Chapter 145
At this time, Tang Tang suddenly heard someone calling him behind him, and when he looked back, he saw Qingqing Apple Xiang recruiting people behind him, accompanied by two not very handsome boys, which made Tang Tang sigh Rotten female writers are popular everywhere, and it is enviable for people to travel with beauty, but this girl even takes two handsome guys with her at once!

Tang Tang went up to meet him and said, "Pingguo, why are you here?"

Qingqing Apple Xiang rolled her eyes and said: "Aren't you talking nonsense, this is Huangquan Village, and it's all within the sphere of influence of our Spirit Hall. Where can I be if I'm not here?"

Tang Tang was stunned, and suddenly remembered that Huangquan Village was within the scope of the Wuhun Palace. It is not unusual for Qingqing Apple Xiang to appear here as a disciple of the Wuhun Palace.

Qingqing Apple Xiang continued: "But little girl, you are not squatting honestly in Tangmen, how could you be here?"

Tang Tang said: "It's hard to explain, I have troubles myself, and the elder sister is about to cross the catastrophe? I have to help her no matter what."

Qingqing Apple Xiang immediately praised: "This is a good sister. She is loyal enough. I didn't say anything. I saw it when I was on the earth. Li Yan smiled at that evil and rotten girl, and she always had something hidden in her heart. The eldest sister can't do it, she is generous. It's generous, but we are poor people, and there is pressure to hang out with Bai Fumei, and Xiao Qiao's mistress is even more unkind. The handsome guy chasing her is enough to strengthen a company but never share with us. After all, you are the most In fact, this is the real good sister."

Tang Tang patted his small chest immediately and said, "That's right, don't look at who I am, I will go up the mountain of swords and go down the sea of ​​fire for my sisters!"

Qingqing Apple Xiang hugged Tang Tang excitedly and said, "Girl, I'm just waiting for your words, so can you help me?"

Qingqing Apple Xiang went around in circles for a long time, and the final request was not difficult, it was just a task for Tang Tang to accompany her.

However, the reason why she took so much effort to fool Tang Tang was that the damn mission had to leave the village, leave Huangquan Village, and enter the endless Huangquan Great Wilderness!

"Quick, quick, Fourth Sister, aren't you a student of the Martial God Hall? Why are you so slow!"

"Left, jump! Watch out for sand-eating ants behind you!"

"To the left, I haven't reached the position, go a little further to the left, what are you afraid of, the sand-eating ants are behind you, run quickly!"


Qingqing Apple Xiang jumped up and down and ran around on the rolling yellow sand, her pretty face was covered with sand, the two boys looked distressed, but Tang Tang laughed and directed more happily Smelling the fragrance of apples, he ran wildly on the sand dune until he stepped on the air at the end and rolled down the sand slope, while the sand-eating ants behind him also chased up fiercely.

But at this moment, the Fire and Thunder Burst that Tang Tang buried in the sand in advance suddenly exploded, and the overlapping damage blasted dozens of sand-eating ants into the sky, raining a small amount of equipment, and four people rolled over Beat the experience.


"Two handsome guys." Tang Tang turned around and said with a smile: "Now you won't feel sorry for my fourth sister, will you?"

"You don't look like a big girl, but you have a bad heart." Le He smiled and said, "Don't you think you are gloating now?"

"En, um!" Qu Zhi echoed, "And you are sisters, isn't it very bad to treat my fourth sister like this?"

"You don't understand this." Tang Tang smiled and said, "Do you two boys understand what sisterhood is? Believe it or not, I will ask her if she is happy later, and she will tell me that she is happy with tears of joy!"

Just as Tang Tang was talking, he climbed up the sand dune where they were, panting heavily with the fragrance of apples.

Tang Tang immediately said: "Fourth sister, I took time out of my busy schedule to help you with tasks, are you happy?"

Qingqing Apple Xiang was silent for a while, and finally said with tears streaming down her face: "Happy, I'm so happy."

Qu Zhi was surprised and said, "I'm crying, Sister Apple is really crying!"

Tang Tang immediately laughed and waved: "Let's go, let's move on!"


The place where the few people are now is the Huangquan Desert. The goal of Qingqing Apple Fragrance is the source of the desert in a sandstorm area in the desert. Why do you need to go to the source?Because Green Apple is also preparing to cross the catastrophe, if you want to cross the catastrophe, you need some things at the bottom of the box.

After all, not everyone is as lucky as Tang Tang. Luck is still too illusory, and the two boys who came with Qingqing Applexiang are called Le He and Qu Zhi. They are brothers, and Le He is the eldest brother. Qu Zhi is the younger brother. It is said that both of them were from the Conservatory of Music, and their task was to escort Shui Yuan to a desert village outside the Great Wall. Because of the way, the two invited Green Apple to set off together, and they had a care for each other.

Of course, the drunkard's intention is not to drink, Tang Tang thinks that the main purpose of Green Apple is to seduce the handsome guy Le He, as for Qu Zhi, this little boy is only 16 years old, just barely qualified to enter the soul realm, Tang Tang believes that, Even if the old cow loves to eat young grass, the clear apple fragrance is not enough to kill a little boy.

There was nothing to say along the way, and the four of them continued on their way. Their first destination was Huangquan Valley Road.

This is a very misnamed place, it is called a valley road, but there is no river valley, no human habitation, only raging storms and dust, sand-eating ants that come out of nowhere and run around, and thorns hidden in the wind and sand The pitfalls are frightening.

The destination of the two brothers Lehe and Quzhi is Yanri Village behind the valley road. There is no water source, and the people there live a very hard life. Wuhundian will release the task of transporting water source to Yanri Village every week. The reward is the prestige value of the division. , and some silver coins, it was a thankless task.

Many people did it once and then stopped doing it, but Qu Zhi, Le and the brothers kept going, because they felt that the villagers in Yanri Village were very pitiful, so they insisted on doing this task every week.

In this regard, Tang Tang felt that the two boys were a little silly. You can feel sad for those villagers, but if you put too much emotion into it, you will become obsessed. This is not a good thing, but Tang Tang likes these two boys. There are not many simple and kind boys, and Tang Tang feels that he has an obligation to prevent such pure boys from being harmed by the rotten girl's Qingqing apple fragrance.

As for Qingqing Applexiang, her mission target is within the Yellow Spring Valley Road, and the target is the leader monster at level 45 - the desert python!

This is a boa constrictor spirit, which has not yet taken the shape of a human being, but has already conceived a magic core. Tang Tang is not polite, and directly divides the treasure of the boa constrictor spirit with Qingqing Apple Xiang, the python spirit of the desert giant python Returning to Green Apple, the Magic Core was pre-ordered by Tang Tang.

"This is Huangquan Valley Road!" Qingqing Apple Xiang took out a map, pointed to the river ditch in front of him, and said, "In the past, this area was full of flowing water in the valley, but now there is only wind and sand all over the sky. We walked too slowly along the banks of the ditch. How about jumping directly into the river? This way you can see Yanri Village in less than an hour, and be careful of sand ants, the river is narrow, and we are at a disadvantage in terms of terrain. Secondly, there are thorn organs hidden in the sand and dust, which have blood-sucking effects. Be careful, of course, the most important thing to watch out for is the storm, you can often see it, and there are level 40 monsters in the storm, the Burst Bee, a monster with dual attributes of earth and wind, very powerful."

The Tang Tang sisters are actually not bad at playing games. Among them, Tang Tang relies on violence and is better at playing. Although his brain is not stupid, he is lazy to use it.The eldest sister Tang Mei is a good conductor, a typical think tank in the team, and Qingqing Apple Xiang is a typical data flow.I once heard my eldest sister say that when my fourth sister was in college, only mathematics was the only subject that was not cheated in the exam...

However, Tang Tang was a little dismissive of this. If everything in Soul Realm could be calculated by data, would it be interesting to play?

While agreeing, he walked into the river, and then...

The welcome ceremony has begun, and it came earlier than they thought!
What greeted them was the sand-eating ant, which is a fist-sized ant, but it is relatively large, about between a tiger and a lion. In addition to a thick layer of scales covering its body, there is also a lot of sand. Drilling out from the ground and running and hitting are the main attack methods. Although it is very simple, it will raise sand and dust, which will cover people's eyes, which is very annoying, and it cannot fly. If you fly to the sky, it will burrow into the sand. come out.

Therefore, Tang Tang chose a rather thunderous method to deal with these guys!
"Fire and thunder!"

Tang Tang smiled lightly and tapped his finger, and a ball of red and white flames the size of a fist appeared on his finger.

This flame is a fire and thunder explosion. Although it is so small, it is not very powerful if it is made with ordinary flames, but it is amazingly powerful when used with blazing flames from heaven. At least it is quite simple to deal with these big ants.

With a flick of his finger, Tang Tang flicked the fire thunderbolt out and buried it in the ground.Immediately afterwards, Tang Tang continued to snap his fingers, shooting five fire thunders to bury them in the same position, and then made a "please" gesture to Qingqing Apple Xiang.

Qingqing Apple Xiang has a painful expression on her face, and it's time to do coolies by herself again.

With a short golden arrow in his hand, Qingqing Apple Xiang shot the three golden arrows into the monster group with one blow and three consecutive shots, and then started to run away!
This is Wuhundian, the golden short arrow with clear apple fragrance!
The ability to shoot short arrows doesn't look like the battle scene of the Valkyrie Temple, but the green apple has inherited the inheritance of the Valkyrie Temple's arrow path.The only pitiful thing is that the people of the Valkyrie Temple can't use the sword control technique, and they can't use the flying technique. They can only use a few Horcruxes with flying skills to fly in the sky. It is very disadvantageous in the early stage, but the Valkyrie Temple walks on the ground , the walking speed will increase by 20%, which means that most of the disciples of the Valkyrie Temple are good at pulling monsters, because they run fast!
After crossing the slope, there were more than ten sand-eating ants behind Qingqing Applexiang. This was already all the monsters blocked at the entrance. Qingqing Applexiang let go of her feet and started running back. At the entrance, he suddenly turned around with a short arrow in his hand!

(End of this chapter)

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