The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 87 Dislike each other

Chapter 87 Dislike each other
Su Ruo pulled her back upstairs, went back to the previous table and sat down, and ordered the spirit tea and snacks to be served again, before Su Ruo said, "Eighth Sister, you are all right." It was that Shangguan Xuan had a problem, The personal relationship between you and Su Xin is a personal relationship, and if it involves the same family, you should treat each other fairly.Su Xin wanted to exchange two spiritual plants, so she asked her to do it, because what you get, you have to give, and he made everyone feel uncomfortable by such a cross-talk.

What is Wuji No.1, it is a bit difficult to live up to its reputation!Su Ruo has some opinions on Shangguan Xuan.But in front of Su Xin, she was not easy to say, she glanced at Su Xin with a peachy face, bit her lip, and opened her mouth, "I feel that it is a bit inappropriate for Brother Shangguan to deal with it like this. "

Su Xin raised her eyebrows and asked: "What's wrong, Senior Brother Shangguan is also doing it for my own good." Unconsciously, her voice raised a little.

Su Ruo frowned, and placed a restraint casually, before she opened her mouth and said: "If Shangguan Xuan discovered this Tianxin grass first, he can do whatever he wants, it's his property. However, it was obvious that someone else discovered it first, and he has What right to make decisions for others, just because he is the master of Wuji Sect?"

"Brother Shangguan didn't give it to me for nothing, and I didn't intend to ask for it for nothing. If I get the Sky Heart Grass in the future, I will naturally return it to them." Su Xin argued.

"Forget it..." There is no need to argue with words, Su Ruo is too lazy to talk to Su Xin, she just made a final point: "Eight sister, don't you think you trust Shangguanxuan too much?"

Su Xin smiled lightly: "You don't do the same to Bai Qi!"

How can it be the same, Bai Qi and her are connected with each other, and the dual cultivation of life and life is almost equal to his half body, but what about Shangguan Xuan?Who is he from Su Xin?friend?confidant?lover?
However, she also mentioned what should be mentioned, and the rest is Su Xin's own business, which has nothing to do with her.

Su Ruo always felt that the brainwaves between Su Xin and Su Xin were not on the same line, and she didn't know what to talk about right now, so she had nothing to say, "Eighth sister, are you planning to enter Jiuwan Dashan again?"

Su Xin nodded, "I got a new prescription, and the medicines are almost ready, only Tianxincao and Wuxiguo are left. If the Heartcao is already available today, the only thing left is Wuxiguo." Thinking of Su Ruona just now The Tianxin grass that came out was quite regrettable: "Ah Jiu, you just gave them the Tianxin grass."

Su Ruo glanced at her, playing with the teacup, but didn't speak.She didn't want to give it either, but she couldn't let people gossip about the Su family and Kunlun behind their backs, and she didn't want people to talk about her sister.

Seen by Su Ruo, Su Xin felt a little embarrassed, and quickly changed the topic: "Ah Jiu, are you going to Jiuwan Dashan?"

"Yeah." Su Ruo nodded, "There is nothing left and right, go in and take a look, see if you can meet the Sky Eye with good luck."

Su Xin covered her lips and smiled, "It's definitely possible."

The little white fox was busy eating for a while, upon hearing this, he turned his head and glanced at Su Ruo, then lowered his head and continued eating, hiding the thoughtful eyes in his eyes.

The two sisters chatted one after another. Su Xin stroked the fur of the little white fox, a little fondly, and said straightly, "It's so cute."

Su Ruo poked its belly, glanced at the stack of dim sum plates on the table, a little disgusted: "It's too delicious."

The little white fox glared at her dissatisfied, "Zhi, what do you know, it's good health!"

"Humph!" Su Ruo poked it again, "Resist again, and take your heart money."

"Zhi..." The little white fox rubbed against Su Ruo's hand flatteringly, making the two sisters laugh.

After laughing, Su Xin invited: "Ah Jiu, since we met, let's hold hands together, and we can take care of each other." She is already a Dzogchen Foundation Establishment, and her cultivation level is higher than that of Su Ruo, so she feels that she should do her best. Responsibility.

"I have teammates." To be honest, Su Ruo didn't really want to act with Shangguan Xuan.If it was a fight, she would be interested.

Just as they were talking, Wen Huaxuan brothers and sisters from the previous temporary team, and Cui Haoyuan from Wujimen came up together, and walked this way when they saw Su Ruo.

Su Ruojie removed the restraint and said with a smile, "You guys are here, this is Eighth Sister Su Xin."

Wen Huaxuan said: "Fellow Daoist Su, are you also with us?"

Just as Su Ruo wanted to say that she had a companion, Su Xin said, "Yes, I wonder if this fellow Taoist is welcome?" Su Xin had made up her mind to take care of Su Ruo.She has been to the Ninety Thousand Mountains several times, so she is quite familiar with it, but if Su is going there for the first time, if something happens, it will be bad.

Wen Huaxuan smiled and said, "Of course you are welcome!"

Su Ruo asked: "Then what about Shangguan Xuan?"

Cui Haoyuan had already greeted his fellow disciples just now, and after hearing Su Ruo's words, his gaze fell on Su Xin's face involuntarily. Is this girl actually with Uncle Shangguan?

Su Xin hesitated for a moment, but the desire to return Su Ruo's favor still prevailed, she got up and said, "I'll go and talk to him." After speaking, she got up and went downstairs.

Unexpectedly by Su Ruo, Shangguan Xuan also joined in.This time there was a Golden Core cultivator here, and he was also a very famous person in the cultivation world. Wen Huaxuan, the number one master of the younger generation, was naturally happy, and there was another layer of security.

Not much to say, after everyone arrived, the whole team set off.When going downstairs, the Churui girl from the Wuji Gate sent an invitation to Su Ruo: "Junior Sister Su, if you have time to play at the Wuji Gate, I will definitely treat you well."

Shangguan Xuan looked at Su Ruo with a hint of vigilance in his eyes, this woman was too scheming, first she hit someone with a spirit stone, then apologized with a spirit grass, she easily accepted Chu Rui's heart, even the other Several people also have a deep affection for her.Should it be said that she is worthy of being the master of the Su family's divine sword and the direct disciple of Master Yunxiao?
However, he sneered, with so many thoughts, it's no wonder that his cultivation is one step behind Xin Xin.If this continues, it will be difficult to conceive a baby!

Just as Su Ruo didn't feel good about kissing Shangguan Xuan, Shangguan Xuan didn't like Su Ruo too much.In his opinion, Su Ruo's handling method just now showed that she was highlighting her identity as Miss Su Jiu and the first direct disciple, always overpowering Su Xin.It's really a good idea to let Su Xin be grateful to her even though she's face to face with her sister.

Shangguan Xuan and Su Xin traveled together all the way, and have been to several secret realms. He thinks he knows Su Xin well and has a good impression of him. Naturally, he can't see her being bullied by Su Ruo.

"Let's go." Shangguan Xuan pulled Su Xin to the front, and he made up his mind to keep Su Xin away from her deep-minded sister.Just now, Su Ruo's behavior of throwing down the healing medicine, in Shangguan Xuan's view, was showing his favor to him, especially with that smile just now, who was she trying to seduce?The more he thought about it, the more annoying he became, Shangguan Xuan exuded an aura of not being close to strangers all over his body, and he didn't talk to anyone, only when he met Su Xin, he would be softer.

Su Xin couldn't tell what kind of mood she was in now, seeing Shangguan Xuan's honesty towards Su Ruo, she felt very happy in her heart, thinking that she really didn't choose the wrong man.Thinking of Bai Qi, who always had a gentle smiling face to everyone, if countless women fell in love with him, she felt that Su Ruo was quite pitiful, having such a fiancé at birth.You must know that indiscriminate gentleness is the most annoying thing, worse than a playboy.

"Be careful..." Su Ruo pulled Hua Yan beside her, and the long sword slashed out. A small snake no more than three inches long was chopped into two pieces and fell to the ground.

"Poison Lady..." Hua Yan's face turned pale all of a sudden, and the poison of the Poison Lady ranked among the top three among the poisons in the [-]-mile mountain.It's just that this kind of poisonous snake has always only appeared in the central area, why did it come across it when it entered the outer area today?

"Jie Jie Jie..." There was a strange laugh, "The little girl is very sharp." With the ear-piercing strange laughter, a man with a very strange appearance appeared in front of everyone. It is covered with poisonous insects, its skin is blue, its eyes are protruding and its pupils are blood red, and the strangest thing is that it has no nose, and even its lips are incomplete. With such an ugly appearance, it is necessary to show a weird smile, with sharp teeth looming.

Shangguan Xuan's face was solemn, he clenched the long sword in his hand tightly, blocked Su Xin behind him without any trace, and warned several people in a deep voice: "Be careful, this person is a well-known evil cultivator of the Five Poisons in the cultivation world. Not too high, but his poison skills are superb, and many people are ruined by him." Shangguanxuan said yes, everyone knows that the Five Poisons have a strange nature, love to play with female cultivators, and fall into his hands every year There are countless ordinary women and nuns.He especially likes to target female cultivators from aristocratic cultivation families and sects, and he is definitely one of the most hated female cultivators in Dongji.

Naturally, Su Ruo had heard of such a famous person. She squinted her eyes and looked at the man in front of her, secretly guarding herself. Seeing what he meant, she might be targeting one or several of her group.

The five-poison real person is good at poisoning with one hand. There are many poisons around him, and he has advanced to the Jindan stage for many years. He has rich combat experience and relatively simple methods, but they are all very effective.Su Ruo drew out the divine sword, moved her position slightly, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and the killing intent in her heart was awe-inspiring.This kind of scum deserves thousands of knives, and it's not enough to vent hatred.He had to be eunuched first, and then his soul was refined, so that he could suffer all the sufferings in the world and die.

Sensing the murderous aura in Su Ruo's heart with the divine sword in his hand, the sword glowed and gradually took the shape of a phoenix.

Seeing Shangguan Xuan calling the real person who broke him, Wudu Daoist was not annoyed, he laughed, "Someone actually recognizes Daoist Master. I am in a good mood today, leaving two little girls behind, Daoist Master will let you wait for a way out!"

Su Ruo didn't answer, and really took a move to attack the sky, with 180 sword qi flying across.She didn't intend that this move would do any harm to Master Five Poisons, but it could kill some of the poisons around him and around him, so that she wouldn't have to do it for a while, which would only add trouble to her own side.

Apparently, Shangguan Xuan thought the same way, raised his hands and flew out countless wind blades, cooperating with Su Ruo's sword energy, enveloping the five poisonous real people.

(End of this chapter)

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