The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 111 Mortal Immortal Cultivation Jue Tai Chi Bracelet

Chapter 111 Mortal Immortal Cultivation Jue Tai Chi Bracelet
"Okay, everyone is ready!" When Lin Dong hit the chess piece with his fist for the sixth time and sent it flying, Tang Taro shouted: "I will start counting down, everyone will start together, 3, 2, 1 ..."

"Glimpses of light!"

As soon as Tang Mei sent the flying sword into the air, it turned into Qiongguang, and then the Qiongguang flashed, and it was divided into five parts, turning into five imaginary giant swords floating in the air, and slashing heavily towards the white chess pieces.

at the same time……

Tang Tang waved the animal horn and tapped the golden staff. After a twist in the air, Tang Tang's figure disappeared without a trace.

"The pulsation of the heartbeat, the pulsation of death!"


The three black and white chess pieces were killed by everyone's joint efforts. In fact, it is really difficult to set the black and white chess pieces with 10% health and must kill three at the same time to be considered successful, but it is only for those players who don't know. It is possible to accidentally kill one of the pieces and cause the opponent to split.

It is also possible to accidentally fail to kill the black and white chess pieces, which will cause the black and white chess pieces to recover their health in stealth. The most important thing is that the hourglass for half an hour will hang above their heads like a soul chasing sword to exert pressure.However, if you know the key points, the black and white chess pieces are actually not very powerful, the movement speed is not fast, and the attack method is simple. Apart from being able to drill holes, it is not difficult to destroy the hidden black and white chess pieces.

After the three black and white chess pieces were eliminated, a dark box was left on the middle platform.

Looking at the box, Tang Taro said: "There are ten attributes in this box. Guessing based on the color, um, it's just a guess. If the player with the attributes of mutual generation and restraint goes to open the box, the probability of getting something good is higher. If there are multiple items, the opposite player will be unlucky to open the box.”

Tang Tang looked at the box and said, "The black border should have no attributes, so how do you count?"

"I don't know." Tang Taro waved his hand and said, "I also said that it was just my guess, so it may not be certain, so it is even more uncertain that it has no attributes. Maybe anyone can open it."

Tang Tang thought for a while, and waved to Tang Xiaoyao in the corner: "Little Yao, come and open the box!"

Tang Xiaoyao pointed at himself and felt surprised. At present, he is the only one who belongs to soy sauce.

"Of course you drove it!" Tang Tang pondered: "Aren't you a magic circle master? You pay attention to the balance of attributes, so what kind of attribute do you think you are? Maybe you are the most suitable to drive it. Anyway, it is the same for anyone, why don't you try it?" .”

Tang Tang's way of describing left everyone speechless, but in the spirit of trying, everyone agreed with Tang Xiaoyao's undertaking this task, and prayed that this little girl would be enveloped by the light of the Great God at this moment.

Seeing what everyone meant, Tang Xiaoyao didn't delay any longer, walked forward and opened the iron box. The moment the box lid was opened, three white lights flashed respectively on the backpacks of Tang Tang, Tang Mei and Mortal Mortal Yu. inside.

"Five-colored chess stone? It's really a five-colored chess stone!" Tang Mei smiled and took out the five-colored chess stone and said, "This is called super-explosive character, so you can get whatever you want!"

Mortal Mortal Yu remained silent, and directly took out something for everyone to see for themselves.

Mortal Immortal Cultivation Art (legendary level): The supreme mental method left by the ancient power, soul skills below level 10 will be upgraded by one level, and soul skills below level [-] will have a [-]% chance to increase by one level!
Tang Mei immediately vomited blood and said, "Seeing this experience, I have the urge to snatch it."

Seeing Tang Mei's schadenfreude, Tang Tang took out something with a long sigh and said, "What's the point of being super-human, the realm of a great god is beyond your comprehension."

Tai Chi Bracelet [Level 20 Natal Magical Artifact] (a pendant made of runestones with Tai Chi decoration patterns, which can ward off evil spirits after wearing it. Flight speed +2%, unlimited flying spells increase by 30 levels, restraining soul skill damage by [-]%, the The item is a natal magic weapon, which can be upgraded, cannot be traded, and cannot be refined!)

Seeing the attributes of the horcrux, Tang Mei pretended to vomit blood and said, "I'm going, the super powerful magic weapon that can only be used against soul masters is actually a natal magic weapon that can be upgraded! The first natal magic weapon in the soul domain...!"

Tang Taro has always been a typical example of maturity and prudence, and at that moment his eyes turned red and he said, "Girl, do you intend to sell?"

Tang Tang thought for a while, this Tai Chi bracelet was dispensable to him, he could use spells without the bracelet, but thinking of his mana value, Tang Tang also knew that his spell power would never be as powerful as the orthodox ones in his life The wise soul master compared it, so the effect of holding this bracelet in his hand is actually quite limited.

"Sell! Of course we will sell!" Tang Tang glanced at Tang Taro and said, "Is there anyone who wants to bid? If the senior wants it, I will return 5% of the share, which is considered as a favor for you."

Tang Taro did not refuse, and nodded with a smile, because he also has competitors, and mortals and mortals will not give up this rare natal magic weapon. The two of them need to write down their prices on the note, and Tang Tang added, accepting the condition of barter.

It is obvious that Tang Tang is also being cautious. The value of the barter must be higher than the price of the direct sale, and the price is difficult to determine. It may be more or less, but it is certainly impossible for someone to come up with a price lower than the Tai Chi bracelet at this time. exchanged for value.In this way, Tang Tang is very likely to get an item with a higher value than the equivalent.

In less than a minute, the two gave their answers.

Tang Taro asked for 600 gold coins. He really couldn't exchange the items of the soul master. After the tribulation failed, his equipment was also lost. Therefore, Tang Taro sighed when he saw the note written by the mortal mortal language.

I saw a note written in mortal mortal language: one piece of multicolored chess stone, one piece of mortal cultivating immortals.The dividend that Tang Tang had to pay for getting the item was paid by herself.

In fact, the price may not be higher than Tang Taro's. The key is to understand Tang Tang's psychology. Whether it is a five-color chess stone or a mortal's art of cultivating immortals, these are good things that soul masters cannot resist.

Tang Tang made an apologetic expression towards Tang Taro. If the price was similar, Tang Tang would definitely prefer Tang Taro. The problem was that it was really hard for Tang Tang to refuse the two items.

At the beginning of the transaction, after Tang Tang exchanged things with Mortal Mortal Yu, he directly threw the Mortal Immortal Cultivation Jue to Tang Mei and said, "Elder Sister, I will exchange five-color magic stones with you!"

"Hey, little girl, did you find out your conscience today?" Tang Mei smiled and took out the five-color magic stone and threw it to Tang Tang: "You are at a disadvantage in this business."

Tang Tang rolled his eyes straight away. The improvement of soul skills didn't mean much to Tang Tang. With his high comprehension, the level of soul skills has been improving very quickly, and Death Pulse is only a little bit close to continuing to upgrade.

And the five-color chess stone is more useful to Tang Tang. She uses the game of dragon and phoenix sword very smoothly, but the damage of the combination of Horcruxes is a bit lower. Using the five-color chess stone can increase the quality to reach five levels. Natural damage is multiplied over time.

After the dividends were settled, Tang Taro waved his hand and said, "Let's go to the next level."

Everyone responded immediately. This time, it was not because of the face problem, but because everyone was really enthusiastic. The first boss monster gave them a lot of surprises, and the subsequent surprises will naturally make people look forward to it.

Stepping over the fault, walking through the passage, a new stone gate appeared in front of everyone, or in other words, a maze appeared in front of them.

"This time it's finally time for me to play." Tang Xiaoyao rushed to the front and said: "This maze is called the chessboard ecstasy array. I have already researched the route, the key is the chessboard. The characteristic of this maze is that every time you walk into a dead end, monsters will be refreshed. Death, but if you understand the formation, then it is simple, as long as you follow the path of survival, defeating ten waves of monsters can pass this level."

Tang Tang urged: "Xiao Yao, haven't you been talking for a long time just to remind us of your identity as the magic circle master, hurry up and lead the way, don't waste everyone's time."

(End of this chapter)

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