The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 196 Descending from the Sky, I Am a Hero

Chapter 196 Descending from the Sky, I Am a Hero
However, it is useless even if you can enter the Kunlun Shrine early, the important thing is who can get the heaven and earth spirit treasure.

It's just that the current situation is somewhat embarrassing. Everyone should have decided that the ancient mirror inlaid in the coffin is the rare treasure they were looking for this trip. However, everyone wants to get it, but everyone If you don’t dare to take it, whoever takes it will become the target of public criticism, and from the standpoint, everyone’s distance is about the same. The two people in the Valkyrie Temple are the only ones who can get the things first, but they dare not move. Naturally, people can't move, they can only stand in a stalemate with each other.

After thinking about it carefully, Tang Xin also felt very helpless. There seemed to be no good solution to this stalemate, because it was a kind of contradictory confrontation. No one could give up the treasure of heaven and earth, but precisely because everyone wanted it Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to be willing to be cannon fodder.

"Hey, girl, is there any good way?"

Tang Xin finally touched Tang Tang with his elbow and asked him for help. The thinking of this little girl is unimaginable for normal people. I couldn't think of a trick because I was too pure, but I couldn't tell if the little girl was going astray. What a bad move!

However, Tang Xin was disappointed this time.

Tang Tang also scratched his head helplessly and said: "The strength of the Martial God Palace will definitely not be able to grab the coffin's position, that is to say, the current situation is caused by the order of entry and exit. One entered, but because of this, it became a little troublesome, for example, if we were standing on the coffin surrounded by people, it would be useless, what would you think?"

Tang Xin thought for a while and said, "That's all we can do. With the strength of the three of us, Tang Jian and I will hold everyone back, and then at your speed, it's not impossible to rush out of the encirclement. The hope is a little slim, but it's worth a try!"

"Yes, but the problem is that the Valkyrie Palace doesn't dare!" Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "No matter what faction it is, they will try to rush out, only the Valkyrie Palace can't, they must use auxiliary Horcruxes if they want to fly, otherwise Can only run on two legs, do you think they dare to run? Secondly, if there are two groups of people, they will fight early, and the third group of people will work together to destroy the Temple of Valkyrie, and then fight each other, and the fourth group of people can also solve it , two groups of weak alliances, one group belongs to me, and then the rest fight each other, five groups of people can't do anything, the first is difficult to match the situation evenly matched, and the second group has a lot of power if it exceeds two Because of the unstable factors, each other will doubt whether the other two have an agreement in private, and when they kill each other, they will kill themselves, mutual suspicion, and even a short-term trust cannot be established, so we can only go to a stalemate!"

Tang Xin patted his forehead in pain and said, "There are more than five groups of people here!"

Tang Tang's eyes suddenly turned and said: "There is nothing to do with the baby, but I can make some money, are you interested?"

"Make money?" Tang worked hard and said with a smile: "Girl, why do you want to make money at this time?"

"I'm interested." Tang Jian leaned forward and said, "If you can't get the treasure, it would be good if you can make some money."

Tang Tang smirked and said, "You said that, stand still!"

While Tang Tang was speaking, with a movement of her fingers, the blazing flames of the sky appeared in her hands, and slowly solidified, turning into a mass of flames that seemed to have substance, constantly dancing between Tang Tang's fingers.

"what is this……"

Just as Tang Jian was about to ask, Tang Tang ruthlessly pushed down the Huo Lei Bang in his hand!

There was a loud explosion, and the blazing white flames rolled towards the surroundings. Before Tang Jian could react, he slammed into the wall heavily. Tang Xin was familiar with Tang Tang's nature. Seeing Tang Tang take out the fire and thunder, Tang Xin felt a sense of relief. Just clicked, and quickly lay down on the ground and hugged his head. Anyway, there was no harm, but the turbulent air wave was really eye-catching.

at the same time……

Everyone in the tomb was also terrified. Under the explosion of fire and thunder, the tomb shook violently. Everyone thought it was someone who made a move suddenly, and immediately raised their weapons. The stalemate atmosphere became tense, and they looked around vigilantly. !

It's just that after such a glance, everyone felt a little strange. In the tomb, everyone was in the same place, but no one moved. Why was the violent shaking?Could it be that reinforcements have arrived?
It seems that apart from the people from the Tomb Raiders family, not all other sects were present. Some may have died in battle, but they may not be all in ambush in the dark. Of course, the people from the Tang Sect and the Half-Beast Forest have never appeared, which is also a part of everyone. heart disease.

At this time, Tang Tang was also extremely embarrassed.

Tang Tang felt quite ashamed that the fire and thunder explosion, which was powerful enough to break mountains and crack rocks, did not explode the ceiling. He secretly sighed that it is worthy of the Kunlun Shrine's cultivation, and at the same time stomped his feet angrily towards the ground, and then... …


The ceiling cracked suddenly, and Tang Tang only had time to let out a groan in his heart, before he fell all over the place, and landed on the white jade coffin in the center of the tomb without any hesitation!
Everyone in the tomb was still wondering about the violent shaking of the tomb, when they suddenly saw the ceiling crack, a figure fell from the sky, and fell on the white jade coffin with a bang, and then, another pile of broken pieces fell from the ceiling. The rubble directly buried people alive!
Everyone immediately looked at each other in blank dismay, their faces full of bewilderment!

"Amituofu!" The bald man Niu Dada patted his head and said, "This Kunlun Shrine is not haunted, is it?"

"Nonsense!" Yumian Luosha glanced at the cow with disdain and said, "There are not many mummies seen this way? Besides, don't the bald heads in your Buddha Hall pay attention to the salvation of rebirth? There are really evil ghosts, so you just rescue them." The evil ghost is finished, or should I ask the two masters in the Buddha Hall to go up and see what happened?"

Niu DaDa has a good temper, curled his lips and ignored Herodotus' provocation, and let himself go up and watch?What if some evil spirit leader is really buried?Besides, even if he didn't, if he turned around and approached the coffin, he would immediately become a target of public criticism, and only fools would go up to see it!

Niu Dada can think of this, and other people can naturally think of it. Their problem now is that everyone wants to go to the coffin to get the treasure of heaven and earth, but no one dares to go up, for fear of being regarded as the primary target of attack by everyone. , the eyes of a group of people can only fall on the two people in the Temple of Valkyrie.

There is no way, who made the two of them get close, they were the first targets of the crowd.

The two people in the Martial God Hall scolded their mothers in their hearts, and secretly thought that they had provoked whom, so if they were lucky enough to come earlier, could it be a mistake to come early?

It's just that my arms can't twist my thighs, and seeing everyone looking at me, I can only bite the bullet and walk towards the coffin, praying in my heart that it's best if a powerful boss monster comes, and there will be chaos when the time comes, and I can grab the heaven and earth spirit treasure and run away The way, and thinking about it, the two disciples of the Martial God Hall felt that they were really lucky today. With their strength, they were able to reach here first. Take care of them again and give them a chance to get their things and run out!
The two Martial Arts Hall disciples comforted themselves, but at this moment...


The pile of rubble was suddenly pushed away, and Tang Tang coughed and spit out a pile of stone chips and got out of it.

Before the two Martial God Palace disciples could react, their necks were suddenly grabbed. Tang Tang jumped out of the stone pile, kicked one of the Martial God Palace disciples away, and the other Houyi Palace disciple After reacting, he immediately reached out to get the bow and crossbow, but Tang Tang pinched his wrist, and with a flick of the momentum, he threw the man out, falling three meters away.

"Don't move, don't move!" Tang Tang dismissed the two people from the Valkyrie Temple, and immediately pointed at the others, jumped back to the coffin to kick away the rubble, summoned the Fire Rain and Non-Smoke Sword, and aimed it directly at There was an ancient mirror shining brightly on the coffin board and said: "Don't blame me for being impulsive. If anyone approaches me more than ten meters, don't blame me for destroying this broken mirror."

"Hmph!" The Archbishop of the Holy See of Light said disdainfully, "You think I'm stupid? If you can break it, try it!"

Tang Tang didn't talk nonsense, and directly highlighted the attributes of the Huoyu Feiyan sword: "See clearly, the sixth-level rare quality Horcrux Flying Sword, pay attention to the auxiliary attribute, Chi Yan's broken soul! 10% chance to destroy the opponent Although the 10% chance is not high, but what if I attack ten swords? Twenty swords? Thirty swords? Oh, yes! Come on? Hey, you two, are you still watching a show up there? Hurry up and get down!"

Tang Xin and Tang Jian looked at each other helplessly, and had no choice but to jump down from the broken part of the ceiling and land on both sides of Bai Yu's coffin!
Tang Tang said: "I would like to introduce you solemnly. The person standing on my right is Tang Xin, the deputy guild leader of the Tang Sect's number one player force, Fuzhan Pavilion. Having killed hundreds of people, he is the number one killing god of the Tang Sect, and the one on my left is the hidden profession of the Tang Sect, Tang Jian, who is loved by sluts, majors in sword control, and taking people's lives from a distance of [-] meters is like picking something out of a bag , in the activity of the group of monsters attacking the Tang Sect, he traveled thousands of miles alone and singled out the nine-tailed Firefox, and he is a super master among the masters of the Tang Sect..."

Tang Xin and Tang Jian looked at each other, how powerful is he?How come we don't even know it ourselves?
Regardless of their expressions, Tang Tang pointed at himself with a bullish face after talking about the two of them, "Finally, let me introduce myself to you. The leader of the Zhan Pavilion, the new generation of superheroes, Tang Yukuang, who is known as the madman in the Jianghu, is nothing more than mere subordinates."

"Cough, cough..."

Tang Xin was almost choked to death by his own saliva, while Tang Jian was full of admiration. As expected of being the number one senior in the sect, she typically lied and didn't type drafts, while Niu DaDa and Xiao Xian, who knew Tang Tang's details in the distance, were poisonous. But Qiqi scolded: Shameless!
However, it doesn't mean that everyone will watch Tang Tang brag here!
"Tang Tang! Don't play these useless tricks!"

Xiaoxian yelled poisonously and angrily, he knew Tang Tang, and the two of them still had a little feud!
"Nonsense!" Tang Tang turned his head and said poisonously to Xiao Xian: "Tang Tang is so charming, how could I be him, I am Tang Tang..."

While Tang Tang shouted poisonously at Xiao Xian, he suddenly grabbed the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword, and slashed at the ancient mirror!
Everyone's heartbeat suddenly accelerated!

The Huo Yu Fei Yan sword struck on the ancient mirror that emitted radiant splendor, splashing sparks, but the ancient mirror remained motionless, and the beating heart slowly returned to normal!
Tang Tang turned his face back, and bared his teeth at Dou Shuangfei in Douluo Hall: "Little boy, I told you not to get closer than ten meters. I always spit and nail, don't take my words as wind!"

(End of this chapter)

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