The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 109 Mortal Mortal Words Corrode Devil Qi

Chapter 109 Mortal Mortal Words Corrode Devil Qi
When the prompt sounded, Tang Tang felt very uncomfortable. He was going to upgrade immediately, but he was 10% short of his cultivation level to upgrade to level 32. Now he jumped directly to level 33. It stands to reason that he should be happy, but Tang Tang But Tang felt that the upgrade speed was a bit terrifying, and Tang Taro, who used the spell of 'Wind and Thunder Double Kill', was completely a cheat-like existence.

With a little emotion in his heart, Tang Tang happily rushed to the stone platform to pick up the loot, while Tang Taro rested to recover his mana, and used the mana potion to speed up the recovery.

The biggest feature of 'Wind and Thunder Double Kill' is that the power is completely linked to the amount of mana. When the mana is full, it will absolutely kill everything in seconds, but without mana, Tang Taro can only wait for the second. Of course, the current The monster can't leave the stone platform at all, so don't worry about it.

One minute later, Tang Tang grinningly harvested 1 pieces of third-level equipment and 13 gold coins, but Tang Tang could only get half of them, so Tang Tang left behind 30 pieces of third-level equipment and 6 gold coins.

In addition to these harvests, there are about a hundred pieces of second-level equipment left on the stone platform, and no one cares about them. Although the quantity can make up for the difference in quality, the hundred and ten pieces of second-level equipment can also be sold for 30 pieces. Left and right gold coins.

But the problem is that everyone's backpack space also has a size, and no one intends to let these inconspicuous things fill up their backpack.

A few minutes later, Tang Taro finally recovered to full mana, Tang Tang continued to repeat the same plan, throwing the dragon birth incense, Tang Taro used the 'wind and thunder double kill' instant monster...

Tip: Your cultivation level has been raised to level 34!
Everyone sighed, this upgrade speed is really against the sky, and after sighing, Tang Taro continued to recover his spiritual power, Tang Tang set out to sweep, and after half a minute, he got 22 pieces of third-level equipment and 6 gold coins, which were distributed After half of it, you need to equip 11 pieces and 3 gold coins.

According to the prompt time, it took less than 10 minutes for them to enter the dungeon, and there was no pressure to pass this level within half an hour.

"The monster on the third stone platform cannot be wiped out at once." After recovering mana, Tang Taro said: "We must keep one, and we have to plan how to deal with that little boss monster."

"It's simple!" Tang Tang said: "Isn't this bald guy thick-skinned and bloody? After I throw the dragon birth incense, let him take a mob to the corner on the other side of the stone platform, and then you can actually fight the 'wind and thunder double kill'." ' That's it."

"Amituofu!" Hearing Tang Tang call himself a bald man, Niu DaDa explained: "Sister Tang Tang, brother, I am a monk, not a bald man."

Unfortunately, when he said this, no one paid him any attention.Moreover, Tang Tang had already thrown out the Long Dan Xiang very neatly, and the monsters on the third stone platform immediately huddled together.

Niu Dada sighed, and had no choice but to accept the title of the bald guy. With his palms together, three circles of Buddha light protection appeared on his body, and he stepped on the void, and flew to the stone platform to pull monsters.

"Wind and Thunder Double Kill!"

Tang Taro waved his hands lightly, and countless lightning lotuses bloomed again. Along with the bursts of thunder, countless wind blades devoured the group of monsters again.

This time there was no upgrade reminder, Tang Tang checked the repair value, and it only increased to a little over 80%. However, it is understandable that after the level is increased, the monster's experience has dropped, and the repair value required for the upgrade has also increased. .

After the fight, Tang Tang went down to collect the loot as usual, but this time the harvest was rather miserable, mostly second-level equipment, only 5 pieces of third-level equipment, and more gold coins, as many as 40 pieces.

Tang Tang won 3 pieces of equipment and 20 gold coins. This time, the plan was over. At the same time, Tang Tang sighed in his heart that he was finally a rich man, and he didn't have to run around the world with a silver coin.

"Okay, everyone, let me tell you about the next plan!" Seeing that Tang Tang had shared the spoils with the others, and that Tang Taro's mana had almost recovered, he stood up and clapped his hands and said, "The leader of this level is a monster!" , after we kill the last little monster, they will appear on three stone platforms. Yes, you heard it right, three platforms will appear at the same time, because there will be three black and white chess pieces, but they are one , only drop things once after death. And these three chess pieces have two very troublesome features. The first is that when the health value is lower than 10%, it will automatically become invisible, and then quickly recover the health value. The second is that it must be destroyed at the same time. Drop the chess pieces, otherwise the other two chess pieces will split and become a black and white chess piece with full health. Therefore, there is only one way to clear the level, that is to divide the black and white chess pieces into three groups to attack at the same time, and the black and white chess pieces The health value of the opponent remained above 10%, and then the three groups shot at the same time to kill in seconds."

"I'm ready with the eldest sister!" Tang Tang immediately raised his hand and said, "Let's hit the one on the stone platform on the left."

"Amituofu!" Niu da da smiled and clasped his hands together and said, "mortal mortal language cooperated with me quite tacitly when I was in Thunder Gate. Since this is the case, how about cooperating with the little monk again this time? We will choose that The one in the middle is fine."

Mortal Mortal Yu nodded and agreed to Niu DaDa's assignment.

Tang Taluo said: "In that case, Lin Dong and I will hit the stone platform on the right!"

When Tang Xiaoyao finally heard that she didn't have her share, she ran to the corner and circled in pain, saying, "He's a good-for-nothing, he's a good-for-nothing..."

"Stop being cute, just stay aside for me!"

Tang Taluo was trying to comfort Tang Xiaoyao, but Tang Tang directly threw the little demon aside. What's even more annoying is that Tang Xiaoyao really didn't know himself at all, and he was alive and kicking after being thrown away by Tang Tang Standing up, he pretended to shout with his hands in microphones.


Tang Taro patted his forehead helplessly, he was really defeated by her.

After dismissing Tang Xiaoyao, Tang Taro and Tang Tang also regained their positions, Niu Dada activated the auxiliary attack state, and Mortal Mortal Yu directly waved his hand, and the remaining monster was covered with ink-colored water. The monster's body quickly rotted.

"Huh!" Tang Mei said curiously, "Tang Tang, the spells of mortals and mortal languages ​​are so strange."

Seeing Tang Mei's confusion, Tang Tang whispered: "Everything is divided into Yin and Yang poles. For example, flames have red flames and dark flames, but both belong to the fire attribute. The spell he uses is magic energy. The effect of sneak attacking people with one trick is particularly good. Those who don’t know it think it’s a general water technique. Basically, one catches one. Even if someone sees it as magic energy, he can add some yang poles to it, and the effect is completely different. So even though I don’t know what this guy’s skills are, but he is a good pk player in this move, and he is the nemesis of the soul master, and the spells of the Yin system can corrode the Horcrux!"

With the experience of the previous life, Tang Tang can naturally recognize the evil energy of the mortal mortal language, and just in the middle of the two of them chatting, the last monster finally turned into white light!
The three stone platforms shook violently almost at the same time, a huge gap was opened in the center, and three black and white things came out of the crack, the white light was dazzling, two jade-white and one red-black chess piece Appeared in front of everyone, but the size of the chess piece seems to be a bit big, about one person tall!

"Be careful, everyone, these are the black and white chess pieces!" Tang Taro shouted: "Their main means of attack are invisible wind attribute spells and spells similar to shock waves."

Just as Tang Taro was talking, the white chess piece on the right suddenly shook, and the invisible wind blade flew towards the mortal like a sharp arrow. Fortunately, Niu DaDa, the bald man with quick eyes and quick hands, directly blocked the mortal. There was a white light on Yu Yu's body, and the wind blade seemed to have knocked on the iron wall and was directly thrown out.

On the other side, Tang Tang looked at Tang Mei and said, "How do we kill? I will attack, you will defend?"

Tang Mei shrugged her shoulders indifferently and said, "I don't care, can you do it? Don't let our group kill the slowest in the end, your sister and I can't afford to lose that person!"

Tang Tang snorted, took out the animal horn and tapped the golden staff.

"Ouch!" Tang Mei laughed and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, the little girl has changed her equipment, no wonder she looks so arrogant."

Tang Mei was smiling, and she was also an imperial envoy Horcrux. A huge emerald green sword moved towards the huge chess piece. The illusionary sword light surrounded the chess piece, and the white chess piece seemed to be burning with anger. , shaking violently frequently.

How could Tang Tang let go of such a good opportunity, and immediately urged the animal horn to tap the golden stick, which turned into a ray of light, and then slashed fiercely towards the top of the white chess piece. After four or five consecutive blows, the white chess piece seemed to be more Angry, he gave up his defense against Tang Mei's Horcrux, and came towards Tang Tang.

As soon as the white chess piece jumped, the golden staff touched by the animal horn was swept aside. With a sway of the chess body, a rippling imprint hit Tang Tang like ripples, but at this moment, Tang Mei immediately urged herself The flying sword chased after him, and when the sword light twisted, the flying sword resisted the invisible ripples, but was also trapped in the vortex by the ripples of the sound attack.

"Destroy everything, destroy the thunder!"

Without any hesitation, Tang Tang directly ordered Fa Jue, and a purple thunder fell from the sky, directly smashing the white chess piece.

This is also the first time that Tang Tang felt that the double cultivation of his half-tune weapon soul master and half-tune wisdom soul master is still a bit beneficial. If he had to change to another weapon soul master, if the Horcrux was knocked into the air, he would be at a loss immediately, but This situation is not a big problem for me, isn't there still a spell that can be used!
"One is not enough? Give you another one!"

While thinking about it, Tang Tang immediately threw a lightning bolt of annihilation in the air on the white pawn's head, bringing up two streaks of burnt black smoke!
And when these two lightning bolts struck, the already angry white chess piece immediately became even more angry. The chess body hit the ground heavily, and knocked Tang Mei's Horcrux flying sword into the air. He hit a hole in the ground and jumped down.

"I'll go!" Tang Tang was surprised and said, "Why didn't you say that this chess piece can burrow into the ground besides vibrating?"

Tang Taro threw out the wind blade to deal with his white pawn, and shouted loudly: "It just burrows into the ground, not an earth escape, and it will come out in less than 20 seconds at most. Be careful..."

As soon as Tang Taro uttered his words, the stone slab at Tang Tang's feet shattered, and the huge body of the white chess piece suddenly emerged from the ground. At this critical moment, Tang Tang waved his hands, Mo Begging the sword to turn into a sword light and bring Tang Tang into the air, barely avoiding the impact of the white chess piece. At the same time, taking advantage of the gap between advancing and retreating, Tang Tang shot several dark fireballs, which directly hit the white chess piece. back!
"Hellfire, explode for me!"

As soon as the dark fire ball touched it, it immediately ignited a raging flame. Tang Tang saw the opportunity and stretched out his hand to teach the void to make a fist. The flame exploded immediately, and the white chess piece was blown away, and it rolled twice on the ground. Suddenly, that rapid wind blade came out again, and it went straight to attack Tang Tang's small body.If he was hit this time, it would definitely be a fatal blow, but...

(End of this chapter)

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