Chapter 188
'Bang' sound.

There was a crisp crash on the stone steps of Xingchen Peak, and immediately after, the three of them saw Tang Tang unsteadily ascending to the top of Xingchen Peak, and then the three showed dumbfounded expressions.

"This..." Tang Xin looked at Tang Tang with an exaggerated expression and said, "Did you come back from Africa?"

No wonder Tang Xin wanted to ask this question. Tang Tang's current appearance is really scary. Not to mention his tired face, there are dozens of black balls hanging all over his body, especially on the back, there is also a half and a half hanging. He was so tall, he looked like a pile of bombs, and when he took a closer look, he realized that the dozens of them hanging in front of him were all small wine barrels, not much bigger than a palm, strung together with ropes and hung around his neck And around the waist, as for the one behind it, it is also a wine barrel, but it is a little bigger, it should be called a big wine tank, and it is directly supported by a wooden frame, and the wooden frame is carried on Tang Tang's body.

Tang Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said, "Girl, I'm convinced of you. We're looking for Lingbao, not camping outside. Why do you bring so much wine? Besides, you can bring it with you, can't you put it in your backpack? "

Tang Tang shrugged helplessly and gasped, "I can't let it go. I already have more than 200 barrels in my backpack. How about you do me a favor? For the sake of my hard work, put some for me?"

"This... this...!"

The corners of Tang Xin's eyes twitched, he opened his mouth for a while and didn't close it, not knowing what to say.

Tang Taluo said strangely: "Little girl, what are you doing with so much wine? Do you want to get drunk?"

Tang Tang said: "You can also think of it this way. It's a long story. Anyway, I want to drink. If I don't drink, I feel uncomfortable. If I feel uncomfortable, I can't beat others."

Tang Taro laughed twice, but also had nothing to say.

At this time, a figure appeared on the stone steps of Xingchen Peak again, and everyone took a closer look. The fifth person should be the rather mysterious Tang Taiwu singing!
There is a long fir with green pattern, and a black phoenix-patterned sword box on the back. It looks white and clean, delicate and elegant. The first glance is still very good, especially standing with Tang Tang, it is simply a stark contrast.

Who is Tang Jian? Of course Tang Tang knows that he is his deadly enemy in his previous life.But the little girl didn't even think that Tang Jian is not a wise soul master anymore. Could it be her own little butterfly effect?Just then...

"Is it Senior Sister Tang Tang? Is it really Senior Sister? I didn't expect that I really met Senior Sister Tang Tang...It's so great!"

Tang Jian's eyes lit up with excitement when he saw Tang Tang, and he grabbed Tang Tang's sleeve in excitement!

A group of people looked at Tang Tang in a daze. In fact, Tang Tang himself was also in a daze. What's going on?
After a while, Tang Tang patted Tang Jian's shoulder and said, "This junior? Then let me ask you, what do you think of our mentor's character? Well, we are all from our own family. You are welcome. You must tell it tacitly." .”

"You mean mentor? Of course he is a great old man. His back is so majestic and tall, and his words are so kind. My admiration for him is like the unceasing torrential river. The Yellow River overflows out of control... ..." Tang Jian took a peek at Tang Tang while talking, and found that his face was not looking good, so he quickly changed his words: "However, most of the time, his old man is really nothing..."

Tang Tang immediately nodded in satisfaction and said, "Don't worry, this guy is my junior, not a fake!"

The others were speechless for a moment, worried about the conduct of Tang Tang, a branch of the Tang Sect.

At this time, with a flash of sword light in the sky, Master Tang Taiwu fell from the magic weapon and stood proudly in front of everyone.

"Well, everything is not bad. As the leaders of our sect, there is one thing that needs you to do now." Tang Taiwu sighed and said: "Innate vision, Chongbao is born, but we don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse. It is my duty to eliminate demons, and it is my duty to save the common people in the world. You must never watch such a treasure of heaven and earth fall into the hands of evil people, so go and bring it back."

"I will respect my teacher's order!"

Everyone agreed, and Tang Taiwu was also very satisfied. He nodded and suddenly raised his hand, and five auras of light flew out into everyone's hands.

Resurrection God Stone (Consumable): Cross the sea to avoid reincarnation. After death, use the Resurrection God Stone within 15 minutes to choose resurrection!

Tang Taiwu said: "This can be regarded as a small reward for you, remember, be careful in everything, go!"

Reminder: Congratulations to the player "Tang Tang" for accepting the reward offered by the teacher's sect, the spirit treasure is now alive, snatch the spirit treasure!
Tang Taiwu came happily and left quickly. After explaining the matter, he waved his hand and directly used the magic weapon to escape into the air, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. This technique is also beautiful, which makes everyone envious.

"Okay!" Tang Xin clapped his hands and said, "It's almost time to feel emotional, let's get ready to go, and reach Kalamir before dawn!"

Kalamir is one of the birthplaces of Qinghai-Tibet civilization, and it is also the ruins of the Guge Kingdom that disappeared mysteriously more than 300 years ago. It is said that it is the geographical coordinates of Tibet. It can be concluded that the Lingbao this time is in Kalamir. Which one is it? The location, however, is still unclear.

At dawn, Tang Tang and his group rushed to Kalamir.

After entering the ground, everyone felt a burst of murderous air coming!

There are too many players in Karamil, they are all over the street, it is almost impossible to count, and there are all kinds of sects, and their attitudes towards each other are very unfriendly. Everyone walked by, Tang Tang has seen several big eyes The situation of staring at the small eyes, if it wasn't for the fights in the city that would attract the arrest of the soul domain, I'm afraid they would have to use their knives directly.

"Do you think it's strange?" Tang Xin looked at the others and said, "Actually, there's nothing strange about it, it's just for the benefit of the sect. Although only five people selected by the master's sect will send missions on behalf of the sect, since the sect is used as the benchmark, it is very It may be that the whole sect is beneficial. If it is said that the whole sect is mobilized, it is estimated that no sect can have such a cohesive force, but it is trivial to randomly pick a few hundred people to come out to help, not to mention that there are many people who directly The one who rushed to the Lingbao, the birth of the Lingbao has not been hidden, so it is easy to find Kalamir, don't worry, the people from the Yikuangzhan Pavilion are also here, and I heard that the Tufeng Camp has also sent some volunteers Come here, find a restaurant, um, let’s go to a hotel, we’ll just wait for the news.”

There is still a big difference between a restaurant and an inn. A restaurant is a public facility. When you enter a restaurant, you are likely to meet people selected from other sects. Even in the city, you may have to fight for your reputation and the danger of being hunted down. Kill the opponent, and the hotel is like a temporary foothold. For example, you are leveling nearby and will not return to the sect in a short time, so what should you do?You can book a room in the hotel, and you can put everything that can’t fit in your backpack in the hotel. Moreover, you cannot enter the hotel room without permission, which is absolutely safe.

A group of people in the Tang Sect didn’t want to die before leaving school, and they had no objection to Tang Xin’s proposal, but it was really boring to stay in the hotel room, and the five of them stared at each other. At that time, the Berserker Pavilion finally sent back the news.

However, Tang Xin's face became quite ugly.

"Kalamir is now the beginning of a big battle!" Tang Xin sighed, "It is estimated that it has only been half a day since the vision appeared, and at least a thousand corpses have been buried in Kalamir."

Tang Taro frowned and said, "How could this be?"

"Why can't it be like this?" Tang Xin laughed at himself: "We have to talk about Douluo Palace first, the bloody mercenary group is indeed united, and once the mission was completed, bloody Lin Bo led thousands of people to directly attack Kara. Mir was banned, as long as people not from them approached Kalamir, they would be killed or buried. Of course, these guys in Douluo Temple took it for granted. After many people from other sects were hacked to death, they immediately organized a counterattack , within the scope of Kalamir, as long as they are not members of the sect, they will be hacked to death immediately. Moreover, according to reliable information, five people selected by each sect and faction cannot die. As long as they die, the task of snatching the spirit treasure will be immediately canceled Wash it off, that is to say, this task will disappear as long as you die. Currently, two of the five people in the Samurai Soul Valley have died, two have died in the Wuhun Temple, and one has died in the Sanren Alliance. If I didn't see it, there would have been heavy casualties."

Tang Tang said: "Then you mean that if you want to go to Kalamir now, it's like going to die? Except for the people of Tangmen, everyone else will kill us when they see us?"

MT said: "Can the people from Tufengying and Kuangzhan Pavilion send us in?"

Tang Jian smiled disdainfully and said: "Don't be ridiculous, if there are only five people, we can more or less get in with our own ability. If you gather hundreds of people to form a group of escorts, any fool will know that we are among them. No matter how many people you have, you can kill us." Is it more than other sects teaming up? Hey, these days, don't you use your brains to fight?"

MT suddenly said angrily, "What did you say?"

"Stop arguing, don't you want to fight back at this time?" Tang Xin persuaded, and then said to Tang Tang: ", a senior, don't care about your junior."

It seems that Tang Jian's mouth is still so cheap, Tang Tang spread his hands and said: "I think this style is our school tradition and should not be destroyed."

Tang Jian immediately gave a thumbs up and said, "Senior sister is indeed a senior sister."

Tang Xin patted his forehead speechlessly, deeply aware of his mistake, these two men and women are the same assholes, asking Tang Tang to try to persuade them to fight, it is really whimsical.

Tang Taro knocked on the table with his knuckles and said, "Stop talking, let's get on with the business."

Tang Xin nodded and said: "In addition to the situation of Kalamir, the place where the Lingbao was born has also been found, it is indeed the Kunlun Shrine, and there is very little information about the Kunlun Shrine, and the place has already been found. But, I can’t get in, the stone gate is sealed, there are two stone guards at the gate, both of them are 100-level bulls, whoever will go first, but now I can go in, the stone gate has been opened, but only for receiving the mission of the master gate Five people can enter, and others will be beheaded by two stone guard statues if they get close. The reliable news now is that the Wuhun Temple entered the Kunlun Shrine at the cost of two deaths. Other sects, including the earliest arrival Because he spent a lot of time looking for the Kunlun Shrine, he was involved in a chaotic battle when he failed to get in. He had no choice but to withdraw from Karamir. Well, there is another unreliable news that it is the soul of the Kunlun Shrine. The treasure is the tenth-level Lingbao Kunlun Mirror!"

"Don't worry about what it is." Tang Taro said: "The important thing is how to enter Kalamir and Kunlun Shrine."

Tang Tang squinted his small eyes, and said slowly: "It's easy to enter Kalamir. I know that there is a tailor who claims to be ingenious in Dragon City of Soul Realm. He can sew Shimen suits. They look exactly the same, but anyone can wear them."

Tang Taluo shook his head and said: "It's too late, it will take a long time just to go to Dragon City, and I don't know how long it will take to get the clothes. You know, we have to get a set from all sects, and there are five people!"

Tang Tang spread his hands and said: "Then you can only buy face masks or veils in grocery stores. You can't see your face when you wear them, and unless you actively apply for friends, trade, or take them off, the other party can't see their names. Of course, The sects are also hidden, but because they are all hidden, they also attract suspicion, and the effect will not be very good, but it is better than nothing, at least to avoid the possibility of doing it when they meet."

Tang Jian added: "We can still talk about our own people when we meet. It's best for people to believe it. If you don't believe it, we will definitely let us take off the face scarf. When they come over, we will do black hands. Kalamir is not small. Everyone search Shan, a group of at most a dozen people, we attack at the same time, it is not a problem to kill a dozen people in an instant."

"Yeah, yum!" Tang Tang nodded excitedly, "If we can't beat them, we'll buy them off with money, and when they come to trade, we'll immediately put a knife behind our backs!"

Tang Jian immediately interjected: "What if the money can't be bought? Then use the news to buy, say that we are willing to sell the masters of the sect mission, and tell them the exact location. Since the other party can't be bought with money, it means that they are loyal to you. The sect will definitely be fooled, and when the time comes, as long as they get close, they will kill them immediately."

Tang Tang added: "Yin Bushi yells loudly, attracts everyone, and escapes in the chaos. I am good at this!"

Tang Jian happily shook hands with Tang Tang and said, "Senior sister, heroes see the same thing!"

"Hey, I now believe that they are definitely fellow students taught by a mentor!" MT sighed, "There is a vast sea of ​​people, and I am already surprised to meet a person full of bad things. I met two people with bad stomachs, it seems that God favors me."


Tang Tang and Tang Jian were very dissatisfied and protested together. Is this called bad water?This is full of economics!

Tang Xin interrupted the chatter of the two with a wave of his hand: "Stop talking, let's do it this way, there is almost no way to pass through Kalamir safely now, and there must be no risk in doing anything. Everyone, get ready, we will leave at night." Let's go to Kalamir!"


(End of this chapter)

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