The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 134 The Demon Town Tower Was Exposed by the Demon Emperor

Chapter 134 The Demon-Suppressing Tower Was Exposed by the Demon Emperor ([-])
"Haha!" Seeing that Tianzhu's flames were countered, Tang Tang couldn't help laughing triumphantly, waved the staff in his hand and said, "Mingyan? You're not the only one who knows it!"

"Damn girl, if the villain succeeds, don't go crazy!"

Tian Zhu was half-dead by Tang Tang's laughter. This little girl was too rampant. Although he was a little bit more arrogant just now, at any rate, his arrogance was a little reserved, but this girl's arrogance was a naked fight. Face.

Tianzhu is very angry. The result of his anger is that he went crazy and continued to activate the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover. This does not mean that he lost his composure, but that he is going all out. The biggest feature of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover is that it is used according to the accumulated time. For calculation, use 5 minutes, cool for one hour, use 10 minutes, cool for two hours, and so on, up to three 10 minutes of continuous use.

Of course, the cooling time is also absurdly up to six hours, so Tianzhu has always been used for 5 minutes, and the price of provoking him is to endure half an hour of hellfire devastation!
Soon, Tang Tang began to regret his arrogance.

Because, she also found that Tianzhu's Horcrux is counted by time, and her own soul skills are counted by number of times. Her 10 points of soul power lasts for 30 seconds to kill the Nether Fire, and it takes 2 minutes to clear a space. Only 50 points of soul power can last for 10 minutes, unless the damn Nine-Dragon Cover suddenly breaks within 10 minutes, or I will be roasted by Tianzhu sooner or later.

"Damn, fight!"

Tang Tang didn't know how long the fireworks of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover would last, but there was a better way, that is to destroy Tianzhu, as long as Tianzhu went to the underworld, the Horcrux would naturally be useless, maybe it could explode , This is much more than luck.

"The Mo Zhe Wushuang!"

Tang Tang holds the horn-pointed gold stick in his right hand to resist the Mingyan of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, and at the same time, with a wave of his left hand, the Moqiu sword behind his back flies out with phantom light, straight into the sky, and hovers on the top.

Both offense and defense!Mo Zhe Wushuang!
The sword light flashed, and eight large golden characters floated in the sky, dancing like dragons and phoenixes, with a majestic momentum!

"No need to help!" Several monster players around Tianzhu immediately stepped forward to protect the dharma, but Tianzhu waved his hand to stop him: "I will do it myself, I will defeat her with my own hands!"

Tian Zhu was angered by Tang Tang, and he had to meet the little girl in person. Looking at the eight gold characters, he sneered, not talking nonsense, and waved his hands lightly, and a purple sword light suddenly shot out. Continue to dance the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Mask, directing the sword light with his right hand to hit the eight big characters in the sky.

"Phantom Spirit Demon Slash!"

Tianzhu groaned, and the purple sword light turned into two, turned into four, turned into eight, and turned into sixteen. A total of sixteen purple sword lights went straight into the air, slowly twisting and changing, like a tiger. , or leopards, or jiao, or snakes..., those sixteen sword lights actually turned into sixteen demon spirits and went straight up to the sky, walking towards the eight golden characters!

Just at this very moment...

The eight golden characters shattered and turned into countless golden and white meteor showers that fell, and a sword rain fell in the sky, falling suddenly downward.

Everyone ran away with their heads in their arms, and even the underflame of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover was shattered by the meteor shower-like sword energy. Only the sixteen demon spirits in front of Tianzhu resisted the falling sword energy, A vacuum formed above Shangtian's head.

After a while...

The sixteen demon spirits were almost completely shattered, and the remaining rays of light regrouped into a purple sword light and flew back to Tianzhu's back, but the big golden characters of the Moqiu sword were also somewhat weak and gradually dissipated.

Tianzhu was also relieved seeing the dissipated meteor shower sword energy, and secretly thought that he was a little bit arrogant. After all, the Tang Sect has a large number of players, and in proportion to the number of people, there are indeed quite a few masters. A random little girl is so powerful, and he almost I couldn't resist anymore, but at this moment, Tang Tang's shout brought Tianzhu back to his senses again.

"It's not over yet!" Tang Tang waved one hand: "Caohai Buddha! Reincarnation of life and death!"

The dark green sword grass burst out of the ground with a flash of vitality, and each plant shone with a piercing sword intent!
Everyone was surprised for a moment, no one noticed when the grass sea under his feet came out, but when Tang Tang waved Mo Qiujian, he was already preparing to release the 'Caohai Futu', which was just Mo Qiujian's Meteor Rain Sword It was so dazzling that no one could notice that under the cover of the meteor shower in the sky, the green grass sea sword energy was growing!

The fine and dense grass-green sword energy spread across the entire camp. Looking at the dense sword energy, Tianzhu's forehead could not help but sweat a little. Big, you can still try to hide, but if the two sides are facing each other, isn't it a bit embarrassing to hide by yourself?

Sometimes, it’s true to say that you want to save face and suffer. Tianzhu can see through the weakness of Caohai Futu at a glance. Although it has a wide range, it only relies on the piercing of sword energy to cause damage, not to maintain indiscriminate continuity within the range. Injury, dodge is the best way.But for the sake of the so-called face, Tianzhu felt that he couldn't back away like this!

"Kowloon Divine Fire Cover!"

The dense sword energy is really not something that Horcruxes can resist. Tianzhu finally withdrew the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover to suppress Tang Tang's Mingyan. With the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover in his hand, a large piece of Mingyan swept towards the sword energy in the air. Using fire against wood, the black flame collided fiercely with the sword energy in mid-air, and the violent vibrations rolled up layers of air waves, pushing everyone back.

However, relying on the continuous underworld flames from the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, Tianzhu stopped the dense sea of ​​grass and sword rain abruptly, colliding and melting each other, evenly matched, neither side could make an inch of progress.

Unfortunately, Tang Tang's 'Caohai Buddha' is not a spell with a single attribute.And Tianzhu seems to have missed one thing!
Fair play?Evenly matched?
Tang Tang never had such an idea. It was just that Tianzhu was aroused after seeing Mo Qiujian. Tang Tang had only one purpose from the beginning to the end, and that was...

Kill him!
The Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover is not without its weaknesses. Even if most Horcruxes have continuous effects, you don’t need to worry about it after use, but the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover must be dragged continuously, and every time it is lifted, it will bring out a piece of dark flames.

Only in this way can we ensure that the flames of the underworld will not be extinguished, continuous like waves, which also means that it is difficult for Tianzhu to vacate his hand when he is fully urging the Nine Dragons God Fire Shield. At this time, the green grass sea suddenly withered, and sparks burst out Coming out, when Tianzhu was surprised, Tang Tang moved suddenly.

"The throbbing of the heartbeat! The pulsation of death!"

The body became invisible, and Tang Tang's body disappeared in a flash, quietly disappearing between heaven and earth.


This sound was yelled by Li's mother, she had seen the power of the little girl's death pulse, compared to the terrifying damage caused by the death pulse, the concealment technique of coming and going without a trace is what makes people really frightened.Therefore, as soon as Li Ma saw Tang Tang disappearing, she knew it was not good. Even if she was fully on guard, it would be difficult to prevent this move. Besides, Tianzhu's attention was now on the spark.

Even so, Tianzhu was still brought back to his senses by Mama Li's sudden shout, and when he looked sideways, his face immediately showed fear, but the Moqiu sword in Tang Tang's hand suddenly appeared in front of him. Half a meter away, it is almost inevitable.

The only fortunate thing is that Tianzhu has rich combat experience, and saved Tianzhu's life at the critical moment. He twisted his body slightly at the last critical moment. After twisting, although he still couldn't avoid Tang Tang's attack Jian Guang, however, caused the sword's edge to deviate a bit. Tang Tang failed to cut his throat with a sword, but pierced through Tianzhu's shoulder blade!

Death Pulse + Moqiu Sword - 1206!

After Tianzhu's shoulder blade was penetrated, a piece of blood oozes out, but it is not a vital position at all. Although there may be special damage such as critical strike damage and flaw attack, the probability is quite small, and Tianzhu finally did not. That's unlucky, it's just ordinary damage, but it hasn't sent Tianzhu to the underworld yet.

"Despicable little girl!" But compared to the hurt, Tianzhu felt even more aggrieved, gritted his teeth and stared at Tang Tang and said, "Little girl, don't you think sneak attack is shameful?"

"Sneak attack? Brother, you seem to have misunderstood!" Tang Tang said with a smile: "Now it's killing, not fighting. Who stipulates that I am not allowed to shoot when you are resisting spells? How can it be considered a sneak attack, death pulse!"

Tang Tang flipped his wrist, waved the animal horn to tap the golden staff, and immediately wanted to use the death pulse again, but...

The surroundings suddenly became very quiet!
Tang Tang suddenly broke out in cold sweat behind his back, and suddenly said to Tianzhu: "Brother, my younger sister also suddenly felt remorse, and also felt that such a sneak attack is a very bad behavior. So, I think it's better for us to discuss it later. , why don't you be busy first?"

After Tang Tang finished speaking, he pinched Yujianshu and prepared the imperial weapon to escape. Damn it, he lost the chain at a critical moment, and all his soul power points were used up. Isn't this killing people!

"Hmph!" Tian Zhu was half-dead by Tang Tang's anger, and now he ignored Tang Tang's shamelessness and gritted his teeth: "Kill this little girl!"

"Hmph!" Tang Fengzi snorted coldly, then waved his hand and said, "Do you think our side is full of dead people? Brothers, go! Hack him to death!"

As a result, the heads-up turned into a gang fight again, and a group of people exchanged fire again. Tang Tang wiped off his cold sweat and took the opportunity to sneak to the rear.

Also at this time...


There was a loud noise, and suddenly there was a ripple on the magic circle outside the Demon Suppressing Tower, and the elders who sat cross-legged in four directions suddenly opened their eyes, and as soon as the light appeared in their hands, they wanted to press down on the magic circle The ripples on the ground, but before the elders exerted their strength, the magic circle was suddenly shattered with a bang!

A black shadow suddenly jumped out from the Town Demon Tower, stood in the air, and looked down at everyone!
The skin of the whole body is light green, with a pair of unicorn horns growing in front of the forehead, and bloody eyes in the forehead. Although the clothes on the body are dilapidated, they can't hide the hostility at all. The sword-shaped Horcrux!

It's the Demon Emperor!The Demon King of the Half-Beast Forest!
This name flashed in Tang Tang's head unconsciously, because only the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons who once looked down on the world could have such a hostile spirit. Even if he was suppressed by the Demon Suppressing Tower for a hundred years, the Demon King is still the Demon King!

(End of this chapter)

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