The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 135 The Demon Town Tower Was Exposed by the Demon Emperor

Chapter 135 The Demon-Suppressing Tower Was Exposed by the Destroying Demon Emperor ([-])
"The Demon Emperor! The Demon Emperor has broken out!"

Several elders looked at each other, Elder Xuanwu suddenly burst into flames, and the blue light on his body moved towards the Demon Emperor. attack.


The Demon Emperor snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and drew a circle in the void, and a big hole was opened in the sky behind him, revealing a black hole, with black lightning and bloody flames shining, and countless ferocious little monsters rushed forward from the big hole. Some of them jumped out, and in the blink of an eye, there were thousands of them, and they rushed towards Elder Xuanwu densely.

A hundred little demons, a thousand little demons...

I don't know whether to say that Elder Xuanwu's sword light is ferocious, or the little monsters of the Demon Emperor are too useless. Elder Xuanwu's sword light immediately destroyed a large number of little monsters. With the elder Xuanwu's wrist shaking slightly, The rolled up sword flower even enveloped a large area, and more than a thousand little demons were beheaded by Elder Xuanwu in an instant.

However, the little demons summoned by the Demon King are really inexhaustible, and they are not afraid of life and death at all. They rushed towards Elder Xuanwu one after another. After killing more than a thousand little demons, Elder Xuanwu's sword light was finally captured by the little demons The demon was scattered, turned over helplessly, and was forced back to the ground by those little demons of the Demon Emperor.

But at this moment, two shadows of people flashed out of the demon-suppressing tower again, and suddenly they took the opportunity to move towards the demon emperor's back.

"Wind and Thunder Double Kill!"

"Yu Jian kill!"

The two figures attacked almost at the same time, and everyone looked up carefully, only to find that the two figures were indeed Tang Taro and Tang Xin.

It's a pity that although the two of them came suddenly, and the timing of their sneak attack was well-timed, the Demon Emperor's ability to summon little demons was really annoying.Although they are dead at the first touch, they can't stand too many, and it seems that they can't die at all.

The moment the two were attacking, hundreds of little monsters spewed out from the black hole in the sky, and blocked them directly in front of the Demon Emperor. All attacks were blocked.

"Do it!" The two fell back to the ground, and Tang Xin shouted: "The Demon Emperor still has the Demon Suppressing Sword stuck in his chest, and he can't pull it out by himself. He only has [-]% of his cultivation now."

Tang Xin's words made everyone excited. The Demon Emperor is a super boss monster. It doesn't depend on how much cultivation level is left. Isn't that the best time to pick a bargain?
Tang Fengzi was about to move forward bravely, but he forgot that the demon emperor had someone in his hands. Tianzhu's Nine Dragon God Fire Cover wasted a lot of time, but it still hadn't reached the maximum usage time limit. With a strong wave, a large swath of dark flames fell.

This time, even Tang Tang didn't dare to resist, the power of Ming Yan was indeed impressive, and the most troublesome thing was that it had a bunch of control effects.

Everyone immediately guarded their weapons, or used the soaring technique to dodge to the sides.

"let's go!"

Tianzhu used Mingyan to repel the crowd, and immediately took the lead and shouted. Their goal was to rescue the Demon Emperor. They thought they would go to the Demon Suppressing Tower to pick them up, but now that the Demon Emperor appeared by himself, that would be the best. No, there is no need to fight any more, and immediately cover the Demon Emperor to retreat.

Announcement: The Tang Sect is on the decline, thousands of demons are dancing wildly, the Demon Emperor has broken through the Demon Town Tower, all Tang Sect warriors are requested to prevent the Demon Emperor from leaving the Tang Sect within the specified time, time limit: half an hour...

Announcement: The Tang Sect is on the decline, thousands of demons are dancing wildly, the Demon Emperor has broken through the Demon Town Tower, all Tang Sect warriors are requested to prevent the Demon Emperor from leaving the Tang Sect within the specified time, time limit: half an hour...

Announcement (repeat):  …

When the Demon Emperor flew out of the range of the Demon Tower in Houshan Town, the soul domain announcements sounded one after another, and the half-hour limit meant that the event, which lasted for several days, had finally reached its final stage.

"Everyone kill him together!"

Tang Xin's heart skipped a beat when he heard the Soul Realm announcement, and then he jumped out and shouted.

In fact, there is no need for him to remind. Others also know that they must not just let the Demon Emperor leave like this. As long as they leave the Demon Town Tower, more players will immediately join in.

It is true that everyone has some selfish desires to blow up the demon emperor's possessions, but the fact is that such a choice is not wrong. If the demon emperor is allowed to leave, there are indeed countless Tangmen players participating in it. It seems that the possibility of killing him has increased, but You can't treat the monster players in the half-beast forest and the players who help the monster camp as dead people. At that time, the uncertain factors will be large, and it is not something that a few masters can control.

It's just that as soon as everyone charged, Tianzhu immediately blocked the front again, glanced at the use time of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, and there were less than 5 minutes left, so he simply shouted at the others, and he kept using the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover there , sowing a large black flame.

To be honest, this trick is really shameless. The more people there are, the better the effect is. Right now there are about ten people in the Tang Sect, but the effect is not very good. Almost all of them are elite players. There is a way to dodge, but it is limited to dodge, and if dodge, naturally there is no way to deal with the demon emperor.

Tang Taluo is very brave, he directly propped up the wall of the wind on his body, but it is a pity that there is no way to support it alone, and the opponent is not only Tianzhu, Li Ma directly sent Fuyao Zhiding, countless needles and golden lights rolled towards Tang Taluo , forced Tang Taro back to the ground.

Tang Tang could see clearly from below, and immediately glanced at his soul power, he had already recovered 30 points, and there was still 20 points left to recover, the shortest would take 6 minutes, but 30 soul power points were enough for Tianzhu to bear , Maybe I can send this guy directly to the underworld.

After all, Tianzhu stiffened Tang Tang's death pulse just now, and he never had the chance to use the recovery potion.

Following Tang Taro's example, he threw a body protection spell of the Wind Wall on himself, and then rushed into the flames of the underworld. However, as soon as he entered the sea of ​​flames, Tang Tang suddenly went crazy, and his mana value dropped as much as Like an unstoppable torrent, he had already lost one-third of his body after walking ten meters forward. With a sigh, Tang Tang had no choice but to withdraw from the sea of ​​flames.

Although they are both the Wall of the Wind, my mana is much different from Tang Taro's, and the spell damage is also much weaker than Tang Taro's. The same spell, the effect is really different, Tang Taro He could use the wall of the wind to resist the Mingyan of the Nine Dragons Divine Flame, but Tang Tang couldn't resist it!

Tang Taluo was repelled, Tang Tang had no choice but to retreat, and the others naturally had no choice but to watch the Demon Emperor fly out of the boundary of the Demon Locking Tower, out of the back mountain and head towards the Tangmen Hall. Tianzhu also took advantage of the situation to put away the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, and followed with his purple sword light.

"Stop chasing him!" Tang Fengzi stopped the two companions who wanted to chase Tianzhu and said: "Don't chase after the poor, and even if you kill him, it's useless. What else can you do except vent your anger? The main target now is the Demon Emperor!"

As Tang Fengzi spoke, he clasped his fists at Niu Dada, and then at the two female soul healers from the Sea God Pavilion. In the end, even Tang Xin didn't miss out.

"Everyone, I won't say anything superfluous." Tang Fengzi said in a rare serious way: "Everyone has seen the current situation. After the Demon Emperor goes out, it will inevitably turn into a big melee, and the situation will become difficult to control. If we still want to To win, we can only gather those who are willing to listen to our command as much as possible, and we will have a chance of winning if we work together to kill them. Tang Sect has us, Tufengying and Kuangzhange, as for the other sects and factions, I will trouble everyone Thank you in advance, brother."

The others naturally nodded, "Rescue Tangmen?"That's nonsense, activities, saying that fighting for justice is too fake, but it is a fact that everyone wants to win, and everyone has a competitive heart.Secondly, you can get more rewards if you win, right?

So, everyone nodded in agreement, without further delay, each of them prepared to go, even Tang Taluo was dragged away by Tang Fengzi. Although he was not from Tufengying, he was very enthusiastic and capable, and he was still a wise soul master. First senior.

Therefore, Tang Taro has a very high reputation in the circle of Tangmen Soul Hall. If he comes forward, he can also attract many players who are willing to sacrifice their personal interests and obey the command.

"Hey, a group of guys who kill donkeys don't need me anymore, and they won't even say goodbye."

Tang Tang watched everyone leave, and muttered, of course, that is to say, she is still very popular now, except that the Kuangzhan Pavilion is completely at odds with her.

With other people, she can hang out wherever she wants, but the bald man Niu Dada strongly urged Tang Tang to hang out with him because the little girl is beautiful and can be a bodyguard.Although he has received the Buddha's inheritance, the Buddha is not good at force. With Tang Tang, a gold medalist, by his side, Niu DaDa's safety factor can be much higher.

It's a pity that Tang Tang rejected it righteously. Just kidding, even if I can still earn the reputation of the master, it's more comfortable than being with a monk Hua!

When everyone was all astigmatized, Tang Tang looked back at the Zhenyao Tower. The elders had already returned to the four steering wheel seats of the magic circle and continued to suppress the magic circle of the Zhenyao Tower. device left.

After leaving the back mountain, Tang Tang went straight to the main hall of the Tang Sect.

The demon emperor was not walking fast, it could even be said to be very slow.Of course, this is understandable, it now has a demon-suppressing sword stuck in its chest, and its [-]% cultivation level is no different from a serious injury.

Secondly, it only takes 5 minutes for Tang Tang to fly from the back mountain to the mountain gate at full speed. Even if the ancient road of Tangmen is counted as the boundary of Tangmen, it will only take ten minutes. Wouldn't it be for nothing to give a time limit of half an hour?
At this time, the players hadn't assembled yet, but the monster clan of Litangmen started to move first. The 鵸鵌 and the nine-tailed fire fox walked in the air, directly guarding the demon emperor's side, and the 錼訑 also broke through the magic circle of the mountain gate. , rushed under the Demon Emperor, the three chief monsters formed a triangular formation, escorting the Demon Emperor to leave towards the outside of the Tang Sect hall.

Seeing that the Demon Emperor was about to leave, Tang Sect players quickly reacted.

After all, Soul Domain was afraid that everyone would not know about it, so the announcement was refreshed ten times, and it was printed in the reminder record in bright red characters. It's a fool!

Therefore, the players on Tangmen's side rushed towards the demon emperor like crazy, while the players standing in the demon camp naturally sacrificed their lives for righteousness, and bravely moved forward to act as human shields and began to block the flying sword light .

In fact, it is also a process of switching between offense and defense. At the beginning, Tangmen was always in a state of passive defense, but now it is the turn of Yaozu players to defend. This is also very fair. The defender is always more passive, and the attacker is always more defensive free.

Now that the Demon Emperor has come out, no matter what, Tang Sect players have to attack once, and in general, this event is relatively biased towards Monster Race players, but it is also easy to understand, the only supporters who make the half-beast forest serious are Samurai Soul Valley and A small number of scattered people, although there are NPCs joining, the number will not be too small, but after all, it is not as powerful as Tangmen's side, where the combined forces of several sects are powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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