The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 189 Encountering an old friend Shura Demon Saber

Chapter 189 Encountering an old friend Shura Demon Saber

The night sky is like a blue curtain, dotted with twinkling stars, which makes people deeply intoxicated, but now no one has time to appreciate this beautiful night scene.

Ever since he sneaked into the Valley of the Soul of the Soul, Tang Tang has picked the lock of the sliding door... Ahem, the behavior of flying over the eaves and walls is a bit handy. After wearing the veil, he is also a little eager to try, but he misses Tang Yuhao a little bit. Still, the other party was unable to use Thousand Miles Voice Transmission, so Tang Tang had no choice but to give up and concentrate on the journey, entering the land of Karamil!

In fact, Kalamir is not as scary as Tang Xin said. Originally, Kalamir spawned monsters from level 50 to 65. Although they are not elite monsters, given the average player level of [-] or so, it is not a popular place. The place of leveling.

Secondly, after the gathering of the various sects, it is to kill people when they see people, and to kill Buddhas when they see the Buddha. Naturally, no one dares to stay here, and there are only a few thousand people from the major sects. Naturally, it is impossible to really kill Ka Lamir fenced off, of course, there was another more important reason, not everyone had the energy to hang out in the wild in the middle of the night.

Therefore, there was no trouble entering Kalamir, and everyone from the Tang Sect entered Kalamir without seeing a single person.

"Look at the map." After entering Kalamir, Tang Tang looked around and said, "Check the route, it's fun to get lost."

"Don't worry, little girl!" Tang Xin pointed to his head with a smile and said, "I've read it countless times before I came here, and it's all here."

Tang Tang thought about his virtue of being an occasional road idiot, and consciously retreated to the back, giving Tang Xin the task of leading the way.

Going deeper, almost halfway up the mountain, Tang Xin suddenly reached out to stop everyone.


Everyone immediately stopped in their tracks and listened carefully. Sure enough, there were crackling sounds in the surrounding grass, and the five members of the Tang Sect immediately summoned Feijian and waited carefully for the opponent to come out.

After a while, the grass was pulled away, and the two groups of people were all stunned.

The five members of the Tang Sect were stunned for a moment because the other party was wearing exactly the same clothes as themselves, with their faces covered and black all over. , face covered, black all over, afraid that others would not know that they are not good people either!

In the embarrassing atmosphere, the two groups of people looked at each other for five seconds, but Tang Tang immediately came to his senses, the so-called first-time familiarity, second-time acquaintance, he understood first, immediately shouted, and the imperial weapon rushed towards the opponent!
Tang Tang made a sudden move, but he was not relentless. He released the golden staff with animal horns one step ahead. The golden staff with horns was narrow and short, and it turned into a starlight in the night, which almost disappeared in a flash. But Tang Tang didn't give up, and secretly used the horcrux again, preparing to use the horn of the beast to point the golden staff and call out the fire rain and non-smoke sword at the moment of a successful sneak attack, to give the opponent a hard blow!
The beast horn point gold stick made a small arc in the air, but the opponent seemed not mediocre, unexpectedly discovered the existence of the beast horn point gold stick at the last moment, Xu Huang in his hand, a bright light sent the beast horn point gold flying Staff, just in an instant...

Tang Tang's sudden imperial swordsmanship shot out, and a scorching flame suddenly exploded, sweeping towards the opponent, the opponent suddenly showed a surprised expression, and the moment Tang Tang approached the opponent, he also suddenly felt a chill in his body, a gust of cold air Straight into the body, a layer of frost appeared on the body, and when I looked again, I fell into a state of frostbite, which continued to hurt every second and slowed down by as much as 30%.



Tang Tang and the opponent were the first to fight, but at the moment when the others were about to fight, they yelled together with each other.

The others were puzzled immediately, but they could see that the man in black on the other side seemed to be very authoritative. After shouting, no one did anything, and Tang Tang's words were also somewhat authoritative. Of course, this does not mean that others believe in Tang Tang, but Everyone knows that this little girl has dark hands.

Pulling off the mask, Tang Tang turned to the opposite side and said, "Brother?"

Petra also pulled off the veil and smiled wryly: "Little girl, why is it you."

"It's the same purpose!" Tang Tang waved behind him and said, "My own people, put away your weapons."

MT hummed, "Since when is Douluo Palace one of our own?"

Tang Tang curled his lips and said: "Then you go ahead, but I have to remind you in advance that I am stingy, and the Scarlet Muka of Douluo Temple scolded me for being a dead rookie when I was in my teens. It’s nothing to think about how to destroy him.”

Tang Jian raised his hand and said, "Sister, I support you. As fellow students, we should support each other. I only follow you."

MT still wanted to talk, Tang Xin hurriedly stopped him and said, "As the saying goes, it is better to offend a gentleman than to offend a villain, especially a cruel villain. During the master dungeon, this little girl's death pulsation performance Not much? The soul-calling technique is absolutely useful for assassination, if she wants to target you, you will definitely find yourself guilty, forget it, anyway, the people in Douluo Temple didn't do anything, so let them go."

Tang Xin deserves to be a qualified conspirator. A few words belittled Tang Tang, which made MT happy. At the same time, he told MT very tactfully that if he wanted to fight Tang Tang, it would most likely be because of Throwing it to the underworld, MT snorted and stopped talking.

Tang Tang turned to Petra and said, "Brother, Kunlun Shrine, are you together?"

"Forget it." Petra looked behind, then looked behind Tang Tang and said: "You go south, I go north, each go his own way."

Tang Tang nodded and said, "That's fine too, then you should be careful."

Petra nodded, masked on both sides, walked a few steps, Petra turned her head and said: "Little girl, be careful, reliable news, because people from the Wushen Temple have entered the Kunlun Shrine, they are all in the Kunlun Shrine The entrance is ready for an ambush."

"Don't worry, it's just a trivial matter."

Tang Tang waved his hand to show that he had remembered, and the two groups of people split into two groups, each heading towards the Kunlun Shrine.

This is just a small episode!

In fact, everyone in the Tang Sect did not want to fight with Douluo Palace. On the one hand, it was because of Tang Tang, and on the other hand, they had not yet entered the Kunlun Shrine. A fight at this time would obviously cause both sides to be out early, because, the biggest It may not be that the Tang Sect destroyed the Douluo Palace, nor that the Douluo Palace destroyed the Tang Sect, but that two groups of people were fighting to attract players from various sects and factions who were hunting them. The good thing is that if they met in the Kunlun Shrine, neither Duanmuyu nor Bi Yuntao would be as polite as they are now. Just like what Duanmuyu said, this matter has nothing to do with anything else, but a matter of position.

Staggering the route with the people from Douluo Hall, the five members of the Tang Sect continued to go halfway up the mountain. I don’t know if the luck of the five people is really good, or if everyone is a good baby these days, they are not out in the wild in the middle of the night. No one was seen, and the Kunlun Shrine is near the halfway up the mountain. After reaching the mountainside, the Kunlun Shrine will soon be visible.

"Be careful, there are footsteps..."

At this moment, Tang Xin suddenly reached out to stop everyone again.

They are standing on the mountain path right now, there is a small mountain path in front and behind, there are faint footsteps, out of caution, the five members of the Tang Sect did not dare to go up the mountain quickly, but found a depression in the mountain wall He hid in, and after a while, five masked men appeared on the mountain road.

Tang Men heaved a sigh of relief, walked out of the cave and said hello: "Didn't you go up the mountain road at the back, why are you back?"

There are several roads leading to the mountainside in Kalamir. The Kunlun Shrine is built in the middle of the mountain, with two entrances, the north and the south. At that time, because it met Petra head-on, Tang Tang only thought that Petra was going. Go up the mountain in the north and enter the Kunlun Shrine from the north entrance. Who would have thought that they would catch up again not long after they separated, but it doesn’t matter. There is still a tacit understanding between the two sides. Before entering the Kunlun Shrine, the two sides should not fight, so Tang Tang can rest assured!

However, Tang Taro was sharp-eyed, and the little girl walked towards the other party, but the masked men on the opposite side were obviously stunned, and Tang Taro vaguely saw the leader of the other party quietly put his left hand Withdrawing behind his back and making small movements secretly, Tang Taro suddenly felt that something was wrong!
"Little girl, be careful of fraud!"

Seeing that Tang Tang was about to walk up to the other party, Tang Taro still yelled, and at this very moment...


The other party's sudden attack, that bloody saber aura pierced Tangtang's chest, split into two on the way, entangled with each other, twisted out a strong spiral energy, and came straight to Tangtang's chest.

"Be careful!" Tang Xin shouted anxiously: "Blood Blade Thread Slash, they are people from Shura Hall, and that person is Jade Face Rao Sha!"

Tang Tang raised his eyebrows immediately. She was no more than three meters away from Yumian Luosha at the moment, and the saber energy reached his chest in an instant, almost unavoidable, but at this moment, Tang Tang unexpectedly It turned out to be a standard backflip in a weird backward flip, and then raised his hands to support the ground in an arched shape, avoiding the spiral sword force, and Duanmuyu took advantage of the situation to do a backflip. He issued a fire, rain and non-smoke sword and went towards the masked man.

The Huo Yu Fei Yan sword reached his body, and the five masked men in the Asura Hall obviously cooperated with each other. Immediately, someone stepped forward and swiped his sword across the Fire Meteor, smashing Tang Tang's Huo Yu Fei Yan Sword away. Back and forth, although it was thrilling, no one was able to hurt anyone, and it could only be regarded as a tie.

at the same time!

Tang Xin and Tang Jian rushed forward at the same time, the two condensed their swords into light and shot towards each other. MT's reaction was not slow, but he was a wise soul master. He threw more than a dozen wind blades into the formation with his hand, but Tang Taro didn't have much fighting experience, so he didn't rush to attack at this time, but threw a wall of wind on himself first, and after a while Just come forward.

The five members of the Asura Hall were not to be outdone, and the five members of the Asura Hall were all magic sword practitioners. Chopping, the five sword qi are outward, just like a knife qi!
"Oops!" Tang Xin cursed secretly, and immediately shouted: "Quick retreat, they are using multi-person stream of consciousness!"

(End of this chapter)

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