Chapter 88 Injured
It was only a blink of an eye from Su Ruo's sword qi coming to Shangguan Xuan's wind blade. The real Wudu smiled and said, "That's right." Standing still, the snake in his hand With a block of the long staff, all Su Ruo's sword and Shangguan Xuan's wind blade were stopped.

To his surprise, what Su Ruo and Shangguan Xuan said to him were false, but what they said to him was real to the poison around him.

After the sword qi and wind blade, the poisonous snake and centipede died all over the place.Daoist Five Poisons was so angry that he laughed strangely, looking at Su Ruo and Shangguan Xuan with cold and resentful eyes.

Shangguan Xuan's face was serious, and he told everyone: "Don't break the spiritual energy protection, turn to breathe inward, pay attention to the poison he releases."

Looking sideways at Su Xin, Shangguan Xuan's eyes softened: "Xinxin, follow me, mainly to clean up the poisonous snakes and insects around him."

"Hmm." Su Xin unleashed the double swords, which were a spiritual treasure she had recently obtained, the purple and green double swords.When she got it that day, she thought it was the most famous pair of flying swords of the Shushan Sword School in a long, long time ago comprehension novel.After refining, it was discovered that the name of the purple and green twin swords was entirely derived from the color of the pair of swords.

As the only Golden Core cultivator in the team, Shangguan Xuan was obliged to be the main force and stop the Five Poisons.Su Ruo saw that he was still able to deal with it, so he and the rest of the people focused on cleaning up the poisonous insects and snakes released by the five poisonous real people.

True to his name, Five Poisons lived up to his name. He temporarily recruited countless poisons from ninety thousand mountains, and cast them with secret techniques to continuously attack everyone.

Especially the giant-bellied wasps flying in the air are highly poisonous and have sharp poisonous needles that can pierce the aura shield, so we must pay special attention to them.

Hua Yan and Wen Huayan, who had never seen so many poisons before, were frightened, and naturally slowed down their hands.Su Ruo flicked the tip of her sword lightly, stabbed eighteen giant-bellied bees to death, and relieved Hua Yan's siege. She took the time to say, "Don't be afraid, the more you are afraid, the more mistakes you will make. These things are not high-level, but they are more in number."

Not just the two women, but the four men, Hua Wenxuan and Cui Haoyuan, have never seen so many poisonous insects at one time.
The few people here had just settled down from the panic, when Shangguan Xuan groaned and took a few big steps back, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

Although the Five Poisons had hurt Shangguan Xuan, they didn't have the desired effect, and at the same time they were shocked by the idea, and at the same time felt the intention of retreating.Originally, he saw that his lifespan was almost exhausted, but his cultivation was not improved at all. He happened to get a double cultivation secret, which mainly focused on harvesting yin and nourishing yang. Nascent Soul looks again, even the poison kung fu can advance to another level.

He had made all the preparations. He had taken a fancy to the female cultivator of Yimingxin Pavilion before, but it was hard for her to make a move because she had been in Hanyun City all the time.When I was following that female cultivator, I happened to see Su Xin's epiphany advance - Foundation Establishment Dzogchen!He calculated that Su Xin's cultivation base was higher than the woman he wanted to catch before, which would benefit him more, so he decided to change her temporarily.
It was also Su Xin's bad luck, it was difficult to choose a place, and they chose the place where the five poisonous real people hid the poison to enter the Jiuwan Mountain.At that time, the real five poisons were planning to let the snake bite a person first, and then take advantage of the chaos to snatch the person and leave.I didn't expect Su Ruo to find out, and locked him in an instant.He didn't take Shangguan Xuan and his party seriously, and decided to show up directly and snatch them away.
Immortal Five Poisons wanted to retreat, but he didn't want to leave empty-handed, so he could only use the kung fu of pressing the bottom of the box. He heard a strange laugh, and the talisman of life appeared in his hands. It was a pair of black ghost claws, sacrificed in the air , turned into countless sharp claws, accompanied by endless dark green smoke, covering several people.

Shangguan Xuan finally made a move, a gust of wind blew away the dark green smoke, the azure blue sword met the ghost claw, the sound of metal and stone colliding, Shangguan Xuan took two steps back, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

Su Ruo's spiritual energy filled the blade, and the scarlet phoenix flew out with a long cry, and the smoke dispersed wherever it passed.Turn the world upside down in one move and block the rest of the ghost claws.The sword spirit of Kunjian is the divine beast phoenix, its fierce fire is the nemesis of all evil poisons, after a crisp sound, Su Ruo was seriously injured, but he also cut off the finger of the ghost claw.

This pair of ghost claws is the natal magic weapon of Daoist Wudu, if the magic weapon is damaged, he is also seriously injured.When Shangguan Xuan saw it, he narrowed his slender eyes, released the flying sword, turned into thousands of needle shadows, and shot at the five poisonous real people.Su Ruo gritted her teeth in the same way, pulled out all her spiritual power, the Kun sword flew up and turned into nine sword lights, "Nine Nine Returning to One" also ran towards the dantian of the Five Poison Master.

Su Xin's attack power has been weak these years, but her defense is really good. As soon as the real five poisons released the ghost claws, she also sacrificed a thick earth bell to protect several people at the same time.

Cui Haoyuan also sacrificed a magic weapon, which flashed with golden light and pierced people's eyes.

The rest of the people also released their unique skills, and all kinds of magic weapons shone with different colors for a while, but the one that really caused the greatest damage to the five poisonous masters was still Shangguanxuan's style.No matter how good Su Ruo's divine sword is, her cultivation is limited, but the place she chose to attack is very good, and the five poisonous real people are not physically trained, so the body cannot block Su Ruo's sword.

When Shangguan Xuan and Su Ruo's attacks were approaching at the same time, he could only choose to take Shangguan Xuan's attack hard and block Su Ruo's attack first.

After the loud noise, Su Ruo's body was knocked into the air, and the blow from Jindanqi Daoist's [-]% cultivation made her faint instantly.Wudu Daoist was not much better, he accepted Shangguanxuan's trick, causing countless needle holes on his body, bleeding continuously, because the magic weapon and the divine weapon head-to-head, broke two ghost claws, and even made his primordial spirit All were injured.

Ever since Wudu Daoist became famous in East Pole, he hadn't experienced such a hardship. Taking advantage of Shangguan Xuan's inability to exhaust himself, he couldn't use the second move for the time being, the ghost claws were like lightning, and went straight to the fainted Su Ruo.

"Ah Jiu!" Su Xin called out anxiously, unable to save her in time.Shangguan Xuan tried his best to release the flying sword, trying to block it for Su Ruo.

Shangguanxuan's flying sword is also a spiritual treasure, but it can't hurt the real magic weapon of five poisons. After the ghost claw paused, he flew towards Su Ruo again.

But this meal was enough, Shangguan Xuan and Su Xin both aimed their attacks at the Five Poisons.

Just when Ghost Claw was about to catch Su Ruo, a black flame suddenly rose from her body. Ghost Claw seemed to be very afraid of the spiritual flame on Su Ruo, so it paused again.As soon as Qian Jun shot, Su Ruo woke up and rolled on the spot, the Kun sword was slashed out at will, without moves, it was just one of the easiest ways to use a long sword, but it miraculously blocked the ghost claw.

Su Ruoruo is thoughtful, but the situation does not allow her to think too much.Daoist Five Poisons was besieged, so of course he had to call back his talisman. Su Ruofeng's eyes widened, and the divine sword flew up, entangled the ghost claw with all his might.Over there, the Five Poisons Master, who had not recalled his talisman, only held up his staff and fought with Shangguan Xuan and Su Xin.When Shangguanxuan held onto the long staff of the Five Poisons Immortal, Su Xin's purple and green swords took the opportunity to throw a shuttle in the style of a jade girl, and landed on his dantian. , The whole person caught fire.

A ray of golden light burst out of his body suddenly, but was stopped by Shangguan Xuan, who lightly picked it up with his fingertips, and the golden core of Daoist Wudu had already reached his palm.

After finishing all this, he turned his head to look at Su Xin, and praised softly: "Xinxin, you did a good job."

Su Xin blushed and lowered her head, "If you hadn't entangled him, I wouldn't have been able to succeed."

After a fight, Shangguan Xuan suffered some minor injuries, Su Xin beheaded the five poisonous real people, and the rest of them were only exhausted in spiritual power or injured by poison, and they were fine after using the detoxification pill.

The most unlucky one was Su Ruo, who was the most seriously injured. He was already sitting cross-legged on the ground, took medicine, and entered meditation to heal his injuries.

Su Xin blushed, and then she thought of Su Ruolai, turned around and ran to her, saw her closed her eyes in meditation, although her complexion was pale, but her expression was very peaceful, without any sign of pain, she calmed down and stood quietly by the side.

Shangguan Xuan said: "How is your sister?"

Su Xin said: "It looks like there shouldn't be any serious problems."

Seeing this, Shangguanxuan stopped talking, took out the futon, walked under a tree on the side, and went to practice with his eyes closed.

Su Xin looked at Wenhuaxuan and the others, and smiled apologetically, "Sorry for delaying everyone's schedule."

"It's because the next few people are ashamed. Their cultivation base is limited, and they didn't exert much effort. On the contrary, it caused fellow Daoist Su to be seriously injured."

"Ah Jiu is fine, she will be fine in a while." Seeing that the faces of several people were ashamed, Su Xin comforted them gently.

Su Ruo was not seriously injured as Su Xin thought.Her injuries were serious, a blow from a Jindan stage real person with [-]% cultivation was enough to break two-thirds of the meridians in her body.After that, she forcibly increased her spiritual power and locked the ghost claws of the five poisonous real people, which made her hurt even more.

Fortunately, Su Ruo practiced special skills. After she healed Bai Qi that day, she seemed to be self-taught in healing.In addition, she was drunk in the Green Onion Mountain for three years, and she was integrated with nature, and she realized the cycle of life from all things in nature, so she also had a certain understanding of speeding up the recovery of injuries.

A steady stream of spiritual energy came from all around and gathered around Su Ruo. The Tai Chi diagram in the dantian was turning upside down, and the five-color spiritual power slowly transformed into vigorous wood-type spiritual power, swimming in Su Ruo's body lively. Walk, wherever you pass, the meridians continue, and the disordered spiritual power returns to the main force little by little.

After all, Su Ruo was seriously injured, two-thirds of the meridians in her body were broken, and she needed a little repair.
Shangguan Xuanzha sensed that the aura around Su Ruo seemed to be particularly vigorous, he opened his eyes and glanced at Su Ruo, seeing that her complexion had turned rosy, he was secretly surprised.Thinking back to the previous fight, Su Ruo's performance has definitely changed her opinion.She is not the kind of pampered female cultivator from aristocratic family, she has some real skills.

But when Su Ruo thought of her fiancé Bai Qi, Shangguan Xuan's eyes were full of fighting spirit. After Yan Zishen and Bai Qi formed an alchemy, he must compete with the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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