The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 127 Nine-Tailed Firefox Blazing Fire

Chapter 127 Nine-Tailed Firefox Blazing Fire
After dealing with Scarlet Jack, Tang Tang and the others continued to head towards the Nine-Tailed Firefox.The members of the Scarlet Mercenary Group can only be regarded as a small episode, so everyone naturally didn't care.

"The place where the nine-tailed Firefox is staying is the outskirts of the Hunting Soul Forest." The Thunder God Tyrant thought for a while and said, "I remember that there is magma, and there seems to be hot springs. Anyway, the temperature is very, very high. By the way, I remember that there is a large area of ​​flames Dragon grass."

Tang Tang nodded. On the boundary of Tangmen, the Soul Hunting Forest is divided into ten realms. The nine-tailed firefox naturally walked in the fire-attributed region. The temperature here is quite high, the trees are relatively rare, and most of them are in the stone forest region. The area, Tang Tang also knew, was just outside the stone forest, and it was one of the few non-monster areas that did not spawn monsters.As for the hot spring, it must have been misunderstood by the tyrant of Thunder God. It was magma. After all, although the Hunting Soul Forest is beautiful, it is not a tourist attraction, so there is no hot spring.

After about a cup of tea, Tang Tang led the way to the stone forest, but after entering the stone forest, the four of them felt something was wrong.

"It's the eighth time!" Mama Li frowned, "We walked less than 300 meters and met eight groups of players before and after!"

The goal of the four is the Nine-Tailed Firefox, so the four of them walked very low-key, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.If there are people from the Tang Sect on the road, Tang Tang and Tang Mei will surround the Thunder God Tyrant and Li Ma on the left and right, and deliberately reveal their sect and name to highlight themselves, especially the name of Tang Mei, a famous figure in the Tang Sect. The number is still very useful.

When encountering players from the half-beast forest or the demon-assisting camp, Tang Tang and Tang Mei just nestled in the middle silently, while Lei Shen Tyrant and Li Ma wore the murderous bloody names, so no one would notice them There is nothing wrong with four people.To be honest, the two sides are now in hostile camps, and they are fighting without any consideration. It is true that few people would think that the four belong to two camps.

It's just that this method is easy to use. Since entering the Stone Forest, the four of them have encountered eight groups of players. This is obviously a bit strange. Everyone has already entered the Tangmen Ancient Road and desperately. This position is only for hunting souls. The forest can only be regarded as the outer edge of Tangmen. Except for the nine-tailed firefox that is still in the lava, there is not even a bird feather here. Normally there should not be so many players.

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. The four of them basically believe that things have changed, but what happened, their eyes are darkened. If they want to know, they can only bite the bullet and go forward to find out. Or be careful and go straight. Let's talk about the best policy.

"I said, since everyone is here." Thunder God Tyrant hesitated and said, "Why don't we see what's going on, can't we still run?"

Others didn't want to just turn around like this. The key point was that things were different, so they couldn't make up their minds. When Thunder God Tyrant said this, the others just pushed the boat forward.

But before they walked ten meters, there was another group of people in front of them. Well, maybe it should be described as a large group of people, and there were seventy or eighty players heading towards them.

Tang Tang took a look and said, "It's a student of the Tang Sect. I've already seen two Tang Sect players wearing level 30 teacher suits."

Li's mother and Lei Shen tyrant shrank between them, and then said: "If you want to know someone well, you can make friends with them, and see if you can find out what is best."

"Okay, it's just a trivial matter. With our cuteness, we don't need to be familiar with it." Tang Tang agreed, and when the group of people flew past him, he pulled a fat man over and dragged him Pulling to himself, he said, "Big Brother, I'm asking you could it be you!"

"why you!……"

The fat man turned his head, and the two immediately yelled in unison. After the yelling, Tang Tang was still a little puzzled, why did he feel that this scene seemed a little familiar?

Tang Tang was wondering there, but the fat man on the opposite side raised his hand and a bolt of lightning struck towards Tang Tang.

Tang Tang came back to his senses, and quickly counterattacked with a thunderbolt in the air. The two thunderbolts collided in midair, and they disappeared into nothingness with a bang.

"Hmph." Tang Tang sneered and said, "This trick is useless, I will too!"

The fat man immediately rolled his eyes, he was actually an acquaintance of Tang Tang, Tang Fengzi from the Tang Sect's Tufeng Camp, and what's even more tragic was that this one seemed to have an enmity with Tang Tang at first, when he was in the Qianli Frozen Formation Tang Fengzi was tricked once by Tang Tang.

Moreover, in terms of strength, Tang Fengzi was much stronger than Scarlet Jack. If he really wanted to fight, Tang Tang would rather have a few rounds against Tang Fengzi.

It's just that what Tang Tang didn't expect was that after Tang Fengzi struck him with the thunder of annihilation, he didn't care about her at all, and she was going to keep running away when she let go of her feet. Pulled back.

"Hey, brother, it's me." Tang Tang pointed to his small face and said, "Just because of our friendship, don't you say you don't know me?"

"Hmph, what kind of friendship do we have!" Tang Fengzi snorted coldly and said, "You can even recognize that damned girl when she turns into ashes. Young master, I haven't been tricked like that in so long since I debuted. Don't worry, the thousand-mile frozen magic circle I will settle accounts with you slowly when I have time."

After Tang Fengzi finished speaking, he was about to give up. Tang Tang pulled him back again and said, "Brother, are you in a hurry to leave?"

"Yes!" Tang Fengzi said: "Sister, can you let go?"

Tang Tang shook his head and said, "No, unless you tell me something to hurry to leave, or what happened."

Tang Fengzi said: "Don't you wear eyes? Can't you see for yourself?"

Tang Tang wondered: "The scenery here is pleasant, and the sky is clear for thousands of miles. What do you want me to see?"

While Tang Tang was talking, he realized that someone had patted his shoulder twice. Duanmuyu looked back and found that it was the Thunder God Tyrant with one hand on his shoulder and one finger pointing behind them.

"What's the matter, brother?...Ah!...Oh, I'll go!..."

Tang Tang looked in the direction that Thunder God Tyrant pointed, and jumped up in fright, almost fell from the air. A large cloud of fire rose outside the stone forest. The tumbling flames were nearly a thousand meters long. Compared with the fire cloud created by Li Ma's red silk ribbon, it is nothing compared to that, there is no comparison at all.

What's more important is that the fire cloud is not only extremely huge, but also extremely fast, chasing the densely packed players towards them, but whoever flies slower will be swallowed by the fire cloud immediately, and after a while, it will be swallowed by the fire cloud. Countless white lights gushed out from within.

"Brothers and sisters, run away!"

Tang Tang wiped off his cold sweat, and the Imperial Envoy Phoenix Chick's Breath also joined the fleeing lineup.

"I'll go! Damn little girl, you just stopped me from letting me go, but now she runs faster than me!"

Tang Fengzi cursed, and immediately used the flying technique to escape at high speed. The remaining people saw that the fire cloud was indeed strong and invincible, so they quickly followed and ran away, riding the auspicious cloud and chasing Tang Tang.

Tang Tang saw that Tang Fengzi was also chasing after him, and immediately said angrily: "I said, brother, what kind of excitement are you playing? Where did this fire cloud come from!"

Tang Fengzi said dejectedly: "You think I'm happy? I was sick to play exciting games and I was hunted down. Isn't Huoyun the nine-tailed Firefox!"

Tang Tang wondered: "Nine-tailed Firefox? It's not that bad, isn't it just a boss around level 60?"

Tang Fengzi burst into tears and said: "Yes, I thought so before I came here."

Tang Tang wiped his sweat and said, "Is it really that strong?"

Tang Fengzi nodded affirmatively and said: "You don't know, at first I thought it was just a level 60 leader monster, and we had a lot of gang fights with those around level 50, thinking that with 5000 people, we can grind it out no matter what. Are you dead? But the damn thing is, I thought there were only nine-tailed foxes in the fire cloud, but as soon as I killed them, I saw that there were almost ten thousand nine-tailed foxes. The fire fox breathed out the blazing flame, and immediately burned the smoke thousands of miles away. Those nine-tailed foxes were completely covered in blazing flames, and then bumped into anyone they saw. Once they were hit, the blazing flames would immediately ignite all over their bodies, and they couldn't be extinguished no matter how hard they rushed. The blazing flames of the nine-tailed firefox are not at the same level as the blazing flames of ordinary nine-tailed foxes. Ordinary water spells are useless at all, and they are restrained by the blazing flames. Less than half, and there are many idiots behind, I don’t know where I got the news that we are going to besiege the Nine-Tailed Firefox, and they all ran over to join in the fun, you can just join in the fun, and brought a large group of assistant demon camps and demons The players of the clan, the mighty tens of thousands of people, blocked the way out, and it hurt us..."

As Tang Fengzi spoke, he looked around sadly. There were not even a few of the more than 5000 Tufengying gang members left.Of course, there should be some people who escaped by chance and mixed in the crowd, but it’s hard to say how many will be left. Initial estimates are unlikely to break through a hundred. No wonder Tang Fengzi was so heartbroken and sent more than 5000 people to the underworld to repent. This sin is really great.

On the other side, the four Thunder God Tyrants were also sweating. Luckily, Tang Fengzi brought 5000 people over to fight in groups, while the four of them were bold enough to kill Nine-Tailed Firefox with four guns.

Of course, this can’t be entirely blamed on Tang Tang’s whimsy. A few days ago, only a few people killed the 50-level Shuiyue fox. In Tang Tang’s mind, he is not afraid of flames. There should still be hope for restraining the flames.

But looking at it now, Tang Tang seems to have taken it for granted. Even the leader monsters of the same level can still be strong or weak, not to mention that the water moon demon fox and the nine-tailed fire fox are still ten levels behind!
Also at this time...

A high-pitched howling sound went straight into the sky, and the momentum shook the sky!

The image of a nine-tailed firefox with nine tails suddenly appeared in the fire cloud, and immediately after that, tens of thousands of nine-tailed foxes rushed out of the fire cloud without fear of death, charged towards the player group, and killed them with a howl .

The speed of the nine-tailed fox was obviously much faster than that of the fire cloud, and it rushed into the crowd with flames, but anyone who was touched by the flames of the nine-tailed fox would immediately burst into flames and be burned into charcoal.

"Let's go down and try to avoid the nine-tailed fox!"

Seeing those nine-tailed foxes rushing towards them, Tang Tang hesitated for a moment and then sank the imperial weapon. When the others saw Tang Tang abandoning the imperial weapon to fly, they followed suit one after another. Going down, it will be extremely difficult to avoid the Nine-Tailed Fox with the speed of his soaring technique, and it will be a matter of time before he is caught up, so why not follow the little girl down to have a look, hoping to find a good way.

(End of this chapter)

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