The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 112 Disregarding the Nine Heavens Ancient Chess Soul

Chapter 112 Disregarding the Ancient Chess Soul of Nine Heavens
Everyone responded immediately. This time, it was not because of the face problem, but because everyone was really enthusiastic. The first boss monster gave them a lot of surprises, and the subsequent surprises will naturally make people look forward to it.

Stepping over the fault, walking through the passage, a new stone gate appeared in front of everyone, or in other words, a maze appeared in front of them.

"This time it's finally time for me to play." Tang Xiaoyao rushed to the front and said: "This maze is called the chessboard ecstasy array. I have already researched the route, the key is the chessboard. The characteristic of this maze is that every time you walk into a dead end, monsters will be refreshed. Death, but if you understand the formation, then it is simple, as long as you follow the path of survival, defeating ten waves of monsters can pass this level."

Tang Tang urged: "Xiao Yao, haven't you been talking for a long time just to remind us of your identity as the magic circle master, hurry up and lead the way, don't waste everyone's time."

Hearing Tang Tang's sarcasm, Tang Xiaoyao scratched his head helplessly, stepped into the ecstasy formation first, and soon led everyone to the first dead end...

A huge stone slab suddenly fell from the sky, directly blocking the way of everyone, and a large number of monsters appeared around them.

Tang Taro put a wall of wind on his body and said: "Chessboard guards, elite monsters of level 40-45 Soul Sect Realm, everyone be careful, these guards are very fast."

The chessboard guard has the appearance of a human body and cow face, about the height of a normal person, but he runs very fast and uses a long spear. This kind of long weapon is very lethal in this half-sized space, which is just enough for the weapon to swing. Yes, or to put it more directly, it is very difficult to dodge, it has nothing to do with agility, and there is not enough room to move.

"Ghost Fire Kill!"

Without further ado, Tang Tang brandished the horn of the beast and tapped the golden stick to cut the void, and a large piece of ghostly flames swung forward, rolling up a billowing sea of ​​flames, and devouring the chessboard guards.

For the same reason, it is also most suitable to use Nether Fire to kill in such a small space, because it will never fail. The reason is naturally the same as above. It has nothing to do with agility, but there is no room to escape.

At the same time Tang Tang released a large flame, Tang Mei went up with the sword at the same time.

A sharp cold wind suddenly gushed out from all around Tang Mei's body, the flying sword fluttered, and every blow brought back the cold air, and the wound left after hitting the guard of the Demon Palace would be frozen in an instant. A layer of frost was applied, and the speed of those chessboard guards within three meters of Tang Mei was greatly reduced.

Seeing such a scene, Tang Tang was surprised and said, "Sister, your trick is really against the sky?"

"Amituofu!" Niu Dada on the side said: "This should be the effect of inheritance, right?"

Tang Mei smiled and said: "Indeed, it is an inheritance. This is the Disdainful Nine Heavenly Soul Art created by a powerful Tang Sect, Feng Ling. There are nine layers in total. The first layer slows down all enemy targets within three meters, and at the same time There is a certain chance of freezing, and the effect will be better with each layer higher, it is said that the highest layer is effective within 100 meters."

"Awesome!" Niu Dada enviously said: "Inheritance is the most rare thing, even rarer than the magic weapon of the wise soul master. Although everyone knows that each sect has inheritance, but this inheritance task does not know how to do it. Find it, there are very few players who have a complete method of inheritance. I heard that Feng Ling is the direct disciple of the previous sect master of your Tang Sect, and he is still the senior brother of the current sect master, he is indeed a powerful person."

Tang Tang said jealously: "So awesome? Why don't I betray my teacher and go hang out with you? Remember to tell me how to do the inheritance task."

Tang Mei rolled her eyes and said: "I think you should stay honestly in your master's gate, that Fengling is in the forbidden area of ​​Tang gate, everyone knows it, but I have never seen him talk to anyone, my inheritance The task is also muddled, Fengling gave it to me inexplicably, if you want me to take you there again, I don't even know how to do it!"

What Tang Mei meant by saying this was not to dismiss the committee, but she was really not sure, and she was afraid that little girl Tang Tang would really betray her teacher in a flash of her head.It's just that when Tang Mei said this inadvertently, the others became even more envious. Whoever can be inherited in a daze, this character is so good that people are envious and jealous. Of course, it is impossible for everyone to vent their depression. If Tang Mei went to him, then he could only vent his anger on those chessboard guards!

There was a burst of cold light, Tang Tang continued to wave the horns and tap the golden staff, and rushed into the opponent's group. Niu Dada even waved his hand, and the ground under his feet was shaken with a move of the Vajra Demon Circle .

With Tang Xiaoyao leading the way in the Ecstasy Formation, everyone walked relatively smoothly.

It's just that the chessboard guards are getting stronger and stronger. The first three waves of chessboard guards are still relatively easy. At the beginning of the fourth wave, the guards of the magic palace disappear, and the monster becomes a chess piece as tall as a person. The power and attack power have both increased dramatically, the level has reached above level 45, and the number has increased to more than a hundred.

But it’s not a big problem if everyone is careful, but the last three waves of chess spirits turned into human chess spirits again. The most frustrating thing is that these three waves of human chess spirits all attack with magic. sea ​​of ​​flames.

Looking at the sea of ​​flames in front of him, Tang Tang greeted him with a big smile, unaware that there was any harm, and the others naturally ran wildly.But Tang Tang didn't get complacent for a long time, the overwhelming flame turned into a gushing water column, Tang Mei immediately went up with the weapon, and when the cold air on her body was released, she could actually see the arm-thick water column being frozen on the spot, but Tang Tang couldn't help it. I was so unlucky that I started to scurry around there.

"Vajra Subduing the Demon Circle!"

Niu Dada divided his hands, and then pressed down on the void, an invisible golden circle of light burst out from his body, shaking the ground where he passed, but also patted the last few human chess souls into meat paste , The maze has finally opened a bright door, which means that this crooked maze has finally been broken.

"Oh, I'm exhausted." Niu Dada sat down on the ground indifferently and said, "Did you break here last time? To be honest, these monsters are not particularly powerful, but they are too hard to kill. It’s no wonder that this place is called the Wanyao Fascination Formation, there are probably tens of thousands of monsters refreshed here.”

Tang Xiaoyao smiled wryly: "You guessed it right, we were really wiped out in this level, but it was in the hands of the boss monster at the end of this level."

Lin Dong took out the paper fan from nowhere, fanned the wind and said, "Then is there any good strategy to deal with the last boss monster this time?"

"Yes!" Tang Taro said: "Everyone can take a rest, the boss monster is in front, and I will tell everyone how to fight."

"Forget it, let's go!" Niu Dada jumped up from the ground with a twist of his buttocks and said, "As long as I think of the good things about the boss monster, I won't be tired. Now I feel full of strength."

Lin Dong put his fan away coolly and said, "Let's go, it's not polite to keep a few girls waiting."

Tang Mei and Tang Tang shook their heads indifferently, expressing that it was okay.

Walking out of the ecstasy array, everyone entered an empty room, square and empty, except for a huge humanoid leader in the center, with a livid face, shimmering with lightning, and suspended in the air. There was a slight sway in the air, surrounded by many ghost-like things, which seemed to be extinguished at any time.

"This is the leader of the ecstasy formation!" Tang Taro said: "This is an ancient chess spirit with very high defense and high health, but it will not actively attack players. But don't think that this is good Come on, there will be secret doors opening on all four sides of this room, and then the wind will blow out, if the ghost fire around the chess soul is blown out..."

Tang Taro was silent for a while and said: "There will definitely be no good things...."

Everyone was puzzled, Tang Tang asked: "Can you tell me what is going on and there will be no good things?"

Tang Taro shook his head and said: "I don't know what to say. At that time we didn't know the rules of this ancient chess spirit. When the secret door in the southeast direction opened, a ghost fire was blown out, and four of the seven people in the last line appeared inexplicably. After being injured, he died. Then a gust of wind blew from the secret door on the north side, and the will-o’-the-wisp on the north side was blown out, and a boundless sea of ​​flames suddenly appeared on the ground, engulfing the entire room, and me, Xiao Yao, and Fan Yu also died in battle, and the whole group was wiped out.”

"No wonder you asked me if my fire resistance is very high, and you just hope that I can resist the flames and kill this ancient chess soul?" Tang Tang thought for a while and said: "Actually, from what you said, this place may not necessarily be fire. Injury, the best way should be... can the secret door not be opened, or prevent the wind from blowing in?"

Tang Taro shook his head and said: "I don't know about that. Everyone died at that time, it was actually a bit inexplicable, because although the ancient chess spirit looked fierce, it would not fight back at all. Everyone just let go and attacked, and there was no reason at all. People pay attention to the secret door and the wind blowing out. I only thought of it after the fact. It may not be fire damage, but each of us has different resistances. If my guess is correct, our first target It is to prevent the wind from the secret door from blowing out. If it cannot be done, then we can only rely on resistance. At least, it will last longer than last time."

Lin Dong waved the folding fan and said, "If you don't try it, how will you know what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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