Chapter 90 Distress
The mountain ape who was beaten up by Su Ruo just now went back and called his friends to find a place. Su Ruo didn't care about looking at the little fox, and directly stuffed it back into the beast-guarding ring, and stood up to fight.

The mountain ape was different from the giant apes she had fought with before. The strongest one was no taller than a person, with quick speed, sharp claws, and iron-like fur. Except for a brown line hidden in the lower abdomen, they were all invulnerable.

Su Ruo didn't want to kill them either, just to hone herself.But these mountain apes are very smart, after fighting with Su Ruo a lot, they would learn her moves and attack her instead, which surprised Su Ruo.

She was curious, so she stayed here for several days, meditating every night and fighting with mountain apes during the day.To say that this girl is also quite bad, the sword in her hand could not be easier to hurt the mountain apes.And she was just a little bit harder at the beginning and hurt the mountain ape. After these few days of training, she has been able to pluck the hair without hurting the slightest bit.

Those mountain apes who came to fight with Su Ruo were picked out by her in colorful patterns. Later, she even had a sudden idea to dress these mountain apes in colorful clothes.After a long time, the monsters also have self-respect and aesthetics, and they will never come to fight with Su Ruo again, this girl is too bad.

Since no one was with her, Su Ruo picked up the little fox and walked forward.

"Little fox, you said that people entered the Wuji Ridge, the [-] Mountains, the secret places, and the caves one after another. What about me? Except for monsters, they are monsters. Am I just a monster attractor? It's really unscientific." Su Ruo Yu Jian moved forward, chanting while flying.She really wanted to go to the cave, the secret place and so on to take a look, or it would be fine to come across a famous dangerous place in the [-] mountains!
Sure enough, I can't talk about it, there is a swamp in front of me, scavengers are flying in the air, and megalodon crocodiles are ambushing in the swamp.The edge of the swamp can't be seen at a glance, and if you look back, your retreat will be submerged by the swamp.Su Ruo's eyes lit up, and she tore off the little fox from its head, hugged it in her arms, and said excitedly, "It is said that the ten dangerous places in the ninety thousand li mountains are alive and can move by themselves, so it is!"

The little white fox rolled his eyes. Others would get nervous when they saw the dangerous place, not to mention being scared. Why is this girl so excited!
After following Su Ruo all the way, the little white fox has understood the girl with the same name as himself a little bit.She has no other hobbies, but she likes to fight and enjoys the process of fighting, but she never takes the lives of monsters lightly. "Zhi..." As expected, Benhu saw the right person, and he was right to rely on her in the first place.

The scavenging birds hovered in the sky, and when they saw Su Ruo, it was as if they saw fresh flesh and blood, they swarmed to attack him.Su Ruo unhurriedly stuffed the little fox into the beast ring, the flying sword under her feet accelerated, and landed on a huge boulder she had long been optimistic about.

The boulder moved when Su Ruo landed on her body. It was a turtle, stretching its neck and turning its head, it bit Su Ruo as fast as lightning.Su Ruo jumped up violently, dodged the bite, and said in her heart: Emma, ​​who said that the tortoise moves slowly, what is it?
The carrion birds had arrived, and the steel claws and iron beaks grabbed Su Ruo.Su Ruo's slender waist twisted slightly, and she dodged the attack repeatedly.At this moment, the giant tortoise attacked again, and it spit out a dark green water arrow and shot towards Su Ruo.

At the same time, pieces of dead wood floated up all around. Su Ruo originally thought it was a giant-toothed crocodile in the swamp, but the dead wood floated up, but it was a toad the size of a millstone, chanting "croak..."

Su Ruo only felt a loud noise in her ears, and a dizziness in her head... She bit her tongue fiercely, her figure flashed, and she managed to dodge a series of attacks with great difficulty, cursing inwardly: Damn, the toad in this damn place is actually a toad Gong, really unscientific!
She protected her whole body and mind with spiritual power, watching carefully.It was found that the color of these dead trees was dark or light, wide or narrow, long or short, and those that were darker, narrower, and longer were megalodon.Su Ruo took a glance, her body flashed in the air, and her left foot accurately tapped on a giant-toothed crocodile. She swung out her long sword, and the toad fell to the ground as the sword glowed.The dead toad was instantly eaten by the giant tooth crocodile, which made Su Ruo feel a little sick.

When the giant-toothed crocodile reacted and turned its head to bite her, it stepped hard, and the body of the giant-toothed crocodile sank instantly, and Su Ruo also used the force to flash onto the other one again.

The moves in his hands are continuous, cutting up the carrion birds in the sky, sweeping down and opening their mouths to bite fiercely, and even hitting toads that spew poisonous juice.

As for the big tortoise, if you don't let it go now, just pack it up and let it follow.Pfft, I was right on TV in my previous life, no matter how fast it attacks, it always walks slowly.

After walking in this way for a while, the number of megalodon crocodiles increased, and their movements became faster, and the number of scavenging birds in the sky decreased somewhat, but their bodies were much larger.Su Ruo used to be able to sweep down a piece with one sword before, but now he can only kill one with two or three blows, attacking up and down, followed by pursuers, Su Ruo's forward speed slowed down.

When Su Ruo was besieged by five scavengers and eight giant-toothed crocodiles, the giant tortoise behind him arrived and shot five water arrows at Su Ruo.

Su Ruo lightly tapped on a few carrion birds, using his force to fly into the air, the Kun sword flew up, turned into nine sword lights, and shot straight forward.Nine sword lights skipped over the scavenging birds in the air, and the five scavenging birds wailed as their wings were chopped off and fell down.

The nine sword lights merged into one instantly in front of the giant tortoise, and the radiance burst into flames. After the loud noise, the giant tortoise was cut off, and the carapace on its body was also split in half.

Before the giant tooth crocodile came forward, Su Ruo turned the sword light, cut more than 20 in a row, rushed over, quickly put the giant tortoise's body into the storage bag, and raised and lowered the sword again.

Ninety-nine returns to one, with Su Ruo's current cultivation base, she can only use it three times, plus the spiritual power she consumed before, half of the spiritual power in her body has gone.She stuffed two spirit recovery pills into her mouth, and with the power of the sword just now, she flew forward quickly.

There seemed to be a small field in front of him. Su Ruo cautiously leaned over, released his consciousness, and landed cautiously after noticing anything abnormal. What, I didn't dare to absorb it, so I just stuffed three more spirit pills into my mouth, took out two top-grade spirit stones, slowly absorbed them, and used the medicine pills and spirit stones to restore my spiritual power.

A piece of land in the middle of the swamp is like an isolated island in the sea. It is small in size, but it is green with green grass and blooming wild flowers. A long and strong bottle-shaped tree stands quietly.

Su Ruo was vigilant for a long time, and seeing that there was nothing unusual around her, she slowly relaxed.Just when she was about to sit down and rest for a while, a sudden change occurred.

The bottle-shaped tree, hidden in the huge canopy, quietly opens its flower buds, and a sweet fragrance gradually adds to the air, which makes people feel dizzy and sleepy after smelling it.

Su Ruo immediately became alert, and turned to breathe inwardly, secretly rejoicing that the spiritual power of her body protection had not been withdrawn.No, why are you dizzy? Could it be that this fragrance can work through the skin?

The yin-yang spiritual flame jumping on the Tai Chi diagram in the dantian was a little irritable, suddenly out of Su Ruo's control, it ran around in her body, and even descended into the Niwan Palace to force it.

Su Ruo discovers where the strange fire passes, although it brings severe pain, but the gloomyness in the meridians and spiritual power will be removed. She resisted the drowsiness, let go of the Niwan palace, and let the yin and yang spiritual flames come in .You must know that this is very dangerous, even if Su Ruo has already refined the yin and yang spiritual flame, it will not hurt Su Ruo's body, but the Niwan Palace is the seat of the primordial spirit, it is very fragile, once injured, it is very difficult to heal.Maybe, Su Ruo's cultivation will still decline.

But at this moment in Niwan Palace, Yuanshen has already been stained with a trace of grayness, and it is slowly expanding. With the expansion of grayness, it becomes more and more difficult for Su Ruo to control herself, she can only fight.

The yin-yang spiritual flame broke into the Niwan Palace forcefully and burned towards Yuanshen.The feeling of the soul being calcined in the raging fire is that when the yin and yang spiritual flames were introduced into the body, there was no pain at the moment.

However, the pain is very good, and it can lift my spirit, so that I won't let myself be restrained by a tree.No, that's not a tree... When Su Ruo saw the things in front of her again, she gasped.

What is this thing, more than three feet tall, it looks like a human but not a human, the skin of the whole body is as rough as the skin of dead wood, except for the eyes, the face has a big bloody mouth, and there are even shreds of meat hanging on the teeth.

Looking at the still lush bottle tree, and then at the monster that suddenly appeared in front of him and the mud that fell from him, Su Ruo understood where it was hiding before.

The yin and yang spiritual flames were burning in Niwan Palace. With the pain that penetrated into her soul, Su Ruo avoided the monster's big hand for the first time.

This monster was huge in size and slow in movement. Su Ruo just took advantage of a few sword qi to go over and chopped the bottle tree to pieces. The tree fell and flowers scattered, the sweet fragrance in the air slowly dissipated, and the primordial spirit and spiritual power were also gone There is another gray feeling.After being calcined by the yin and yang flames, the primordial spirit became more and more solidified, as if the whole person had been sublimated once after eliminating the impurities in the spirit, and that feeling was extremely refreshing.

What Su Ruo didn't expect was that she recovered freely because of the destruction of the bottle tree, and the monster was no longer restrained, and moved quickly, and even opened its mouth to make strange noises to stab her soul.What disgusted Su Ruo the most was that every time the sword energy fell on the monster, flesh and blood would fall to the ground, slowly turning into a puddle of foul-smelling blood.

That monster seemed to be ignorant of fatigue. The place injured by the sword energy would soon be filled with new flesh and blood, and the more he fought, the more courageous he became. His speed and skill improved, and even Su Ruo felt that he was slowly regain sanity.

Blood puppet?No, no, the blood puppet will not have sanity, it can only use brute force, and now this monster has actually used a spell, and it is still from the Thunder system!
Living corpses... No, not complete, blood corpses made from living people!A terrifying term flashed in Su Ruo's mind. She had seen the introduction of this kind of monster in Jinge's ancient secrets.

(End of this chapter)

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