The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 185 Criminal Law Punishment Ancient Copy

Chapter 185 Criminal Law Punishment Ancient Copy
Tang Taro smiled, but he didn't evade the question. How many people can use the fusion technique now?What's more, Tang Taro's self-created dual-attribute fusion spell, it would be unreasonable for him not to be among them.

Tang Tang looked at Tang Xin again and said, "Could it be Tang Yukuang?"

Tang Xin smiled and said: "He can't go, but I think I'm probably one of them, and you have a grudge with him. I can guarantee that the Kuangzhan Pavilion will not ask. If there is any trouble, you can solve it yourself."

Tang Tang squinted his eyes and said, "Isn't a deputy gang leader who doesn't want to be a gang leader a good gang leader?"

Tang Xin smiled even more happily, shook his head and said, "It's just a deputy leader who wants to be the leader."

Tang Tang nodded. This Tang Xin is also an ambitious man. Tang Yukang may never have been in the eyes of the other party. At best, he is a puppet who can be beaten and has quite an appeal.But after Tang Yu's mad crossing failed, his strength dropped drastically, and his value naturally dropped too. Tang Xin seemed to have some ideas, but what does this have to do with him?
Tang Tang turned his head to MT, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Tang Taro explained: "MT is a wise soul master of the Tang Sect. He has a fusion spell called Lianwu Shengxing. It is likely to be the fourth person. As for the fifth person, we don't know for the time being, or there are many people, such as Your elder sister Tang Mei is also a possibility, but right now I don't know who is more likely."

Tang Tang nodded. He was inferior to Tang Tang and Tang Xin in terms of network resources. One of them was the deputy gang leader of the Kuangzhan Pavilion, and the other was the guest minister of the Tufeng Camp. This troublesome matter of finding someone was still a headache for them. Well, what I have to do now, the first thing I have to do is to go back to the Tang Sect to confess?


Tang Tang returned to the Tang Sect, and was immediately detained by senior Tang Xiao. Tang Xiao and Tang Tang had a good relationship, but he could only obey the orders of the elders of the Tang Sect Criminal Law Hall. Of course, he also secretly told the little girl, but there was a little girl Small punishment, not much trouble!
The Criminal Law Hall is the place where the Tang Sect punishes those who made mistakes, but as far as it is concerned, I have never seen anyone detained in the Criminal Law Hall.From this point of view, Tang Tang is proud enough, at least she won the No. 1 of the Tang Sect, and after the No. However, Tang Tang's complexion was very ugly.

"Look quickly, that is the most arrogant Tang Tang of our Tang Sect."

"Yeah, yeah, it's said that it's a... who ran to Samurai Valley to find a lover, seduced several boys, even the NPCs...!"

"I heard from friends in Samurai Soul Valley that they are still skittish, coming out at such a young age...!"


Listening to the discussion around him, Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said to Tang Taro beside him, "I really want to kill them!"

Tang Xin gloated a little and said with a gloating smile: "At least you should think positively, you are very famous now, everyone in the Tang Sect knows your name, and there are many people outside the Tang Sect who know your name, although, little girl, you It doesn't have a good reputation."

Tang Tang said angrily: "Not so good? I think they are notorious. Don't these guys think about it? How could I seduce others? Do you think they are such casual people?"

Tang Xin said: "It's boring, it's the same after dinner and dinner. In fact, everyone knows that these rumors are unreliable, but everyone still likes to believe them. Why? It's interesting. If you are serious, you will lose. Anyway, it will become dull after a while."

While talking, Tang Tang was escorted to the Criminal Law Hall. Tang Xiao came to say that he could do something for himself, and sent Tang Tang in.

The elder of the Criminal Law Hall was an acquaintance. He had seen it when the group of monsters attacked Tangmen, so he showed face and didn't make Tang Tang kneel down. He just pronounced Tang Tang's crimes eloquently.Well, not much actually, just the theft, which has lost the reputation of the Tang Sect. In the end, it is due to the Tang Sect. He will be punished lightly. He will not be allowed to commit another crime in the future. He will be fined to clear the copy of the Master Sect ten times, and will not be rewarded with the Master Sect. , and you are not allowed to go down the mountain before you finish!

Tang Tang was very dissatisfied with this, and discussed with the elders of the Criminal Law Hall: "Do you always think about it and just deduct my reputation points? I don't mind deducting more, and it doesn't matter if it is deducted directly. "

"Ridiculous! The Tang Sect is a famous sect, why did you come out who has no regard for etiquette..." The elder of the Criminal Law Hall was furious, pointed at the door and said, "Get out!"

Tang Tang was very wronged, and the Tang Sect did not prohibit cultivating demons. There were several small demons in the Tang Sect, so why can't I lose my reputation?Well, if you think about it carefully, it seems impossible. He was playing with demons from the very beginning, carrying the prestige value to overcome the calamity, but he seems to be a little sage of the Tang Sect. In this way, his idea of ​​asking for the prestige point deduction is really not very kind , but if you don't like it, you won't like it, and there's no need to be so aggressive, the elder is amazing?

After exiting the Criminal Law Hall, Tang Tang smiled wryly at Tang Taluo: "Ten copies of Legend Master's Sect, so tiring!"

The master copy is divided into four types: normal, elite, legend and ancient.

Therefore, Tang Tang had to fight twice in vain. Only after clearing the ordinary and elite can he play legends. What is even more painful is that the master dungeon can only be played five times a day, which means that Tang Tang can only finish it in three days at the fastest. During this period, they are not allowed to leave the territory of Tang Sect, it is hard to die.

Tang Taluo comforted Tang Tang with a smile and said: "Little girl, let's fight together with you, and we can also cultivate a tacit understanding with each other!"

Tang Tang has no objection to someone being a coolie for himself. Tang Xin took the position in the Kuangzhan Pavilion. He is currently the number one senior of the Tool Soul Master, and in order to keep the title of the first senior, it is his compulsory course to brush the master dungeon every day , so I have no opinion, with whom should I brush?

It is more efficient for several masters to get together to brush up the dungeon, and MT looks so shy and doesn't talk much, but it can't be said that he is not talkative, and he respects Tang Taro very much. However, this Not surprisingly, Tang Taro's popularity in the camp of wise soul masters is indeed very high, so MT will definitely not reject Tang Taro's proposal.

Everyone had no objections, so naturally they went straight to the copy place of Shimen in the back mountain.

The entrance of the master copy can be said to be the busiest place outside the trading market divided by Tangmen players. It is almost crowded with people. Even players have opened up a second trading market here independently, but the four of them found a very depressed people thing.

There are not enough of them, it takes five people to enter the master dungeon!
It's okay for them to find "savages" to join the team, but they are afraid that they will feel pressure. After all, it is still quite stressful to form a team with Tang Taluo and Tang Xin, two celebrities from Shushan. Tang, a newcomer to the Tang Sect, needs a certain amount of courage while under pressure. At least, at present, it seems that boys don't have to count on it, and girls are somewhat timid.

In the end, Tang Taluo proposed to find Tang Fengzi, that old boy is also a popular candidate for the battle. It is said that the guy has been refined to the sixth level with the Annihilation Thunder. He has also practiced spells to level six. Among the wise soul masters of the Tang Sect, Tang Fengzi is a well-deserved leader in terms of single-target damage, and may be the most powerful. However, there is never a lack of masters these days, so no one can Dare to boast.

In fact, among the few of them, the only one without any suspense is Tang Taro, backed by Fenglei Double Kill, Tang Taro's level is extremely terrifying, reaching level 52, and at the same time, Wind Wall, Fenglei Double Kill and Spring Breeze Earth all It is a sixth-level spell, and it is unlikely to be eliminated. Tang Tang's equipment is not good enough. Although he has a sixth-level Tianhuo Blazing Flame and a sixth-level Huoyu Feiyan Sword, there is also a danger of being eliminated. Tang Xin and MT are similar , all have cards that can be played, but they all have the possibility of being eliminated. Generally speaking, the four of them have relatively high hopes.

A moment later, Tang Fengzi rushed to the copy of Shimen in the back mountain.

"Ouch, little girl, are you back?"

Tang Fengzi greeted Tang Tang with a smile, and then Tang Taluo and MT, only treating Tang Xin as air.This is understandable, the whole Tang Sect knows that there is something tricky between the wise soul masters and the weapon soul masters, among which the mad war pavilion and the Tufeng camp are the most conflicting!
Tang Xin didn't care, he was watching the show with a smile on his face, and when Tang Taluo brought Tang Fengzi with him, he entered the master copy.

The dungeons of each sect are different, and they don’t all rely on violence to win. For example, the dungeons of the Wushen Pavilion are more interesting. Ordinary and elite are martial spirit duels, and legends and ancient ones are crossbow shooting; Samurai Soul Valley does not use it Using force, directly throwing people into a maze transformed by illusion Gu to solve it!
From this point of view, the Tang Sect is indeed violent and has no technical content, that is, it only spawns monsters within a limited time.

Ordinary level 40 monsters are not difficult and can be passed with a single swipe. Of course, the contribution of the teacher is also low, and there is no additional reward. The elite three waves are level 40, 45 and 50 respectively. The difficulty is not too big, and it is also easy According to the legend, there are five waves of monsters, which are level 40, level 42, level 45, level 48 and level 50. It is a bit difficult to kill a level 40 boss monster, but as long as the equipment and Horcrux level are good enough, each other With cooperation, it can be easily dealt with. Therefore, most players mainly brush the legendary dungeon, which is obtained by contributions from teachers, and there are things dropped by boss monsters.

Finally, the ancient dungeon has a certain degree of difficulty. You have to farm seven waves of monsters, which are also between level 40 and 50, but all of them are elite monsters, and you have to kill the first boss monster in the fifth wave. It is time to kill the second boss monster. Since the type of boss monster is different each time, the copy of the ancient master is still very troublesome. At present, the success rate of everyone in Tangmen to clear the sky-rank copy is only between 40% and 50%.

Of course, this probability definitely does not include people like Tang Tang.

Taking Tang Tang through the common, elite and legendary three-level dungeons, Tang Fengzi asked to play the ancient master dungeon. Although the request of the elders of the Criminal Law Hall to Tang Tang was a legend, it was really not difficult for everyone, and the rewards were too much. few.

Tang Tang did not object to this. She is idle now. As for brushing the copy of the master, damn it, everyone else has the reputation of the master, but she has zero. No matter what kind of copy of the master, there is only experience The value of the cultivation base is completely useless.

In fact, Tang Tang doesn't care about the contribution of the master. Apart from Dugu Bo, the Death God Pavilion is his biggest. He doesn't need the reputation of the master to consolidate his position. As for the reputation of the master to exchange things, it is given by the copy of the master. At that point, I really can't see it.

As for the large amount of reputation rewards, this is what Tang Tang fears the most. Now she is eager to deduct all her reputation points.However, being a human being is sometimes so contradictory. Tang Tang really doesn't care, but it's still quite unpleasant to watch others go up to the teacher's prestige, but he is a volunteer.

 Happy new year!Collect more red envelopes!Sapo is cute and asks for a reward!

(End of this chapter)

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