The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 183 Four-Eyed Owl Flender

Chapter 183 Four-Eyed Owl Flender

As the eldest sister Tang Mei said, this boy is also a rich master, but he spent all his money on alchemy and bought a large amount of materials. However, the materials for alchemy can be bought, but the task of alchemy is not. He can only do it by himself. In order to do the task of a pharmacist, he can only go out in person. However, as usual, he hired many people to accompany him on the task.

And the location of the final mission was the fourth floor of Haotian City. As a result, the people he hired sent him there, but they were unable to protect him. What's more unfortunate was that the boy was really inexperienced, so he actually paid [-]% of the salary.

And the other party originally planned to earn the money honestly, but the fourth floor of Haotian City was really helpless, everyone died once, and they didn't want to continue to spend their lives here for nothing, so they took the money and left. No need, anyway, the rewards paid earlier were generous enough, and the only good thing these people did before they went to the underworld was to sort out some city guards, giving the boy a chance to escape, and ran to the corner where there was no monster.

In the end, the boy was still a little angry, very angry that those people were immoral, but Tang Tang was more open. To be honest, this group of people is quite kind. The fourth floor of Tiancheng took a life. Although it can't be said to be conscientious, it can be considered as hard work. Tang Tang has seen worse things, and such things can be regarded as insignificant.


Two hours later, the others returned to the delicious third floor from the underworld.

Tang Mei firstly praised Tang Tang for being able to rescue the person, and secondly, she expressed contempt for the little girl who did not go on a tour of the underworld.In the end, he comforted the boy who was an alchemist, and at the same time surprised everyone, because everyone learned from Tang Mei that the boy's name was—poor, short and fat!

This is really a very speechless name, who made the boy look at most 1.6 meters tall and weighed more than 100 kilograms!

On the way back, Poor Dumpty asked everyone to help him complete the task, but was rejected by everyone. Money is not a problem for him, but for everyone, money must be spent, and the fourth floor is really not for people. Yes, instead of going to the fourth floor, the next thing is not difficult, the third floor can't trap them, the second floor and the first floor are completely stress-free, and they go quite smoothly.

After leaving Haotian City, Tang Mei simply gave everyone a token in the shape of a building and said: "The gold coins are already in the hands of the owner of the legend. Everyone put the token on the auction site for 1000 gold coins, and the owner of the legend will send someone to buy it." Down."

"In that case, there will be a period later."

Xiaoyao Zizai and Zizai Xiaoyao have no friendship with everyone, just a pure interest relationship. Now that the reward is in hand, they don't say much, and leave with fists in their hands. Zizai Xiaoyao wanted to leave a few harsh words, but was pulled Let's go, it's a good atmosphere, why spoil it, the most important thing is that Tang Tang's little girl has dark hands, you annoyed her, if you don't know what to do, you can play bad ideas, Haotian City is not too far from Tangmen.

Sending away the two of Xiaoyaozizai, Tang Mei originally wanted to send them back to the Tang Sect, but at the request of the poor and fat, she decided to practice for a while. The reason was that the alchemist was refining some medicinal pills. Levels are also required, and some high-level medicines can only be refined after reaching a certain level. It would be too wasteful to leave a few of their masters unused.

Tang Tang, Tang Yuhao, and Xiao Xiaoqiao are all idlers. Idlers mean that they can do whatever they want. Tang Mei hesitated for a moment, then agreed, and there is no need to change the place. This Haotian City is a place where both leveling and treasure hunting It is a good place to go to the second floor with their strength. At this time, Tang Tang and Tang Mei received the sound transmission from Qianli at the same time.

"Sigh, it seems that there is no chance to level up." After the sound transmission for thousands of miles, Tang Mei said awkwardly: "The master is calling, I must go back to the Tang Sect immediately."

"Me too." Tang Tang finished the voice transmission and said: "I transmitted the sound twice, the alcoholic master Dugu Bona asked me to go back to the Tang Sect to plead guilty, and Tang Taro asked me to find a way to go back to the Tang Sect too. "

Tang Mei was very strange: "Girl, aren't you still being offered a reward by the Tang Sect to arrest you?"

Tang Tang spread his hands and said: "I don't know, anyway, I will definitely not go if I have to take the blame, but Tang Taro seems to be in a hurry, I said that I am still being offered a reward for arrest by the mission of the Tang Sect Master, he said, he Someone will meet me in front of the mountain gate, as if something happened to the Tang gate."

Tang Yuhao blinked his eyes and said: "The masters on both sides are calling at the same time. Could it be that the Tangmen's wisdom soul masters and tool soul masters are going to fight?"

"Go!" Tang Tang and Tang Mei said disdainfully at the same time: "You might as well say that it is more reliable for Tangmen's wise soul masters and tool soul masters to join forces to suppress Samurai Soul Valley."

After finishing speaking, Tang Mei also helplessly spread her hands and said, "No matter what, I have to go back and have a look."

Tang Tang and Xiao Qiao immediately laughed and said, "As expected of being a man of the Tang Sect, it's just different..."

Tang Mei rolled her eyes, ignored the playful teasing of the two, and returned a look of disdain.

Tang Tang said: "In that case, then I'll go back to Tangmen to have a look, and I just happened to ask when my bounty was withdrawn. Damn it, Samurai Soul Valley and Xiaoxian Poisonous didn't chase me anymore, Tangmen didn't Let it go, isn't this bullying, I'm still a disciple of the Tang Sect no matter what, okay?"

Poor, short and fat naturally returned to the pharmacist guild, while Tang Yuhao continued to pester the little girl. Little Qiao was very conflicted, and Tang Mei would definitely not go there. People in the Tang Sect were very busy, so she wanted to follow the little girl. But Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao are both fast-moving, Xiao Qiao thought about it, she is an assistant, she can't outrun the two of them at all, and if she hangs out with them, she has to go by herself, they can't enjoy the glory and wealth, but they can't do it by themselves I don't want to be cannon fodder for them.

Thinking about it carefully, among the sisters, she is the only one with the lowest level, only 42, so she simply stayed in Haotian City, rushed to the level, and practiced the auxiliary aura along the way.

The sisters parted ways. Tang Mei had a teleportation talisman and could go directly to a city near Tangmen. Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao flew directly back to Tangmen. Haotian City is not far from Mingyue City. After arriving at Mingyue City, they diverted. Then you can enter the territory of Tangmen.

Of course, the most important thing is that they don't have teleportation talismans. They are not as poor as before. They can't even use teleportation talismans worth [-] or [-] gold coins. It's just that Tang Tang belongs to the type of running around the world with joy. The role of teleportation talismans It’s really not that big. Although I carry two with me, I haven’t developed the habit of recording the location.

Say goodbye to each other and break up!

"Hey, brat!" Tang Tang said to Tang Yuhao while flying across the Moon River Basin, "Are you really going back to the Tang Sect with me? Although Tang Taro said that I would definitely not die, I just couldn't avoid being punished. But there seem to be quite a few people in the Tang Sect who want me to die, you might be in bad luck if you follow me back to the Tang Sect."

Tang Yuhao's eyes flickered twice, and he said with a resentful expression: "Girl, are you going to abandon me?"

"Stop!" Tang Tang hurriedly surrendered: "Don't speak so resentfully, as if I don't want you anymore, follow if you like."

Tang Tang really has no way to deal with Tang Yuhao, this guy is too changeable, sometimes he is extremely strong, and sometimes he pretends to be pitiful, a full-fledged star king...

At this time, the two of them had already entered the territory of Tang Sect!
A circle of red light suddenly erupted from the Hunting Soul Forest in the distance, looming behind the forest, followed by a violent explosion.

The sound of the explosion also temporarily took Tang Tang's gaze away from Tang Yuhao's body!

In some respects, Tang Yuhao is actually very similar to Tang Tang. Tang Yuhao has a very strong spirit of adventure, which can also be said to be daring. People like this usually have a lot of curiosity, and it is precisely because of their curiosity that they will Get into trouble often.And Tang Tang is a girl, and girls are usually very curious, and Tang Tang happens to be the best among them.

"Shall we go and have a look?"

"Shall we go and have a look?"

The two spoke in unison, then looked at each other and smiled, and the envoy Horcrux flew towards the forest.

The forest was lush with vegetation, and the two went around to the side and lowered the Horcrux, which landed on the other side of the forest, thinking about touching it from the side.After a while, the two saw a large cloud of blood mist floating in the air. In the blood mist, stood a red-haired man in red with a pale face and a strange blood tattoo on his right arm. The huge gauntlets stretched from the shoulders to the wrists. In the palm of the hand, there were blood claws only half a meter in size, full of hostility!

On the opposite side of the blood mist, there is a man in a black robe with purple hair floating, his breath is indifferent, very peaceful, his appearance is handsome, even women envy him, but the position of his eyes is wrapped with a piece of black cloth, such a beautiful man unexpectedly Is a blind man!

"Flender!" The blood-clawed man walked out of the blood fog and shouted in a low voice: "You chased me for more than 200 miles, and Yu Xiaogang was not there. Believe it or not, I beat you to death!"

The blind Flender said: "Blood hand, you have been trapped in the Demon Sealing Palace for more than [-] years, I am afraid that your cultivation level has not recovered yet?"

The bloody hand snorted coldly, but remained silent, obviously caught by what Flender said.

Flender continued: "The remnants of the Heavenly Demon Sect have long since died. Although you were trapped in the Demon Sealing Palace, you can still save your life, but since you escaped from it, I can't spare you. "

When Flender mentioned the Demon Cult, Tang Yuhao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he felt as if he was eager to rush out. However, Tang Yuhao didn't see any movement yet, but the bloody hand and Flender in the sky were fighting again.

As soon as the bloody hand moved, the blood mist behind him rolled like a wave, like a tide, and Flender, not to be outdone, stretched out his hand and a huge four-eyed owl flew up.Spreading his wings, hundreds of sword qi confronted the blood mist, but what Flender never thought was that the bloody hand was a false move, and the blood mist rolled up and did not attack him at all, but rolled and rolled again. Pentium and go to the distance.

Unwilling to give up, Flender immediately waved his hand, and the four-eyed owl slammed into the blood mist. At this moment, there was a sudden roar in front of the blood mist, and a huge black hole appeared in the midair, entwining With a purple electric current, the sword light will be annihilated by flying ash when it touches it.

(End of this chapter)

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