Chapter 156
When Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao arrived at the gazebo, Haojian was already waiting in the gazebo. He presumably used a teleportation talisman to record the location of the teleportation. Otherwise, Tang Tang would not have believed that this guy's Yujian would be faster than her.

"Little Guijian, why did you help me?" Tang Tang walked up to the gazebo, and couldn't help but wondered: "With our friendship, it shouldn't be possible for you to take the risk of helping me, right? It's very dangerous to have anything to do with me recently. of."

"How dangerous is it? To put it plainly, it's just a group of people who are idle and bored, and everyone will forget it after a while." Hao Jian said with a smile: "Although my name is not very nice, the grace of a drop of water is like a spring. I still know the truth of repayment."

Tang Tang was a little puzzled, he was not kind to Jian Jian anyway, right?
A good sword is not a secret, and told the ins and outs of the matter.

In the Yellow Springs Desert, Tang Tang stuffed things into Hao Jian. It was indeed uneasy and misfortune, but the key lies in the things Tang Tang threw to Hao Jian. I didn't find that there was a cloth map mixed in it, but that cloth map was an inheritance left by a scattered person, and somehow it was swallowed by the desert python. Haojian found that he could receive it according to the map. After a series of forging tasks, a level eight Horcrux can be forged in the end!

"This is the embryo, even though it's only level two!"

A good swordsman unleashes a small black sword with one move, which is unsightly, but it can be seen at a glance that it is just an embryonic form. Obviously, the embryonic form will turn into a Horcrux sooner or later.

And the good sword is quite solid, and it doesn't matter whether Tang Tang wanted to bring trouble to the east, or he was playing other small calculations.After all, it is an atlas of an eighth-level Horcrux, which is indeed more than enough in terms of favor. At that time, I wanted to thank the little girl for coming, but I didn't expect that Tang Tang's voice transmission from Qianli sent him a word, and then there was no sound. Thousands of miles of sound transmission, but Tang Tang only opened it to friends.

Later, Tang Tang's name was directly on the announcement, and this good sword happened to be one of those people who like to join in the fun, so he also came to Mimengland by the way, and formed a team with a few familiar people, so he came to find Tang Tang's whereabouts.

This matter is quite admirable, should Tang Tang feel distressed?Of course it's distressing, who can't feel distressed for a level eight Horcrux?But Tang Tang didn't regret it too much. First, the eighth-level Horcrux had to do the task step by step, and it disappeared for a while, and second, the things were sent out by himself. If you do it, you have to admit it. If you are jealous and envious afterwards, or even have a wrong idea, then you are too villain. This has nothing to do with morality, but the bottom line of a little girl's life.

Therefore, Tang Tang also showed great generosity, waving his hand and congratulating a few words to expose the matter. Of course, he couldn't avoid asking Hao Jian, what is the situation in Mimengxiang now.

"The situation? It's not a big deal." Hao Jian said with a smile: "Actually, let's just say it, the other side of the Valley of Souls is just a reward mission. Although the reward is much better than the general division mission, it's just that. It’s really not enough to make people work hard. Besides us idlers, there is indeed a little bit of meaning in it to make a little profit, but it’s just a superficial effort. Does anyone really think that if you succeed in killing you, Xiaoxian will be able to kill you if he is poisonous? One promise per person? Come on, it’s been so many years, do you really think that a first senior can turn all living beings upside down? To put it bluntly, there are still benefits. Everyone wants to know what you stole from Soul Valley. Let Samurai Soul Valley issue a reward for the division."

Tang Tang suddenly realized that the root cause of the matter was here. I said, is it worth so many people to regard him as a public enemy for the prestige points and rewards of the reward task?It turned out that everyone thought that the bounty task that would make the NPC work hard must have gotten something good, so they all wanted to get a piece of the action. To put it bluntly, they came to find Tang Tang to beat the baby.

Thinking of this, Tang Tang sighed a little, what is this called? It is obvious that he did not get any benefits, and he had to be hunted down by Quanfu!

Also at this time...

Click, click, click...

In the distance, a sound of hoofbeats suddenly sounded, and the three of them turned their heads and saw a very handsome colt running towards them. It went up the mountain road, and within a moment, it had reached them. It's just strange to say that when the colt ran in front of them, it suddenly turned into a horse-shaped stone sculpture.

"Whoever trespasses into the Valley of the Soul, kill!"

A piece of paper was pasted on the stone carving, with these big characters written on it, it was fierce and domineering, and one could see the murderous aura on it.

With a wave of Tang Tang's hand, the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword twisted with the fire tail, and the horse-shaped stone sculpture turned into a pile of ashes.

"Let's go, after crossing the hill, it's time to leave the boundary of Samurai Soul Valley."

Tang Tang didn't say much, and took the lead to stand up directly, and went to the mountain road after leaving the pavilion. Unexpectedly, just as he went down the stone steps of the pavilion, there was another stone sculpture in front of the stone steps!
"You can't escape!"

There was still a piece of paper on the stone carving, Tang Tang waved his hand without saying a word, and smashed the stone carving directly.

"Girl, that..."

Hao Jian cautiously wanted to speak, but Tang Tang glanced at him coldly, Hao Jian immediately swallowed the words back.

Illusion Gu!

This is obviously an illusion condensed by a phantom Gu!
Hao Jian knew that Tang Tang was doubting him, and he expressed his understanding. He even felt that he should be suspected, because Hao Jian was looking for this place, and it was Hao Jian who asked Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao to come to the gazebo. The most important thing is that Hao Jian It would be fine if the sword really saved the two of them, but the fact is that even without the help of a good sword, it would be very easy for Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao to fight their way out.Under such conditions, if something went wrong suddenly, Haojian would naturally be suspected of leading them into the illusion on purpose.

Entering the mountain path, there was another horse running from the front of the mountain path. When it ran in front of the three of them, it suddenly turned into a stone sculpture. As usual, there was naturally a note stuck on it.

"Kill without mercy!"

Seeing these three words, Tang Tang sneered and said, "Kill without mercy? I want to see who can kill me."

Tang Tang suddenly threw out a bolt of lightning, which directly struck the gazebo, knocking down the red-tiled gazebo.

Strange to say, when the gazebo collapsed, the surrounding air was constricted, and after a while, everything was back to normal, but there was an extra boy in the gazebo, wearing a Samurai Soul Valley suit, with long black hair and a shawl. Who else is it if Xiaoxian is not poisonous?

"How did you find out?" Xiaoxian frowned poisonously and said, "What's wrong with my phantom Gu?"

"It's not a flaw, you're a little impatient." Tang Tang said honestly: "If you kill people, you can kill them. If you insist on threatening me with three stone sculptures, but you don't do anything after threatening, there is clearly a problem. Be careful. Think about it, the first stone sculpture appeared after Haojian told me the current situation, the second is the stone steps, and the third is the mountain path, because you know I must be eager to leave after asking about Mimengland's situation, but you I can't let me go, so I guess if I leave the gazebo at a certain distance, the illusion of the soul gu's illusion should disappear. Secondly, I gave Xiao Jianjian a look, if he just bite the bullet and continue to persuade, That means he is harming me. He was sent by you to lure me into an illusion, but he didn’t speak, which means he is not. Because a dedicated undercover agent will not give up so easily, so, in the previous guess Finally, I came to the conclusion that this time I met people from Samurai Soul Valley, and the number of them was very small. Everyone knew that the soul Gu in Samurai Soul Valley was not bad at pk, but because of a coincidence, I had no choice but to use illusion to trap them. Stay with us, and then use thousands of miles of sound transmission to find helpers, seeing that I am leaving, I am anxious, so there are stone carvings to block the way."

"You are so powerful!" Hao Jian said to Tang Tang excitedly, "Are you always the reincarnation of Sherlock Holmes?"

Tang Tang said: "You might as well just ask me if I am Detective Conan!"

Tang Yuhao walked around Tang Tang very carefully, then shook his head in disappointment and said, "Although you are no worse than Conan, it's obvious that Conan is not a girl!"

Tang Tang was speechless at once. It turns out that you watched for a long time to compare your own gender, and Hao Jian was also speechless, because he helped Tang Tang express his silent condolences. With such a straightforward boyfriend, life should be very painful, and Xiaoxian is poisonous. Spitting blood, the three of you are chatting like no one else, treating me like a dead person?
"Hmph!" Xiaoxian snorted poisonously, expressed his existence, and then said: "Hand over the things, and I can restrain the disciples in Soul Valley from chasing and killing you!"

Tang Tang scratched his head and said, "You mean we stole things in Soul Valley?"

Xiaoxian nodded poisonously.

Tang Tang said: "If I say that I didn't steal it at all, you must not believe it?"

Xiaoxian curled her lips poisonously, with a rather disdainful expression.

Tang Tang sighed and said, "Then if I say that I didn't actually go to the Valley of Souls to steal things, but to find a good friend, you wouldn't believe me?"

Xiaoxian sneered poisonously: "You don't have anything else to say? Would I believe such a naive answer?"

Tang Tang wiped his sweat and said, "Yes, yes, wait for me to make it up for you... Ah, no, wait for me to think about what to say!"

Xiaoxian said angrily, "You really think I can't take you down, do you?"

Xiaoxian was obviously poisoned and Tang Tang was so angry that he was half dead, just like when he was eating fish, he was stuck by the fishbone, unable to swallow it, and unable to spit it out.

He drew a circle in the air, and Xiaoxian's poisonous fingers actually appeared several fire snakes, burning with flames.

"Don't worry, I know you are amazing. The number one senior in Samurai Soul Valley is not something that just anyone can do..." Tang Tang waved his hand with a smile, and then suddenly pointed at Xiaoxian's poisonous back with a look of horror. Quickly shouted: "Be careful behind you!"


(End of this chapter)

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