Chapter 89
Time passed by little by little, Su Ruo's injury was only half healed, she opened her eyes, and smiled apologetically at Wen Huaxuan, "Fellow Daoist Wen, I'm afraid I won't be able to go to the Ninety Thousand Mountains with you."

Wen Huaxuan knew that she was seriously injured when he heard the words, and asked with concern: "Fellow Daoist Su, how is the injury?" That's right, she is only at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and it is already against the sky to be able to block the blow of the Golden Core Stage. How could it be possible to only suffer minor injuries?

Su Xin also cared: "Ah Jiu, how are you doing?"

Su Ruo said: "It's only half healed, I'm afraid I won't be able to go today, fellow Daoist Wen, let's go first."

"This..." Wen Huaxuan hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Since that's the case, Fellow Daoist Su, we'll take the first step." They entered the Nine Thousand Mountains this time for a purpose, and someone at home was waiting for the elixir to save their lives.Although he regretted that he didn't have a deep relationship with Su Ruo and the others, but he always knew each other, and there will always be time to meet each other in the future.

Wen Huaxuan led a group of people away, Su Xin's eyes fell on Su Ruo, and she asked with a smile: "Ah Jiu, tell the truth, is your injury really not healed?"

Su Ruo was a little displeased: "Bajie, I never lie."

"..." Su Xin smiled awkwardly, "Don't be angry, Ah Jiu, I was just teasing you. By the way, shall we go back to Hanyun City now?"

Su Ruo said: "I'll go back to Kunlun's branch in Hanyun City to recuperate. Eighth Sister and Shangguan Taoist friends can do their own thing." Su Xin came to the Nine Thousand Mountains for the elixir, and Shangguan Xuan also has his own affairs, so there's no reason to let them It's a waste of time to accompany yourself to recuperate.

Su Xin thought that she owed Su Ruo too much in the past, but this time she was injured, she had to accompany her all the way.But Shangguan Xuan... She turned her head to look at Shangguan Xuan who had closed his eyes and meditated under the tree. The sun shone on his body, making him feel a little warmer in the cold air. Especially when he sensed her gaze, he opened his eyes and smiled, A little bit of warmth flashed in the black eyes, which was particularly touching.Su Xin's face turned hot, and tenderness suddenly appeared in his eyes, "Senior Brother Shangguan, Ah Jiu is injured, I will accompany her back to the city to recuperate, why don't you go and find friends from the Wuji Sect to go with you?"

Shangguan Xuan's smile faded when he heard the words, and he asked expressionlessly: "Friend Su retreats to heal his wounds, Xinxin, you can't help much, and let her worry about you, why bother?" He didn't like Su Xin's treatment of Su Ruo very much. focus on.

Su Ruo also interjectedly persuaded: "Eighth Sister, isn't it necessary for you to enter the Jiuwan Dashan? It's good to follow the Shangguan Taoist friends on the road. As for me, you don't have to worry about it in Kunlun. After I recover from my injury, I will go find you .”

Su Xin hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly, "Alright."

Even though Su Xin decided to follow Shangguan Xuan, she insisted on sending Su Ruo back to Hanyun City.

Since Su Xin was willing to go with him, Shangguan Xuan didn't say much anymore, and accompanied Su Xin to send Su Ruo back to Kunlun's sub-helm in Hanyun City, and handed it over to the manager of the matter, and set off on the road.

Su Ruo went to retreat to heal her injuries, and asked the steward not to pass the news of her injury back to the door.Su Ruo retreated, the little white fox couldn't stay still, wandering around in Hanyun City, the most frequent place was the back kitchen of the restaurant, to steal chicken from other people.It was clever, and when it found someone chasing it, it ran to the Kunlun sub-rudder. The steward knew that it was brought by Su Ruo, so he could only laugh or cry and apologize to people, and then he lost the Lingshi to settle the matter.

Later, I simply went to a few restaurants that the little white fox often patronized, paid the money in advance, and let them see the little fox as if they hadn't seen it.

After a month passed, Su Ruo used her spiritual power for the last week, let out a mouthful of foul breath, and finally opened her eyes.Finally, the injury finally healed, and his cultivation in the late stage of Foundation Establishment was also consolidated.

"Little fox?" The first thing to do when leaving the customs is to find the greedy little white fox.During these days, she roughly knew what happened to the sub-rudder, she couldn't laugh or cry, and only waited until she left the customs to clean it up.

"Zhi..." The fat little fox came out from nowhere, with two residual leaves on its head, and its small greasy mouth was about to rub against Su Ruo's body.Su Ruo quickly grabbed a piece of meat at the back of its neck, lifted it up, and swung it up and down in circles, amazed, "Are you admiring the spherical figure very much, so you are working hard to develop in that direction?"

"Squeak..." The little white fox writhed uncomfortably, its four little paws kicking wildly in the air, Su Ruo hit it several times in a row to remove dust, and then hugged it in peace, buried her head in the Rubbing the soft white fur on its body, it sighed comfortably: "Little fox, you're getting heavy again. But it feels good to be a little fatter."

Su Ruo moved her hands together and kneaded for a while, the little white fox squeaked and screamed, and finally broke free from Su Ruo's arms. The white hair all over her body was messy, and a layer of mist was cast over her amber eyes. Ruo was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his long hand, picked it up again, and said to himself: "Little fox, after you take shape, you must be a vixen that will bring disaster to the country and the people."

Just as the little white fox raised his head triumphantly, and wanted to squeak twice to express his agreement, Su Ruo's tone turned into pity, "You eat so fat, it would be great if you can knock out your husband and snatch it back, I guess you took the initiative to take the hook." No."

"Squeak..." The little white fox bit Su Ruo's sleeve and grinded his teeth angrily.

After teasing the little fox, Su Ruo hugged it and went to look for the steward. After such a long delay, it was time for her to go into the mountain.Giving the steward a few spiritual herbs, thanking him for taking care of the little fox, Su Ruo left.

Alas, in the end, I went into the mountain alone. If I knew this, I would have formed a team.After biting a detoxification pill, passing through the poisonous fog, the true face of the ninety thousand li mountain appeared in front of Su Ruo.

The towering mountain peaks are shrouded in thin clouds, there are many strange rocks nearby, and the vegetation is green. Occasionally, a few first-order Gale Rabbits jump from the grass, with their long ears erect, listening to the movement around them vigilantly.

"Well, the spiritual energy has become stronger, and there is nothing special about it." Su Ruo put the little fox on top of her head and walked forward slowly.

"'s no fun." Jiuwan Dashan is the back garden of the little fox's house, and it often plays here.

Su Ruo was wandering around aimlessly in the Ninety Thousand Mountains, unlike Su Xin, she had a precise purpose, she came here for the spiritual grass and spiritual plants.Although she said that she wanted to see the Sky Eye, she knew in her heart that it was so easy to come across the Sky Eye.If it was easy, it would just be included in the legend.

She didn't intend to go to Su Xin either, it would be immoral to disturb other people's intimacy.

I don't know if Miss Su Ruo's luck is good or bad. According to the legend, in the [-]-mile mountain with ten steps and five steps, she wandered around without encountering any strange lands or mazes. Then there are many monsters and beasts.

Now she is entangled with a flower spider that is as tall as three people.

This spider is about to reach the fifth level, and it can spin silk and spray poison. Su Ruo, who was attacking from a distance just now, has suffered a disadvantage and can only fight in close quarters.However, this is a female spider that can give birth to baby spiders. At the beginning, Su Ruo was really flustered for a while.Fortunately, the spider is huge, and its movements are not very flexible. After a while, Su Ruo grasped the trick, and it was easier to deal with it.

The Excalibur slashed at the spider, and several streaks of green liquid sprayed out from the wound. Su Ruo jumped to the opposite side, just avoiding the spider silk that the spider turned around to spit out.

Another move to kill all the little spiders, Su Ruo stood behind the spiders, mobilized all the spiritual power, the sword body glowed red, and slashed straight, splitting the spiders in half.

"Huh..." Su Ruo let out a long breath, let the little fox out, sat down on the ground, stuffed a magic pill into his mouth, watched the little fox dug out an inner pill in a familiar way, and swallowed it in one gulp. Entering the stomach, he burped in satisfaction.

"Little fox, can you eat like this?" Su Ruo asked worriedly.She doesn't know much about the advancement of monsters, but she instinctively feels that it is not good for the little fox to eat like this.

The little white fox returned to Su Ruo's arms and fell asleep directly. Su Ruo poked its stomach worriedly, and muttered in a low voice, "It seems to be a little thinner, and the hand feel is not as good as before." After finishing speaking, put the spider body back into the storage ring, He carefully dug up the seven-leaf orchid, put it in the jade box, left quickly, returned to the cave he had found before, set up restrictions, set up a defensive formation, and closed his eyes to practice.

At this time, within the mysterious Eye of Heaven in the ninety-thousand-mile mountain, a man in black came out of the closed stone room, with a smile on his lips, and said softly, "Ah Jiu, Ah Jiu, I'm out."

After screaming for a long time, no familiar figure appeared. The man's slender eyes narrowed dangerously, and he quickly searched for the place where the little fox used to play.

His body was full of viciousness, his eyes turned red, and a cold voice sounded: "Jiu Niang, if I catch you this time, I will definitely lock you up for 50 years!"

The little white fox sleeping in Su Ruo's arms trembled slightly, as if it had dreamed of something terrible.It opened its eyes suddenly, looked around with its ears up, and found that it was still in the girl's soft arms, so it lay down in peace.

Well, Teng Ming is about to leave the customs, and he has to go back before he leaves the customs, or he will be miserable.But Tianyan...can outsiders enter without Teng Ming's permission?The little white fox bit its paw and rolled over, in trouble.If you run on your own, how long will you have to run?But this girl's cultivation base is not high, and she can't reach the innermost part of the Ninety Thousand Mountains.

After a night of nothing to say, Su Ruo packed up and set off, once again embarking on the road of entanglement with monsters and beasts.After taking away a mountain ape, Su Ruo keenly noticed that there was something wrong with the little white fox. She didn't make a fuss in the beast ring to come out to play, and didn't pester her to eat the inner alchemy. Is this sick?
She quickly caught the little fox out, checked it over and over again, and muttered: "Don't tell me you have eaten the inner alchemy, have you made it through?" Pointing the little fox's head with her finger, she hated iron for being weak and scolded: "I have already said that those inner pills are all you. I don't know what you are anxious about. You insist on swallowing them all. Let you eat less. You are not greedy. What if you really eat it badly? "

(End of this chapter)

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