The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 129 The Demon Town Tower Was Exposed by the Demon Emperor

Chapter 129

Tang Tang's realm level is a bit low, and he entered the soul domain too late, which led to a low starting point, although he has already caught up with the level of normal players.

But in fact, Tang Tang has survived the tribulation. After successfully crossing the tribulation, his level will increase. If the experience of successfully crossing the tribulation is deducted, then Tang Tang is only around [-]th level now, or if everyone survives the tribulation, then Tang Tang Tang's level is still low.

Although the level is not absolute, but no level is also very speechless. After level 10, there will be level suppression, the damage will not be reduced, but the avoidance rate is much higher, that is, the so-called "damage immunity" will be much higher.

Tang Tang really didn't want this unlucky thing to happen to her one day, and made a deep self-criticism. Tang Tang admitted that she was still very diligent in leveling, and wasted her time on leveling except for the task of being a teacher. Although she is not Tang Tang Desire is the type of leveling lunatic, on the contrary, there are very few simple leveling, just spent a few days with the Thunder God Tyrant in the Snow Soul Realm.

There are many monsters attacking Tangmen right now, and the experience of monsters is quite high, which is almost doubled. It is a rare opportunity to upgrade. Besides, if you kill them, the prestige value of the master can be exchanged for things, and the points can be ranked. The higher the ranking, The better the additional rewards the faction gets after winning.

Under such triple temptations, Tang Tang also decided to work hard and work hard to level up for a few days. The goal is to keep the first and compete for the second. At the end of the event, it is best to break through the soul master to level 42, otherwise level 41 is just fine. , at least level 40!
Thus, Tang Tang started his arduous road to leveling...

And when Tang Tang was aiming at cultivation level, the situation in Tang Sect was also full of flames of war.

After the chaotic battle on the first day, the Yaozu players deeply realized that they did not come to fight with others in front of the battle. Their first goal was to break into the Zhenyao Tower, and their second goal was to flatten the Tang Sect. The first purpose, of course, can temporarily abandon the second purpose, so the Yaozu players began to arrange attacks in an orderly manner again.

First of all, you have to take down Tangmen’s mountain protection circle. This is naturally a matter of life. Players can go up, and Yaozu Npcs can also, but considering the preservation of strength, the enthusiasm of players is very high this time, because death in the event is not enough. Downgrade, only the Horcrux equipment, and the Horcrux equipment does not need to be worn.

As a result, people without clothes appeared one by one, holding only the white clothes sold in the soul shop, and began to attack the Tangmen magic circle without fear of life and death.

Not to mention, this method is a little silly, but it is really easy to use. On the first day alone, at least 5 players were killed on the Yaozu side, but the protective formation flying sword in the Tangmen magic circle was also destroyed. People have lost a third of it, especially as some player forces have begun to gather popularity.

Of course, without a city lord's order and a resident application, you can't build a player faction, but the player's wisdom is infinite. There is a player faction from Shuiyue Villa who directly made a pennant with black cloth in a grocery store, writing "Water" With the four characters of Yueshanzhuang', they began to win over players.

In less than an hour, such banners spread all over the periphery of Tangmen, and the effect was not obvious.The major factions began to publicize their lives. Every player who rushed to the magic circle to commit suicide shouted the name of the faction, and some even carried a small flag with the name of the faction on their backs. The effect of the propaganda was directly proportional to the number of suicides.

And the resulting chain effect is that according to unreliable statistics, the underworld received more than 24 players within 12 hours, and at dawn the next day, more than half of the protective formation flying swords of the Tangmen magic circle were worn away, at most At noon, some players can rush to Tangmen, and before evening, Tangmen's mountain protection circle will become a passing cloud.

Under such circumstances, the disciples of the Tang Sect finally began to break out of the magic circle to fight back, and no longer used guerrilla tactics, and thus reaped the unexpected joy, because those players who broke into the formation were afraid of losing their equipment, so they all took off their Horcrux equipment. Next, there is basically a third-level horcrux, which can be killed with one click. It is a blatant gift of points. This has turned into a Tangmen player's madness, and began to kill people desperately, but the good times didn't last long.

The opponent immediately used the player forces as a unit to adopt rear protection. At the same time as the suicide attack, each brave team member must be equipped with three players behind him as protection, and immediately suppressed the Tangmen's formation.

However, the leading player forces of the Tang Sect, Kuangzhange and Tufengying, also realized the importance of unity and scheduling. After contacting the leading player forces in the other sects, they began to gather their personnel and conduct unified scheduling .

To be honest, this is actually quite difficult. Without a resident application, it means that the player's power is not recognized by Soul Domain. Although players can still organize, there are still many convenient functions missing. I don't know each other, which one is a friend, which one is a gang member, which one is an ally, these are not clear.

But in any case, the effect is finally there, and no matter whether they are people from the major player forces or people who voluntarily obey the dispatch, in the end, tens of thousands of people are gathered scattered, and through this Tens of thousands of people were used as the base, and the managers of each player's faction were in charge of commanding, and began to counterattack the Yaozu players outside the Tangmen's magic circle, targeting the opponent's suicide squad.

Taking the ten-man team as the benchmark, as for the other players who escorted the death squads, they naturally ignored them. Anyway, as long as the opponents are not allowed to take suicide attacks on the magic circle, the remaining escorts will naturally be wiped out by the magic circle. Drop, and they are equipped with equipment!
In this way, the situation has changed into a balance.

However, the rebalanced situation was sometimes broken, and this stalemate lasted for three full days.Because, on the evening of the third day, Tangmen's mountain protection circle was officially declared broken, and all the flying swords were exhausted by the Death Squad.But the fact is that those players are only unable to participate in the battle for 24 hours after they die, and they can enter the boundary of Tangmen again after 24 hours.

Therefore, the players on Tangmen's side still have no advantage, and have already started brutal hand-to-hand combat.

Also at this time...

Tang Tang spent three whole days brushing monsters in the Hunting Soul Forest, and when the little girl's face almost turned green, she finally rose two and a half levels, bringing her level up to level 39, and she was the best in the monster elimination list. On the leaderboard, Tang Tang's points are also ranked 129th, this is because Tang Tang only kills monsters and does not kill people, and concentrates on leveling. After all, the nine-tailed fox with the highest monster points only has 2 points, and kills monsters with only 3 points. Players are very high. Basically, a rookie who comes randomly will get 4 or [-] points.

Otherwise, with Tang Tang's own level of thinking, there is still hope for the top 100. Seeing that he is only one level away from completing the minimum goal, Tang Tang is also relieved, and is ready to go back to Tangmen for a rest, although A master must be able to endure loneliness, but it is indeed disgusting to farm monsters for three days regardless of day and night.At such a time, Tang Tang would also find excuses for himself, and quietly threw away the remaining bottles of life potion. Tang Tang sighed that there was no medicine, and began to turn back to the main hall of the Tang Sect.

Unfortunately, Tang Tang failed to return to the Tang Sect!
When entering the ancient road of Tangmen, Tang Tang saw fireworks flying, and the whole land of Tangmen was in a mess. Wherever he entered his eyes, there were people facing each other with swords and swords everywhere, fighting from the sky to the ground, from the ground to the world , there were swords, lights and swords everywhere, fireballs and ice swords flying around, and when he looked in Tang Tang's direction, Tang Tang was extremely surprised. The direction of the Tang Sect's main hall turned out to be full of flames. Could it be that Tang Sect could still fall?

Thoughts were swirling in his mind, and the thought of Tang Sect's fall frightened Tang Tang into a cold sweat, but he felt that it was impossible. When he left, the Tang Sect's magic circle was still there, and the main battlefield was still within the Tang Sect's ancient road. If the Tang Sect magic circle is breached within a few minutes, it will not be killed to the main hall of the Tang Sect.

The number of people on both sides is almost the same, and those old monsters in Tangmen should not sit idly by seeing their own family property being ravaged, but the soaring fire, could it be whose Horcrux?

Tang Tang stopped in the air and pondered, but he was also quietly watched by others. Everyone was beating him to death, and only one little girl was there leisurely. Naturally, the goal was very big. A scarlet mercenary group from the demon camp After helping the crowd to deal with their opponents, they quietly touched Tang Tang's back, gave a light drink, and rushed towards Tang Tang fiercely.

"Hmph, overestimating yourself!"

Tang Tang snorted coldly, but didn't even move the Horcrux. When the opponent's flying sword was about to stab him, he turned his body lightly, and the sword light brushed his arm and flew out. The bloody mercenary The people in the regiment couldn't stop the inertial collision, and those who stumbled couldn't stop rushing forward.

Tang Tang shook his head and sighed softly. At this time, he could see the benefits of agility. When Tang Tang made a move, even if it was a sneak attack, he only used seven points of strength, just to avoid this embarrassing situation and ensure that he could move freely. Well, the damage from the soul domain counts if it hits, but it doesn't count if it misses. You can't double the damage with that much effort. Do you need to use such a lot of strength?

"Death pulse!"

Shaking his head, Tang Tang suddenly attacked when the bloody mercenary gang had just stabilized their figure. With a wave of the horn, it turned into a ray of light, and the figure disappeared. The distance of ten meters was almost instantaneous, and the player of the bloody mercenary group had just turned around, and Jian Guang had already killed him!

Heartbeat of death, invisible, invisible, murder without a trace!

Death Pulse + Horn Point Gold Rod + Vulnerability Attack -1872
The light from the golden staff on the horn of the beast directly pierced through the necks of the blood-colored mercenary gang members, leaving a bloody hole in the neck, bringing out a bloody flower, and sent him to the underworld neatly.

Tang Tang didn't seem to be able to bring himself good luck after killing one person with thunderous means.

(End of this chapter)

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