Chapter 190

Stream of Consciousness Knife Array!That is to say, there are sword formations used by a single player independently, and naturally there are sword formations used by multiple people in combination. It is hard to say which one is stronger, and the effects and powers are different.

Therefore, the single-person sword formation should be stronger than the multi-person sword formation, why?Of course, it is also very simple. Since the power and effect are not equal, it can only be evaluated in terms of efficiency. If you want to use a single-person sword formation, you can use it, but a multi-person sword formation requires several people or a dozen people, or even several people. Ten people is not an ordinary trouble. What's more troublesome is that the multi-person sword array also needs a series of conditions such as positioning, which is much less practical.

Of course, because of this, no one has ever seen the single-person sword formation or sword formation. Even Tang Yuhao's wind and thunder sword formation is also a sword formation attached to the flying sword, not what he has learned. The diagrams of the formations occasionally appear in the trading market, but they are also rare items. The multi-person sword formations that flow out are all low-end goods, and their power is not great, but...

Those less powerful sword formations obviously did not include the sword formations used by everyone in Shura Hall!

"The momentum of the shock!"

The five Asura Hall masters all stood in the pentagonal position, and then sealed each other's saber aura, and then, because of the state of sealing the shock, the saber aura in the sky that day not only did not dissipate, but suddenly expanded uncontrollably, turning into five The Dao foot has seven or eight meters high Void Sword Qi, suspended on the top!

"Slash the world!"

Yumian Luosha let out a low shout, and the five void saber qi slashed down one by one fiercely!

The first ray of Void Saber Qi slashed down and hit the mountain wall, and there was a huge roar, and the gravel in the mountain poured down like rain. Fortunately, the five members of the Tang Sect were yelled by Tang Xin. After that, they retreated quickly, seeing that there was no way to avoid it, they immediately retreated into the valley where they were hiding just now, the mountain shook, and countless rubble fell from their eyes, rolling towards the foot of the mountain Go, there are stone chips and dust everywhere, filling the mountain road.

MT couldn't help but complained: "Didn't your brothers and sisters say that they are smart? How could you be full of ideas and let everyone end up like this?"

"What can I do?" Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't see any of the people who searched the mountain, but I saw two groups of people who were going to enter the Kunlun Shrine. And isn't there any good people these days? Masked as a bad guy, it's really going downhill!"

The others were speechless immediately, as if you have no right to speak of others, right?

Tang Jian said with emotion: "It's really unlucky! I must not have read the almanac when I went out!"

Just as Tang Jian was speaking, the two emptiness sword qi of the saber formation finished slashing, and the third emptiness knife qi slashed down, cutting off a piece of the mountain wall abruptly, and crashing towards their hiding place fall.

"If you don't want to be buried alive, run!"

Tang Tang yelled, and immediately the imperial weapon rushed out of the valley. The others were unwilling to lag behind, and when they had just rushed out of the valley, the broken wall hit the ground with a loud "bang". In front of the valley, the entire valley was completely sealed off.

MT suddenly said angrily: "They only have two Void Saber Qi left, let's fight them!"

"Don't be impulsive!" Tang Xin grabbed MT and said, "Look at the sky, if you don't want to die, run away!"

Everyone looked up, and saw in the distance that some were sword lights flying all over the sky, and some were magic spells of wind, thunder, water and fire. They suddenly realized that the people in Shura Palace really had no eyesight to make such a powerful sword array , Even a piece of the mountain wall was cut off, such a movement could be clearly heard ten miles away, and players from various sects and factions who searched the mountain naturally rushed over after hearing the sound.

Tang Xin said anxiously: "Looking at those sword lights, it should be that when the various sects came, they also encountered other sects, so they started fighting. Before they can kill them, let's leave quickly!"

As Tang Xin spoke, the envoy Horcrux was about to walk to the top of the mountain, but just as he was about to fend off the sword, he suddenly pulled himself back with a hand.

When Tang Xin looked back, it was a little girl. When she was puzzled, the little girl said.

"In a word! Do you want to enter the Kunlun Shrine? If you want to enter, just do as I say!"

Everyone in the Tang Sect looked at each other for a few moments, and then reached a consensus. They came all the way to Kalamir not for traveling, but for the purpose of sneaking into the Kunlun Shrine. If Tang Tang really has a way, then take some risks It is also worth it.

Everyone didn't say much, according to Tang Tang's intention, they didn't run away immediately, but continued to entangle with those people from Shura Palace. The five members of the Asura Hall seemed a little careless, and the remaining two illusory saber auras in the saber array did not fall for a long time!
Also at this time...

Sword lights danced in the sky, and hundreds of figures appeared above their heads, all of them were hunters from various sects.

The Shura saber formation suddenly moved, and the Xuguang saber aura slashed at those hunters, and the saber aura passed by, instantly chopping people apart.


Tang Tang was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, so he also made a sudden attack. When the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword slashed through the void, it brought out a large area of ​​black flames and rolled up into the sky, enveloping the hunters.

"Let's go!" Once the blow was successful, the rest of the Tang Sect were about to show off their magical powers, but Tang Tang stopped him again, waving his hands and said, "Tang Xin leads the way and moves towards the Kunlun Shrine with the sword, at full speed!"

Tang Xin was a little baffled, and didn't want to understand why he waited for someone to catch up before running, but he didn't delay too much, and immediately urged the sword Huanguang to take the lead and flew in the direction of Kunlun Shrine.

This halfway up the mountain is not far from the Kunlun Shrine. The hunters were blocked by Jianguang and Nether Fire, and they were half a beat too late. By the time they caught up, the five members of the Tang Sect had vaguely seen the Kunlun Shrine. They are only a hundred meters away, and they can be reached in an instant.

"Be careful, there is an ambush!"

Tang Tang grabbed Tang Taro who was about to speed up. Sure enough, after advancing ten meters further, hundreds of figures appeared from the grass on both sides of the Kunlun Shrine, and everyone suddenly remembered that Petra had reminded them that Wu The people of the temple were all in ambush at the entrance of the Kunlun Shrine.

"Brothers!" Tang Tang raised his right hand and said, "Cover us, kill!"

Tang Tang just raised his right hand, neither pointing forward nor backward, the joint troops chasing Tang Sect people just thought it was the other party's reinforcements, and wanted to stop them and put them into the Kunlun Shrine, Otherwise, what is it called cover?And the people from the Martial God Palace seemed to be quite honest, as long as the other party brought people to charge, it was natural to cover them from rushing into the Kunlun Shrine. Therefore, the two sides just met each other, and immediately exchanged fire, clanging loudly!

While urging Jian Guang to slash the two of them, Tang Xin suddenly said, "This is your method? It will cause misunderstandings on both sides and create opportunities to sneak in? Hehe, it seems to be not bad."

Tang Tang commanded the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword to surround him and said, "It's all thanks to those guys from Shura Palace. I wondered, could there be something wrong with that jade-faced Luo Sha's head? He deliberately made such a big noise to attract people What good will it do him? Later you said you were going to run away, but the people in Shura Hall didn't move. I knew that Jade-faced Luosha was playing tricks. As soon as we left, they immediately hid and made people chase us. We are being chased to nowhere, the best way is to rush into the Kunlun Shrine, as long as we get inside, those people will not be able to catch up, and what about those people from the Shura Temple? It's very simple, they just need to pull their masks and pretend to be Those who chased us, and then found an opportunity to rush into the Kunlun Shrine, or pretended to chase us, and approached the Kunlun Shrine together. Anyway, as long as the hunters' eyes are successfully placed on us, the people of the Shura Temple will have a chance to rush. Into the spill."

Tang Jian said with a dark face: "Besides, we are in the light and they are in the dark. We may die by force, or two or three will die. Even if they rush into the Kunlun Shrine together, they will fight more or less. Can take us out easily."

Tang Xin sighed: "Take us as bait, it's easy to calculate!"

Tang Tang said with a chuckle: "But now they want to cry, they won't think that we don't run away, and if we don't run, they can't hide. In the end, everyone was chased together and rushed into the Kunlun Shrine together. fair!"

Although Tang Tang's words were accepted, but this time no one paid attention to her, it was really hard for everyone to take action.

Although Tang Tang succeeded in provoking misunderstandings between the two groups of people, it does not mean that they can fish in troubled waters, because even if they provoke misunderstandings between the two groups, the primary target of the two groups of people is still their group. Having to face the embarrassing situation surrounded by groups, he could only rush outward with all his strength.

Tang Tang may be the only one in the Tang Sect who is at ease. If she wants to leave, replace the Nether Ring with the Huo Yu Fei Yan Sword, and then attach the speed bonus of the Phoenix's Breath, there are indeed very few people who can catch up to her.

However, it was a matter of personal affection, Tang Tang felt that it seemed a little unkind to run away like this, but when he looked back, Tang Tang found that there was also a menacing force behind him, and immediately felt that it was more important to save his own life first.

"Big brothers, I'm going to take a step first!"

Tang Tang waved his hand, and immediately speeded up abruptly. When he rushed past Tang Jian, he still didn't forget to pat him on the shoulder as a sign of comfort. Tang Jian burst into tears. He had no choice but to grit his teeth, and continued to fight a bloody path with sword light dancing.

At this time, Tang Tang relied on his speed to pass the crowd, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and there was someone faster than him.

Clothed in black and masked, they are those people from Shura Hall just now!

Tang Tang immediately pulled the corner of his mouth and gave a smirk, flew to the other party's side, put his shoulders on his shoulder and said suddenly: "Hi! How are you, big brother!"

The Asura Hall disciple was taken aback immediately, and when he looked back, he didn't see the person coming, but he saw an attacking fist first!
(End of this chapter)

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