Chapter 184
"God and devil dance!"

Flender was shocked at once, but the bloody hand didn't delay any longer. The blood mist was about to drill into the black hole. Flender gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind not to let the bloody hand escape. The two-eyed owl condensed into a golden light beam, and it was about to attack the blood mist!
Also at this time...

Tang Yuhao suddenly used the imperial envoy Horcrux, and shot straight into the sky with the imperial sword technique.

"Hey, brat, you're stupid, come back quickly!" Tang Tang said urgently; "God fights, why are you joining in the fun!"

Tang Tang's voice hadn't finished yet, but Tang Yuhao had already rushed to the sky. Tang Tang had no choice but to keep up with his weapon, and Tang Yuhao raised his hand to create a wind and thunder sword array, covering Flender in it. Originally, Flender The tricks are superb, Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao are far behind, and even if they work together, they will not be able to win.

It's just that Flender's gaze was on the bloody hand, and he was hit by Tang Yuhao's blow immediately, and he swayed in the air. Although he didn't fall from mid-air, a trace of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the bloody hand suddenly gathered the blood mist and went straight into the black hole. Tang Yuhao seemed to have no interest in Flender. Seeing that the bloody hand left, he immediately abandoned Flender and left. The Horcrux followed the bloody hand and quickly got into the black hole.


"I'll go, did I make a mistake!"

Tang Yuhao rushed into the black hole following the bloody hand, and Tang Tang was also killed by the imperial weapon, but it was still a step too late. The black hole shrank rapidly, and became only the size of a head. Tang Tang hesitated, because the size was too big. It was the same as a dog hole, but after hesitating for a moment, when Tang Tang came back to his senses, the black hole had disappeared without a trace.

Tang Tang fumbled a few times in the sky, but they all missed. Then he firmly believed that he would not be able to get in, but he was very worried about Tang Yuhao's situation, so he directly sent the sound transmission to him from thousands of miles away, but...

Tip: The other party cannot use Qianli Voice Transmission!
Tang Tang was suddenly depressed. Only Qianli Voice Transmission and Feige Chuanshu can communicate thousands of miles away, or even in different regions. Among them, Feige Chuanshu is mainly used to send things to each other, and the situation that Qianli Voice Transmission cannot be used Usually, flying pigeons to send letters has no effect, but Tang Tang still did not give up. He dug out a piece of garbage third-level equipment from his backpack and used flying pigeons to send letters. Sure enough, the prompt still couldn't be used.

As a result, Tang Tang had no choice but to turn around lamenting, only to find that Flender was still behind him, and suddenly said unhappily: "Old man, what are you looking at! Fight if you have nothing to do, what should you do if you destroy flowers and plants? Do you still have a sense of public morality?"

"Are you a Tang Sect disciple?" Shafland shook his head and said, "Why do Tang Sect disciples bother with people from the Demon Cult?"

"Are you talking about me?" Tang Tang pointed to himself wonderingly, "Do you care who I'm with?"

Flender hesitated for a moment, then sighed: "Forget it, for the sake of being a disciple of the Tang Sect, I won't kill you, so I can do it myself!"

As soon as the words fell, Flender's body suddenly disappeared, and the four-eyed owl on top of his head retracted its wings and fled away into the distance.

"Hey, hey..." Tang Tang yelled angrily behind Flender, "Don't think that you can be arrogant because you are handsome. If you have the ability to come back, I will beat you into a pig's head. You understand the fate of talking nonsense!"

When Tang Tang said this, the phoenix's breath was already under his feet and was ready to escape. Just kidding, the other party shot hundreds of sword lights. How could I beat him, but it is necessary to shout twice to get over the addiction .

As soon as the figure of Flender stopped, Tang Tang immediately ran away with oil on the soles of his feet, but Flender seemed to have no intention of haggling with Tang Tang, pretending that he didn't hear it, and continued to run away, crossing the hunting forest , disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Tang Tang breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt a little dazed, what should he do now?

You said that you watch the fights and watch the fights. Let’s just gloat and forget about it. We insisted on coming out, but we got ourselves into it just after we came out. Not to mention, when that brat was around, Tang Tang thought he was annoying, and suddenly It's gone, it really feels a bit inappropriate.

Tried Qianli Voice Transmission again, but it still couldn't be used, Tang Tang had no choice but to send the Horcrux towards Tangmen, and said to Tang Yuhao in his heart: Brat, you can ask for more blessings!


Back at Tangmen, because Tang Yuhao disappeared for no reason, Tang Tang was in a bad mood, and when he saw the person Tang Tang said was coming to pick him up, Tang Tang's mood was even worse!

Tang Tang dismounted the Horcrux, and said bluntly, "Why is it you?"

Tang Xin didn't care, and said with a smile, "Why not me?"

Tang Tang curled his lips and said, "Then it looks like there is an ambush all around? Call them out, I'm in a bad mood right now, since you've sent me to your door for a beating, then I won't be polite to you!"

"Hehe, you misunderstood." Tang Xin still smiled and said, "I'm the only one here, and there are no ambushes around. Of course, I didn't come because of the matter between you and Tang Yukuang. I just came to tell you not to go back to Tang Yukuang directly. Sect, you can’t enter the mountain gate of the Tang Sect now, you will be arrested and sent to the Criminal Law Hall if you show up. So, come with me, I asked for a private room in a tavern in Shenghun Village, and we got there Let’s talk again, if you don’t believe me, you can send a sound transmission to Tang Taro, he’s here too.”

Tang Tang never felt that she was a gentleman, and of course she didn't think that she was a villain, but she had to admit that sometimes villains would live longer.Therefore, Tang Tang simply transmitted the voice of Tang Taro through thousands of miles, and did not shy away from Tang Xin who was at the side. After getting Tang Taro's confirmation, Tang Tang nodded to Tang Xin and asked him to lead the way all the way to the Holy Soul Village.

Entering the private room of a restaurant, Tang Tang saw Tang Taluo and a very handsome man named MT. The reason why Tang Tang knew was that the other party revealed his name.Secondly, as soon as Tang Tang entered, MT extended his hand to greet him very politely, and then applied for friends. The so-called reaching out and not hitting people with smiling faces, Tang Tang was naturally polite.

After everyone sat down, Tang Xin ordered some side dishes. This is also a Chinese tradition, and they like to talk about things at the dinner table.

"I know you don't trust me." Tang Xin smiled at Tang Tang and said, "So, let senior Tang Taluo speak."

Tang Taluo nodded and said, "Do you know about Divine Weapons and Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasures?"

Tang Tang nodded and said, "Ten ten-level Horcruxes and ten ten-level Spirit Treasures are said to be the strongest things in the Soul Domain. Even if you use upgrade stones like multicolored chess stones, at most you can only upgrade the equipment. The Horcrux has been upgraded to level nine, so every tenth level thing is unique!"

Tang Tang had heard Tang Yuhao say this, and it was indeed more attractive to her, so she took it to heart.

Tang Taluo pondered: "The first tenth-level spirit treasure may be unearthed soon!"

Tang Tang was stunned for a moment, this is indeed a big deal, and then said: "In the Tang Sect?"

"No." Tang Taro thought for a while and said, "This matter is a bit complicated. There was a tomb robbery incident in the early days of Soul Realm, you should have heard of it?"

Tang Tang shook his head and said, "Because of an accident, I entered the game half a month late." Of course I have heard about the tomb robbery incident, but Tang Taro must have a better explanation here, it is better to remain ignorant.

Tang Xin praised Tang Tang calmly and said, "You can still have such a level under such circumstances, the little girl is indeed amazing."

Tang Tang didn't like Tang Xin at all, and said to Tang Taro, "Senior, keep talking."

Tang Taro said: "Since you don't know, you have to start with the past. The Kunlun Shrine used to be the ruins of the Guge Kingdom. There was a Sanren named Hu Youli, whose status in the Sanren Alliance was not low. strength, but because Hu Youli is a member of the family of tomb robbers, and the so-called family of tomb robbers is a very famous group of tomb robbers. Because they disturb the dead, few members of the family of tomb robbers live past the age of 30. Hu Youli searched everywhere, and finally Find the ruins of the Guge Kingdom.

But still unable to change his cursed fate, he finally wanted to find a successor to pass on the skill of tomb hunting and treasure hunting. Therefore, a man named Wang Kaixuan was lucky to be favored by Hu Youli, and he learned the tomb hunting and treasure hunting skills. He has the ability, and when everyone just left Xinren Village, he got a four-level flying sword through tomb robbery. As you can imagine, everyone was only around tenth level at that time, and he hadn’t even seen a third-level flying sword. Those who have level [-] equipment are small masters, but at this time a level [-] flying sword appeared! "

Tang Tang thoughtfully said: "So, everyone went to rob the tomb?"

Tang Taro laughed and said: "It is true that some people do this, but most people are still sensible and know that people can dig up good things because they have the ability to search for treasures. Ordinary people can't dig up good things. Yes. Secondly, it is said that the successful tomb robbery requires a huge price. As for the price, it is not clear, but judging from the price that Hu Youli will not live to be 30 years old, the price players have to pay may not be small, but we will leave this for now No discussion, the point is that Wang Kaixuan came up with a series of missions because of the tomb robbery, and the last link of the mission is a tenth-level spirit treasure."

Tang Tang said: "That doesn't have much to do with us, does it?"

Tang Xin said with a smile: "Treasures of heaven and earth, things without an owner, those who are destined to see them, and those who are virtuous live in them!"

Tang Tang said contemptuously: "If you want to grab it, just say it's done. Why use such a nice reason?"

Tang Xin spread his hands helplessly and said: "Actually, I also think these words are quite sanctimonious, but the fact is that I did not say these words, but Tang Taiwu, the Seven Monsters of the Tang Sect. If you have any objections, you can only go back to the Tang Sect. Argued with his old man."

Tang Taro nodded and said: "You really blamed him wrongly. This matter really has nothing to do with him. It is a task assigned by the master's sect. It is said that the spirit treasure was born. Let us go find it. Of course, it is about to be born. Now It’s not released yet, but it’s estimated to be coming soon, this should be a sect-based activity task that the various sects compete for.”

Tang Tang said: "Can't you? No one else knows, so I told you?"

Tang Xin smiled and said, "You don't really think that the first seniors and senior sisters of each sect are purely decorations, do you? To put it bluntly, the so-called first seniors and senior sisters are the most favored disciples of the division. There will be special preferential treatment, but if there is any news, it is always easier to find out from their respective mentors. This time, there is already reliable news. As long as the Lingbao comes out, the major sects will immediately send five disciples to snatch it. It's a player, and that's why we're eager to find you back."

Tang Taro nodded and said to Tang Tang: "This is also the proof of the five best player disciples in the sect judged by Soul Realm, although you are very likely to be among them now. However, the premise is that you must first Go to the Criminal Law Hall to receive the punishment, otherwise you are likely to be excluded, and we have also inquired about the content of the punishment. We will not let you go to the underworld once, that is, let you go to the master copy, we will find Someone helped you."

Tang Tang said happily: "That's no problem. If he can deduct my reputation, I don't mind being rewarded a few more times. I really want to be a bad guy. By the way, who are the other four? Senior Tang Taro is Surely there are?"

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(End of this chapter)

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