The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 108 Easy promotion to Xiaofa 1 pen

Chapter 108 Easy promotion and small fortune

Tang Tang directly attached the breath of the young phoenix to Mo Qiujian. After the flight attributes were stacked, it was naturally a higher level. Immediately afterwards, Tang Tang pulled Tang Xiaoyao and jumped onto Mo Qiujian. Mo Qiujian Huan It formed a beam of light and flew forward at a very fast speed, but when approaching the fire crow, Tang Tang's flying speed still slowed down.It wasn't that Tang Tang wanted to be slow, but he had to be slow. The fire crows had an impact when they hit the body. It would be better if it was just a human being. The problem is that those fire crows even hit Mo Qiujian, so the flying speed would naturally not be fast.

Seeing that the flying speed had slowed down, Tang Tang didn't hesitate, and immediately waved the horns and tapped the golden staff!
A shining light appeared around Tang Tang, and with a light wave of the staff, the bright light flew up and down, shooting down all the fire crows continuously, interweaving an invisible sword net around Tang Tang, majestic , It looks so lively.

Tang Xiaoyao was amazed as he poured the potion fiercely. Leaving aside the rest, Tang Tang's attack speed was amazing, at least twice as fast as the ordinary fourth-level Horcrux attack speed.At least Tang Xiaoyao feels that he has seen quite a few masters. In terms of attack speed alone, Tang Tang will definitely rank first, and it's okay to fight against an instrumental soul master. If he meets an unarmed intelligent soul master ...

The consequences... Tang Xiaoyao couldn't help mourning for all the wise soul masters!

"Little demon, why are you in a daze? Hurry up and fill up your life!" Tang Tang saw Tang Xiaoyao acting stupid there, and hurriedly said: "You want to die, right? Then I will throw you down, you will die It’s definitely faster, and there’s not even ash left.”

Tang Xiaoyao quickly made an apologetic expression, then desperately poured the life potion into her mouth.

The damage caused by those fire crows to Tang Tang was very low, all of which were in single digits. Tang Tang prepared the life potion at the beginning, and the life blessing potion that restored life instantly as a backing, it is impossible not to reach the opposite side.But Tang Xiaoyao's situation is even worse. The magic circle master's life value is already low. Even if she keeps pouring life potions into her mouth during the cooling time, the speed of recovery can't keep up with the speed of the loss of health...

"Little demon, you must persevere!" Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "Victory is in sight, and the distance is less than 30 meters."

Tang Xiaoyao said distressedly: "Sister, I really want to hold on, the problem is that what I say doesn't count. I have already drank the life potion as rock candy Sydney, but the recovery speed is just like that, and the cooldown time is still the same. What if it doesn’t fall?”

Tang Tang also knew that this situation had nothing to do with ability or anything. Soul Realm was such a deadly rule that no one could change it. Tang Tang could only increase the speed of cleaning up the fire crows. Seeing that it was impossible, Had to resort to the last resort!

"Mo begging for sword! Mo begging for rain!"

Accompanied by Tang Tang's soft drink, Tang Tang replaced the Moqiu Sword under his feet with the Nether Ring, tapped the golden staff with the animal horn in his left hand, and sent the Moqiu Sword in the air with his right hand. Condensed and condensed!
Countless sword vapors rained down, and in a short moment, the flock of fire crows were all killed in the blink of an eye. Tang Tang directly commanded Phoenix Chick's Breath to fly across the magma fault without any muddle. "Oh, it's finally here, we are the first!"

Tang Tang dragged Tang Xiaoyao to the exit, heaved a sigh of relief, and let Tang Xiaoyao down easily.

Passing through the Fire Gate is actually very simple, because those fire crows are not unkillable, it's just that Tang Tang didn't want to waste much of his soul power. It's just a few points, killing some small monsters can make the recovery cycle of the soul power value, but if there are all elite monsters here, it's better to save more points, but unfortunately, 10 points are still used up at the entrance.

At this time, Tang Taro and Mortal Mortal Yu also passed through the Wooden Gate. The two of them have also been here before, and they also walked through the Wooden Gate last time. It is normal to pass quickly, Tang Tang smiled. A wave is considered a greeting.

After a while, Tang Mei, Lin Dong, and Niu Dada appeared together. The first two were a little bit embarrassed and obviously suffered a small loss, but the bald monk Niu Dada was fine. It's because of this guy's success in crossing the robbery.Successfully crossing the tribulation, in terms of basic attribute points, there is indeed a big gap between crossing the tribulation and not crossing the tribulation. It is estimated that Tang Tang will not be able to pass through the ten gates of this level even if he walks through the water gate. The Tribulation Transcendence bonus has worked, who made Tang Tang's HP higher?

"Congratulations everyone for passing the first level, but it's a pity that there is no reward for passing the level!" Tang Taro made a rare cold humor, and then pointed forward: "Let's go to the second level!"

Through the narrow corridor, everyone quickly reached the second level.

The second level is also a fault, and below it is an abyss that cannot be seen at a glance.Therefore, the first thing is to ensure that it will never fall.Secondly, there are three stone platforms above the abyss, and there are densely packed monsters on them. It is estimated that the three stone platforms add up to at least a thousand.In addition, there is a huge hourglass hanging on the top of the passage at the other end.

"Okay, this is the second level." Tang Taro pointed to the hourglass at the far end and said: "The hourglass will take half an hour to leak, but we don't need to pay attention to it. As long as we step on the stone platform, the hourglass will Start to help us count down, the countdown time will give a prompt sound, which is more accurate than looking at the hourglass. What we have to do is to clear the thousand monsters on the stone platform within half an hour, and there will be a 35 Level boss monster, within half an hour after killing the boss monster, the stone gate of the opposite passage will open. If you fail to pass through the stone gate, it will be sealed. Note that the stone gates on both sides will be sealed, which means that we have no chance to go back. None, the only thing I can do is to jump down and commit suicide, and then go to the underworld to reincarnate, otherwise I will only be trapped here for the rest of my life!"

Tang Mei asked: "This should be a dungeon, right?"

Tang Taro nodded and said: "Yes, so there is no need to expect people to help after we fail. After we enter, even if other people enter immediately, it is another exactly the same space, like two parallel spaces with us. , um, that is, the dungeon you mentioned."

"So that's the case." Niu Dada said: "Is there any good news?"

Tang Xiaoyao pointed at Tang Taro with a smile and said: "There is good news. When we came last time, there were still 12 people who passed the door trial, and they passed when there was a difference of 7 minutes from the time limit. At that time, the monsters were cleared The biggest hero with a number of more than 600 is also here today, and the five-color magic stone also exploded from the leader monster of this level."

Tang Taro said: "We divided into three groups to kill. This time the overall strength is much stronger than last time. I think the probability of success will be above 70%."

Tang Tang said: "I have a 100% success rate, but I have to make sure first, is there a limit on the maximum number of targets for your Wind and Thunder Double Kill, for example, no matter how many monsters are in the range, it can only attack up to 200 or something like that. .”

"That's not true, as long as all the targets within 200 meters are attack targets." Tang Taro suddenly changed his face and said, "You don't intend to clean up the monsters on the stone platform at once? It's impossible, I have When the confidence is full of mana, all the monsters will be wiped out in seconds. The problem is that there are hundreds of monsters on this platform, who can pull the hatred of so many monsters? As long as more than dozens of monsters attack together, no one here can resist, let alone , there are also many long-range attack monsters mixed in."

"Amituofu!" Niu Dada continued to pretend to be bald and said: "The little monk actually has a body protection skill, and it should be no problem to resist a hundred or so. This way the kill will be faster."

"It's not necessary at all!" Tang Tang waved his hand, then took out a small wooden barrel and said, "I have this thing, and I still need to attract monsters?"

" this Longdanxiang?" Tang Taluo looked at the contents in the barrel and asked in amazement, "You looted the Longdanxiang from Tangmen Soul Beast Valley?"

Tang Tang suddenly collapsed, your imagination is so rich, Soul Beast Valley is Tang Qingwei, one of the Shrek Seven Monsters of the Tang Sect, who has been there all year round, judging from the result that he was easily dismissed by the strange old man Dugu Bo, he passed the second time. You may not be able to beat the Heavenly Tribulation, how can you rob it yourself?The opponent robs himself is almost the same.However, it seems that this Longdanxiang was really made under Tang Qingwei's nose, um, stealing is better than robbery.

Shaking the small wooden barrel, Tang Tang said: "I really don't ask too much, and the dragon birthday incense I provide is not cheap. 50% of the items in this level will be mine. This shouldn't be too much, right?"

No one objected. First of all, the market price of Longdanxiang is indeed not cheap.Secondly, they don't care about the things dropped by mobs in this level, at least they are dispensable, and it doesn't matter if they have less points.

After making up his mind, Tang Tang didn't hesitate, and directly made some Longdan incense and threw it on the stone platform. Those monsters immediately rushed forward and formed a pile, all crowded together!
"Wind and Thunder Double Kill!"

Tang Taro was not too polite, and immediately used the wind and thunder double kill. Countless lotus flowers sparkling with lightning bloomed among the monsters, like densely packed bombs, one after another exploded, and countless wind blades swept towards the surrounding area. The damage from the stone platform emerged like a swarm of locusts.

After a while...

Tip: Your cultivation level has been raised to level 33!
(End of this chapter)

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