hair stood up, its sharp canine teeth bared, and threatened: "Rub my tail again, be careful I will bite you, my teeth will be sharp .”

Su Ruo didn't take its threat to heart at all. While pulling the white fox off her shoulders, rubbing it to play with, she said casually: "Little fox, I saved your life? I don't want you to show me your body." What the hell, just let me rub and play, as if you repaid my life-saving grace."

The little white fox's body froze, and he closed his mouth in aggrieved manner, admitting that Su Ruo would turn it over and overturn it and ravage him.

"Chongyu Building!" The five-storey building stands out from the crowd, and Su Ruo has seen it at a glance since he stepped on this street.Standing downstairs, looking up, she nodded at the gold characters on the black background, and commented seriously: "The words are not bad, very imposing." According to people, this word was mentioned by the first generation of Chongyu landlord, and it contains Knowing his way in it, if someone can understand the meaning, the cultivation base will immediately increase by one level.

Well, this is just a legend, but many people believe it. Every day, many people come to Chongyulou to observe calligraphy.For Yu Suruo, a legend is a legend, just listen to it as a bedtime story.But I don't want to, that legend may also be true.

As soon as she boarded the Chongyu Building, she chose a seat on the third floor by the window, when she heard the commotion downstairs, and the aura around her was quickly drained.Hearing the sound and looking down, a woman in red was standing downstairs, staring at the plaque, thoughtfully, countless auras gathered around her, obviously enlightened.

(End of this chapter)

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