Chapter 110
The three stone platforms shook violently almost at the same time, a huge gap was opened in the center, and three black and white things came out of the crack, the white light was dazzling, two jade-white and one red-black chess piece Appeared in front of everyone, but the size of the chess piece seems to be a bit big, about one person tall!

"Be careful, everyone, these are the black and white chess pieces!" Tang Taro shouted: "Their main means of attack are invisible wind attribute spells and spells similar to shock waves."

Just as Tang Taro was talking, the white chess piece on the right suddenly shook, and the invisible wind blade flew towards the mortal like a sharp arrow. Fortunately, Niu DaDa, the bald man with quick eyes and quick hands, directly blocked the mortal. There was a white light on Yu Yu's body, and the wind blade seemed to have knocked on the iron wall and was directly thrown out.

On the other side, Tang Tang looked at Tang Mei and said, "How do we kill? I will attack, you will defend?"

Tang Mei shrugged her shoulders indifferently and said, "I don't care, can you do it? Don't let our group kill the slowest in the end, your sister and I can't afford to lose that person!"

Tang Tang snorted, took out the animal horn and tapped the golden staff.

"Ouch!" Tang Mei laughed and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, the little girl has changed her equipment, no wonder she looks so arrogant."

Tang Mei was smiling, and she was also an imperial envoy Horcrux. A huge emerald green sword moved towards the huge chess piece. The illusionary sword light surrounded the chess piece, and the white chess piece seemed to be burning with anger. , shaking violently frequently.

How could Tang Tang let go of such a good opportunity, and immediately urged the animal horn to tap the golden stick, which turned into a ray of light, and then slashed fiercely towards the top of the white chess piece. After four or five consecutive blows, the white chess piece seemed to be more Angry, he gave up his defense against Tang Mei's Horcrux, and came towards Tang Tang.

As soon as the white chess piece jumped, the golden staff touched by the animal horn was swept aside. With a sway of the chess body, a rippling imprint hit Tang Tang like ripples, but at this moment, Tang Mei immediately urged herself The flying sword chased after him, and when the sword light twisted, the flying sword resisted the invisible ripples, but was also trapped in the vortex by the ripples of the sound attack.

"Destroy everything, destroy the thunder!"

Without any hesitation, Tang Tang directly ordered Fa Jue, and a purple thunder fell from the sky, directly smashing the white chess piece.

This is also the first time that Tang Tang felt that the double cultivation of his half-tune weapon soul master and half-tune wisdom soul master is still a bit beneficial. If he had to change to another weapon soul master, if the Horcrux was knocked into the air, he would be at a loss immediately, but This situation is not a big problem for me, isn't there still a spell that can be used!
"One is not enough? Give you another one!"

While thinking about it, Tang Tang immediately threw a lightning bolt of annihilation in the air on the white pawn's head, bringing up two streaks of burnt black smoke!
And when these two lightning bolts struck, the already angry white chess piece immediately became even more angry. The chess body hit the ground heavily, and knocked Tang Mei's Horcrux flying sword into the air. He hit a hole in the ground and jumped down.

"I'll go!" Tang Tang was surprised and said, "Why didn't you say that this chess piece can burrow into the ground besides vibrating?"

Tang Taro threw out the wind blade to deal with his white pawn, and shouted loudly: "It just burrows into the ground, not an earth escape, and it will come out in less than 20 seconds at most. Be careful..."

As soon as Tang Taro uttered his words, the stone slab at Tang Tang's feet shattered, and the huge body of the white chess piece suddenly emerged from the ground. At this critical moment, Tang Tang waved his hands, Mo Begging the sword to turn into a sword light and bring Tang Tang into the air, barely avoiding the impact of the white chess piece. At the same time, taking advantage of the gap between advancing and retreating, Tang Tang shot several dark fireballs, which directly hit the white chess piece. back!
"Hellfire, explode for me!"

As soon as the dark fire ball touched it, it immediately ignited a raging flame. Tang Tang saw the opportunity and stretched out his hand to teach the void to make a fist. The flame exploded immediately, and the white chess piece was blown away, and it rolled twice on the ground. Suddenly, that rapid wind blade came out again, and it went straight to attack Tang Tang's small body.If he was hit this time, it would definitely be a fatal blow, but...

"The sword falls!"

Tang Mei suddenly came out from the side, and the emerald green flying sword crashed down, stabbing the white chess piece impartially, and with a bang, she pinned the white chess piece to the ground with the flying sword.

"Good job!"

Tang Tang gave a loud praise, and threw a thunderbolt of annihilation with his left hand in the air, directly hitting the top of the white pawn's head, and then took advantage of the situation with his right hand in mid-air, took the flying back horn and tapped the golden staff, and his body disappeared. film!
"The power of death, annihilating everything, the pulse of death!"

Tang Tang's body suddenly disappeared in mid-air, and when he reappeared, he was at the side of the white chess piece. With a flash of fluorescent light on the golden staff with the animal's horn, the white chess piece flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

The white chess piece was naturally shaking violently, but before launching the attack, Tang Mei came to attack with a flying sword astutely, the sword light twisted, and once again blocked the white chess piece's wind blade, Tang Tang hid behind Immediately, another thunder of annihilation was thrown smoothly.


The thunderbolt as thick as the mouth of the bowl fell, and once again struck the white chess piece fiercely, turning the white chess piece over. The original white body became scorched black after a while, mixed with a lot of blood, quite in a state of embarrassment.

"These two girls are really ruthless!"

The others couldn't help wiping off cold sweat in their hearts. The methods of these two little girls were not ordinary brutal, one attack and one defense, with a clear division of labor. Tang Mei would never rush to attack, and Tang Tang would never let her Horcrux defend.

The most important thing is that this matter is easy to say, but difficult to do. Who can really trust everything to the other party?This kind of trust cannot be established with one or two cooperations, but after it is established, the combat power index will definitely rise in a straight line.

"Tang Tang, be careful not to kill me." Tang Taro reminded him aloud, he could see that the two girls Tang Tang and Tang Mei would never have any trouble, if there was no accident, then he was worried They were about to kill the white chess pieces. You must know that if the three black and white chess pieces were not killed at the same time, the chess pieces would split, and it would be a waste of effort.

Tang Tang and Tang Mei also understood this truth. When Tang Taro shouted, the two of them stopped using their ultimate moves. With about 11% of their health remaining, Tang Tang might not be able to kill him with a thunderbolt, but Tang Mei's sword energy will definitely kill him instantly.Therefore, both of them were very relaxed. Tang Tang clapped the sword box directly and used the Youlong Xifeng sword to protect his side, and took a look at the progress of the other two groups.

Niu DaDa's bald man and mortal Mortal Yu also used the method of one attack and one defense, but it was slightly different. Niu DaDa directly relied on his own thick skin and added an extra support to withstand the attack of the black chess piece. After Yu lost two corrosive magic energy, the two of them didn't care about the life and death of the chess piece. Anyway, the magic energy can cause continuous damage, and it can drain the life of the black chess piece in a while.

Tang Taro and Lin Dong adopted Youdou, which seemed to be the most dangerous of the three groups, but it only seemed to be the case. Tang Taro had a wall of strong winds, and ordinary boss monsters couldn't touch him. At best, it was a bit expensive For some time, Lin Dong's skill is also good, and this evaluation is very conservative.

No matter what Tang Tang said, she also has the vision of two lifetimes of experience. In her eyes, it is good. Compared with ordinary people, it is already quite powerful. I have also studied Sanda for several years, and my foundation is quite good.

Of course, these are not of great significance. After all, if you learn some kung fu before the earth is destroyed, you can at best be more flexible in your skills and more sensitive in combat intuition in the soul domain, and you will not have a data advantage.Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Dong didn't summon the martial soul. A student of the Martial God Temple didn't summon the martial soul to fight, so he didn't use his full strength.

"Okay, everyone is ready!" When Lin Dong punched the white chess piece for the sixth time and sent it flying, Tang Taro shouted: "I will start counting down, everyone will do it together, 3, 2, 1……"

"Glimpses of light!"

As soon as Tang Mei sent the flying sword into the air, it turned into Qiongguang, and then the Qiongguang flashed, and it was divided into five parts, turning into five imaginary giant swords floating in the air, and slashing heavily towards the white chess pieces.

at the same time……

Tang Tang waved the animal horn and tapped the golden staff. After a twist in the air, Tang Tang's figure disappeared without a trace.

"The pulsation of the heartbeat, the pulsation of death!"


(End of this chapter)

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