The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 146 Arrow against the sky and black sand storm

Chapter 146 Arrow against the sky and black sand storm
"Arrow against the sky. Body fixation technique!"

Lifting the palm lightly, the short golden arrow with a clear apple scent shot out a golden light, but there was an extra layer of crystal-like ice thorns at the position of the light arrow shaft. After the light arrow shot into the sand-eating ant colony, the ice thorns It exploded like fireworks, covering all the sand-eating ants!

Hold! 6 seconds of fixed state!
There is nothing unusual about this state, it just restricts the opponent from moving, but it doesn't restrict the attack, it doesn't seem to have much effect, but it was also in this short period of 6 seconds, Qingqing Apple Xiang trotted back to Tang Tang's side , and when the sand-eating ants resumed their actions and rushed towards them again, Tang Tang squeezed his fingers lightly again.

There was a crisp snap of the fingers, followed by a loud bang, and the five thunderbolts exploded suddenly. The air waves brought by the overlapping damage were extremely powerful, and the sand-eating ants were directly blown away, killing half of them instantly on the spot. The remaining half is also in a state of being seriously injured and on the verge of death, with only a trace of life remaining to support it, and it is also at this time...

Swish, swish!
Qu Zhi and Le He held up the primitive longbow in their hands, drew the feather arrows from the quiver, and after shooting continuously, they solved the remaining sand-eating ants that were still alive.

Tang Tang hugged Qingqing Apple Xiang to celebrate this insignificant victory, and then said: "It is said that the Yellow Springs Desert is full of dangers, but I don't think so. This place is actually not bad for leveling. At least it's empty. Damn it, it's not like that. Tang Sect, now even the Snow Soul Realm area of ​​the Hunting Soul Forest is full of people."

"Girl, if you dare to go ten miles deeper, you definitely don't think so." Qingping Apple Xiang tidied up the booty on the ground and said, "I'm not scaring you, there are really some very advanced casual cultivators here. Some people have encountered level 70 monsters, and our current position is only on the edge of the desert. If we go further, it is not dangerous, but to die in vain. Okay, after packing up, let’s continue to go. What we should consider now is how long Can go to Yanri Village!"


After getting rid of the sand-eating ants blocking the entrance of the valley road, the four of them continued to walk along the valley road of Huangquan.

The river course is very wide, which shows the past glory of this place. At least, in a large desert, having such a valley course will definitely be very prosperous.Regrettably, such prosperity seems to be only a flash in the pan. Maybe some people like to mourn the past, but such people just want to remember the beauty that is about to die.

"The sky is blazing!"

Suddenly reddish white divine flames gushed out from Tang Tang's body, wrapping himself up, like a armor with surging flames, fluttering in the air, and the two sand-eating ants who were trying to sneak attack Tang Tang from the ground were immediately crushed. The flames swallowed, hissed and rolled on the ground, and finally turned into two scorched corpses and were refreshed, leaving a few pieces of fine scales.

"Sister Tang Tang is so amazing!" Qu Zhi's voice of praise sounded, but then he looked at Qingqing Apple Xiang and said: "But she is not as beautiful as Sister Apple."

Hearing this, Tang Tang had the urge to vomit blood. In fact, she was pretty good for the public, because she was too young, and her figure was not well developed, but Tang Tang had to admit that she and the apple rot girl were indeed There is a certain gap. I use violence to solve the problem, but Apple uses its face to seduce the handsome guy. It is really too embarrassing for a handsome guy to say it so bluntly.

"Qu Zhi!" Tang Tang put away the blazing fire, and said with a serious expression: "Boys can't be deceived by external things, at least we should also look at internal things. For example, this boudoir who looks like a stripper , I admit that she is indeed very beautiful, but if you look at her essence, you should see that he is a female hooligan in essence."

"Ah, no way?" Qu Zhi blinked his eyes and said, "Sister Apple said that she used debauchery to cover up her inner tenderness."

"Oh, my God. That great god, sister Angel, all the seniors of the Martial God Temple, please clean up the door and shoot this bitch to death!"

Tang Tang slapped his forehead, and even lied to children. The shamelessness of Apple, a bitter woman, has no bottom line. In front of this bitter woman, she is a kind little sheep, even though Tang Tang tried her best to deny that little bit of jealousy in her heart. .

"Okay, don't teach bad boys." Qingqing Apple Xiang turned her head and said, "Even poisoning little boys, girl, you are too cruel. By the way, we have a tough battle next!"

When Tang Tang heard that Qingping Apple Xiang teased him, he had the urge to vomit blood on the spot, little boy?Is he better than himself? Besides, I didn't poison him.

Although he intended to clean up the house on behalf of the ancestors of the Martial God Temple, Tang Tang was in no mood to joke when he saw the direction pointed by Qingqing Apple Xiang.

Storm, sand, water!

What is scary in the desert is not those monsters, but these three items. The first two will ruthlessly devour life, and the water source is the key to life maintenance.

"We have to fight this black sand storm." Qingqing Apple Xiang took out the map and pointed to a few marked places and said: "The black sand storm is a characteristic of Huangquan Valley Road, and it cannot be avoided. If you want to avoid it, you can only If we abandon the valley road and make a detour, we still have to walk, and it will take more than six hours to waste.”

Tang Tang expressed his attitude and said: "Damn it, I'd rather find an inn to rest for a day than stay in this damn place for twelve hours!"

"That's right!" Qingqing Apple Xiang clapped her hands and said, "Girl, I think so too, there is absolutely no need for us to waste time."

The two girls reached a consensus, while the Le He and Qu Zhi brothers were more hesitant. In essence, neither of them wanted to delay things.Although generally speaking, men, no matter how cowardly they are, are always full of thirst for knowledge from the bottom of their hearts.As for women, no matter how strong they are, they are still cowardly in their bones, but for the violent girl Tang Tang, this has nothing to do with it.

A few minutes later, the cautious Le and his brothers still hadn't decided what to do, while Tang Tang spread his hands helplessly and said, "You don't need to make a decision now, because it's too late."

The black sand storm came faster than expected. While the brothers were still hesitating, the black sand storm had already passed through the valley and the river bed and came towards them.If you think about it, the distance from the black sand storm is measured by the length of the valley road, but the valley road is not a straight line, and there are many tributaries, while the black sand storm always keeps moving forward in a straight line.

Tang Tang sighed and said, "Come on, it's my turn to be a coolie this time, you protect them both?"

Qingqing Applexiang puffed her chest and said, "It is my sacred duty to protect the handsome guy."

Tang Tang rolled his eyes, disdainful of the resentful woman who never forgets to show off her coquettish posture, after giving a contemptuous look, Tang Tang sent the Nether Ring, and flew straight into the sky.

The map of Qingqing Applexiang is very detailed, including a detailed route map, a map of the distribution of sand-eating ants, and several main locations where the black sand storm swept through, obviously from the hands of the players.As for how the rotten girl got the apple, it's not worth getting into. Tang Tang believes that if the rotten girl is willing to sell her pretty face, she can easily get this map from some idiot.

Because of this, they are well aware of the situation on Huangquan Valley Road, and they also know that the black sand storm in front of them is the most threatening trouble, but in fact, the scary place is not just the sandstorm itself!

"Thunder of Annihilation!"

Tang Tang raised his hand and slashed a bolt of lightning, directly hitting the tornado in the center of the sandstorm from the side, tearing a hole abruptly, Tang Tang killed the imperial envoy Horcrux with Yujian, and directly entered the center of the black sand storm .

Click, click...

Entering the black sand storm, Tang Tang found that the Nether Ring under his feet was a little disobedient, but it was swayed left and right by the wind and dust, which also made Tang Tang know why no one dared to hold a sword around here.

However, by coincidence, Tang Tang has a good way to resist the black sand storm.

"Wall of the Wind!"

With a low moan, Tang Tang waved his hand in front of him, and a breeze radiated from Tang Tang's body, forming a blue tornado to wrap around himself, helping Tang Tang to push out the dust, and the Nether Ring under his feet naturally Also settle down.

The Imperial Envoy Nether Ring flew forward for a while, and there seemed to be nothing strange about it. Tang Tang was puzzled and said through voice transmission: "Fu Nu, is your information correct? Didn't it say that there are monsters hiding in the Black Sand Storm? Why didn't I see anything!"

Qingqing Apple Xiang said with certainty: "Girl, when did my data go wrong? I guarantee you that there is a level 40 Explosive Bee in it. In the storm, you have to be careful, they are very cunning, maybe when you are talking to me, they will suddenly appear... Hey... girl... girl... you... talk..."

Qingqing Apple Xiang yelled through the voice transmission thousands of miles away in bewilderment, because Tang Tang suddenly became silent, and a dazzling thunder light suddenly emerged from the black sand storm, resounding through the earth with a roar, which made Qingqing Apple Xiang thinks this is not a good sign.

In fact, she guessed right, because Tang Tang had already cursed Apple's crow's mouth several times at this time, and when she was transmitting the sound for thousands of miles, the wall of wind on her body suddenly shook, and her mana was also reduced. Abruptly disappeared a third!

Looking back, Tang Tang saw behind him three hornet-like monsters, the shape of which was the size of a fist, and a small tornado flew up with a wave of its wings, sweeping dust, earthy brown, mixed in the black In the sandstorm, if you don't look carefully, it is indeed difficult to distinguish.

This is the Explosive Bee in the Black Sand Storm, a monster around level 40!
Tang Tang immediately slashed an annihilating thunder, but was easily dodged by the three Explosive Bees. Tang Tang slashed again, but it still had no effect. This Explosive Bee has dual attributes of wind and soil, because it has a high wind attribute. It's fast,

Tang Tang was helpless, the speed of the Annihilation Thunder could not keep up with the speed of the Explosive Bee, Tang Tang had no choice but to give up and continue to release the Annihilation Thunder, with one move with both hands, the Moqiu Sword and the Beast Horn Pointing the Golden Staff simultaneously turned into a ray of light out.

"The throbbing of the heartbeat! The pulsation of death!"

Grabbing the animal's horn and tapping the golden staff, Tang Tang disappeared without a trace.

The characteristic of the death pulse is not only fast, but the most important thing is that it is accurate. Few people can avoid the short moment when the death pulse appears.

Because of this, this move was perfect for Tang Tang, but this time it failed!
(End of this chapter)

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