Chapter 157
Tang Tang yelled to Xiao Xian to be careful behind his back, but he was actually using a trick that was really not a trick!

But in many cases, small tricks are very useful. In a situation like this, it doesn’t matter whether Xiaoxian is poisonous or smart. When talking to someone, there are usually two reactions with a high probability. The first reaction is that you can't react, which is generally referred to as being stunned, and the second is to act instinctively according to the other party's words.

Xiaoxian Poisonous was a little stupider than Tang Tang imagined, because he didn't turn his head, but stayed there, which at least showed that this guy's reflexes were not very good, so he couldn't react instinctively quickly.

And just when Xiaoxian was sluggish, a flame suddenly shot out from the gazebo, piercing through the tiles and attacking Xiaoxian!

"I'll go, shouldn't I!" Seeing the flames, Tang Yuhao shouted to Tang Tang in surprise, "You're so bad, you're such a bully!"

Hao Jian and Xiao Xian You Po also looked at Tang Tang with agreeing expressions on their faces, and then they added in their hearts together: It's too cheap, what a bitch!

There is nothing wrong with you fighting and playing sneak attacks, but if a quasi-armed soul master thug also plays sneak attacks against a supporting player in the Soul Valley who only has soul Gu, then his character is really too cheap!

But Tang Tang is not only known as a violent girl, but also has a face like a city wall. He didn't pay attention to other people's eyes. He just raised his hand, and the Huoyufeiyan sword behind him also flew forward, and rushed into the gazebo. As soon as the sword was twisted, the pillars of the gazebo were actually severed, and the roof of the red tile pavilion immediately collapsed with a crash.

Xiaoxian staggered poisonously, this guy's nerves were really bad, he didn't think of jumping into the air to dodge at the first moment, he was almost crushed by the tiles before he managed to think of it, and flew back into the air stumbling.

This was supposed to be the best time to attack. With Tang Tang's sixth-level flying sword power, a face-to-face can kill him in seconds. Xiao Xian is poisonous, and Tang Tang has always used violence to solve problems. However, this time, Tang Tang It's because he didn't beat the dog in the water, but suddenly turned around and ran away with the imperial envoy Feng Chuzhi's breath.

"Brother, take care of yourself, there will be no future!"

When flying past Haojian, Tang Tang greeted Haojian, confused what Haojian said, then looked back, gasped suddenly, there were quite a few of the densely packed female disciples in Soul Valley There were as many as a hundred, and when Haojian wanted to run, a strong wind blew up around him, and with a whoosh, Tang Yuhao flew over with a wave of his wings.

Hao Jian wanted to cry immediately, no wonder he told himself to take care of himself, co-authoring this pair of dogs and men both came from the Air Force, the kung fu of running is really amazing.

Haojian was sent to the underworld, and the result was not suspenseful, but Haojian was also very proud. Anyone who was beaten to death by a group of hundreds of female players would have a little bit of enjoyment.

And after the group of disciples from the Valley of the Soul killed Hao Jian with a poisonous Gu, they naturally chased after Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao. The mighty group of female soldiers were all Xiaoxian's poisonous female fans.Ping looks good on the eyes, but if he is chasing himself, it will be uncomfortable.

It's just that the more uncomfortable thing is still behind. As soon as Hao Jian got on the tour bus of the underworld, Tang Tang found that a large piece of mud suddenly appeared out of thin air under the Phoenix Chick's Breath, and grabbed himself like a giant hand.

Tip: You are attacked by a slime Gu insect, and the speed of the imperial weapon is reduced by 30%!

Tang Tang suddenly went crazy. She knew that this slime Gu was a very basic low-level Soul Gu from Samurai Soul Valley. The slime Gu had no lethality at all, and its function was very simple. The most important thing is that the deceleration effect of the slime Gu worm is not calculated according to the value, but calculated according to the percentage.You said that when you meet someone who is not good at speed, it’s okay to reduce it by a percentage. The effect may not be as good as a fixed value of deceleration, but for someone like Tang Tang who relies on speed for a living...

"This... this is really a disaster!"

Tang Tang let out a long sigh, and the Imperial Envoy Horcrux was ready to fight, but as soon as he turned his head, Tang Tang, who was frightened, ran forward with the imperial weapon, and behind him were more than 100 killer bees the size of a fist. Feng deducted 50 points of health from himself, which was enough for Tang Tang to go to the underworld to play twice.

"Haozi, let's run separately!"

Tang Tang was also really guilty. The hundreds of women behind him were chasing after them as if he had revenge for killing their father and seizing their sons. It seemed that they would definitely fail if they tried their best. There was still hope for escape, but there was some stickiness The deceleration effect of the mud gu worms may lead to a chase and escape, endless chase, the best way now is to split up and find a remote place to hide for a while, so that it is easy to get rid of people .

"Yes! Yes, but please don't call me Hiroko..."

It was rare for Tang Yuhao to be obedient. He muttered something, waved his wings and suddenly sank, pulling some people into the forest.

Tang Tang had the urge to cry. This brat didn't know if he was too smart or just pretending to be stupid. After he planned to split up, he ran into the forest and hid for a while. With his speed, flexibility, and There is a little road obsession. Basically, after half an hour, even Tang Tang himself will not know where he is, and the people chasing after him will definitely be blinded. You must know that mountains and forests are always the most natural maze.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yuhao took the lead, and Tang Tang was embarrassed to go down to join in the fun, and continued to fly forward with the breath of the young phoenix, secretly praying in his heart that it would be best to come to another mountain forest for him to take refuge. It was smooth and turned into a pure rock mountain in the end, Tang Tang was crying, it’s okay if you don’t grow a tree, why don’t you even have a grass?

After running for more than ten miles, Tang Tang echoed in pain: "Big sisters, can you stop chasing me?"

The girls behind stopped, put their waists on, wiped their fragrance and sweated and said angrily: "Little girl, can you stop running?"

Tang Tang burst into tears, and sent Feng Chizhi to continue to escape. If a boy is chased by a woman, he is called happiness, and if he is chased by a group of women, he is called pain!Then what should I say?
After running for another ten miles, Tang Tang was already showing signs of collapse, and he was about to run out of the mountainous area. After leaving the mountainous area, it would not be Mimengland. It is said that Tang Tang should be extremely happy. Gu's power will be greatly reduced, and it will not be so easy to catch Tang Tang, but the problem is that he is now facing an extremely painful situation, flying with all his strength can throw off the group of women behind him, but he has slime Gu insects, so damn it If you want to put the deceleration effect on others, that crawler will definitely be caught up like a tortoise.

But put it on the little girl, the speed is barely the same as the other party, and in the end, she just chased and ran there, unable to run away, unable to catch up, so turn around and fight with those women, That number is really too much, each person can drown a person with a mouthful of saliva, Tang Tang suddenly felt that it was a heartbreak, could there really be such a big hatred between us?

Also at this time...

Tang Tang saw a river. In fact, it is a bit far-fetched to say that it is a river. It is a mountain stream, a little bit deep, but if you stand upright, you will definitely not be drowned. Let alone a brook, she is ready to die bravely even if it is a ditch!
Tang Tang's diving movements were not elegant, of course, it was a repeat of the old plan. When the stream splashed a large amount of water, Tang Tang directly used 10 points of soul power and used the pulse of death to hide, and found a big rock Hiding, quietly began to watch the fun there.

Not to mention, Samurai Soul Valley is indeed an expert in playing with poisonous insects. Many people have Water Soul Gu. After a moment of hesitation, those who have Water Soul Gu jumped down. Speechless, the water in the stream only reached her arms, and she could see the bottom of the stream from the surface of the stream, it would be very painful to jump directly from mid-air, um, why did Tang Tang know?Because she had been in pain just now, and now her little butt is still whistling.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before many disciples from Samurai Soul Valley came out, their faces were not very good-looking, the main reason was that they all felt a little stupid, standing by the stream, they could see the bottom of the stream, and the shape of a single aquatic plant at the bottom of the stream was like I can see clearly, not to mention Tibetans, I can't even hide a stone, but it's strange, why did I see the little girl jumping into the water, but suddenly disappeared.

A dog-headed military adviser began to give Xiaoxian some bad ideas, and said slowly: "Senior, did the little girl fall to her death?"

Xiaoxian is poisonous and speechless, more than [-] people who jumped down from my side didn't see death, so the little girl died after jumping?
The man continued: "Then she used the teleportation talisman to teleport? Or did she use the city return talisman to return to the city?"

Xiaoxian is poisonous and speechless. Both the teleportation talisman and the city return talisman have a time limit, okay? Do you think you can teleport with just a little use?
That person still wanted to talk, Xiao Xian waved his hand quickly and said: "Stop talking, a group of ten people will follow the stream and search around in a fan-shaped range. Let's do it, that little girl has a bad heart, and she won't show mercy at all, but her small hands are very dark."

"damn it!"

Tang Tang hid behind the stone and heard it clearly, and immediately cursed, you brought a group of people from thousands of miles to chase me down, and you expect me to be merciful?And to be honest, if you want to say that you have a bad hand, Tang Tang admits that you can't do things well these years if you are not ruthless. They don't seem to be from Samurai Valley, do they?I don't know if I have a special relationship with Samurai Soul Valley. When I meet this group of women soldiers, I seem to have to run away.

Although Tang Tang had the urge to take the opportunity to kill Xiaoxian Poisonous, if he chose to sneak attack now, it would definitely hit him in one hit. It is possible that he followed in the footsteps of the little bitch and was beaten to death by a group of women. Tang Tang still felt that he had a lot of adults so he should not bother with him.

When the people in Samurai Soul Valley searched for more than ten meters, Tang Tang immediately consumed another 10 points of soul power, used the death pulse on himself, and then slipped away in the opposite direction. It was used as an escape by myself, and I don't know if Dugu Bo's alcoholic mentor will die of anger if he finds out!

(End of this chapter)

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