Chapter 179

Tang Tang kicked over the tables and chairs, the young man in white was silent, and Tang Tang was not in a hurry, he took out the Fire Rain and Non-Smoke Sword, floating behind him with a blazing flame to gather momentum!

After a long time, the young man in white said: "I ask you, what do you think is the world of freedom?"

Tang Tang smiled and said: "Eat and drink happily, why bother with the fine clothes and fine food, the world of mortals is misty, between heaven and earth, I come and go when I want, when I am sleepy, I use the sky as my blanket and the earth as my seat. When I am thirsty, the jade dew of the sky is the nectar. When I am hungry, all animals in the world can eat it. I cry, I laugh, I am crazy, I am epileptic, I am crazy, I am happy, how much freedom is there in this world, how much freedom I have! "

The young man in white sighed, "Do you know that someone told me this 50 years ago?"

Tang Tang smiled without saying a word, waiting for the next sentence.

The young man in white continued: "That man's name is Dugu Bo, are you his disciple?"

Tang Tang scratched his face and said embarrassedly: "Although I don't really want to admit that I have something to do with that old drunkard, I am indeed his disciple."

"Haha, like a teacher, like a teacher, there must be an apprentice. Do you know that he fell into the illusion of Jiuquan in the first place because he was greedy for that fine wine? Didn't you come here for that Jiuquan?" The young man in white smiled, and then his expression changed Su said: "You masters and apprentices are all interesting people. I also saw your death pulse, so I took you into the Jiuquan illusion. However, since you have entered the Jiuquan illusion, no matter what the reason is, I want to go out again. , then you can only rely on your real skills, and let me see how much you have learned from Dugu Bo."

As soon as the words fell, the young man in white waved his sleeves, and the boat disappeared!
Tang Tang didn't hesitate, and immediately sent himself into the air with the breath of the young phoenix.

The young man in white also flew into the sky, but there was a three-meter-high yin-yang crown above his head, with the word "wine" written on it, and the young man in white was enveloped by the yin-yang crown. Tang scanned the task notification again, the young man in white didn't see his name, but now he showed four big characters - Dionysus Yin Yang Mian!

Tang Tang didn't know whether the Dionysian Yin-Yang Mian was a human or a demon, but it must have something to do with the Jiuquan in Haotian City. If he didn't solve the Yin-Yang Mian, he might not be able to get out of the illusion!
In this case, it is necessary to do it!

Tang Tang pulled the corner of his mouth. He was full of confidence. When Dionysus Yin Yang Mian revealed his name, he also showed his health. It turned out that there was only a little life. Isn't that easy to catch?
"Death pulse!"

Tang Tang didn't say a word, and immediately a sword shadow appeared in his body. The sword illusion was invisible, and suddenly disappeared between the sky and the earth.

Dionysus Yin Yang Mian suddenly laughed and said: "I know this trick, and I suffered a small loss back then, but it is useless to me now..."

The Dionysian Yin-Yang Mian smiled, and patted the Yin-Yang Mian on top of his head, immediately spilling countless liquids and rolling them around. Tang Tang was shocked and wanted to withdraw, but the wine was already drenched all over his body. , I had no choice but to show my figure, anyway, even if I continued to hide, it would have no effect, people would know where they were when they saw where the wine was dripping down.

"Thunder of Annihilation!"

Tang Tang slashed out a forbidden thunder without saying a word, but the Dionysian Yin-Yang Mian was also extremely flexible. He jumped on the spot and easily avoided the attack of the Annihilation Thunder. Tang also knew that the thunder of annihilation would not trouble others, so he had to think of a way.

Gritting his teeth, the pulse of death and the thunder of annihilation are Tang Tang's best single-attack methods. Since they are useless, he can only change his mind. Looking at the huge Yin-Yang crown, Tang Tang suddenly slaps in the air!
"The sky is blazing!"

The incandescent flame was shot out in the air, but the Dionysus Yin-Yang Mian smiled hesitantly. He still stretched out his hand to slap on the Yin-Yang Mian, and the word 'wine' on the Yin-Yang Mian was to scatter countless liquors. Immediately afterwards, Tang Tang was dumbfounded, and the blazing flame, which was said to be as fierce as a sky fire, was actually extinguished.

Dionysus Yinyang Mian smiled and said: "Skyfire is indeed one of the rare flames in the world, but unfortunately, your fire is still too shallow. Today, Skyfire is the supreme magic, but in your hands it is only It can be regarded as a spell, it’s far from it, it’s far from it.”

What he said was quite shocking, but Tang Tang was expressionless. These days, only those who have the strength have the right to speak. The most powerful thing in his hands at present is the fire and thunder that is condensed with the blazing flames of heaven.

However, the defect of Huo Lei Bang is quite obvious. If you want to avoid being discovered, you can only bury it in the ground. Of course, it can also be used in the air. Besides, the most powerful thing is the sky fire.

If the Skyfire Flame didn't have much effect, then Tang Tang wouldn't be afraid, but now that the Skyfire Blaze was extinguished directly, it meant that he was no match in terms of power, and the gap would be huge.

Tang Tang gritted his teeth, since soul skills and spells are useless, he can only win by cleverness!
The imperial envoy's Horcrux, the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword flew out first, turning into a fire meteor and heading towards the Dionysus Yin and Yang Crown. Then, Tang Tang patted the sword box behind him, and the seven-handled Youlong Xifeng sword suddenly appeared Flying out, followed by Fire Rain and Feiyan Sword.

However, this was not the end. As soon as Tang Tang opened his cuffs, the Moqiu sword was also sprayed out immediately, flying forward, and heading towards the Dionysus Yinyang Crown in a straight line.

"Little girl is not bad, this Tang Sect's sword control skills are really good, but it's a pity that your flying sword is a bit inferior."

Nine sword lights surrounded the Bacchus Yin-Yang Mian. Tang Tang directly used the three swords to fly together. He even raised his legs and ran under the protection of Yin Yang Mian, and what's even more ridiculous is that his sword light couldn't catch up with him!

This is nothing more than Youlong Xifeng Jianwu and Mo Qiujian. These two Horcruxes are indeed a bit out of date. Youlong Xifengjian can already be said to be on the verge of being eliminated, and Mo Qiujian has also fallen to the point where it is barely usable. .

But Tang Tang felt a little emotional, and he used it easily. Secondly, he doesn't have any good flying swords to replace. If it is also a fourth-level legendary or fifth-level elite Horcrux, it is better to continue. After all, it feels better to use something that is handy.

However, if the Huoyu Feiyan Sword can't even catch up with it, it would be a bit scary. It is a level [-] flying sword. Even if the Huoyu Feiyan Sword is not good at speed, how many people can have a level [-] flying sword now? ?The speed of the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword is also overwhelming, but the God of Dionysus under the yin and yang crown, circled all the way, and kept a distance from the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword, no more, no less, only two meters away , neither stretched nor shortened!
Tang Tang had the urge to cry, but it was obviously useless. Why did he provoke such an old demon from the mountains?
Sighing, Tang Tang also knew that this was not the way to go, and he was ruthless, but he also recruited the horn and the golden staff, that was the four horcruxes flying together, even if Tang Tang's reaction nerves were gifted At the same time, it is also a very difficult task to envoy the four Horcruxes. However, Tang Tang took a clever trick and didn't use the swordsmanship. Instead, he directly held the horn of the beast and tapped the golden staff, stepping on the breath of the young phoenix and pounced out.

"Death pulse!"

Tang Tang's tricks are not old, in fact, she didn't expect the pulse of death to hurt the Dionysian Yin and Yang crown.Therefore, facing the drink, Tang Tang didn't dodge at all, and directly broke the drink with his sword light, and then slammed into the Dionysus Yin-Yang Mian.

Dionysus Yin Yang Mian also did not expect the little girl to suddenly become so fierce, to use such a style of attacking the enemy and herself, and immediately wanted to slip away, but at this moment...

Tang Tang waved his hand violently!

"Seven kills in a row by dragon and phoenix!"

The seven dragon-playing phoenix swords that had been ambushed for a long time suddenly appeared around the Dionysian Yin-Yang Mian, and the seven-colored Qiongguang was dazzling, surrounding the Dionysus!
5 seconds of stun state!
Tang Tang was naturally overjoyed when he saw that the blow was successful, and immediately sent Mo Qiujian to the air!

"Mo Qiujian! Mo Zhe Wushuang!"

With a soft drink from Tang Tang, Mo Qiujian turned into a sword light, forming eight large golden characters!
Both offensive and defensive capital, Mo Zhe is unparalleled!
After a moment of effort, the eight golden characters shattered, forming countless sword rains and falling downwards, swaying like a misty drizzle.

Tang Tang heaved a sigh of relief, the sword energy was like rain, dense to such an extent, no matter how fast the Dionysus Yin-Yang Mian was, it would probably be difficult to resist, and the Dionysus Yin-Yang Mian had only one point of health, as long as it was hit, There is absolutely no possibility of survival, but at this moment...

"Hey! Girl, I'm here!"

The voice of Dionysus Yin-Yangmian suddenly sounded, startling the little girl, she hurriedly jumped away, and looked back, it was indeed Dionysus Yin-Yangmian, who unexpectedly came behind her at some point, and looked at the scene again The circle was empty, and Yin Yang Mian, the Dionysus of Dionysus, ran out of the sword energy.

"Little girl, your skills are much worse than your master's." Dionysus Yin Yang Mian shook his head and said, "Your master didn't teach you anything else?"

Naturally, Tang Tang also saw that Dionysus Yin-Yangmian did not have any malice towards him, at most it was a playful intention, but he didn't understand what Dionysus Yin-Yangmian said as a provocation, but really thought about it.

In the end, after thinking about it, Tang Tang really found that he, the number one senior of Death God Pavilion, was very unprofessional. He had a lot of tricks, but he didn't learn much from Tangmen. He even practiced the most famous Wanjianjue of Tangmen. , but starting from the first level of practice, Tang Tang didn't learn it because he was lazy, and he only had a death pulse and a basic fire ball on his body. It can be regarded as Shushan, and there is the pulse of death. Damn, Dionysus is not referring to the useless useless soul skill of the death scythe, right?

"Hey, that's all, that's all." Dionysus Yin Yang Mian sighed and said: "You little girl is really stupid, I reminded you like this, but you still don't understand! Come on, open your mouth and give me this wine."

The Dionysus suddenly patted the Yin-Yang Mian on top of her head, and the word 'wine' on the Yin-Yang Mian immediately spurted out a stream of wine, and then the Dionysus Yin-Yang Mian pinched Tang Tang's little face and poured the wine into her mouth. in the mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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