The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 178 The Dragon Head Jiuquan Falls into an Illusion

Chapter 178 The Dragon Head Jiuquan Falls into an Illusion
Although the man-faced demon spider is an elite monster on the third floor, it is not known whether its head is too small. Although its legs and feet are very flexible, it is not very smart. Come.

Everyone was overjoyed, for this kind of simple-minded monster with well-developed limbs, everyone likes it the most. Xiao Qiao moved around the pillar and pulled the man-faced demon spider away, and the position of pulling it away was also particular, at least There can be no other spiders spawning, and at the same time there is enough fighting space for everyone to display. Obviously, Xiao Qiao has done a good job in this regard.

Since there is no need to worry about other human-faced demon spiders, the other five people did not hold back. They each performed their own duties, and Xiaoyao Zizai resisted. Tang Mei and Zizai Xiaoyao were responsible for restraining them. The masked spider was beaten to ashes, but this time it was unlucky and nothing came out.

All the way forward, Little Qiao did a great job, trying to find a way between the pillars until the end of the three floors...

A dragon head statue appeared in front of everyone!
The dragon head is five or six meters wide, lifelike, like a living thing, the two dragon beards are slightly raised, the dragon's mouth is slightly opened, revealing the ferocious dragon teeth, and from the dragon's mouth, a stream of clear water flows out slowly, like A silver thread slowly fell down and flowed into a stone bowl under the faucet. It was clear and rippling, exuding a strong fragrance.

"Wow... Jiuquan!"

Tang Tang's eyes lit up immediately, it was delicious to come here by beating himself to death, but not only to save people, after all, it was for this Jiuquan!

Tang Tang's heart was attached to Jiuquan, but he didn't lose his mind. He first checked the monsters around him, but found that the man-faced spider was not even close to Jiuquan. Taking the radius of 30 meters around Jiuquan as the range, it was actually a hollow area. Neither refreshing nor heading towards that location, Tang Tang immediately felt relieved, and immediately raised his head and rushed towards the Jiuquan.

Rushing to the edge of Jiuquan, Tang Tang took out a small wooden bucket from his backpack without saying a word and scooped some wine into his mouth. A fragrance accompanied by sweetness slowly dispersed in his mouth. When the liquid was in the mouth, it was still ice-cold and full of roundness, but when the liquid passed through the throat and fell into the stomach with the mellow fragrance, a red hotness immediately spread to the whole body .

"Hahaha..." Tang Tang burst into laughter and said, "Good wine, great wine, worthy of the reputation of world-class wine!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang Tang immediately hugged the small wooden barrel and kept pouring the liquor from the wine spring into it.

Tang Mei wondered from behind: "What's wrong with the little girl? Isn't it Jiuquan? I didn't realize that this little girl is a drunkard before?"

Little Qiao spread her hands and shrugged her shoulders, expressing that she was also baffled.

Tang Yuhao asked strangely: "Aren't you good sisters? Didn't you know that she was collecting famous wines from all over the world?"

"Famous wine mission?" Tang Mei was stunned, and then said embarrassedly: "Speaking of which, we haven't been in touch recently, so I don't know that the little girl has accepted this mission. No matter it seems that there is an NPC in Tangmen called Jiujian Xian, I can help her to ask if there is any information on this later."

Little Qiao said in a low voice: "I haven't heard of any tasks related to the top ten famous wines. I can't help this little girl."

"Hi!" The three of them were talking, Zi Zi Xiao Yao and Xiao Yao Zi Zao, who were obviously still somewhat separated from them, suddenly said, "Don't say we didn't remind you, you better look at that little girl, she seems a bit strange now .”

Tang Mei glanced at Zizai Xiaoyao and the two, then turned to Tang Tang.

"Hey, what's wrong with the little girl? It's a little strange!"

Tang Tang was no longer scooping wine into the oak barrel with his arms in his arms, but the blame was here. Since he was not scooping wine, it was probably full of wine. Since it was full, it was time to come back.

They had to continue to go to the fourth floor of Haotian City, and the third floor was not a place to stay for a long time, but Tang Tang didn't move. If he didn't move, it meant that the wine hadn't been filled yet, so he continued to scoop up the wine. But Tang Tang didn't pour the wine, just turned his back to them in such a strange way, holding the wooden barrel and not moving.

Tang Yuhao suddenly pointed at Tang Tang in surprise and said, "Look, why is the little girl bleeding!"

Tang Yuhao's words immediately shocked everyone. After a closer look, the little girl's health was indeed decreasing, starting to decrease at a rate of 1 damage per second.

"Girl, girl..."

Tang Mei and Xiao Qiao rushed forward immediately, reaching out to touch Tang Tang, only to find that their palms had passed directly through Tang Tang's body. The two were even more surprised. Looking at the wooden barrel, he still kept a silly smile on his face, but the expression was so stiff on his face, it looked so weird.

Tang Yuhao shook his head and said: "I tried Thousand-mile Voice Transmission, and the reminder said that the other party is in a state where Thousand-mile Voice Transmission cannot be used!"

Tang Mei said in a deep voice: "Even if you go to the underworld, you can use thousands of miles of sound transmission. Strictly speaking, there is only one situation where you can't use thousands of miles of sound transmission. That is, the other party is in the copy. Could it be that the little girl entered Got a copy? No, isn’t the person here, why don’t we have a drink and see?”

Zizai Xiaoyao and Xiaoyao Zizai shook their heads like rattles. In such an inexplicable situation, who would dare to drink the wine from Jiuquan indiscriminately? Besides, the two of them are not familiar with Tang Tang, who cares about the life of the little girl? Go to the fourth floor to save people and earn those 1000 gold coins!

On the contrary, Tang Yuhao was very courageous, and he wanted to have fun, so he immediately poked his head into the wine spring, took a sip with his tongue out, and said in satisfaction, "This wine tastes good, it's not spicy at all, it's so sweet .”

Tang Mei asked anxiously, "Do you have any strange feeling?"

Tang Yuhao looked at himself, then fumbled here and there, blinking his eyes and said, "Do you want to take another sip?"

The others were speechless for a moment.


at the same time!

Tang Tang also looked around in surprise.

The blue sky is thousands of miles away, and the clouds and smoke are misty!
In the distance, the high mountains are verdant and undulating, and the river below is like satin, rushing and tumbling.However, he is clearly in Haotian City!
Tang Tang couldn't help but began to recall that everything seemed to be fine. He entered Haotian City, went to the third floor of Haotian City, found the Jiuquan on the third floor, drank the wine from Jiuquan, and then scooped wine into the wooden barrel. At this moment, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

Tang Tang tapped his head with his fingers, even if he had figured out the cause and effect, where is this place? How did he come here?It's so weird, but how weird, I don't care about it, how to go back is the real thing, well, it doesn't seem too difficult, if I wipe my neck, of course I will be thrown to the underworld, and I will go out if I want to come .

However, would Tang Tang be willing to go back in this way?Of course not reconciled, let alone Tang Tang, no one would be reconciled to die once inexplicably, let alone wipe his own neck.

However, another stream path needs to be opened...

Tang Tang looked at the boundless sky all around, and seemed to be very dazed again, he couldn't run out of a hole this day.

"The warrior on the shore, if you have nothing to do, why don't you sit down and have a drink?"

At this time, a loud laugh suddenly came into Tang Tang's ears, and then, he remembered the voice. Tang Tang lowered his head and saw that on the river, there was a painting boat going down the river. He could vaguely hear the sound of the piano and singing, and the person who spoke was obviously in the boat, Tang Tang hesitated for a moment, then sent the Horcrux to chase the boat down.

Landing on the painted boat, there was only one old man watching the boat at the bow, who was very polite to Tang Tang, made a gesture of please, and stepped forward to help Tang Tang open the curtain of the cabin of the painted boat, signaling Tang Tang to go in by himself .

Tang Tang nodded to the old man as thanks, then walked into the cabin.

The furnishings in the cabin are quite elegant, with carved sandalwood windows, glazed screens, and a pair of famous calligraphy hanging on the wall. In the corner, a pretty-looking luthier is plucking the strings and playing As for the middle of the cabin, there are two wine tables. On the main seat, a young man in white is sitting there drinking alone, humming a tune with his nose, looking at ease, drinking in the cup. After the wine was exhausted, the two beauties beside her immediately filled the jug with wine.

"This warrior!" The young man in white motioned to Tang Tang and said, "Since we met each other by fate, why don't we sit down and have a drink?"

Tang Tang was careless, not polite at all, sat down as soon as he was short, picked up a piece of meat with his chopsticks and put it in his mouth, and then his face showed surprise. It is extraordinarily delicious, the meat is fragrant and tender, with a hint of softness, and when it is swallowed, it still lingers on the lips and teeth.

The young man in white smiled and said, "That's the best tiger meat, the taste is very good, the plate next to the tiger meat is a plate of bear's paw, it's vinegar fish from the West Lake, all of which are delicacies in the world, warriors can be slow Taste slowly."

Tang Tang was not polite, and started to eat casually. The young man in white winked at Meiji who was beside him. Then Meiji took the wine pot, leaned down beside Tang Tang, and poured the wine for Tang Tang. The wine, of course, is also the best wine, with a fragrant fragrance. Just smelling it makes people feel slightly drunk, and I can't help but take a deep breath!
The young man in white was not in a hurry, he smiled and saw Tang Tang was eating some side dishes and drinking some wine, the melodious sound of the piano sounded, the river was rushing, the wild birds in the mountains were singing, and the breeze was blowing into the cabin. It felt so uncomfortable!

After a long time, when Tang Tang was full of wine and food, the young man in white smiled and said, "Warrior, what do you think?"

Tang Tang held the wine glass very simply and said: "Careful, very refreshing, very refreshing."

The young man in white laughed and said: "That's right, how much life is, you should be happy in the world. Floating on the river, drinking fine wine, eating delicious food, and traveling with you, isn't this kind of life happy? Warriors, would you like to be with me and travel freely in the world?" ?”

"Happy world? That is naturally a very beautiful thing, but..." Tang Tang suddenly laughed and said, "Let me ask you first, do you know what life is?"

The young man in white froze for a moment, then made a gesture of invitation to Tang Tang and said, "The warrior would like to hear more about it."

Tang Tang laughed loudly and said, "Life? Life is when you are tired and you can sleep beautifully. Life? Life is when you wake up and find that you are still alive! Happy world? Go to hell! "

(End of this chapter)

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