Chapter 187
Everyone brushed the fifth wave of monsters, and the first leader monster came out, which was the first level 45 polar ice tiger. Tang Tang unceremoniously sent two death pulses to knock out one-third of the life value, and threw the sun and the moon The Qiankun wheel was blinded. For 40 seconds, the crowd beat the wolf demon. After 40 seconds, the ice tiger had only half blood left. Tang Fengzi was paralyzed by the light of Thor. Everyone continued to fight. In 3 minutes, the ice tiger turned white , leaving behind a 45th-level master suit, with a fourth-level legendary quality, Tang Tang took it into his pocket very bluntly.

Tang Xin waved his hand and said, "The crisis is over, let's continue the discussion."

MT said: "The half-beast forest also has to be careful, we have very little information on the monster clan, so we have to be careful."

Tang Tang said: "That Heavenly Punisher's Kowloon Divine Flame Shield is quite annoying!"

Tang Taro thought for a while and said, "I think the family of tomb robbers still needs to be treated with caution. Although the sect of the family of tomb robbers is the least number of basic sects, the players of the family of tomb robbers are also very low-key. Yes, after doing so many serial missions, but in the end they have to face competition from various sects, Soul Domain will not fail to give some compensation, this is also the way of balance that Soul Domain is best at."

Tang Tang said: "Could it be that only the Martial God Hall and the Guangming Holy See are waste wood sects?"

"The Bright Vatican is not necessarily useless. There are still masters. I am the Pope and the Archbishop. These two brothers are very cruel, and there are some other people who can show their hands. There are still many masters, but, The Guangming Vatican does not have that kind of particularly famous masters, but the average strength should be good, as for the Martial God Temple..." Tang Xin was silent for a while and said: "It is indeed a useless sect!"

In fact, it is recognized that the useless firewood of the Temple of Valkyrie is recognized. Only after the success of the catastrophe can the Martial Soul almost completely limit the development of the Temple of Valkyrie, but because of this, most people think that the Temple of Valkyrie can be reversed in the later stage. However, for now, The Valkyrie Hall is really an object that can be completely ignored.

Tang Fengzi said: "Other hidden inheritance sects may be able to beat the autumn wind. It's not that there are no masters. The key is the characteristics of the hidden sect. We just don't understand it at all. It is very likely that the ship will capsize in the gutter."

Everyone also thinks this statement is reasonable, like Tang Tang knows that, for example, worshiping the Moon God Sect, if you fight head-on, the parents who you can fight don't know them, but they are good at poison, and they are really good at sneak attacks, and they are hard to guard against. .

As a result, everyone became more entangled after discussing for a long time, because it was very helpless to find that, except for the Valkyrie Hall, which was recognized as quite useless, all other sects needed attention.

In the end, Tang Xin waved helplessly and said, "Shoot monsters, spawn monsters, it's time to fight the last boss monster!"

Tang Tang spent three days hanging around in the master dungeon, and the task assigned by the elders of the Criminal Law Hall was finally completed. Tang Tang finally didn't have to be a volunteer laborer. At the same time, in three days, Tang Tang got three 45-level masters For the suit, Tang Xin kindly sponsored a Tangmen disciple outfit, and Tang Fengzi, not to be outdone, helped Tang Tang make up for his boots. So far, Tang Tang had assembled a level 45 Tangmen master suit.

In fact, the master suits are not that good. The level 45 master suits are only at the level of the fourth-level legendary quality. At best, there are a few more suit attributes, but the attributes cannot be selected. Every set has the same attributes. It is better to have money. Buy a set of level four equipment by yourself, and now a set of level four equipment is not expensive, only two or three hundred gold coins, Tang Tang can afford it.

But she didn't want to pay, because the fifth-level equipment has gradually appeared in everyone's sight, but the fifth-level equipment is too expensive. Buying one fifth-level equipment can buy two sets of fourth-level equipment, so Tang Tang is willing to wait for the fifth-level equipment The price of equipment has dropped, but the question is just a matter of debate. When the price of level [-] equipment drops, it is bound to be when the price of level [-] equipment slowly appears. Should I buy [-] or [-]?
Tang Tang didn't think it would be so long-term, but his vision is relatively high now, mainly because he doesn't like ordinary equipment, at least it must have excellent attributes, or it must be high-level, and he must be qualified to match his sixth-level Horcruxes. OK no!
Out of the master copy, Tang Tang went straight to the Criminal Law Hall. The elder of the Criminal Law Hall patiently instructed Tang Tang to keep the gate rules and not fall into the evil way. After that, he withdrew the reward offered by the master sect. Finally, there is no need to worry about being hunted down.

However, the so-called spirit treasure was still not born, which made Tang Tang rarely doubt whether Tang Xin was reliable or not. As a result, Tang Xin patted his chest and said that he had internal support in the family of tomb robbers, so Tang Tang didn't say much. In Soul Domain, most players are not loyal to sects and gangs. After all, everyone is a worthless thing, who likes to do things that are not beneficial?
Furthermore, it is not allowed to point out different sects, but the two are friends in private, drinking and chatting with wine bottles when they leave the sect, so it is not uncommon for Tang Xin to have internal support in the family of tomb robbers. There is really no need to rush to report the situation, and you can plan and act later.

Tang Tang stopped asking. After thinking about it, he simply ran to practice the level of the death scythe. The fourth level of the death scythe is already so powerful. What about the fifth level, sixth level, or even the ninth level?
It is rare for Tang Tang to feel full of confidence in Dugu Bo's alcoholic master, and he is looking forward to the attributes of the death scythe after being promoted, but Tang Tang soon discovered a very speechless thing. He poured two barrels of wine into his stomach, but I can't even get drunk!
If you don't get drunk, you won't experience the artistic conception of being drunk and dreaming of life. The death scythe is not a death scythe without the death secret!

Tang Tang suddenly went crazy, and ran directly from Holy Soul Village to Mingyue City, from Mingyue City to Mimengland, and even went to Huangquan Desert, as long as it was wine, he poured it into his stomach, but unfortunately it was useless, he drank whatever he wanted not drunk!
At this time, Tang Tang remembered Dugu Bo's personality, that old guy called himself his master in vain, and took pleasure in tossing himself every time. The mystery of death is really not so easy to comprehend.

However, thinking of the alcoholic mentor, Tang Tang suddenly remembered that he still had the world-famous Baimai Spring. When he took it out, Tang Tang suddenly realized that Baimai Spring had an extra status attribute than ordinary fine wine: Drunkenness !

"So that's how it is!" Tang Tang murmured: "You can only get drunk when you are drunk, and you can experience the artistic conception of drunkenness and dreams!"

Immediately, Tang Tang went mad again, should he take the Baimai Spring to honor Dugu Bo, or drink it himself?

After Tang Tang thought for a long time, the imperial envoy Horcrux headed towards the direction of Haotian City. Isn't it just wine? Tang still has the confidence to make a breakthrough!


In order to comprehend the mystery of death, Tang Tang rushed to Haotian City again, and when Tang Tang entered Haotian City to kill...

In the vast and endless star field!
The brightest stardust suddenly fell, and the surrounding stars suddenly dimmed. There was a natural phenomenon, a huge strange beast appeared in the clouds and rolled and roared. The effort of the stick incense gradually dissipated into the clouds and smoke.

The next day, Tang Mutian, the head of the Tang Sect's seven monsters, appeared in front of the Tang Sect's main hall.

"Natural phenomena, the stars are dim, and there must be a treasure born. However, the treasures of heaven and earth are seen by those who are destined to see them, and those who are virtuous live in them. If this treasure falls into the hands of evil people, the common people in the world will suffer terribly. This school reads And the luck of the common people in the world will also find this treasure, and those who get the name of the golden order, rush to Xingchen Peak to obey orders..."

Tang Mutian waved his hand confidently, and a golden token appeared in front of the main hall of the Tang Sect, with the name slowly appearing on it:

Spiritual Soul Master, Tang Taro!
Tool soul master, Tang Xin!

Hidden occupation, Tang Tang!
Soul Master, MT!

Hidden occupation, Tang Jian!
Every time a name appeared on the golden token, there was a wave of cheers, and naturally there were voices of envy, jealousy and hatred. Even Tang Tang, although he has recently had a bad reputation because of the incident in the Valley of the Soul, he still has a lot of people. Fortunately, she is also the first player of the Tang Sect to successfully overcome the tribulation, and there are quite a few Tang Sect people who recognize the little girl's strength. Although MT is far less famous than the top three, she is also a small girl in the Tufeng Camp. Among the famous warriors, only Tang Taiwu's origin is unknown, it seems that no one has ever heard of it.

It's just, who cares about these now?
Everyone in the Tang Sect was discussing He Chongbao's birth in an uproar, guessing what would happen, making Tang Sect tonight destined to become a sleepless night!
No, maybe, every sect will become a sleepless night tonight!

Tang Taro stepped on the stone steps between the peaks to the Star Peak!
This Xingchen Peak is not unique, it is just a mountain peak in the inner gate of the Tang Sect. Looking into the distance, it is a sea of ​​clouds with no end in sight. On the top of the mountain, there is nothing but a huge stone tablet. There are many images of the sun, moon and stars engraved with exquisite workmanship!
Tang Taluo stepped on the last stone step, but Tang Xin had already arrived, standing on the edge of the stone tablet looking into the distance.

The two nodded and passed, which was regarded as a greeting.

In a moment!
MT excitedly boarded the Xingchen Peak, except for Tang Taiwu who came out of nowhere, he was the least famous, except for the fusion of spells, MT didn't have any special trump card, but I didn't expect to be listed in the end, which made MT feel very excited.

"It's only two." Tang Xin looked at MT with a smile, and then said, "Does anyone know Tang Jian?"

MT shook his head, his connections were far inferior to Tang Xin's, even Tang Xin didn't know about this, so how could he know?
Tang Taro didn't take it seriously and said: "There are always people who like to keep a low profile. These days, there is no shortage of hermits. There are some unknown masters in every sect. Let me say that I am the Pope and Archbishop of the Bright Holy See. Although both of them are influential figures, they are not the first to successfully overcome the catastrophe, so who is the first to successfully overcome the catastrophe in the Holy See of Light? No one knows!"

Tang Xin nodded, then asked, "Where did that little girl Tang Tang go?"

When Tang Taluo heard this, he immediately smiled wryly and said: "When I was looking for the little girl last night, she was still in Mingyue City. This morning I sent her a voice transmission from thousands of miles away, and she went to Huangquan Village in the desert. By noon today, we When I asked her when she would return to the Tang Sect, she appeared in Haotian City again, and when I wanted to get her back after she was born with a different phase, the result was that the other party was not able to use the sound transmission!"

Tang Xin also smiled wryly, "This little girl's temperament is too wild."

Tang Taluo was also helpless, if Tang Tang didn't come back in time, it would be a big joke.

Also at this time...

 Chapter 3 here!Asking for support in the new year, the first day of the new year!I wish you all New Year's greetings...

(End of this chapter)

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