The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 128 Surviving a Calamity Trial Martial Arts Field

Chapter 128 Escaped a catastrophe and tried the martial arts field
After everyone landed on the ground, there were also many nine-tailed foxes hovering on the ground. Obviously, they were not the only ones who thought of escaping from the ground, but those nine-tailed foxes would also chase after them, but the number was much smaller than the ones in the air.

Tang Tang killed more than a dozen nine-tailed foxes with the imperial weapon first, and then the ghost fireball hit the ground. When it was about to hit the ground, he immediately cast hellfire, bursting the ghost fireball, and hitting the ground at the same time. Not a small pit.

Tang Mei jumped off the flying sword, and seeing what the little girl was doing, she wondered, "Girl, what are you doing? Digging a hole and burying it alive?"

"Of course it's digging a hole, but it's not for anything else, it's just to save your life!" Tang Tang directly pushed Tang Mei into the big hole and said, "Elder sister, you can just ask for blessings, I can't take care of you anymore. You must not come out until the Nine-Tailed Fox is gone."

Tang Tang urged Tang Mei to push Tang Mei in, and then pushed the soil on both sides to bury Tang Mei directly. Only the face part was exposed. If you don't look carefully, you can't see that there is a person there. Buried here.

In this way, the others immediately understood what the little girl was going to do, and they cooperated with Tang Tang to dig a hole before jumping in, but when it was Mama Li's turn, the cold-faced old woman hesitated.

"This..." Li Ma wondered: "I said girl, you have no better way?"

"Mother Li, I really can't help it." Tang Tang smiled wryly, "Either I'll be buried, and maybe I can escape. Or I'll be burned to death by the flames of the Nine-Tailed Fox. If you really think it's too dirty, it's okay." Stones? Or dead branches and rotten leaves are also fine!"

Mama Li hesitated for a while, but finally gritted her teeth and jumped directly into the big pit. Tang Tang conveniently found some branches and covered it up.Only then nodded in satisfaction and dug another big hole, jumped into it himself, buried the soil, and filled the dead man there.

Although the method Tang Tang thought of was a bit rotten, sometimes the seemingly inconspicuous method was of great use. Although those nine-tailed foxes would fly by at low altitude, they basically turned a blind eye to the few people who were buried alive.

And the sky was full of battles. Seeing that they couldn't run away from the pursuit of the nine-tailed fox, the players were also aroused fiercely and began to fight back against the nine-tailed fox. Into the fire cloud to kill the nine-tailed Firefox.

If the players were so united at the beginning, it was really possible to abduct the nine-tailed fox out of the fire cloud and then forcibly kill the nine-tailed fox.But now, the situation is not like this. All the players in the sky are brave and brave, but there are almost no good players to help.

In other words, it should be that all the good players are already dead. Among the 5000 people brought by Tang Fengzi, there are quite a few good players. However, those ordinary players are against these enhanced versions of Sanjiuweihu. It's already quite strenuous, even if you do your best, you really don't have the money to do it.

The one-sided situation, this one-sided massacre lasted for an entire hour.

Although the players tried their best to resist, they still couldn't stop the defeat. Especially the huge movement attracted many monster players and players who helped the monster camp, and the situation was no longer suspenseful.In the end, the remaining thousands of people were sent to the underworld, and there may be less than a hundred people who escaped.

In this duel, the Tang Sect was defeated like a mountain.Of course, the half-beast forest and the demon-assisting camp also lost a lot, and the flames of those nine-tailed foxes made no distinction between enemy and friend.

Even at the last moment, seeing that there was no hope of escaping, the people of the Tang Sect, with the idea of ​​killing one enough, took a suicidal attack on those players who were playing and helping the demon camp. Mouth of resentment.And after the nine-tailed firefox slaughtered tens of thousands of people, it also rode away in a cloud of fire in an unusually chic manner, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Oh, I'm suffocated!" As soon as the nine-tailed fire fox left, Tang Tang and his group crawled out of the pit, and the Thunder God Tyrant gasped, "It's really uncomfortable to be buried alive."

Tang Mei patted the dust off her body and said, "Girl, your trick is really not a good one, it's too frustrating."

"The tosser also recognized it, at least he saved his life." Tang Tang also spit twice, looked at the mess around him and said: "It seems that the nine-tailed Firefox is not a boss monster that can be taken down by just a few people!"

Thunder God Tyrant nodded and said: "I guess, this should be a boss monster for many players, not a dozen masters, or a few masters with similar attributes. The difficulty is not in the nine-tailed Firefox itself. It's the group of nine-tailed foxes closely guarding in the fire cloud, maybe we can really defeat the nine-tailed foxes when we are facing each other head-on, but the premise is that we have such a chance."

The others sighed after hearing it, and then chatted with each other for a few words before preparing to break up. After all, it is a hostile camp right now, and it is really inconvenient to act together. If we go out together later, do you think it is swords facing each other?Or stand still?

Mama Li and Tang Mei didn't care, but Tang Tang and Lei Shen Tyrant felt a little regretful. When they met under such circumstances, the two had no chance to talk about their brother-sister relationship.But Thunder God Tyrant said that after this event, the half-beast forest will no longer be closed, monster players can also come out, and humans can also go to the half-beast forest.Of course, there is a vast and vast continent beyond the half-beast forest, but the land of the half-beast forest is the territory of the monster race, and if you want to go there, you must have the consciousness of being killed, but generally speaking, there is still a lot of time to reminisce about the past, so , everyone waved goodbye.

After seeing Li Ma and Thunder God Tyrant away, the sky was getting dark, and the three of them also turned back to Tang Sect.

When passing by the Tangmen ancient road, Tang Fengzi suddenly said: "Little girl, this time I count your favor, and the matter of the thousands of miles of frozen magic circle will be settled, and I will give Tang Taro face, but if There will be a next time, and then I will not hold back."

"Hey, it's okay." Tang Tang said with a chuckle: "If there is a next time, you can continue to hunt and kill me, I don't mind."

Tang Fengzi was speechless, he gave Tang Tang a supercilious look, and turned to leave. He was very busy, and such a big incident happened, no matter what, he had to give an explanation to the gang, otherwise he, the gang leader, would not be able to explain it. .

"Girl, are we almost ready?" Back at Tangmen, Tang Mei looked at the time and said, "Why don't we go have a meal together?"

Tang Tang nodded and said, "Okay, let Mom get things ready, I'll go out first, and I'll be right there."

After agreeing to go to Tang Mei's house for dinner, Tang Mei and Tang Tang separated.

It was already dark, and the night in Soul Realm was still noisy, and there were crackling sounds in the air from time to time.

Tang Tang came to Tang Sect's trial martial arts field, took a look at it casually, and then clicked it, and then raised the imperial weapon, and if he didn't start again, his little belly would starve to death!
After leaving Tangmen, Tang Tang went straight to the main city, Dragon City. Dragon City is the residence of all life players or all non-professional players.

Entering Tang Mei's house, Tang Tang greeted her godmother very familiarly, and then sat down by herself. Five minutes later, four dishes and one soup appeared on the table, and Tang Mei also pushed the door open...

"It smells good!" Tang Meile sniffed it, and said happily, "Girl, you just came here. It seems that our tacit understanding is still there."

"Habits are like this." Tang Tang picked up the chopsticks with a smile and said, "I repeat the same thing every day, and it will naturally become a habit."

Tang Tang smiled without saying a word. They have been sisters for many years, and such a tacit understanding should naturally exist.

At this time, Tang Tang's thousands of miles of sound transmission suddenly sounded.

Tang Tang threw a bamboo shoot into his mouth and responded, "Who is it?"

"Is it Tang Tang?" The person at the other end of the sound transmission said with a smile: "I am the administrator No. 1024 of the martial arts practice field. The martial arts trial you have chosen already has a competition schedule."

There are many administrators in each trial martial arts field, because the martial arts field needs someone to help players arrange the games, and 1024 is the administrator who arranges the events for Tang Tang.

The administrator's job is very simple. He helps Tang Tang arrange the fighting, and he takes 10% of the winning share, and he also chooses to place bets.The practice martial arts field is equivalent to a legally operated casino. Players can practice martial arts here, and of course they are paid.

Tang Tang signed up casually when he was in the Tang Sect, because he often participated in the martial arts trial in his previous life. Not to mention the reward, it was also very helpful to reflect his skills. After all, sitting in a well and watching the sky is narrowing his vision.

Tang Tang swallowed the bamboo shoots helplessly, made an apologetic expression to Tang Mei, walked aside and said softly: "Have you read my request? Try not to be a Tang Sect player, and assist Horcruxes Not too much."

"I'm sorry!" 1024 said on the other end of the phone: "According to your request, this time we arranged a duel with little difference in strength. Well, the opponent is a monster player from Half-Beast Forest, a professional inheritance ancient boxer! "

Tang Tang's eyes lit up and he said, "Ancient boxer? Could it be unarmed?"

1024 said: "Yes, unarmed, without a Horcrux, that guy is a monster player from the half-beast forest, which is very suitable for your fighting requirements."

Tang Tang said: "Then when will the competition start?"

1024 said: "No hurry, there is still some time. If you agree, I will arrange a specific time for the match and then notify you. And this time, I don't need to go to other cities, it's just a fight inside the Tang Sect."

Tang Tang thought for a while, then agreed and said, "Then you can arrange it. I'll wait for your voice transmission."


After dinner at Tang Mei's house, when Tang Tang Yuqi returned to Tangmen, it was almost dawn.

Tang Mei at this time was the most sparsely populated, and the players who practiced all night or did quests were the most tired and most wanted to go to the inn to rest.As for those who didn't stay overnight, there were generally very few people who went to kill monsters early in the morning to do the mission of the teacher.

Therefore, Tang Tang deliberately chose this time, just wanting to practice leveling!

(End of this chapter)

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